Installation of the CaratInterface package

Recall that the CaratInterface package can be installed only on sytems with a Unix-like environment. It must be installed in the pkg subdirectory of any of the GAP root directories. We assume here that this is /gap/pkg.

    cd /gap/pkg
    tar zpxf CaratInterface-2.3.6.tar.gz
This creates a subdirectory CaratInterface, the home directory of this interface package. CARAT itself is unpacked and built by executing the following commands inside the CaratInterface directory:
    cd CaratInterface
    ./configure <path to GAP root>
The configure script optionally takes the path to the root directory of your GAP installation as argument. The default ../.. should usually work, but if you have unpacked CaratInterface to a location like ~/.gap/pkg/CaratInterface/, you need to explicitly give the path to the GAP root directory as argument.

As CARAT's catalog of Q-classes of unimodular groups is rather large, it is unpacked by default only up to dimension 5. If you also want to unpack the data for dimension 6, you can do this with the extra command (again inside directory pkg/CaratInterface/)

    make qcat6
This adds another 150 Mb of data to the installation.