Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Aperiodic Order

Bielefeld University, Germany
14th - 17th March 2011

All talks take place in Room V3-201 ("Common Room") in the Bielefeld University main building. Click here for a description of the main building.

Erdős measures revisited

Peter Grabner

Let $(X_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of independent random variables taking values 0 and 1 with equal probability. Erdős in 1939 studied the distribution of the series
and showed that it is singular continuous, if β is a Pisot number less than 2. On the other hand B. Solomyak showed in 1995 that the measure is absolutely continuous for almost all β in the interval (1,2). Recently, similar measures were encountered in the context of redundant numeration, for instance in counting the number of base 2 representations of integers using the digits {0, +/- 1} with minimal number of non-zero digits. This leads to a generalisation, where the digits are no more independent, but are governed by a Markov chain. We give an overview over these results.

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last modified on 9 March 2011