Seminar on perverse sheaves and the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence

Wintersemester 2012/13

Below is a list of talk proposals for the part on perverse sheaves. Talks on the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence will be proposed later on.

The seminar is informal and open to anybody who is interested.

From Oct. 12 until the Christmas break, the seminar takes place every Friday at 10.30 in room V4-122.


Local systems and constructible sheaves (Oct 12, Markus Perling)
The intersection homology complex (Oct 19, Julia Sauter)
The Deligne construction (Oct 26, Greg Stevenson)
Verdier duality (Nov 2, Markus Perling)
Perverse sheaves (Nov 9, Philipp Lampe)
Vanishing cycles (Nov 16, Greg Stevenson)
The decomposition theorem for perverse sheaves (Nov 23, Julia Sauter)
D-modules (Nov 30, Markus Perling)
Holonomic complexes (Dec 7, Greg Stevenson)
The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence (Dec 14, Julia Sauter)
Perverse sheaves and quivers (Dec 21, Markus Perling)


A. Arabia. Introduction à l'Homologie d'Intersection, 2002.
A. A. Beilinson, J. Bernstein, and P. Deligne. Faisceaux pervers, volume 100 of Asterisque, pp. 5--171, 1982.
A. Borel. Algebraic D-modules, Academic press, 1987.
A. Dimca. Sheaves in Topology. Springer, 2004.
M. Goresky and R. MacPherson. Intersection homology. II. Invent. math., 72(1):77--129, 1983.
S. Gelfand, R. MacPherson, and K. Vilonen. Perverse sheaves and quivers, Duke Math. J., 83(3):621--643, 1996.
F. Kirwan and J. Woolf. An introduction to intersection homology theory, Chapman & Hall, second edition, 2006.
D. B. Massey. Notes on Perverse Sheaves and Vanishing Cycles.
K. Rietsch. An introduction to perverse sheaves. Representations of finite dimensional algebras and related topics in Lie theory and geometry, vol. 40 of Fields Inst. Commun., pp. 391--429, 2004 (arXiv).


Markus Perling, Julia Sauter, Greg Stevenson