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Fakultät für Mathematik - Arbeitsgruppe Bux
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Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Tobias Hartnick: Recent developments in infinite approximate group theory

The notion of an approximate group was coined by Terry Tao in 2008. However, examples of approximate groups have appeared in several different areas of mathematics over the last 50 years, in particular in additive combinatorics, mathematical quasicrystals, bounded cohomology and analytic group theory. While a lot is known about the structure of finite approximate groups, the structure of infinite approximate groups is still a mystery. Recently, techniques from geometric group theory have been used to obtain some insights into infinite approximate group theory, leading to the notion of an approximate lattice. We will discuss examples of approximate lattices and some of their key structural features. In particular, we will explain the classification of approximate lattices in abelian groups (due to current Abel prize laureate Yves Meyer). We will then focus on some connections to geometric group theory, diffraction theory and Kazhdan's Property (T). Based on joint work with Michael Björklund.