Conference Description

Forty years after the discovery of quasicrystals, Aperiodic Order has significantly evolved as a young field. Within mathematics, it has established natural connections to numerous areas in Algebra and Analysis, and has since witnessed an influx of researchers carrying out successful interdisciplinary cooperations. The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts in the field, as well as experts in other areas in Algebra and Analysis, to discuss the state-of-the-art of certain directions and to initiate an exploration of further connections within and across the field. For their invaluable contributions to Aperiodic Order, since its inception and up to this day, this workshop is dedicated to Michael Baake and Franz Gähler, on the occasion of their 65th birthdays.

Conference Photos


Discussions, Poster Sessions, and Talks

Conference Dinner

Programme and Schedule

The programme (with the list of abstracts) can be found here. The conference dinner will take place on August 15 (Thursday) at Rosenhof Restaurant (Wiegandweg 49, 33619, Bielefeld).

Poster Presentations

We are offering a limited number of slots for poster presentation for early-career researchers (doctoral students and postdocs). If you are planning to present a poster, please send an email to Anna Klick ( ) with your name and the (preliminary) title of your poster as soon as possible. The posters will be printed in Bielefeld (free of charge) and can be collected during the workshop. The deadline for submission of the poster is July 29, 2024 (Monday). The final version of the poster should be submitted as a PDF-file to Anna Klick (via the email address above). Here are the guidelines/format for the poster.


To register for the conference, please provide your information here.

Location, Travel, and Accommodation

Travel information to and from the university may be found here. To go from the station or from the city centre to the University and vice versa, use the underground ("Stadtbahn"). Take underground line no. 4 (direction "Lohmannshof") to the stop "Universität". There is a special ticket, the so-called "4-er Ticket", which can be used for four rides. It is sold at the ticket machines at a price of 10.60 Euros. For those staying for the entire week, one could consider buying a 7-day ticket "7 TageTicket" for 25 Euros.

All talks will take place in lecture hall H3 (Hörsaal 3), which is on level 0 (main hall) of the Bielefeld University main building. Click here for a map of the main building.

Unfortunately, we are unable to pay for accommodation and travel expenses of participants. Here is a list of hotels within the city centre and the respective tram stops closest to them. There might also be apartments available in the student accommodation complex at Morgenbreede, which is a 7-minute walk to the campus. The rooms and other details can be seen here. If you are interested in booking one of the rooms, please contact Britta Heitbreder via . For those considering booking their accommodation through AirBnB, apart from those at the city centre, there might be additional options close to tram stops along line 4 (e.g., close to Rudolf-Oetker Halle or Siegfriedplatz).


  David Damanik
  Neil MaƱibo
  Nicolae Strungaru


last modified on August 7, 2024