Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2015 16:36:26 -0500
From: Raymundo Bautista Ramos
To: ringel
Subject: multiplicative bases

Dear Claus:

I am writing you concerning the part on multiplicative bases contained in the report you wrote for my 60 birthday.

There is a sentence in this work which does not reflect well the evolution of the common work with Gabriel on the multiplicative bases theorem. This sentence is the following: ... And I know that he sent his proof to Gabriel, who then proposed many changes.

A more accurate account is:

Returning to Mexico City on March 13 (1983) after a trip through the country, Roiter got to read a letter from Gabriel with a summary about semi-multiplicative bases. The ideas presented there were different and independent of ours, so that we invited him to joint our team. Then we did some exchange of our different versions from which we constructed our common work.

Let me recall that the proof of the multiplicative bases for finite-representation type algebras consists of two parts:

Proof of the existence of a semi-multiplicative bases. Reduction from semi-multiplicativity to multiplicativity.

From the very beginning it was realized that (1) was the difficult part.

I should have send you a clarification of this part when you showed me your manuscript before its publication, this is my fault. For this reason I am asking you if you can add some note in your homepage with this explanation. I have consulted Gabriel above the above account and he agree with it.

I would like to add that the lectures you attended that year were given before 13 march 1983.

Best regards,

Claus Michael Ringel
Last modified: Mon Aug 24, 2015