Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Aperiodic Order

Bielefeld University, Germany
14th - 17th March 2011

All talks take place in Room V3-201 ("Common Room") in the Bielefeld University main building. Click here for a description of the main building.

Toward classification of spherical tilings by congruent quadrangles

Yudai Sakano

Ueno-Agaoka provided an exhaustive classification of spherical tilings by congruent triangles, and proved that for spherical tilings by congruent quadrangles, the proto tile has at least two edges of the same length. In this talk, we are concerned with classifications of spherical tilings by congruent quadrangles. For the spherical tilings by congruent quadrangles that are divided into two congruent triangles, we completed an exhaustive classification by using the Ueno-Agaoka's classification. For the spherical tilings by congruent convex quadrangles that are not divided into two congruent triangles, we completed classification so long as the number of faces are 6 or 8, and generalize the classification for the case the number of faces is even.

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last modified on 9 March 2011