SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER by WALTER FEIT (Cornell University) and . THOMPSON (University of Chicago)  TABLB OF CONTBNTS CHAPTER I l . . Introduction . . . . Notation and Definitions...... . . 3. Quoted Results...... . . . Elementary Results...... . . . Numerical Results. . . . CHAPTER II l . . . . . . Preliminary Lemmas of Lie Type . . . . Preliminary Lemmas of Hall-Higman Type . . . . Miscellaneous Preliminary Lemmas..... . . . CHAPTER III . . . Tamely Imbedded Subsets of a Group . . . . Coherent Sets of Characters . r . . Some Applications of Theorem 10.1 . . . . Further Results about Tamely Imbedded Subsets...... . . . Self Normalizing Cyclic Subgroups . . . CHAPTER IV l . . Statement of Results Proved in Chapter IV . . . A Partition of . . . Lemmas about Commutators. . . . . A Domination Theorem and Some Consequences. . . . Configurations...... . . . An -theorem . . . . An -theorem for r . 21. A -theorem for and a -theorem for r . 22. Linking Theoremsl . . . Preliminary Results about the Maximal Subgroups of . . Further Linking Theorems . . . . The Isolated Prime...... . . . The Maximal Subgroups of . . CHAPTER l . . Statement of the Result Proved in Chapter . . . Characters of Subgroups of Type I l . . Characters of Subgroups of Type III and IV l . . Characters of Subgroups of Type II, III and IV l . . Characters of Subgroups of Type . . . Subgroups of Type . . . Subgroups of Type I . . . The Subgroups and . . . Further Results about and . . . The Proof of Theorem 27.1 . r CHAPTER VI l ....1011 37. Statement of the Result Proved in Chapter VI . ....1011 . The Sets and l ....1011 39. The Proof of Theorem 37.1 . r ....1017 BIBLIOGRAPHY . ....1029  SOLVABILITY OF . OF ODD ORDER WALTER FEIT AND JOHN G. THOMPSON CHAPTER I 1. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to prove the following result: THEOREM. All finite groups of odd order are solvable. Some consequences of this theorem and a discussion of the proof may be found in [11]. The paper contains six chapters, the first three being of a general nature. The first section in each of Chapters IV and summarizes the results proved in that chapter. These results provide the starting point of the succeeding chapter. Other than this, there is no cross reference between Chapters IV. and VI. The methods used in Chapter IV are purely group theoretical. The work in Chapter relies heavily on the theory of group characters. Chapter VI consists primarily of a study of generators and relations of a special sort. 2. Notation and Definitions Most of the following lengthy notation is familiar. Some comes from a less familiar set of notes of P. Hall , while some has arisen from the present paper. In general, groups and subsets of groups are denoted by German capitals, while group elements are denoted by ordinary capitals. Other sets of arious kinds are denoted by English script capitals. All groups considered in this paper are finite, except when explicitly stated otherwise. Ordinary lower case letters denote numbers or sometimes elements of sets other than subsets of the group under consideration. Greek letters usually denote complex valued functions on groups. However, - Received November 20, 1962. While working on this paper the first author was at . A-i30ou- arndted NbaytiffionealU S.cSSie.nceAmc FyResoundaetionarch gOffirancte (D-urha9504504504; mt)he onsecondtract nauthorumber by the Esso Education Foundation, the Sloan Foundation and the Institute for Defense Analyses. Part of this work was done at the 1960 Summer Conferenc.e on Group Theory in Pasadena. The authors wish to thank Professor A. A. Albert of the University of Chicago for making it possible for them to spend the year 1960-61 there. The authors are grateful to Professor E. C. Dade whose careful study of a portion of this paper disclosed several blunders. Special thanks go to Professor L. J. Paige who has expedited the publication of this paper. 775  776 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER and are reserved for field automorphisms, permutations or other mappings, and is used with or without subscripts to denote a root of unity. Bold faced letters are used to denote operators on subsets of groups. The rational numbers are denoted by , while . denotes the field of nth roots of unity over . Set theoretic union is denoted by U. If and are sets, denotes the elements of which are not in means that is a proper subset of . the group generated by . . such that . will be identified with 1. the set of . . such that . . the group defined by the generators. . with the relations . . the number of elements in the set X. the set of non identity elements in the set X. a set of primes. If we customarily identify with . the complementary set of primes. -number a non zero integer all of whose prime factors are in . the largest -number dividing the non zero integer . -group a group with . -element a group element such that is a -group. -subgroup of a subgroup . of with . -subgroup of a -subgroup of for suitable . Hall subgroup of a -subgroup of X. is a normal subgroup of X. char is a characteristic subgroup of X. ( mod ) the invetSC image in of . Here , and is a function from groups to subgroups. the maximal normal -subgroup of . ( mod ). -closed group we say that is -closed if and only if has a normal -subgroup. the Fitting subgroup of , the maximal normal nilpotent subgroup of X. the Frattini subgroup of the intersection of all maximal subgroups of X. the nth term in the ascending central series of , defined inductively by:  2. NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS 777 center of ( mod ). the smallest normal subgroup of such that is a -group. . [. ] [[. ] ]. and being subsets of a group. . . If is called the normal closure of in . , the commutator subgroup of X. the nth term of the descending central series of , defined inductively by: , . the subgroup of the -group generated by the elements of order at most . the subgroup of the -group generated by the powers of elements of X. the minimal number of generators of X. being a -subgroup of X. c1 (X) the class of nilpotency of the nilpotent group , that is, the smallest integer such that . the largest subset of commuting element- wise with and being subsets of a group X. In case there is no danger of confusion, we set . the largest subset of which normalizes and being subsets of a group . In case there is no danger of confusion, we set . ker the kernel of the homomorphism of the group into the group will often be suppressed. being a subset of X. , the weak closure of in with respect to the group X. Here and are subgroups of I. If , we say that is weakly closed in with respect to X. the set of primes which divide . the by matrix with 1 in and , zero elsewhere.  778 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER SL(2, p) special p-group extra special p-group self centralizing sub group of X self normalizing sub group of X (X) the group of 2 by 2 matrices of determinant one with coefficients in GF(p), the field of p elements. an elementary abelian p-group, or a non abelian p-group whose center, commutator subgroup and Frattini subgroup coincide and are elementary. a non abelian special p-group whose center is of order p. a subgroup 31 of I such that 21 = C(2I). Notice that self centralizing subgroups are abelian. a subgroup 21 of X such that 21 = JV(3l). the set of self centralizing normal subgroups of X. {21 1 21 e <9*t?^r (X), m(«) ^ m}. the set of subgroups of X which 21 normalizes and which intersect 21 in the identity only. In case there is no danger of confusion, we set M2(«) = M(2l). If M(2I) contains only the identity subgroup, we say that M(2t) is trivial, the 7r-subgroups in M(2l). if > and 5 are subgroups of the group X, and > < $, then $/£> is called a section, if > and $ are normal subgroups of X and £ S $, then ffi/ is called a factor of X. if $/£> is a factor of X and a minimal normal subgroup of X/£>, it is called a chief factor of X. If $/$ and 8/3K are sections of X, and if each coset of ® in £ has a non empty intersection with precisely one coset of 3Ji in 2 and each coset of 3Jt in 8 has a non empty intersection with precisely one coset of $ in >, then >/$ and 8/2ft are incident sections. If >/$ is a section of X and 8 is a subgroup of X which contains at least one element from each coset of 5? in , we say that 8 covers >/$. We say that 8 dominates the subgroup ® provided 8 covers the section ^V3E(^)/C'3e(^). The idea to consider such objects stems from [17]. If g = >/$ is a factor of X, we let C%(%) denote the kernel of the homomorphism of X into Aut g induced by conjugation. Similarly, we say that X in X centralizes g (°r ac^s trivially on gf) provided 1^(21; 7T) section factor chief factor We say that X has a Sylow series if X possesses a unique SPl,...,Pi- subgroup for each i = 1, • • , n, where ?r(X) = {plt • • , pw}. The ordered  2. NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS 779 -tuple is called the complexion of the series [18]. A set of pairwise permutable Sylow subgroups of one for each prime dividing , is called a Sylow system for . This definition differs only superficially from that given in [16]. P.. Hall [18] introduced and studied the following propositions: contains at least one -subgroup. satisfies , and any two -subgroups of are conjugate in . satisfies , and any -subgroup of I is contained in a -subgroup of X. contains a nilpotent -subgroup. In [19], P. Hall studied the stabi lity group of the chain , that is, the group of all automorphisms of such that for all in and each . If and are subgroups of a larger group, and if normalizes , we say that stabilizes provided is a subgroup of the stability group of . By a character of we always mean a complex character of unless this is precluded by the context. A linear character is a character of degree one. An integral linear combimtion of characters is a linear combination of characters whose coefficients are rational integers. Such an integral linear combination is called a generalized character. If is a collection of generalized characters of a group, let be respectively the set of all integral (complex) linear combinations of elements in . Let . be the subsets of respectively consisting of all elements with . If and are complex valued class functions on , then the inner product and weight are denoted by . . The subscript is dropped in cases where it is clear from the context which group is involved. The principal character of is denoted by ; the character of the regular representation of I is denoted by . If is a complex valued class function of a subgroup of , then denotes the class function of induced by . The kernel of a character is the kernel of the representation with the given character. A generalized character is -rational if the field of its values is  780 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER linearly disjoint from . A subset of the group is said to be a trivial intersection set in . or a T. I. set in if and only if for every in , either or . If is a normal subgroup of the group and is a character of denotes the inertial group of , that is { for all }. Clearly, for all characters of . A group is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel and only if is a proper normal subgroup of which contains the centralizer of every element in . It is well known (see 3.16) that the Frobe- nius kernel of is also characterized by the conditions 1. . 2. for every non principal irreducible character of . We say that is of Frobenius type if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: (i) If is the maximal normal nilpotent -subgroup of , then . (ii) If is a complement for in X. then contains a normal abelian subgroup such that for every non principal irreducible character of . (iii) contains a subgroup of the same exponent as such that is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel . In case I is of Frobenius type, the maximal normal nilpotent -subgroup of I will be called the Frobenius kernel of X. A group is a three step group if and only if (i) . where is a cyclic -subgroup of , and . (ii) contains a non cyclic normal -subgroup such that is nilpotent and is the maximal normal nilpotent -subgroup of . (iii) contains a cyclic subgroup such that for in . 3. For convenience we single out various published results which are of use.  3. QUOTED RESULTS 781 3.1. ([19] Lemma 1, Three subgroups lemma). If >, , % are subgroups of the group X and [£>, , 2] = [®, 8, &] = 1, then [8, $, ft] = 1 . 3.2. [20] F(X) = n Cs(®)f the intersection being taken over all chief factors S> o/ the group X. 3.3. [20] // X is solvable, tAen C(F(X)) = Z(F(X)). 3.4. Le p be an odd prime and X a p-group. If every normal abelian subgroup of X is cyclic, then X is cyclic. If every normal abelian subgroup of X is generated by two elements, then X is isomorphic to one of the following groups: ( i ) a central product of a cyclic group and the non abelian group of order p* and exponent p. (ii) a metacyclic group. (iii) gp 1, (r, p) = 1>. (iv) a 3-group. A proof of this result, together with a complete determination of the relevant 3-groups, can be found in the interesting papers [1] and [2], 3.5. [20] If X is a non abelian p-group, p is odd, and if every characteristic abelian subgroup of X is cyclic, then Ii is a central product of a cyclic group and an extra special group of exponent p. 3.6. ([22] Hilfssatz 1.5). If a is a p' -automorphism of the p-group X, p is odd, and a acts trivially on &i(X), then a = 1. 