Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Aperiodic Order

Bielefeld University, Germany
14th - 17th March 2011

All talks take place in Room V3-201 ("Common Room") in the Bielefeld University main building. Click here for a description of the main building.

Tower systems for linearly repetitive Delone sets

José Aliste-Prieto

Tower systems are a way of generalizing classical Kakutani Rohlin partitions to the dynamical systems generated by delone sets and tilings. In this talk, we show, following Benedetti, Bellissard and Gambaudo, how to construct tower systems for linearly repetitve Delone sets and show that the associated transition matrices are uniformly bounded in size and norm. Finally, we discuss applications of this construction.

This is joint work with D. Coronel from PUC of Chile.

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last modified on 9 March 2011