Computation of some essential dimensions

by Markus Rost (Preprint, August 2000, December 2008, 19 pages)

In these notes we show that the essential dimension of PGL4 is equal to 5.

Along the way we discuss (in a rather unsystematic manner) generalities on essential dimension and degree formulas.

Full text (version of December 13, 2008): [dvi] [dvi.gz] [pdf] [ps] [ps.gz]

Update December 2008:

Related texts

Essential dimension of twisted C4

by Markus Rost (Notes, March 2002, 3 pages)

In this note we compute the essential dimension of a Galois module which is cyclic of order 4 (in characteristic different from 2).

Update: The text has been incorporated (in greater detail) as Theorem XII.37.2 in the book

Full text (version of March 2, 2002): [dvi] [dvi.gz] [pdf] [pdf.gz] [ps] [ps.gz]

Cohomological invariants (mod 2) for twisted C4

by Markus Rost (Notes, January 2017, 4 pages)

In this note we describe the cohomological invariants (mod 2) for a Galois module which is cyclic of order 4 (in characteristic different from 2).

Full text (version of January 15, 2017): [pdf]

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