3.7. [20] If 21 and S3 are subgroups of a larger group, then [SI, 93] < <2I, S3>. 3.8. If the Sp-subgroup ty of the group X is metacyclic, and if p is odd, then ty n OP(X) is abelian. This result is a consequence of ([23] Satz 1.5) and the well known fact that subgroups of metacyclic groups are metacyclic. 3.9. [28] If 21 is a normal abelian subgroup of the nilpotent group X and SI is not a proper subgroup of any normal abelian subgroup of X, then 21 is self centralizing. 3.10. If ^ is a Sp-subgroup of the group X, and 21 e  782 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER then where is a -group. The proof of Lemma 5.7 in [27] is valid for all finite groups, and yields the preceding statement. 3.11. Let and be subgroups of a group , where is a -group and is a -group normalized by . Suppose is a subgroup of which does not centralize . If is a subgroup of of least order subject to being normalized by not centralized by then is a special -group for some prime acts trivially on and acts irreducibly on . This statement is a paraphrase of Theorem of Hall and Higman [21]. 3.12. ([3] Lemma 1). Let A be a nonsingular matrix let be a permutation of the elements of A. Suppose that can be derived from A by permuting the columns of A and can also be derived from A by permuting the rows of A. Then the number of rows left fixed by is equal to the number of columns left fixed by . The next two results follow from applying 3.12 to the character table of a group X. 3.13 (Burnside). A group of odd order has no non principal real irreducible characters. 3.14. If is an automorphism of the group then the number of irreducible characters fixed by is equal to the number of conjugate classes fixed by . 3.15. ([8] Lemma 2.1). Let be a -group for some prime and let be an irreducible character of with Then (mod ), where the summation ranges over all irreduci ble characters of with . Let be a Frobenius group with Frobeni us kernel . Then 3.16. (i). ([7], [26]). is a nilpotent -subgroup of and for some subgroup of with . 3.16. (ii). ([4] . ). If are primes every subgroup of of order is cyclic. If then a -subgroup of is cyclic. 3.16. (iii). ([7] Lemma 2.1 or [10] Lemma 2.1). A non principal irreducible character of induces an irreducible character of . Furthermore every irreducible character of which does not have in its kernel is induced by a character of ,. Thus in particular any complex representation of , wh ich does not have in its  4. ELEMENTARY RESULTS contains the regular representahon of as a constituent when restricted to . We will often use the fact that the last sentence of 3-16 (iii) is valid if "complex representation of " is replaced by "representation of over a field of characteristic prime to . 4. Elementary Results LEMMA 4.1. Let be a group with center and let be an irreducible character of X. Then . Proof. For . Therefore ' LEMMA 4.2. Let be a generalized character of the group . Suppose that are commuting elements of and the order of is a power of a prime . Let be an algebraic number field which contains the roots of unity and let be a prime ideal in the ring of integers of which divides Then (mod ). Proof. It is clearly sufficient to prove the result for a generalized character . and thus for every irreducible character, of the abelian group . If is an irreducible character of then and (mod ). This implies the required congruence. LEMMA 4.3. Let be a normal subgroup of the group and let be an irreducible ch aracter of which does not contain in its kernel. If and . then . Proof. Let r be all the irreducible characters of . Let r be all the remaining irreducible characters of . If . then is mapped isomorphically into where is the image of in . Consequently . This yields the required result. Lemma 4.3 is of fundamental importance in this paper. LEMMA 4.4. Let a normal subgroup of the group . Assume that if is any irreducible character of then is  784 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER a sum of irreducible characters of X. all of which have the same degree and occur with the same multiplicity in . For an y integer let be the sum of all the irreducible characters of of degree which do not have in th eir kernel. Then , where is a rational number and is a generalized character of . Proof. Let r be all the distinct characters of which are induced by non principal irreducible characters of . and which are sums of irreducible characters of of degree . Suppose that where is an irreducible character of I for all values of . It is easily seen that r form a set of pairwise orthogonal characters. Hence . This proves the lemma. If is a normal subgroup of the group . and is a character of then is defined by . LEMMA 4.5. Let be a normal subgroup of the group and let be an irreducible character of . Suppose contains a normal subgroup such that and such that . is abelian. Then a sum of irreducible characters of which have the same degree and occur with the same multiplicity in . This common degree is a multiple of . If furthermore is a -subgroup of , then is a sum of distinct irreducible characters of degree . Proof. Let be the character of induced by . Let be an irreducible Constituent of and let . be all the characters . Choose the notation so that if and only if Since , we get that for some integer . Thus, (4.1) . Hence, every irreducible constituent of is of the form so all irreducible constituents of have the same degree. The characters r form a group which permutes the constituents of transitively by multiplication. Hence for every of there are exactly values of such that . If now , are the distinct irreducible characters which are constituerits of , then (4.1) implies that . Suppose is a complement to . in being a -subgroup of . We must show that is a sum of distinct irreducible characters of . For any subgroups of with , and any character of , let denote .the of induced by . has the property that. . sum of distinct  4. ELEMENTARY RESULTS 785 irreducible characters of , where . Let be the multi- plicative group of linear characters of which have in their kernel, and let be an irreducible constituent of . Then is prime to . and it follows from Lemma 4.2 that does not vanish on any element of of prime power order. This in turn implies that . If . we are done. Otherwise, let contain as a subgroup of prime index. It suffices to show that is reducible. or equivalently. that for every in . This is immediate. since , so that for some in Since is abelian, it follows that , as required. To complete the proof of the lemma (now that the necessary properties of have been established), it suffices to show that if . , where the are distinct irreducible characters of , then each is irreducible, and for . For if this is proved, the normality of in implies the lemma. The definition of implies that is a sum of distinct irreducible characters of . Furthermore, is the only irreducible constituent of whose restriction to is not orthogonal to Thus, if then Since vanishes outside , a simple computation yields that . Therefore is irreducible. The proof is complete. LEMMA 4.6. Let be an odd prime and.let be a normal subgroup of the group . Assume that is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel is a -group and . (i) If then . . (ii) If is for all elements then is a prime or . (iii) If , then either is cyclic or is not yclic. Proof. is represented on Suppose that . By 3.16 (iii) has a fixed point on . and thus on . This proves (i). If is not a prime, let . Then 3.16 (iii) implies that has a non-cyclic fixed point set on and thus on . This proves (ii). As for (iii), let be the largest integer such hat has a non trivial fixed point on . It follows that has a non trivial fixed point on S If is not cyclic then since  786 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER completely reducible on implies (iii) by 8.16 (iii). Suppose that is cyclic. If , then by [10] Lemma 1.4, is cyclic. Since is of class 1 or 2. is of exponent . As is not cyclic neither is . Thus it may be assumed that is non cyclic of exponent and class at most 2. If is abelian then (iii) follows from (i). If is of class 2 then by (i) has a fixed point on and on . As has exponent this implies that is not cyclic as required. 5. Numerical Results In this section we state some elementary number theoretical results and some inequalities. The inequalities can all be proved by the methods of elementary calculus and their proof is left to the reader. LEMMA 5.1. If are primes and . then . Proof. Let . Since . Hence . Reading (mod ) yields . Therefore . If then the right hand side of the previous equation is strictly larger than the left hand side. Thus as required. The first statement of the following lemma is proved in [5]. The second can be proved in a similar manner. LEMMA 5.2. Let be odd primes and let . (i) If divides then . (ii) If divides then . If , then (5.1) , (5.2) , (5.8) . If then (5.4) ,  5. NUMERICAL RESULTS 787 (5.5) . (5.7) for . (5-8) for . (5-9) for or . (5.10) for . or . . (5.11) for . (5.12) for .  CHAPTER II 6. Preliminary Lemmas of Lie Type Hypothesis 6.1. (i) is a prime, is a normal -subgroup of and is a non identity cyclic . (ii) . (iii) is elementary abelian and . (iv) is . Let . , and . Let the Lie ring associated to (. ). Then where and correspond to and respectively. Let . For , let be the linear transformation induced by on . LEMMA 6.1. Assume that Hypothesis 6.1 is satisfied. Let . , be the characteristic roots of Then the characteristic roots of are found among the elements with . Proof. Suppose the field is extended so as to include . . Since is a -group, it is possible to find a basis of such that . . Therefore, . As induces an automorphism of , this yields that . Since the vectors with span , the lemma follows. By using a method which differs from that used below, M. Hall proved a variant of Lemma 6.2. We are indebted to him for showing us his proof. LEMMA 6.2. Assume that Hypothesis 6.1 is satisfied, and that acts irreducibly . Assume further that is an odd prime and that and have the same characteristic polynomial. Then and Proof. Let be the characteristic roots of . . By Lemma 6.1 there exist integers such that . Raising this equation to a suitable power yields the existence of integers a and with such that . By Hypothesis 6-1 (ii). the preceding equality implies (mod ). Since acts irreducibly, we also have (mod ). Since is a -group, 789  790 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . Consequently, (mod ), (mod ), . Let be the resultant of the polynomials and . Since is a prime, the two polynomials are relatively prime, so is a nonzero integer. Also, by a basic property of resultants, (6.2) for suitable integral polynomials and . Let be a primitive qth root of unity over . so that we also have . For , this yields that , so that . Since is odd (6.1) and (6.2) imply that . This is not the case, so . Each term on the right hand side of (6.8) is non negative. As the geometric mean of non negative numbers is at most the arith- metic mean, (6.8) implies that . The algebraic trace of a primitive qth root of unity is -1. hence . Now (6.1) and (6.2) imply that . Since is irrational, equality cannot hold. LEMMA 6.8. If is a -group and , then is elementary abelian for all . Proof. The assertion follows from the congruence [. ] (mod ). valid for all in . LEMMA 6.4. Suppose that is a fixed point free pp-automorphisR  7. PRELIMINARY LEMMAS OF HML-HIGMAN TYPE 791 of the -group . (mM ) for some integer independent of A. Then is of expment . Proof. Let so that is in for all A in . Then [. ][. ] [. ][. ] (mM ). Since is regular on is also regular on each . As the order of divides the above congruences now imply that c1 and so is a regular -group. If . then the mapping induces a non zero linear map of to for suitable . Namely, choose so that but . and use the regularity of to guarantee linearity. Notice that , since by hypothesis . We find that (mod ). and so and has a fixed point on . contrary to assumption. Hence, . 7. Preliminary Lemmas of Hall-Higman Type Theorem of Hall and Higman [21] is used frequently and will be referred to as (B). LEMMA 7.1. If is a -solvable linear group of odd order over a field of characteristic , then contains every element wh ose minimal polynomial is . Proof. Let be the space on which I acts. The hypotheses of the lemma, together with (B), guarantee that either or contains no element whose minimal polynomial is . Let be an element of with minimal polynomial . Then , and the subspace which is elementwise fixed by is proper and is I-invariant. Since is a -group, . Let . By induction on dim ( mod ). . Since ( mM )( mod ) is a -group, the lemma follows. LEMMA 7.2. Let I be a -solvable roup of odd order, and a -su bgroup of X. Any one of the following guarantees that :  r92 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER 1. 21 is abelian and \ X: -W(2l)| is prime to p. 2. p^5 and [*P, 21, 21, 21, 21] = 1 for some Sp-subgroup ^ of X. 3. [?p, 21, SI] = 1 for some SP-subgroup sp of X. 4. 