9th International Conference
on Stochastic Analysis and Its Applications
- Stochastic analysis and its applications
- Stochastic differential and partial differential equations
- Markov processes including jump type processes and measure-valued processes
- Dirichlet forms
- Analysis on fractals and percolation clusters
- Random walk in random media and on random graphs
The registration and morning session will take place at plenary hall in ZiF. The evening session will be held in lecture halls H13 and H14 in the main university building.
The programm is available here.
Scientific committee
- Martin Barlow
- Zhen-Qing Chen
- Alison Etheridge
- Franco Flandoli
- Martin Hairer
- Takashi Kumagai
- Jean-François Le Gall
- Michael Röckner
Contact information
Local organizers
Lukas WreschEmail: icsaa@math.uni-bielefeld.de
Bielefeld University
Michele Coghi
Bielefeld University
Michael RöcknerBielefeld University