Selected publications

Publications related to CRC 1283, Project A4:

  • S. G. Bobkov, G. P. Chistyakov, and F. Götze. Second-order concentration on the sphere. Commun. Contemp. Math. 19(5), 2017, 1650058, 20.
  • S. G. Bobkov, G. P. Chistyakov, and F. Götze. Berry-Esseen bounds for typical weighted sums. Electron. J. Probab. 23, 2018, Paper No. 92, 22.
  • S. G. Bobkov, G. P. Chistyakov, and F. Götze. Rényi divergence and the central limit theorem. Ann. Probab. 47(1), 2019, 270–323.
  • S. G. Bobkov, G. P. Chistyakov, and F. Götze. Non-uniform bounds in the Poisson approximation with applications to informational distances I. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 65(9), 2019, 5283–5293.
  • S. G. Bobkov, G. P. Chistyakov, and F. Götze. Nonuniform bounds in the Poisson approximation with applications to informational distances. II. Lith. Math. J. 59(4), 2019, 469–497.
  • S. G. Bobkov, F. Götze, and H. Sambale. Higher order concentration of measure. Commun. Contemp. Math. 21(3), 2019, 1850043, 36.
  • S. G. Bobkov, G. P. Chistyakov, and F. Götze. Normal approximation for weighted sums under a second order correlation condition. Ann. Probab. 48(3), 2020, 1202–1219.
  • F. Götze and H. Sambale. Higher order concentration in presence of Poincaré-type inequalities. High dimensional probability VIII. Vol. 74. Progr. Probab. Birkhäuser/Springer, Basel, 2019, 55–69.
  • F. Götze and H. Sambale. Second order concentration via logarithmic Sobolev inequalities. Bernoulli 26(1), 2020, 93–126.
  • F. Götze, H. Sambale, and A. Sinulis. Higher order concentration for functions of weakly dependent random variables. Electron. J. Probab. 24, 2019, Paper No. 85, 19.
  • F. Götze, H. Sambale, and A. Sinulis. Concentration Inequalities for Bounded Functionals via Log-Sobolev-Type Inequalities. J. Theoret. Probab. (online first), 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s10959-020-01016-x.
  • H. Sambale and A. Sinulis. Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for finite spin systems and applications. Bernoulli 26(3), 2020, 1863–1890.

Publications related to CRC 1283, Project B5:

  • F. Götze, D. Koleda, and D. Zaporozhets. Joint distribution of conjugate algebraic numbers: a random polynomial approach. Adv. Math. 359, 2020, 106849, 33.
  • F. Götze, A. Naumov, V. Spokoiny, and V. Ulyanov. Large ball probabilities, Gaussian comparison and anticoncentration. Bernoulli 25(4A), 2019, 2538–2563.
  • F. Götze, A. Naumov, and A. Tikhomirov. On local laws for non-Hermitian random matrices and their products. Random Matrices Theory Appl. (to appear), arXiv:1708.06950.
  • F. Götze, A. Naumov, A. Tikhomirov, and D. Timushev. On the local semicircular law for Wigner ensembles. Bernoulli 24(3), 2018, 2358–2400.
  • F. Götze, and A. Yu. Zaitsev. Rare events and Poisson point processes. (Russian) Zap. Nauchn. Sem. S.-Peterburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov. (POMI) 466, 2017, Veroyatnostʹ i Statistika. 26, 109–119; translation in J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.) 244(5), 2020, 771–778.

last modified: 06/10/20 by Holger Sambale