21 acts trivially on the factor OP/,P/P,(£)/OP,,P(X). Proof. Conditions 1, 2, or 3 imply that each element of 21 has a minimal polynomial dividing (x — I)""1 on Op/fp(X)/3>, where S = Z)(0p,,p(X)mod 0P,(X)). Thus (B) and the oddness of |X| yield 1, 2, and 3. Lemma 1.2.3 of [21] implies 4. LEMMA 7.3. // X is p-solvable, and ^ is a Sp-subgroup of X, then M(^P) is a lattice whose maximal element is OP>(£). Proof. Since 0P,(X) < X and ^P n 0P>(X) = 1, O9,(H) is in Thus it suffices to show that if ft e MOP), then ftS0P'(X). Since is a group of order I^PHftl and ty is a Sp-subgroup of X, ft is a p'- group, as is ft0p/(X). In proving the lemma, we can therefore assume that OP/(X) = 1, and try to show that ft = 1. In this case, ft is faith fully represented as automorphisms of 0P(X), by Lemma 1.2.3 of [21]. Since 0p(X)g^p, we see that [£>, Op(X)]Sft D $P, and $ = 1 follows. LEMMA 7.4. Suppose ^ is a SP-subgroup of X araJ 21 Then M(2I) contains only p'-groups. If in addition, X is p-solvable, then M(2I) is a lattice whose maximal element is 0P,(X). Proof. Suppose 21 normalizes § and 21 n & = Let 21* be a Sp-subgroup of 2I£> containing 21. By Sylow's theorem, SR = 21* n & is a Sp-subgroup of >. It is clearly normalized by 21, and 21 n %. =. If ?i ^ <1>, a basic property of p-groups implies that 21 centralizes some non identity element of $plf contrary to 3.10. Thus, ^ = <1> and § is a p'-group. Hence we can assume that X is p-solvable and that OP,(X) = <1> and try to show that § = <1>. Let Xa = OP(X)£2I. Then OP(X)2I is a Sp-subgroup of Xlf and 21 6 (X)2l). If XxcX, then by induction ^SO,^) and so [0P(X), ] gOp(X) n 0P,(XO = 1 and ft = 1. We can suppose that Xx = X. If 21 centralizes >, then clearly 21 < X, and so ker (X - > Aut 21) = 2t x \, by 3.10 where &S&. Hence, ^ char 21 x & < X, and 1 < X, so that & = 1. We suppose that 21 does not centralize >, and that § is an elementary g-group on which 21 acts irreducibly. Let S3 = 0P(X)/Z)(01,(X)) = ^ x SS3, where ^ = C^ft) and 332 = [55, ft]. Let Fe932 and Xe F, so that [JST,2l]S2l. Hence, [JCf 21] maps into SSi, since [[.XT, 21], ft] S ^ n OP(X) = 1. But 5S2 is X-invariant, so [X, 21] maps into 2^ n 93a = 1. Thus, 21 S ker (X - > Aut S32), and so [21, ft]  7. PRELIMINARY LEMMAS OF HALL-HIGMAN TYPE 793 centralizes . As acts irreducibly on , we have , so . Thus, centralizes and so centralizes , so , as required. LEMMA 7.5. Suppose and are -subgroups of th e solvable group . If , then . Proof. We proceed by induction on . We can suppose that has no non identity normal subgroup of order prime . Suppose that possesses a non identity normal -subgroup . Then . Let . By induction, , so ( mod ), and we are done. Hence, we can assume that . In this case, is a -group, and . By hypothesis, . and so centralizes . By 3.3, we see that , so as desired. The next two lemmas deal with a -subgroup of the -solvable group and with the set is a subgroup of X. 2. . 8. The -length of is at most two . 4. is not divisible by three distinct primes .} LEMMA 7.6. . Proof. Let . It suffices to show that for every prime . This is clear if , so suppose . Since is -solvable, satisfies , so we can suppose that is a , q- group. By induction, we can suppose that contains every proper subgroup of which contains . Since . we see that . If , then . Since . we have . Thus, we can assume that . Since , we see that . If , we are done, so suppose not. Then , so that contains , as required. LEMMA 7.7. Suppose are subgroups of which contain such that . for all in . Then . Proof. It suffices to show that for every prime . This is clear if , so suppose . Let be a -subgroup of  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER permutable with , which exists by in . Since satisfies , there is a -subgroup of which contains and is permutable with , Set . We next show that . If , this is the case by hypothesis, so we can suppose the p- length of is at least 8. Let , and . Then is a proper subgroup of so by induction on . we have . Let . Since is in . we have . Furthermore, by Sylow's theorem, . Let . Then with . Then , with in . in . Also, in in . and so . Since (. ). we have with in in . Hence, with in . in . Since . we have . By construction, Furthermore, and . completing the proof. LEMMA 7.8. Let be a finite group and a -su bgroup of Which is normalized by the -subgroup of Set . Suppose is a -solvable subgroup of containing and . there is a -solvable subgroup of which contains and . Proof. Let . Then does not centralize . Let be a subgroup of which is minimal with respect to being -invariant and not centralized by . Then , and , while . Hence, . and so . Since . centralizes . Since is a sub- group of . we have for suitable . As is a -group and is a -group, we can find an -invariant -subgroup of incident with . Hence, centralizes . Set . As is -solvable so is . If . then  8. MISCELLANEOUS PRELIMINARY LEMMAS 795 [ centralizes S3, contrary to construction. Thus, >g;Op/(®), as required. LEMMA 7.9. Let !Q be a p-solvable subgroup of the finite group X, and let ^ be a Sp-subgroup of >. Assume that one of the follow ing conditions holds: (a) |X| is odd. (b) p^5. ( c ) p = 3 and a S^-subgroup of $ is abelian. Let SP0 = OP',P(!Q) D ^P and let ^P* be a p-subgroup of X containing ty. If ty is a Sp-subgroup of Ny($$0), then ^P0 contains every element of Proof. Let We£«^^W*). By (B) and (a), (b), (c), it follows that 21 n %> = 21 0 % = i, say. If 2^ c 21, then there is a ^-invariant subgroup S3 such that 2^ c 33 S 51, 1 33 : 8^ | = p. Hence, [%, S3] S ^ g %, so SJVa(SPb)nSp*. Hence, is a p-subgroup of ^(^Po), so S3 C sp. Hence, S3 S a n ^P = 2^, which is not the case, so 21 = 2^, as required. 8. Miscellaneous Preliminary Lemmas LEMMA 8.1. If X is a re-group, and <& is a chain X = X0 3 Xj 2 • • • 3 Xn = 1, then the stability group 21 of ^ is a n-group. Proof. We proceed by induction on n. Let A 6 2t. By induction, there is a 7r-number m such that B = Am centralizes 3^. Let JTeX; then JT* = XY with F in Xlf and by induction, X* = J^F". It fol lows that B^ = 1. LEMMA 8.2. If ty is a p-group, then ?$ possesses a characteristic subgroup £ sucfe that ( i ) cl (&) ^ 2, and S/Z(S) is elementary. (ii) ker (Aut ^3-^->AutS) is a p-group. (res is fee homomor- phism induced by restricting A in Aut ^P ^o .) (iii) [^P,e] Proof. Suppose E can be found to satisfy (i) and (iii). Let 5? = ker res. In commutator notation, [®, S] = 1, and so [®, S, ^5] = 1. Since [E, ^P] SS, we also have [(£, sp, ] = 1 and 3.1 implies [^P, , E] = 1, so that [^P, ^]gZ(e). Thus, ffl stabilizes the chain ^P 2 21 so is a p-group by Lemma 8.1.  796 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER If now some element of is characteristic in , then (i) and (iii) are satisfied and we are done. Otherwise, let be a maximal characteristic abelian subgroup of , and let be the group generated by all subgroups of such that . , ( mod ). . By construction, , and is seen to be characteristic. The maximal nature of implies that . Also by construction , so in particular, and c1 . By construction, is elementary. We next show that . This statement is of course equivalent to the statement that . Suppose by way of con- tradiction that . Let be a subgroup of of minimal order subject to (a) , and (b) Since satisfies (a) and (b), exists. By the minimality of , we see that and . Since centralizes , so do and . so we have and . The minimal nature of guarantees that is of order . Since is of order . so is of order . By construction of , we find , so , in conflict with (b). Hence, , and (i) and (iii) are proved. LEMMA 8.3. Let I be a -group, odd, and among all elements of , choose to maximize . Then . REMARK. The oddness of is required, as the dihedral group of order 16 shows. Proof. We must show that whenever an element of I of order centralizes . then the element lies in . If and , let , and let be an ascending chain of subgroups, each of index in its successor. We wish to show that . Suppose for some . Then is generated by its normal abelian subgroups and , so is of class at most two, so is regular. Let . of order . Then A in an integer. Since is regular, is of order 1 or . Hence, and . Hence, char . and follows. In particular, stabilizes the . It follows that if , then centralizes . Since . We next show that is of exponent . Since , we see that , and so , and c1 . If . then is regular, and being generated by  8. MISCELLANEOUS PRELIMINARY LEMMAS 797 elements of order p, is of exponent p. It remains to treat the case p = 3, and we must show that the elements of 3) of order at most 3 form a subgroup. Suppose false, and that (X, Y> is of minimal order subject to X 3 = Y2 = 1, (XY)* * 1, X and Y being elements of 3>. Since c, [Y, X] = y-1. JT^KST is of order three. Hence, [X, Y] is in fi^Sl), and so [Y, X] is centralized by both X and Y. It follows that (JTF)3 = X3Y*[Y, X]3 = 1, so ® is of exponent p in all cases. If ^(SOc®, let @, 18:^(21)1=0. Since ^(§l)S Z(<2), e is abelian. But m(@) = m(Sl) + 1 > m(2l), in conflict with the maximal nature of 21, since @ is contained in some element of by 3.9. LEMMA 8.4. Suppose p is an odd prime and X is a p-group. (i) // &*&^l (X) is empty, then every abelian subgroup of X is generated by two elements. (ii) // ^^^f (X) is empty and A is an automorphism of X of prime order q, p= q, then q divides p2 — 1. Proof. ( i ) Suppose 51 is chosen in accordance with Lemma 8.3. Suppose also that X contains an elementary subgroup @ of order p3. Let ! = Cft(0i(2l)), so that @x is of order p2 at least. But by Lemma 8.3, (^SS^Sl), a group of order at most p\ and so ^ = ^(51). But now Lemma 8.3 is violated since ( centralizes L (ii) Among the A-invariant subgroups of X on which A acts non trivially, let > be minimal. By 3.11, § is a special p-group. Since p is odd, § is regular, so 3.6 implies that § is of exponent p. By the first part of this lemma, § contains no elementary subgroup of order p3. It follows readily that w(£>) ^ 2, and (ii) follows from the well known fact that q divides |Aut >//)(£>) |. LEMMA 8.5. If 3, is a group of odd order, p is the smallest prime in TT(£), and if in addition H contains no elementary subgroup of order p3, then X has a normal p-complement. Proof. Let ty be a SP-subgroup of X. By hypothesis, if § is a subgroup of sp, then ^^^l(^) is empty. Application of Lemma 8.4 (ii) shows that JV3e(^))/C3E(^) is a p-group for every subgroup > of ^5. We apply Theorem 14. 4. 7 in [12] to complete the proof. Application of Lemma 8.5 to a simple group ® of odd order im plies that if p is the smallest prime in TT(®), then ® contains an elementary subgroup of order p3. In particular, if 3e;r(®), then ® contains an elementary subgroup of order 27.  798 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER LEMMA 8.6. Let be subgroups of a group and suppose that for every permutatim of Then is a subgroup of X. Proof. , as re- quired. LEMMA 8.7. If is a -group of automorph isms of the -group , if has no fixed points and acts trivially on . then . Proof. In commutator notation, we are assuming . and . Hence, Since . we also have . By the three subgroups lemma, we have . Since , the lemma follows. LEMMA 8.8. Suppose is a -group, is odd. A is an auto- morphism of of prime order . (mod ), and contains a subgroup of index such that is empty. Then and is elementary of order . Proof. Since (mod ) and is odd, does not divide . Since , Lemma 8.4 (ii) implies that A acts trivially on . Suppose that A has a non trivial fixed point on . We can then find an A-invariant subgroup of index in such that A acts trivially on . In this case, A does not act trivially on . and so , and is of index in . By induction, and is elementary of order Since A acts trivially on . it follows that is abelian of order If were elemen- tary, would not exist. But if were not elementary, then A would have a fixed point on . which is not possible. Hence A has no fixed points on . so by Lemma 8.7, . Next, suppose that A does not act irreducibly on Let be an irreducible constituent of A on . By induction, is of order . and . Since . is a proper A-invariant subgroup of . The only possibility is . and follows from the existence of . If , then follows from Lemma 5.1. we can suppose that , and that A acts irreducibly on , and try to derive a contradiction. We see that must be non abelian. This implies that . Let Since  8. MISCELLANEOUS PRELIMINARY LEMMAS 799 p = 1 (mod q), and qn = 1 (mod p), n^3. Since Z)(O) = Z(O), ^ is even, O/Z(O) possessing a non singular skew-symmetric inner product over integers mod q which admits A. Namely, let E be a subgroup of order q contained in O' and let &! be a complement for & in O'. This complement exists since O' is elementary. Then Z(^?modS1) is A-invariant, proper, and contains Z)(O). Since A acts irreducibly on O/Z)(O), we must have Z)(O) = Z(Omod G^), so a non singular skew- symmetric inner product is available. Now O is regular, since cl(O) = 2, and q is odd, so 1^(0)1 = 10:^(0)1, by [14]. Since cl(O) = 2, ^(O) is of exponent q. Since |0 : = g is abelian. If | g| = p2, then 21 = @! = g ^ , and we are done, since @ is contained in an element of ^^^(^P). If |g| ^ i?3, then again we are done, since g is contained in an element of If X and 2) are groups, we say that ?) is involved in X provided some section of X is isomorphic to 2) [18]. LEMMA 8.10. Let ty be a Sp-subgroup of the group X. Suppose that Z(*$) is cyclic and that for each subgroup 21 in ty of order p which does not lie in Z(ty), there is an element X = -X"(2l) of ty which normalizes but does not centralize <2l, ^(Z(^P))>. Then either SL(2, p) is involved in X or Qi(Z(ty)) is weakly closed in ty. Proof. Let S> = A(Z(^)). Suppose @ = 3)* is a conjugate of © contained in $p, but that @ ^= . Let 3) = <£>>, C = <£'>. By hypo thesis, we can find an element X = -X"(G?) in $p such that -X" normalizes <£', Z)> = 7$, and with respect to the basis (E, D) has the matrix (J J). Enlarge § to a SP-subgroup ^5* of CS(] = 1. Also, [@, ] - l, so that [Gc, , ^?] = 1. By the three subgroups lemma, we have [, p, 6] = 1, so that [Sp, ] S C^(@), and A stabilizes the chain 5P3C¥(C)=)1. It follows from Lemma 8.1 that A = 1. LEMMA 8.13. Suppose ^ is a Sp-subgroup of the solvable group @, *&i4^(ty) is empty and @ is of odd order. Then @' centralizes every chief p-factor of @. Proof. We assume without loss of generality that Op/(@) = 1. We first show that ^P < @. Let § = Op(@), and let S be a subgroup of § chosen in accordance with Lemma 8.2. Let SB = ^(C). Since p is odd and cl(E) ^ 2, SB is of exponent p. Since Op/(@) = 1, Lemma 8.2 implies that ker (@ - > Aut K) is a p-group. By 3.6, it now follows that ker (@ — ^-> Aut SB) is a p-group. Since Sp has no elementary subgroup of order p\ neither does SB, and so | SB : 77(3B) | ^ p2. Hence no p-element of @ has a minimal poly nomial (x - l)p on 3B//?