Research Centre for Mathematical Modelling (RCM2)

RCM2 visiting professors and long-term research visitors

2020 - 2023

Alexey Garber

Alexey Garber is Associate Professor at the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA. His interests are discrete geometry and combinatorics with focus on parallelohedra theory, geometrical properties of quasiperiodic point sets, and measure equipartitions.
He recently won the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship for experienced researchers, and will spend a total of 9 month as research visitor at the RCM2. The visits will be spread over 3 years, for 3 month each year starting in 2021 (delayed from 2020). He visited Bielefeld University before, for instance in 2013 as the winner of a research stipend jointly funded by DAAD and MSU (Moscow State University).
A. Garbers research website

2018 - 2019

Michael Coons

Michael Coons is Associate Professor at the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences of the University of Newcastle, Australia. His research has connections to number theory, combinatorics, theoretical computer science, analysis, algebra, and dynamical systems.
He recently won the Mahony-Neumann-Room Prize of the Australian Mathematical Society, jointly with Jason Bell and Kevin Hare, for the best publication in the Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society in the years 2011-2016. He also is an Associate Editor of the Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society.
M. Coons' research website

Philip Gerrish

Philip J. Gerrish ist Research Scientist at the School of Biology of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.
His research focuses on mathematical population biology and evolutionary genetics, with application to infectious diseases (viral dynamics) and cancer (immunology).
He visits Bielefeld in the framework of the SPP 1590.
P. Gerrishs research website