Groups and Geometry

Reading Group on Schubert Calculus and Young Tableaux

15 Apr 202413:00 - 14:00X-E0-220Kleiman Laksov survey, Sections 1-3
22 Apr 202413:00 - 14:00X-E0-220Kleiman Laksov survey, Sections 4-5
29 Apr 202413:00 - 14:00DarstellungstheorielKleiman Laksov survey, Sections 4 second half and Fulton Young Tableaux Preface + Notation
6 May 202413:00 - 14:00AlgebralabFulton, Young Tableaux, Chapter 1
10 Jun 202413:00 - 14:00Algebra LabChapter 3 in Fulton's book
17 Jun 202400:00 - 00:00Capter 2.2 and 4.1 in Fulton's book
24 Jun 202413:00 - 14:00AlgebralaborFulton Chapter 5