(SB). Now (B) implies that ^?/kera < @/kera. and so ^5 < @, since ker a: S ^?. Since ^P < @, the lemma is equivalent to the assertion that if S is a Sp/-subgroup of @, then S' = 1. If S' = 1, we can suppose that 8' centralizes every proper subgroup of ty which is normal in @. Since S is completely reducible on 5p/D($P)f we can suppose that [^5, S'] = ^P  8. MISCELLANEOUS PRELIMINARY LEMMAS 801 and [Z)(*P), 8'] = 1. By Lemma 8.7 we have DW)SZ(W) and so i(?$) = $ is of exponent p and class at most 2. Since *$ has no elementary subgroup of order p\ neither does . If 5B is of order p, 8' centralizes $ and so centralizes $p by 3.6, thus 8' = 1. Otherwise, | $ : D(®) | = p2 and 8 is faithfully represented as automorphisms of &ID(Sl). Since |8| is odd, 8' = 1. LEMMA 8.14. // <2> is a solvable group of odd order, and *$*K^J($P) is empty for every Sp-subgroup ty of & and every prime p, then @' is nilpotent. Proof. By the preceding lemma, @' centralizes every chief factor of @. By 3.2, @'SF(@), a nilpotent group. LEMMA 8.15. Let <£> be a solvable group of odd order and suppose that @ does not contain an elementary subgroup of order p3 for any prime p. Let ^ be a Sp-subgroup of @ and let & be any character istic subgroup of ty. Then ( fl ^P' < @. Proo/. We can suppose that ( S ^ , since E n ^ char sp. By Lemma 8.14 F(@) normalizes E. Since F(@)?P < @, we have @ = F(@)JV(5P). The lemma follows. The next two lemmas involve a non abelian p-group ^P with the following properties: ( 1 ) p is odd. (2) $P contains a subgroup ^30 of order p such that where % is cyclic. Also, 21 is a p'-group of automorphisms of ^P of odd order. LEMMA 8.16. With the preceding notation, ( i ) 21 is abelian. ( ii ) JVb element of SI1 centralizes Ol(C(^0)). (iii) // 21 is cyclic, then either |2l| divides p l*o is empty. Proof, (ii) is an immediate consequence of Lemma 8.12. Let 93 be a subgroup of ^P chosen in accordance with Lemma 8.2, and let SB = fi^SB) so that 21 is faithfully represented on 2B. If ^P0g SB, then $02B is of maximal class, so that with 3B0 = SB, 3B<+1 = [SB,, SJJ], we have |SB,:S»<+1| = p, i = 0, 1, -..fn-l, |3B| = p«, and both (i) and (iii) follow. If %S3B, then m(3B) = 2. Since [SB, P] -g Z(SB),  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER it follows that . By Lemma 8.9, is empty. The lemma follows readily from 3.4. LEMMA 8.17. In the preceding notation, assume in additim that is a prime, that does not divide , that and that is cyclic. Then . Proof. Since centralizes and so - Since is cyclic, is not of type . Hence, . Since every automorphism of which is the identity on is inner, it follows that . where Since is cyclic, so is , and so , by virtue of and .  CHAPTER III 9. Tamely Imbedded Subsets of a Group The character ring of a group has a metric structure which is derived from the inner product. Let be a subgroup of the group X. The purpose of this chapter is to state conditions on and which ensure the existence of an isometry that maps suitable subsets of the character ring of into the character ring of and has certain additional properties. If is in the character ring of and is defined then these additional properties will yield information con- cerning for some elements of . Once the existence of is established it will enable us to derive information about certain generalized characters of provided we know something about the character ring of . In this way it is possible to get global infor- mation about I from local information about . There are two stages in establishing the existence of . First we will require that is in some sense "nicely" imbedded in X. When this requirement is fulfilled it is possible to define for certain generalized characters of with . In this situation is explicitly defined in terms of induced characters of various subgroups of X. Secondly it is necessary that the character ring of have certain special properties. These properties make it possible to extend the definition of to a wider domain. In particular it is then possible to define for some generalized characters of with . The precise conditions that the character ring of needs to satisfy will be stated later. In this section we are concerned with the imbedding of in X. The following definition is appropriate. DEFINITION 9.1. Let be a subset of the group such that (9-1) . Let be the set of elements in such that . and let . We say that is tamely imbedded in if the following conditions are satisfied: (i) If two elements of are conjugate in , they are conjugate . (ii) If is non empty, then there are non identity subgroups of , with the following properties:  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER (a) for . (b) is a -subgroup of ; (c) and . (d) for ; (e) For . define . Then . is a non empty T. I. set in and . (iii) If . then there is a conjugate of in and an index such that . If is a tamely imbedded subset of then for , each of the groups : is called a supporting subgroup of . The collection is called a system of supporting subgroups of . In one important special case, the definition of tamely imbedded subset of I is fairly easy to master. Namely, if is empty, the reader can check that is a T. I. set. If is a tamely imbedded subset of with then in this section denotes the set of generalized characters of which vanish outside and denotes the complex valued class functions of which vanish outside . Similarly, is the subset of vanishing at 1. R. Brauer and M. Suzuki noted that if is a T. I. set in then the mapping from into the ring of class functions of . defined by is an isometry ([24], 662). They were then able to extend this isometry to certain subsets of . Several authors have since then used this technique and it has played an important role in recent work in group theory. In this chapter these results will be generalized in two ways. First we will consider tamely imbedded subsets of rather than T. I. sets in X. Secondly we will show that under a variety of conditions can be extended to various large subsets of The results proved in this chapter are important for the proof of the main theorem of this paper. However it is unnecessary in general to assume that has odd order or that is a minimal simple group. The following notation will be used throughout this section. For a tamely imbedded subset of let and for  9. TAMELY IMBEDDED SUBSETS OF A GROUP 805 let and have the same meaning as in Definition 9.1. Define and for . For let (9.2) {, }. Since is tamely imbedded in . it follows from (9.2) and Definition 9.1 that for . For and define . Let be the class function of : which satisfies . Let be the class function of induced by . Define (9.4) . If then (9.4) implies that is a generalized character of X. It is an immediate consequence of the definition of induced characters that for for for for . LEMMA 9.1. Suppose that is a tamely imbeWed subset of . If let be defined by (9.4). Then if is not conjugate to an element of for any l while for . Proof. If then a complement of : in is solvable. Thus ([28] . ) for every element of is conjugate to an element of the form with l Suppose  806 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER that is not conjugate to an element of ; then since . (9.4) implies that . This implies that unless is conjugate to an element of for some . Let A for some with . Suppose that for some and some with . Then Thus and . Furthermore . By assumption and . Thus contrary to the choice of L. Since . vanishes on . Consequently (9.4) implies that for for . Since is a T. I. set in X. with we get that . Thus (9.6) yields that (9.7) for . Assume first that . Then . Hence (9.5), (9.6) and (9.7) yield that . If , then and . Thus (9.5) and (9.7) yield that also in this case . The proof is complete in all cases. LEMMA 9.2. Suppose that is a tamely imbedded subset of I. If let be defined by (9.4). Then for for . Furthermore S is a linear combination of characters of . Proof. If then by Lemma 9.1 and the definition of . If . and , then is conjugate to an element A of for some l Thus by (9.5) and Lemma 9.1 as required. Let be an irreducible character of which does not have : in its kernel. Then  9. TAMELY IMBEDDED SUBSETS OF A GROUP 807 (9.8) . By Lemma 4.3 vanishes on hence (9.8) and the first part of the lemma yield that . Since is a linear combination of characters of : this yields that . The lemma is proved. LEMMA 9.3. Suppose that is a tamely imbeMed subset of X. If and is defined by (9.4) then . Proof. Let . r be all the conjugate classes of which contain elements of . Let r be elements in such that . The number of elements in which are conjugate to an element of is easily seen to be . Thus by Lemma 9.1 and (9.3) (9.9) . By assumption . r are the conjugate classes of which contain elements of . Since this yields that . Therefore (9.9) implies the desired equality. LEMMA 9.4. Suppose that is a tamely imbedded subset of X.  808 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Let be a generalized character of such that for . is constant on . If and if are defined by (9.4) then . Proof. Since is constant on for it follows from Lemma 9.1 that . Thus by Lemma 9.3 . By Lemma 9.1 is a generalized character of V. which is constant on for . If now is replaced by in the first equation of the lemma the second equation follows. LEMMA 9.5. Suppose that is a tamely imbedded subset of I. Let be a class function of which is con stant on for . Let be the set of all elements in X. which are conjugate to some element of with Then . Proof. Define by if . if . By Lemma 9.1 if if . Consequently Lemma 9.3 implies that  10. COHERENT SETS OF CHARACTERS 809 . Lemma 9.5 is of great importance. Even the special case in which is of considerable interest and plays a role in section 26. In this special case, Lemma 9.5 asserts simply that . . Coherent Sets of Characters Throughout this section let be a tamely imbedded subset of the group X. Let and let be the set of generalized char- acters of which vanish outside . Let be defined by (9.4). DEFINITION 10.1. A set of generalized characters of is coherent if and only if (i) . (ii) It is possible to extend from to a linear isometry mapping into the set of generalized characters of . (iii) . It is easily seen that if is a coherent set and with then also is a coherent set. It is more difficult to decide whether the union of two coherent subsets of is coherent. Examples are known in which consists of irreducible characters of and is not coherent though . In these examples is even a T. I. set in X. The main purpose of this section is to give some sufficient conditions which ensure that a subset of is coherent. LEMMA 10.1. Suppose that is a tamely imbedded subset of X. Let with . Assume that for is an character of . Furthermore for . Then is coherent. Furthermore, if are extensions of to then either or and . . Proof. For let , then . Thus since . Furthermore is defined. Since is an isometry this yields that (10.1) .  810 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER In particular (10.1) implies that if then . By Lemma 9.1 , therefore is the difference of two irreducible charac- ters of X. If . then it follows from equation (10.1) that if and . It is now a simple consequence of (10.1) that there exists a unique irreducible character of which is not orthogonal to any for . Furthermore if is chosen to be plus or minus this character then it may be assumed that for . Now define by . This implies that . Hence (10.1) yields that the generalized characters are pairwise orthogonal and that they each have weight one. It is easily shown that a rational integral linear combination of the characters of degree zero is a rational integral linear combination of the generalized characters . Hence if is the set of generalized characters . then the linear mapping sending into is an isometry. Thus, is coherent and the extension of to is unique in this case. If , define for by , where has weight one. Any rational integral linear combination of and of degree zero is a multiple of . Thus, if is any extension of to or for . The proof is complete. Before proving the main result of this section, another definition is needed. The following notation is introduced temporarily. Let be a subset of which consists of pairwise orthogonal characters. If , let denote the smallest weight of any character in of minimum degree. If and are coherent subsets of and and are extensions of to and re- spectively, define (i) . (ii) . where 1 (a) , (b) is not orthogonal to . (c) .  