Uniforme Polyeder


Uniform polyhedra consist of Demnach gilt:
Jedes uniforme Polyeder ist eine kompakte Mannigfaltigkeit
(und zwar eine Realisierung im R3, wobei allerdings fast immer Selbstdurchdringungen auftreten).

Note that a uniform polyeder does not have to be convex (as we have mentioned, the regular faces may be non-convex polygons; also, we can arrange the faces around a vertex in a non-convex way...


There are 75 such polyhedra and additional prisms and antiprisms (they exist for each regular n-gon, for n= 3, 4, ... ; often one adds to the list of 75 solids the 5 prisms and antiprisms related to 5-gones: the pentagonal prism, pentagonal antiprism, pentagrammic prism, pentagrammic antiprism, and pentagrammic crossed antiprism; in this way one gets a list of 80 solids...).

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Jeweils von einander abgeteilt sind:

Zur Identifizierung der verschiedenen uniformen Polyeder wird üblicherweise das Wythoff-Symbol verwandt.

There is one uniform polyhedron that cannot be constructed with Wythoff's method (it is the only one with more than six faces around a vertex - it has 8 of them!): the Great Dirhombicosidodecahedron. The Great Dirhombicosidodecahedron consists of 40 equilateral triangles, 24 regular pentagrams, and 60 squares. It has the largest number of faces (124) and edges (240) of all uniform polyhedra. The squares come in 20 coplanar pairs, that is, two squares each lie in the same plane, rotated against each other.


Spezielle Klassen


The Platonic Solids, discovered by the Pythagoreans, where described by Plato (in the Timaeus). Johannes Kepler was the first person since antiquity to systematically describe all the Archimedean solids. (However, he made one mistake). Badoureau discovered 37 nonconvex uniform polyhedra in the late nineteenth century (1881), many previously unknown.

Links: Systematisch

Links: Historische Materialien

Beispiele im Rahmen der Topologie-Vorlesung


(Siehe die Einzel-Informationen bei MathConsult und die genannte Arbeit von Zvi Hav'El.)