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    The construction of diversity measures and their inconsistency. (Chinese)
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    On achievable rate regions of F-codes for correlated sources.
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    On the uniquely decodable codes of 3-users 2^N -frequency noiseless MAC with intensity information. (Chinese)
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    4-words and diametrical inequalities.
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  9. Ahlswede, R.; Cai, N.; Zhang, Z.
    A recursive bound for the number of complete K-subgraphs of a graph.
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  10. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    Two proofs of Pinsker's conjecture concerning arbitrarily varying channels.
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  11. Ahlswede, R.; Cai, N.; Zhang, Z.
    Diametric theorems in sequence spaces.
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  12. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    A generalization of the AZ identity.
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  13. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    Rank formulas for certain products of matrices.
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  14. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    On extremal set partitions in Cartesian product spaces.
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  15. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning; Tamm, Ulrich
    Communication complexity in lattices.
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  16. Ahlswede, R.; Cai, N.
    Two-way communication complexity of sum-type functions for one processor to be informed. (Russian)
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  17. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    On partitioning and packing products with rectangles.
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  18. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    On communication complexity of vector-valued functions.
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  19. Ahlswede, R.; Cai, Ning
    On sets of words with pairwise common letter in different positions.
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  20. Ahlswede, R.; Cai, N.; Zhang, Z.
    A new direction in extremal theory.
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  21. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    Incomparability and intersection properties of Boolean interval lattices and chain posets.
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  22. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    On extremal set partitions in Cartesian product spaces.
    Combinatorics, geometry and probability (Cambridge, 1993), 23-32,
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  23. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning; Zhang, Zhen
    On interactive communication.
    IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 43, no. 1, 22-37 (1997).

  24. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    Cross-disjoint pairs of clouds in the interval lattice.
    The mathematics of Paul Erdös, I, 155-164, Algorithms Combin., 13,
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  25. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    General edge-isoperimetric inequalities. I. Information-theoretical methods.
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  26. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    Models of multi-user write-efficient memories and general diametric theorems.
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  27. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    Correlated sources help transmission over an arbitrarily varying channel.
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  28. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    General edge-isoperimetric inequalities. II. A local-global principle for lexicographical solutions.
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  29. Ahlswede, Rudolf; Cai, Ning
    Shadows and isoperimetry under the sequence-subsequence relation.
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