10. COHERENT SETS OF CHARACTERS 811 DBFINITION 10.2. Let be a coherent subset of and let be an extension of to . The pair is subcoheren t in if the following conditions are satisfied: If is any coherent sub- set of which is orthogonal to and if and are extensions of to and respectively, then (i) is orthogonal to . (ii) If , then is a sum of two generalized characters, one of which is orthogonal to and the other is in . If is subcoherent in . we also say that is subcoherent in , which causes no confusion in case has been designated. Hypothesis 10.1. (i) is a tamely imbeMed subset of the group X. (ii) For is a subset of . (iii) consists of pairwise orthogonal characters. (iv) For any wi th is coherent with isometry . is partitioned into sets such that each . either consists of irreducible characters of the same degree and or is subcoherent in where on . (v) For l there exist integers such that , . (vi) is an irreducible character of . (vii) For any in teger wi th . (10.2) . THEOREM 10.1. Suppose that Hypothesis 10.1 is satisfied. Then is coherent. There is an extension of to such that either agrees with on or . for . Proof. The proof is by induction on . If the theorem follows by assumption. It is easily seen that satisfies the assumption of the theorem. Hence by induction it may be assumed that is coherent. Let denote an extension of to , with the property that for  812 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER IS S It agrees with on l or and , . Choose the notation so that has minimum weight among the characters in of degree . Let be the subset which contains . For define .. Thus and is defined. Define the integer by (10.8) . If and I S , then by (10.8) (10.4) . Since is irreducible and is an isometry on (10.5) for . By (10.4) (10.6) where for I S S l Equations (10.5) and (10.6) now yield that (10.7) . If then since is an integer (10.2) and (10.7) imply that ||'-|| '. Therefore (I0.8) ' if' . We will show that . By Hypothesis l0.I (iv), can be ex- tended from to a linear isometry on . For 1 S let . be the image of under this extension. If is sub- coherent in , then is orthogonal to . Suppose that consists of irreducible characters of the same degree. If is not orthogonal to , then there exists and for some and with 1 S , such that . Assume first that consists of irreducible characters of the same degree.  10. COHERENT SETS OF CHARACTERS 813 Then it may be assumed that and . Thus for suitable . Hence . Hence . Therefore . which is not the case as . Suppose now that is sub- coherent in . Then . is orthogonal to by definition. There- fore, for , (10.9) Thus, is not orthogonal to . If consists of irreducible characters this yields that . Hence, by (10.8). Suppose that is subcoherent in . If implies that (10.10) where and is orthogonal to . By changing notation if necessary it may be assumed that (10.11) by (10.9). Now (10.9), (10.10) and (10.11) yield that (10.12) . Hence, (10.8) and (10.12) imply that in all cases. Thus, (10.3) becomes (10.13) . For , Therefore, (10.13) implies that (10.14) . For . define by (10.15) . and extend the definition to by linearity. This implies that or and for it . Hence, is  814 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER orthogonal to . and thus is an isometry on . The proof is complete. If is a coherent subset of , then will be used to denote an extension of to . Hypothesis 10.2. (i) is a tamely imbedded subset of and : is a supporting subgroup of . (ii) If is any non-principal irreducible character of and is the character of induced by , then is a sum of irreducible characters of , all of which have the same degree and occur with the same multiplicity in . LEMMA 10.2. Suppose that Hypothesis 10.2 is satisfied. For any character of : let be the set of irreducible characters of whose restriction to coincides with . If is a generalized character of which is orthogonal to for all with then is constant on the cosets of which lie in . Proof. We first remark that by Lemma 4.3 characters in vanish on . and so generalized characters in vanish on Suppose that are distinct characters in with By a ssumption . Thus by the Frobenius reciprocity theorem Hence by ypothesis 10.2 . where is a class unction of induced by a class function of : and is a generalized character of Thus for . The proof is complete. LEMMA 10.3. Suppose that HypotheSi is satisfied. Let be a coherent subset of which consists of pairwise orthogonal characters of . Assume further that contains at least two irreducible characters. Then if is constant on the cosets of wh ich lie in . Proof. Suppose that are distinct irreducible characters of which do not contain : in their kernel such that We will show that (10.16) . By Lemma 4.3 and vanish on Since is a T. I. set in and the mapping sending into  10. COHERENT SETS OF CHARACTERS 815 defines an isometry on . By Lemma 10.1 this can be extended to an isometry of . Let be the respective images of under this isometry. By assumption contains two irreducible characters and . Since for , Lemma 9.2 implies that if (10.16) is violated then for . Thus by the Frobenius reciprocity theorem for . Thus by changing notation if necessary it may be assumed that for , where the sign is independent of . Hence (10.17) . Since Lemma 9.2 implies that . Thus by the Frobenius reciprocity theorem contrary to (10.17). Therefore (10.16) must hold. The result now follows from Lemma 10.2. LEMMA 10.4. Suppose that the assumptions of Lemma 10.3 are satisfied. Let be the least common multiple of all the orders of elements in . If is an irreducible character in , then contains all the values assumed by . Proof. By assumption contains another irreducible character . Let be any automorphism of whose fixed field contains . Then since it follows directly from (9.4) that . Therefore . As , this implies that . As may be an arbitrary automorphism of whose fixed field contains the result is proved.  816 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER LEMMA 10.5. Suppose that is a tamely imbedded subset of . Let have the same meaning as in (9.2) and let be a generalized character of which is constant on for . Let be a coherent subset of consisting of irreducible characters. Then there exist rational numbers and generalized characters of which are orthogonal to such that if then if is orthogonal to and if . . Proof. It is an immediate consequence of Lemma 9.4 that if is orthogonal to and if where ranges over . then (10.18) for . where are rational numbers and is a generalized character of which is orthogonal to . If , then Lemma 9.4 yields that (19.19) for where are rational numbers and is a generalized character of which is orthogonal to . There exists a generalized character of which is orthogonal to such that . Since for (10.18) and (10.19) imply respectively that . The lemma follows by a suitable change in notation. It is worth noting that if the hypotheses of Lemma 10.3 are satisfied for every subgroup in a system of supporting subgroups of . then that lemma implies that satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 10.5. This fact will be used later in this paper. 11. Some Applications of Theorem lO-l In this section we are concerned with the problem of finding conditions under which it is possible to apply Theorem 10.1. That theorem will then allow us to conclude that certain sets of characters are coherent. To clarify matters the main Hypothesis is stated separately. This also serves to introduce the notation.  11. SOME APPLICATIONS OF THEOREM 10.1 817 Hypothesis 11.1. (i) is a tamely imbedded subset of th e group has odd order. and is a union of cosets of . Let and let be the image of in . (ii) and are normal subgroups of such that is nilpotent and (11.1) . (iii) is the set of all characters of which are by non principal irreducible characters of , each of which vanishes outsid e Then consists of pairwise orthogonal characters. (iv) There exists an integer such that for . Furthermore contains an irreducible character of degree . (v) Define an equivalence relation on by the condition that two characters in are equivalent if and only if they have th e same degree and the same weight. Then each equi valence class of is ei ther subcoherent in or consists of irreducible characters. (vi) For any subgroup of which is normal in let be the subset of consisting of those characters which are equiva- len t to some character in that has in its kernel. In the application to the main theorem of this paper (11.1) will always be augmented by one of the following conditions. (11.2) . (11.8) . (11.4) . THEOREM 11.1. Suppose that Hypothesis 11.1 is satisfied. Let be a normal subgroup of which is contained in such that (11.5) . If is coherent and contains an irreducible character of degree then is coh erent. Proof. Let be a normal subgroup of which is contained in and is minimal with the property that is coherent. Suppose that . Choose such that is a chief factor of 53. Let , where is irreducible and . Let . be the subsets of consisting of all characters of a given weight and a given degree. For let be the common degree of the characters in .  818 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER By Hypothesis 11.1 all the assumptions of Theorem 10.1, except possibly inequality (10.2), are satisfied for . We will now verify that also inequality (10.2) is satisfied. Let r be all the irreducible characters of which do not have . in their kernel. Let denote the character of induced by . Then each is in by Lemma 4.3. Furthermore if ranges only over characters of then . Therefore (11-6) . If then Suppose that for a given there are values of such that . Then (11.6) implies that (11.7) where the summation in (11.7) ranges over the distinct ones among the . Since , (11.7) yields that . . where or equivalently (11.8) . . Since is nilpotent is in the center of . Every irreducible character of is a constituent of a character induced by an irreducible character of . Thus for , Lemma 4.1 implies that , or equivalently (11.9) l Suppose now that inequality (10.2) is violated for some value of . Then (11.8) and (11.9) yield that .  11. SOME APPLICATIONS OF THEOREM 10.1 819 Thus . or . Since every term is an integer this implies that (11.10) . However , thus . Now (11.5) and (11.10) are incompatible. Therefore inequality (10.2), and thus all the assumptions of Theorem 10.1, are satisfied. Hence by that theorem is co- herent contrary to the minimal nature of . This finally implies that . Therefore is coherent. The proof is complete. The remainder of this section consists of applications of Theorem 11.1. Lemmas 11.1 and 11.2 are closely related to Theorem 2 of [8]. By using the argument of that theorem the assumption that is odd in the following lemmas can be replaced by suitable weaker as- sumptions. However the stronger results are not relevant to this paper and will not be proved here. Hypothesis 11.2. (i) Hypothesis 11.1 equation (11.2) are satisfied. Thus . (ii) is odd is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel . LEMMA 11.1. Suppose that Hypothesis 11.2 is satisfied. If then is coherent. Proof. By Lemma 10.1 and 3.16 (iii) is coherent. The result now follows from Theorem 11.1. LEMMA 11.2. Suppose th at Hypothesis 11.2 is satisfied. Then is coherent except possibly if is a non abelian -group for some prime and .  820 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Proof. If , where and are proper normal sub- groups of . then (mM ) for . Since is odd, this implies that for . Hence and is coherent by Lemma 11.1. As is nilpotent this implies that is coherent if is not a -group for any prime . Since is odd . Thus by Lemma 10.1 is coherent if is abelian. The result now follows directly from Lemma 11.1. LEMMA 11.3. Suppose that Hypothesis 11.2 is satisfied and a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel . Assume that is a -group for some prime and . Then is coherent. Proof. If . is abelian Lemma 11.2 implies that is coherent. If . is not abelian then the second term of the descending central series modulo the third is cyclic. Thus (mM ). Therefore as is Md. Hence and the result follows from Lemma 11.1. LEMMA 11.4. Suppose that Hypothesis 11.2 is satisfied and is a Frobenius group wi th Frobenius kernel . Assume that is a -group for some prime and . If (11.11) then is coherent. Proof. If is abelian Lemma 11.2 implies that is coherent. If is non-abelian let be a subgroup of such that is a chief factor of . As is nilpotent is in the center of - Thus by Lemma 4.1 the degree of any irreducible character of is either 1 or . Hence the degree of any character in  11. SOME APPLICATIONS OF THEOREM 10.1 821 is either or . Let be the subsets of con- sisting of all the characters of degree respectively. Let . By (11.11) . . Thus by Theorem 10.1 is coherent. If or , then or (mM ). As this yields that in either case (mod ). Therefore . Hence and is coherent by Lemma 11.1. Suppose that . Then by (11.11) . Since is coherent the result now follows from Theorem 11.1. The next two lemmas involve the following situation: Hypothesis 11.3. (i) Hypothesis 11.2 is satisfied. (ii) There exist primes and positive integers such that . Thus is a power of . LEMMA 11.5. Suppose that Hypothesis 11.3 is satisfied and is even. Then is coherent except possibly if is the smallest degree of any non linear irreducible character of whose kernel contains and for no subgroup of with , is a Frobenius group. Proof. Suppose that is not coherent. Then by Lemma 11.1 . As it follows that or . If this implies that contrary to what has been proved above. Therefore . Let . be the set of non principal irreducible characters of of degree . Lemma 4.1 implies that is empty for . Let be the set of characters in of degree .  