This 12-fold symmetric fractal
is probably a fundamental
domain of the hexagonal lattice
Just for fun:
Cool wallpaper
A relief version of Danzer's
and my 7-fold trapezoid tiling
The diffraction image of
a Penrose tiling
A Rauzy fractal, belonging to the
one-dim sequence in the picture.
A chair tiling (top right), its diffraction
image (right), a table tiling (top, blue)
and its diffraction image (left)
The first three iterates of the 12-fold
square-triangle substitution
of Martin Schlottmann
Just for fun: Two plane
nonperiodic tilings, one of
them mapped onto the sphere.
A colour symmetry of the vertices
of the Ammann-Beenker tiling
with 8 colours
Another fractal, with 6-fold symmetry,
which is probably a fundamental
domain of the hexagonal lattice.
A 7-fold tiling by Ludwig Danzer.
A version of the Ammann-Beenker tiling
with fractal tiles. Each tile here corresponds
to one vertex in the AB tiling