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University of Wales, Bangor - School of Informatics

Algebraic K-theory, algebraic homotopy,
and global actions

January 4-12, 2000

This workshop is the next in a series of Bangor/Bielefeld workshops which have formed part of a British Council/ARC programme in collaboration with Prof A Bak (Bielefeld). Colleagues outside Bangor/Bielefeld are welcome to participate at their own costs.

The matters for lectures and discussion will include the following and their interactions

Evolving Programme



Tony Bak's theory of Global Actions gives a framework for an algebraic approach to higher Algebraic K-theory, and in fact has more general applications. This framework has been generalised in joint work with Bangor to the notion of Groupoid Atlas. There have emerged from previous workshops links between single domain global actions and recent work in Geometric Group Theory, including complexes of groups, higher generation by subgroups, and identities among relations for presentations.

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