822 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Since . it follows from Hypothesis 11.1 and Theorem 10.1 that is coherent- Suppose is non empty. Then 3.15 implies that . Therefore . Thus by Theorem 10.1 is coherent. Since . Theorem 11.1 implies that is coherent. Thus it may be assumed' that is the smallest degree of any non linear irreducible character of . Suppose now that contains a subgroup such that is a Frobenius group. Then may be chosen so that is a chief factor of . Thus and by the earlier part of the lemma every irreducible character of has degree either 1 or As. is the smallest power of which satisfies (mod ). Since is a chief factor of this implies that is in the center of and . If is an irreducible character of of degree , then the orthogonality relations yield that for . As every non linear character of has degree the orthogonality relations may once again be used. They that (11.13) for . However which contradicts (11.13). Thus contains no subgroup such that is a Frobenius group. All statements in the lemma are proved. LEMMA 11.6. Suppose that Hypothesis 11.3 is satisfied. further that is odd and . Then is coherent.  12. FURTHER RESULTS ABOUT TAMELY IMBEDDED SUBSETS 823 Proof. As is Md and (mod 8). it follows that (mod 8). Define the integer by (mM ) (mod ). If . then . Thus if and is Soherent by Lemma 11.1. If , then is cyclic. Therefore is coherent by Lemma 10.1. Suppose now that . Then since (mod ) we must have for some integer . Therefore . Since (mod ). this yields that . If 4.8" then is coherent by Lemma 11.1. Thus if is not coherent (11.14) implies that . Therefore . Hence or . In either case this implies that . As (mod 8) we get that . How- ever (mod 8). This contradiction arose from assuming that is not coherent. The proof is complete. 12. Further Results about Tamely Imbedded Subsets In this section a fairly special situation is studied. Our purpose here is to get some information about certain sets of characters which may not be coherent. Hypothesis 12.1. (i) Let be a prime and let be a -subgroup of the group X. Assume that is tamely imbedded in and has odd order. Let and let . (ii) is the set of all characters of which are induced by -principal irreducible characters of . Define as equ ivalence on by the condition that two characters are equivalent if and only if they have the same degree and the same weight. Then each equivalence class of is either subcoherent in or consists of irreducible characters. (iii) Let r be all the integers which are degrees of irreducible characters of . Let be a fixed integer. For let . be the set of all characters in of degree  824 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . Assume that each consists of irreducible characters. Let be an equivalence class in consisting of characters of degree . Let . In case Hypothesis 12.1 is satisfied the following notation will be used. (12.1) . Since is odd, and for . Thus by Lemma 10.1 is coherent for . For let be the number of non principal irreducible characters of of degree . By Hypothesis 12.1 acts regularly as a permutation group on the non principal irreducible characters of degree : for . Since is odd, no non principal irreducible character of is real. Thus even. Therefore (12.2) (mod ) for . Let . Define inductively to be the largest integer not exceeding such that is coherent. Suppose that . For , define and let . Define (12.4) for . where ranges from . to . Define (12.5) for . Then by Theorem 10.1 applied to for . By (12.2) (12.7) - (mod ) for . By 8.15 (12.8) (mod ) for .  12. FURTHER RESULTS ABOUT TAMELY IMBEDDED SUBSETS 825 LEMMA 12.1. Suppose that Hypothesis 12.1 is satisfied. Assume that . Them for . Furthermore if is odd, and (mod ). then . Proof. We will first prove that (12.9) for . This is true if since Suppose that Then by (12.5) and (12.6) . Assume now that the lemma is false and choose minimum to violate the result. Let . By (12.8) and (12.9) . Hence by (12.5) (12.10) . Inequalities (12.6) and (12.10) yield that or . This implies that . Conseq uently (12.11) . Suppose that  826 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . Then by (12.9) . Hence by (12.7) . Thus since . This contradicts the choice of . Hence . As is even for . implies that (12.12) . The group contains a normal subgroup- of index . Every irreducible character of has degree strictly less than and the sum of the squares of the degrees of these characters is equal to . Hence (12.12) implies that every character of whose degree is strictly less than has in its kernel. Thus is a normal subgroup of and is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel . Therefore (12.18) (mod ), and the center of has order at least . Thus by Lemma 4.1 . This yields that (12.14) . Define the integer by (12.15) . By (12.10) and by (12.12) . Thus (12.16) . Define the integer by (12.17) (mod ) . Equations (12.7), (12.18), (12.15) and (12.17) imply that (12.18) (mod ).  12. FURTHER RESULTS ABOUT TAMELY IMBEDDED SUBSETS 827 If . then by (12.16) and (12.18) - Thus by (12.15) . hence by (12.7) . If and is odd, then . Thus by (12.18) . However this is impossible as is odd. Assume now that . As is a power of . (12.14) and (12.18) imply that either or . Since . the latter case leads to . Hence contrary to (12.11). Thus (12.19) . The inequality follows from (12.17) and the fact that is even. Now (12.11) and (12.19) yield that . Thus . (12.16) and (12.18) imply that (12.20) . . Equation (12.15) now becomes . Hence (mod ). Furthermore by (12.19) . Consequently . THEOREM 12.1. Suppose that Hypoth esis 12.1 is satisfied. Assume that for some with and Define . Suppose that and  828 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Where and or.thogonal to Then . Furthermore if is . and (mod ) then . Proof. Let . If then and . Thus the result is trivial in this case. Hence it may be assumed that . In particular, is not coherent, hence is not coherent, so by Lemma 11.1 Consequently Lemma 12.1 may be applied. Furthemore . and . Thus consists of irreducible characters. Let , where the notation is chosen so that and for . Suppose that . Define the integer by . Then since Lemma 9.4 implies that for . . Then . Therefore . where . is defined by (12.4). Let be defined by (12.5). Since and (12.21) yields that (12.22) . As a function of assumes its maximum at . Thus (12.22) implies that (12.23) . As is an integer Lemma 12.1 and (12.23) imply that . Furthermore if is odd, and (mM ) then .  13. SELF NORMALIZING CYCLIC SUBGROUPS 829 The proof is complete. 13. Self Normalizing Cydic Subgroups Hypothesis 13.1. (i) is a cyclic subgroup of the group with odd. Suppose that . where and for . Let . For any non empty subset of . (ii) Let be faithful irreducible characters of respecti vely. Define . for . If in Hypothesis 13.1 are both primes then (13.1) follows from the assumption that . Thus the situation described above is a generalization of this case. LEMMA 13.1. Suppose that Hypothesis 13.1 is satisfied. Then is T. I. set in X. There exists an orthonormal set of generalized characters of such that for , the values assumed by lie in respectively. and for . . Furthermore every irreducible character of distinct from all vanishes on . Proof. It follows directly from Hypothesis 13.1 that is a T. I. set in X. Define the generalized character of by . Clearly vanishes on . Thus for W e . (13-2)  830 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER for . Therefore and for . It follows directly from the definition of that the values of lie in . For any algebraic number field and any generalized character of a group let denote the field generated by and all the values assumed by . Since we see that for some with . If then , where and for . By (18.2) , where are distinct irreducible characters of X. Suppose that for . Let . Let be the Galois group of over . For let be the subgroup of whose fixed field is . Assume first that . By (18.2) for . If for some then contrary to assumption. Let and for . Then it may be assumed that . Since we must have . Therefore , . Hence . Therefore is not cyclic as it is the union of proper sub- groups. Hence is the non cyclic group of order 4 and for 8. As is odd this implies that . For let . where the notation is chosen so that . Therefore . Hence . Consequently as is abelian. This implies that which is not the case. Thus . If , then by (18.2) Hence by choosing the notation suitably it may be assumed that . If then replacing by and by if necessary we get that . By (18.2) . Hence also . Therefore  13. SELF NORMALIZING CYCLIC SUBGROUPS 831 since and are all characters. This contradiction establishes that . Since we see that (13.3) . Furthermore and if then By definition for . Therefore for . Suppose that for some automorphism of . Then and (13.3) implies that . Thus by (13.2) . Consequently and so (13.4) . If now , then (13.3) yields that . Therefore and . Thus . Since and we get that . If then Thus (13.2) and (13.3) yield that Since is even we get that . Thus either and or . In the latter case (13.2), (13.3) and (13.4) imply that . Thus or equivalently contrary to assumption. Suppose now that . Thus and the previous argument with and interchanged yields that for or . Thus by (13.4) By (13.2) and (13.3) Thus since . Let be in the Galois group of over . Then and can be chosen so that . Hence (13.3) yields that . Since is not conjugate to this implies that contrary to the fact that and are all characters. Thus in any case there exists a non principal irreducible character  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER of such that and - Suppose that . Since is odd . Therefore . Hence . Since and are characters this yields that for . Hence and so . Consequently . which is not the case. Therefore (13.5) . Similarly there exists an irreducible character of with and . Thus by (13.5) . Now (13.2) yields that (13.6) for . The are distinct irreducible characters of whose values lie in the required field. Suppose now that with . Then by the Frobenius reciprocity theorem it follows from (13.6) that , S . Consequently for . In a similar way it can be shown that . Then it follows from (13.6) that for . This implies that if then  13. SELF NORMALIZING CYCLIC SUBGROUPS 833 . The orthogonality relations for the irreducible characters of now yield that every irreducible character of distinct from all vanishes on . This completes the proof of the lemma. LEMMA 13.2. Suppose that Hypothesis 13.1 is satisfied. If is a generalized character of which vanish es on then . where for . Proof. Let , where for . By Lemma 13.1 for . Hence for . This implies the desired result. Hypothesis 13.2. (i) The group satisfies Hypothesis 13.1. (ii) contains a normal subgroup such that and if is a non empty subset of then . Since is a -subgroup of , Hypothesis 13.2 (ii) implies that is a -subgroup of . Also, if ', then . LEMMA 13.3. Suppose that satisfies Hypothesis 13.2. Then is T. I. set in . For there exist irreducible characters of such that  834 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . where is a set of integers depending on the sign depends only on . Proof. Hypothesis 13.2 implies that is a T. I. set in . For vanishes on . Define for . Then by Lemma 10.1 is coherent for . Let where the sign is chosen so that . Then for . The Frobenius reciprocity theorem now implies the required result since vanishes on . LEMMA 13.4. Suppose that satisfies Hypothesis 13.2. Let be an irreducible character of . Then there esists an integer such that . for some with . Proof. Let be the characters defined in Lemma 13.3. If for some with then the result follows from Lemma 13.3. Furthermore Lemma 13.3 implies that for . Hence if for all we have that for . This completes the proof of the lemma. We will use the fact that Lemma 13.4 is valid over fields of characteristic prime to , provided that is absolutely irreducible. LEMMA 13.5. Sttppose that satisfies Hypothesis 13.2. For  13. SELF NORMALIZING CYCLIC SUBGROUPS 835 let be the characters defined by Lemma 13.3. Define for . Then is iruluced by an irreducible character of R. Further- more for . Proof. By Lemma 13.4 the characters are the only irreducible characters of which do not vanish on . Since each agrees on with a suitable linear character of it follows from Lemma 13.1 that is the set of irreducible characters of . Therefore agrees with on . Hence Lemma 13.1 implies that . Con- sequently if then for . Thus the Frobenius reciprocity theorem implies that is a constituent of for all values of . Since the lemma is proved. LEMMA 13.6. Suppose that satisfies Hypothesis 13.2, is a prime, is an estra special -group with . Let . Then divides either or . Proof. It is easily seen that a faithful irreducible character of has degree . Thus by Lemmas 13.4 and 13.5 . This proves the result. LEMMA 13.7. Suppose that satisfies Hypothesis 13.2. Let be defined by Lemma 13.5. Then an irreducible character of either induces an irreducible character of or it irulruluces for some with . Proof. The group acts as a permutation group on the conjugate classes of R. If and leaves some conjugate class of fixed,  836 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS. OF ODD ORDER . then since is a Hall subgroup of must centralize. some element of this conjugate class. Hence by assumption ffie only classes of which are fixed by any ' are those containing an element of . There are at most of these. The group also acts as a permutation group on the irreducible characters of . There- fore by 3.14 there are at most irreducible characters of which are fixed by any element . By Lemma 13.5 the distinct characters are fixed by every and these induce . Thus every other irreducible character of induces an irreducible character of . The proof is complete. Hypothesis 13.3. (i) is a tamely imbedded subset of the group and has odd order. (ii) satisfies Hypothesis 13.2, and satisfies Hypothesis 13.1 with the same group . (iii) contains a normal ni lpotent subgroup such that . . . (iv) There exist subgroups such that is a system of supporting subgroups of and . Let for . (v) For let be defined respecti vely by Lemmas 13.1, 13.3 and 13.5. (vi) Let be the set of characters of which are induced by non principal irreducible characters of , each of which vanishes outside . LEMMA 13.8. Suppose that Hypothesis 13.3 is satisfied. Assume that for some with . Then vanishes in . Proof. By Lemma 13.3 . do not contain in their kernel, thus they do not contain in their kernel. Hence by Lemma 4.3 vanish on . By Lemma 13.3 . Thus vanishes on . Hence . By Lemmas 9.1 and 13.8  13. NORMALIZ.ING C.YCLIC 8.UBGROUPS 837 . for . . the from Lemma . . . LEMMA 13.9. Suppose that Hypothesis 13.3 is satisfied. Choose with . Let. . Then is coherent and is an extension of to where either or . Proof. Since is odd Hence By Lemma 13.5 . Hence Lemma 13.8 yields that . By Lemma 9.1 vanishes on . Thus Lemma 13.2 implies that (13.7) . Now define Wh.ere the sign is the same as in (13.7). It is easily seen that is a linear isometry on . Thus is coherent. LEMMA 13.10. Suppose that Hypothesis 13.3 is satisfied. Let have the same meaning as in Lemma 13.9. Then is sub- coherent in where is defined as in Lemma 13.9. Proof. By Lemma 13.9 is coherent. Let be a coherent subset of which is orthogonal to . Let be an extension of to . Every generalized character in vanishes on . Thus by emma 9.1 every generalized character in vanishes on If is  838 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER an irreducible character in . then as is odd. Further- more and thus vanishes on . Hence for . Therefore is orthogonal . If . then since is a linear combinatiort of and . with . Hence is orthogonal to Consequently is orthogonal to . Suppose now that with , where . is not orthogonal to and . Let . where is a linear combination of the generalized characters and or . Let be the set of integers such that . Lemma 13.8 implies that every gener- alized character in is orthogonal to for . Let , where is a linear combination of . with and for . Then (13.8) . By changing notation it may be assumed that and . By Lemma 9.4 . Hence is a non zero integral multiple of . By (13.8) . Therefore (13.9) . By Lemma 13.2 , where is as in Lemma 13.9 and where for . Now (13.9) yields that . Thus (13.8) and (13.10) imply . Every term in the second summation is non zero. Thus for . Hence or . Hence (13.8) and (13.10) yield that or . This shows that is subcoherent in and completes the proof of the lemma. In the proof of the main theorem of this paper we will reserve the letter to denote the extension of to defined by Lemma 13.9. Thus will always be subcoherent in .  13. SELF NORMALIZING CYCLIC SUBGROUPS 839 DEFINITION. A Z-group is a group all of whose Sylow subgroups are cyclic. Hypothesis 13.4. (i) with and solvable. Furthermore is a cyclic S-subgroup of is odd. (ii) For . Furthermore is a Z-group and . (iii) is faithfully irreducibly represented on a vector space over a field of characteristic not dividing contains a vector space of dimension at most 1 such that if then if anti only if . LEMMA 13.11. Suppose that Hypothesis 13.4 is satisfied. Then is nilpotent. Furthermore is a prime anti the representatim of on is absolutely irreducible. Proof. Let be the character of the representation of on . Let be a -subgroup of which is normalized but not centralized by . Then either or satisfies Hypothesis 13.2. Thus by Lemma 13.4 only one absolutely irreducible constituent of is not linear. Hence is absolutely irreducible. Furthermore Lemma 13.4 and 3.16 (iii) imply that has , as a constituent. Thus is a prime. The nilpotence of is proved by induction on . We assume without loss of generality that the underlying field is algebraically closed. If then contrary to assumption. Thus by 3.3 . Let be a minimal nilpotent normal subgroup of which is not centralized by . Then is a -group for some prime . Furthermore and . By Lemma 13.4 there is exactly one non linear irreducible constituent of . Let . where each is a linear character of . Assume first that . If is an irreducible constituent of . then Since . for we have Since is a sum of conjugate characters this implies that is abelian and the are distinct. Thus . where and is a Frobenius group. For let . If such that for some then since is the kernel of each Since permutes the constituents of transitively this implies that acts transitively on {. } Hence is odd. Thus  GROUPS OF ODD ORDER is even contradicting the absolute irreducibility of X. Therefore and is irreducible. By Lemma 13.4 this implies that or . If then is reducible since . As is a prime this implies that is a sum of linear characters and is abelian. Thus we can suppose that . By Lemma 13.4 is irreducible. Thus if is any proper -invariant subgroup of with then satisfies the induction assumption and is nilpotent. If with then since is irreducible, . If is not a -subgroup of then is a proper sub- group of where is a -invariant -complement in . Thus and is nilpotent. Suppose now that is a -subgroup of . Since is cyclic. Let be the subgroup of index in . Then is a -group of class 2 and hence is a regular -group. If does not have exponent then there exists a characteristic subgroup of of index which is normal in but is not centralized by contrary to the minimality of . Thus has exponent . Therefore acts without fixed points on as is cyclic and . Let be a chief factor of with . Suppose first that does not centralize . Then is a Frobenius group which is represented on . As has no fixed points on Lemma 4.6 implies that acts trivially on . Thus is nilpotent. Assume now that is abelian. Then for some prime . If is represented faithfully on . the minimal nature of implies that is represented irreducibly on . Let . Then acts without fixed points on Since is irreducible, . Thus . Hence . We will now reach a contradiction from the fact that . Let . Then . Thus is abelian. Let be the linear character of such that for . Let . Then and is an irreducible character of . The group . satisfies Hypothesis 13.2 where is the normal subgroup. Thus by Lemma 13.4 no irreducible character of has degree . This completes the proof of the lemma in all cases. DEFINITION. Let and be subgroups of a roup with. . We say that is prime on if . . . . . for . 1 I . . . . . . . .. . If is a then is necess.arily prime on .  13. SELF NORMALIZING CYCLIC SUBGROUPS 841 LEMMA. 13.12. Let with. solvable, cyclic, and odd. that is prime is a Z-group. If then is nilpotent. If furthermore is not a prime then is nilpotent. Proof. Let be a counter example to the esult for which has minimum order. Since the hypotheses are satisfied by all -invariant factor groups of.U. Suppose that is not a prime. Let be a minimal normal subgroup of . Then is a -group for some prime and . By induction is nilpotent. If is a -invariant -group of for then and has no fixed points on . If is not nilpotent then it is possible to choose so that is not nilpotent. Let . Then is faithfully represented on . Hypothesis 13.4 is satisfied with in the role of . Thus by Lemma 13.11 is a prime contrary to assumption. Assume now that is a prime. Suppose that contains two distinct minimal normal subgroups and . For let be the inverse image of in . By induction is nilpotent for . The result now follows from the fact that . Thus it may be assumed that contains a unique minimal normal subgroup . Then for some prime . Let . Then is a -group. Thus the result follows by induction if . Assume now that . Then . Let be a -invariant -subgroup of . Then is faith- fully represented of . Hypothesis 13.4 is satisfied with in place of unless . Thus by Lemma 13.11 is nilpotent or . Let and let be -invariant -group of . If then is nilpotent since it is a -group and the result is proved. Assume that . By induction is nilpotent. Hence does not centralize by assumption. Let be a -group in which is minimal with the property that normalizes but does not centralize . Since is a group there is a prime such that contains no normal -sub- group, where jg a -group of Thus acts faithfully on Let As is faithfully represented on Lemmas 4.6 and 13.4 imply that . Let . As is rep- resented faithfully on Lemmas 4.6 and 13.4 imply . . Thus is a Z-group. and . . . . . .  842 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER By 3.11 is a special -group and . Thus is cyclic. By Lemma 13.11 the representation of on has a unique faithful irreducible constituent and this constituent is absolutely irreducible. Let be the character of this constituent. If then by Lemma 13.4 remains absolutely irreducible. Hence (mod ) contrary to (13.11). Therefore is an elementary abelian group and is a Frobenius group. Thus is a prime. If is not cyclic then is reducible in the field of elements as is faithful. Thus (mod ) contrary to (13.11). Therefore is a cyclic group of order and . is a Frobenius group. Hence (13.12) (mod ). Let be a invariant subgroup of which is minimal sub- ject to Thus the represenffition of on is irreducible. Therefore Since is lementary and we get that the hypotheses of the lemma are satisfied. Thus the minimal nature of implies that and . Therefore the representation of on is irreducible. Let be a minimal normal subgroup of which is not centralized by . Thus . Then and . Hence is cyclic. Let be the character of the representation of on . By Lemma 13.4 has exactly one irreducible cons ituent which does not have in its kernel. Let be this constituent and let . Since each is a character of a group of exponent it follows from (13.11) and (13.12) that each is absolutely irreducible. Thus for . By Lemma 13.11 is absolutely irreducible in the field of elements. By Lemma 13.4 . Since is odd (B) and (13.12) yield that (13-13) . Thus Let , where each is an irreducible char- acter of Thus (13.14) . Since is a set of conjugate characters- Since they are a 11 linear. Thus Hence . where is a Frobenius group and . Furthermore  13. SELF NORMALIZING CYCLIC SUBGROUPS 843 (13-15) . Since for we see that for all Since for we get that no constituent of occurs with multiplicity greater than one. Since is a set of distinct linear characters of we et that Now (13-13). (13.14) and (13.15) yield that . This contradicts (13.11) and (13.12) since is odd. The proof is complete.  . . .. . . Statement of Results Provecl in Chapter IV In this chapter, we begin the proof of the main theorem of this paper. The proof is by contradiction. If the theorem is false, a minimal counterexample is seen to be a non cyclic simple group all of whose proper subgroups are solvable. Such a group is called a minimal simple group. Throughout the remainder of this chapter, is a minimal simple group of odd order. We will eventually derive a contradiction from the assumed existence of . . In this section, the results to be proved in this chapter are summar- ized. Several definitions are required. Let be the subset of consisting of all primes such that if is a -subgroup of . then either is empty or contains a subgroup of order such that where . is cyclic. Let be the subset of of those such that if is a -subgroup of and is the order of a cyclic subgroup of , then one of the following possibilities occurs: (i) divides . (ii) is abelian and divides . (iii) and divides . We now define five types subgroups of . The basic property shared by these five types is that they are all maximal subgroups of . Thus, for II, III, IV, , any group of type is by definition a maximal subgroup of . The remaining properties are more detailed. We say that is of type I provided (i) is of Frobenius type with Frobenius kernel . (ii) One of the following conditions is satisfied: (a) is a T. I. set in . (b) . (c) is abelian and . (iii) If . then and a of is abelian. The remaining types are by definition three groups. If is a three step group, we use the following notation: : .. . .. . : . . . . . . . . . -. denotes normal S.-subgrolup of . By definition, so we let be a complement for in ,  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER In addition to being a three step group, each of the remaining four types has the property that if is any non empty subset of . then , by definition. The remaining properties are more detailed. We say that is of type II provided (i) and is abelian. (ii) . (iii) for every non empty subset of such that . (iv) is a prime. (v) For every prime , if are cyclic -subgroups of which are conjugate in but are not conjugate in , then either or . (vi) is a T. I. set in . We say that is of type III provided (ii) in the preceding defi- nition is replaced by , and the remaining conditions hold. We say that is of type IV provided (i) and (ii) in the definition of type II are replaced by , . and the remaining conditions hold. We say that is of type provided (i) . (ii) One of the following statemiments is true: (a) is a T. I. set in . (b) , where is cyclic and is a -subgroup of with . THEOREM 14.1. Let be a minimal simple group of odd order. Two elements of a nilpotent S-subgroup of are conjugate in if only if they are conjugate in . Either (i) or (ii) is true: (i) Every maimal subgroup of is of type I. (ii) (a) contains a cyclic subgroup with the property that for every non empty subset of . Also, . (b) contains maximal subgroups not of type I such that . ., .  14. STATEMENT OF RESULTS PROVED IN CHAPTER IV Every maximal subgroup of is either conjugate to or or is of type I. (d) Ei th er or is of type . (e) Both and are of type , or V. (They are not necessarily of the same type.) In order to state the next theorem we need further notation. If is of type , let , where is the Frobenius kernel of . If is of type II, III, IV, or V. we write . . Let be the maximal normal nilpotent -subgroup of . let be a complement for in and set . . . If is of type II, let . If is of type III. IV. or V. let . If is of type II, III, IV, or , let . We next define a set of subgroups associated to . Namely. if and only if is a maximal subgroup of and there is an element in such that and . Let be a subset of X. which is maximal with the property that and are not conjugate if . For , let be the maximal normal nilpotent -subgroup of . THEOREM 14.2. If is of type , or , then are tamely subsets of wi th . If is empty, are T. I. sets in . If is non empty, the subgroups . are a system of supporting subgroups for and for . The purpose of Chapter IV is to provide proofs for these two theorems.  848 SOLVABILITY OF , GROUPS OF ODD ORDER 15* A Partition of TC(®) We partition TT(®) into four subsets, some of which may be empty: 7T! = {p | A Sp-subgroup of © is a non identity cyclic group.} K* = {P 1 1. A Sp-subgroup of © is non cyclic. 2. © does not contain an elementary subgroup of order p3.} ;r3 '= {p\ 1. ® contains an elementary subgroup of order p3. 2. If ^5 is a Sp-subgroup of , then kl(^P) contains a non identity subgroup.} 7T4 = {p 1 1. ® contains an elementary subgroup of order p3. 2. If ^P is a Sp-subgroup of , then M(^P) contains only It is immediate that the sets partition TT(©). The purpose of Lemma 8.4 (i) is that condition 2 defining 7T2 is equivalent to the statement that &i4£(ty) is empty if ^P is a Sp-subgroup of . Lemma 8.5 implies that 3 g ^ U ?r2. 16. Lemmas about Commutators Following P. Hall [19], we adopt the notation 75133 = [21, 33], 7w+12I33n+1 = [7tt2N3n, ], n = 1, 2, • • • , and 722W3E = [21, 33, (£]. If X is a group, ^3^(£) denotes the set of normal abelian subgroups of X. The following lemmas parallel Lemma 5.6 of [27] and in the presence of (B) absorb much of the difficulty of the proof of Theorem 14.1. LEMMA 16.1. Let ty be a Sp-subgroup of ® and 2t an element of cx43^(^P). If % is a subgroup of ® such that (i) <2l»3> is a p-groupt (ii) g centralizes some element of Z(ty) n 21*, then 73g2l3 = Proof. Let Ze C(f$) n Z($) n 21*, and let E = C(Z). By Lemma 7.2 (1) we have 21 s Op.,p(S) = . As ^P is a Sp-subgroup of (£, ^ = ^? 0 ^> is a Sp-subgroup of >. Since 2t < ^P, so also 21 < ^3lf and since 21 is abelian, we see that 72£>2I2 £ Op>((£). Since § < E, we have 7g2t s ^> and so 73g2l3 S O,,((E). Since <2I, g> is assumed to be a p- group, the lemma follows. If ^P is a non cyclic p-group, we define ^(ty) as follows: in case Z(^P) is non cyclic, <&(?$) consists of all subgroups of Z(^P) of type (p, p)\ in case Z(^P) is cyclic, ^(^P) consists of all normal abelian subgroups of ^P of type (p, p). LEMMA 16.2. Let ^ be a non cyclic SP-subgroup of , 21 e  LEMMAS ABOUT COMMUTATORS amdiet be a subgr0pp such that ..11 (i ) is p-group, (ii) comtaims a subgr0up of such that . If , while if , them . Also, if , them . pro0f. If , the lemma follows from Lemma 16.1. If . then is of index in so is of index at most in a suitable of . In particular, . Let , and . Since , so . Hence . and SO being in . If . we conclude from (B) that . and SO . Since the lemma follows in this case. (Since centralizes . we have r.) Suppose now that . If . then and SO by (B). and the lemma follows. If , then . since . In this case, letting , we see that and so . that is, . Hence, and since , we see that . and SO . Continuing, we see that and SO , from which the lemma follows. LEMMA 16.8. Let be of let D. Let be a subgr0up 0f such that (i ) is 8-gr0up. . If , . proof. First suppose . Let . Since is of (B) implies that . Setting , we have . If . then and SO , since is a 8-group. If , then the definition of implies that . SO if , we must have for suitable . in . By definition of it that . We can suppose now that . In this case, the of implies that where and let be of containing and . Since is of in.dex at most 8 in and since centralizes , we have , and SO - If , it follows and we are done. Hence. we can suppose In it follows .  850 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER since | = <1> and we are done. We can therefore suppose that ( £ Z(C). Choose # in 6 - C@(<£). Since ^P* centralizes G^ it follows that E does not centralize S) = . Consider [A #] = F * 1. Now < £ Z(^P0) < $*, and so Fe Z(*P0). On the other hand, F lies in Z>(W) since both # and D are in W- Since Ee(S9 it follows that E centralizes F. Since <$p0f E> = *p*, it follows that F is in Z(?P*). But F is of order 3 and ^ = ^(ZOP*)), since Z(SP*) is cyclic. It follows that = C^, and so 7 normalizes E and with respect to the basis (D, F) of ( has the matrix (A j). On the other hand, $P possesses an element which normalizes ( and with respect to the basis (D, F) has the matrix (| ?) Since these two matrices generate a group of even order, we have the desired con tradiction which completes the proof of this lemma. 17* A Domination Theorem and Some Consequences In view of other applications, Theorem 17.1 is proved in greater generality than is required for this paper. Let ^P be a Sp-subgroup of the minimal simple group X and let 21 be an element of &^^(?$). Let q be a prime different from p. THEOREM 17.1. Let Q, jQj be maximal elements of M(2l; (i) Suppose that Q is not conjugate to Ox by any element of Then for each element A in 21*, either CD(A) = 1 or C^(A) = 1. (ii) If We&W^C^), then D and X are conjugate by an element of C(2l). Proof. The proof of (i) proceeds by a series of reductions. If 21 = 1, the theorem is vacuously true, so we may assume 21 = 1. Choose Z in Z(?P), and let O* be any element of M(2I; q) which is centralized by Z. By Lemmas 7.4 and 7.8, if S is any proper subgroup of X containing 21Q*, then O* ^ OP/(S). Now let D* denote any element of M(2t; q) and let S be a proper subgroup of 3 containing 21Q*. We will show that Q* a OP<(8). First, suppose Z($P) is non cyclic. Then D* = , so by the preceding paragraph, Q* a OP>(8). We can suppose that Z($P) is cyclic. Let Z be an element of Z(^P) of order p. We only need to show that [O*, Z] £ OP>(8), by the preceding paragraph. Replacing O* by [Q*, Z], we may suppose that Q* = [Q*, Z]. Furthermore, we may suppose that 21 acts irreducibly on n*//)(Q*). Suppose Ze (V.F(S). Then Q* = [Q*, Z] £ O,,.,(8) n Q* S and we are done. If 21 is cyclic, then Z is necessarily in ,p(2) = 1. Thus, we can suppose that 21 is non cyclic. Let 2TX = Ca(Q*) = Ca(O*/iJ(n*)), so that 21/21! is cyclic and Zg2Ii. We now choose W of order p in 2Ij such that <5p. Suppose by way of contradiction that O* g OP>(2). Then by Lemma 7.8, we can find a subgroup $ of 21(7(210 which contains 2IO* and such that O*gOP,(S). In particular, JQ* g O,,(C(TF)). Thus, we suppose without loss of generality that 2 = C(W). Let ^?* be a Sp- subgroup of 8 which contains $P = $PnC(W). If ^P* = SJS, then ZeOp>,p(&), by Lemma 1.2.3 of [21], which is not the case. Hence, $ is of index p in , Q*] s [21, O*] n , O*] £ ] g S^. Let 332 = JV^CSSi). Then Z acts trivially on the Q*2l-admissible group Sy^. Hence, so does [, Q*] = JD*, that is, 5?2 S SB^ This implies that S3 = $B! is centralized by O* so O* g OP'(S). We have succeeded in showing that if D* is in M(2l; g') and 8 is any proper subgroup of X containing 2IO*, then D* S O,,(8). Now let ^J, • • • , ^ be the orbits under conjugation by C(2l) of the maximal elements of M(2t; q). We next show that if O 6 ?if QI e ^ and i ^ ^', then D n QI = 1. Suppose false and i, j, Q, Q! are chosen so that | D n Oa | is maximal. Let D* = JVJQ(O n Oi) and O* = JVDl(D Pi DI). Since jQ and C^ are distinct maximal elements of M(2t; q), O n QI is a proper subgroup of both Q* and Qf. Let S = JV(Q n Oi). By the previous argument, £ OP/(S). Let 91 be a S,-subgroup of Op>(%) containing D* and permutable with 21 and let 9^ be a Sq- subgroup of Op>(8>) containing D* and permutable with 21. The groups 91 and 9^ are available by Dp>q in 210^(8). By the conjugacy of Sylow systems, there is an element C in OP<(2)21 such that W = 21 and 9^ = 9tj. As 21 has a normal complement in Op/(8)2t, it follows that C centralizes 21. Let Q be a maximal element of M(2l; q) containing 9*!. Then OndiSQfDJDnQi, and so 6 e ^-. Also, Q n Oa 2 D**7 D (Q n Oi)0 so that O e ^ and i = j. To complete the proof of (i), let Q, X be maximal elements of M(2t; (2) containing C^A) and permutable with 21, and let 9^ be a S9-subgroup of 0P/(8) containing CCl(A) and permutable with 21. Then 91" = 9tx for suitable C in C'(2t). Let Q* be a maximal element of M(2l; #) containing 9^. Then d* n D! 2 Cc^A) ^ 1 so O* e ^-. Also, Q* n & 2 (Ca(A))a ^= 1 so O* e <^ and i = j. This completes the proof of (i). As for (ii), if 21 6 ^K^(Sp)f then there is an element A in 21*  852 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER such that CQ(A) = 1 and CDl(A) = 1. By (i), } and Qj are conjugate under C(2l). COROLLARY 17.1. If p e 7rs U 7r4, $p is a Sp-subgroup of ® and 21 6 i^^L^OP), /&ew /or eac/& prime q ^ p and each maximal element Q o/ H(2l; q), there is a Sp-subgroup of JV(2t) which normalizes Q. Proof. Let G e JV(2l). Then & is a maximal element of M(2l; g), since any two maximal elements of M(2t; q) have the same order, so &? = &c for suitable C = C(G) in C(2l). Hence, GC-1 normalizes Q. Setting 3 = JV(Q) n #(«), we see that 3 covers JV(2l)/C(2l), that is, JV(Q) dominates 51. Now we have 3fC(5l) = JV(5l) and $ contains 21. Since C(2I) = 21 x ® where 3) is a p'-group, we have JV(2l) = = 321 = 32), and 3 contains a SP-subgroup of JV(3t) as required. COROLLARY 17.2. If p e 7r3 U 7r4, ^5 is a Sp-subgroup of , 2l€^g^^(^P) and q is a prime different from p, then ty normalizes some maximal element Q o/ M(2l; #). Furthermore if G is an element of ® such that 21* S $P, ffeen 21^ = 2F /or some JV m Proof. Applying Corollary 17.1, some Sp-subgroup ^3* of normalizes Dx, a maximal element of M(2I; g). Since ^? is a Sp-subgroup of JV(3l), ^5 = ^*^ for suitable -3T in JV(2I), and so ?p normalizes O = }f , a maximal element of M(2l; g). Suppose G e ® and 21* C sp. Then 21^ normalizes Q since 5p does, so 21 normalizes D61"1. Now d61"1 is a maximal element of M(2l; g) since any two such have the same order. Hence, Q?"1 — D^ for some C in C(2t), by Theorem 17.1 and so CG = N is in JV(Q). Since 2F - Slw = 21^, the corollary follows. COROLLARY 17.3. Ifpe n*> ^ is a Sp-subgroup of © and 21 6 i$*if^OP), ^en M(2l) is trivial. Proof. Otherwise, M(2l; g) is non trivial for some prime q ^ p, by Lemma 7.4, and so M(^?; q) is non trivial, contrary to the definition of 7T4. Hypothesis 17.1. (i ) p 6 7T3, ^5 is a SP-subgroup of ® and 21 e ^ifl^OP). (ii) q is a prime different from p, M(2l; g) is won trivial and O is a maximal element of M(2t; ^(5P), we have Z(8S) S 21. It follows that 9^ contains C(2I). It suffices to show that 21 g ^(JT). For if a g (-?), choose A in 21 so that (St(X) n 2l)A is of order p in Z(^/^(^T) n 21). It follows that (X)A is of order p in Z(W®(X)). Suppose by way of contradiction that 21 C St(X). Then 21 s 5Rf so 21 S ^?*x for ^?* a suitable SP-subgroup of ^. But ^P* = ^PF for some Y in %. Setting Xl = YX, we have ^X^ = to^XW and 21 £ SJ^i. Bence, 2Ixr1 S 5p, so by Lemma 17.1, aT1 = a^ for some JF in IB n JVflB). Since JV(S3) s ^, we have a = Sl^'i and We 31 n ^L Let i - -ST2. Since We3llf we have SR^fp = ^X^. Since -3T2 normalizes a, a normalizes QT1. By Theorem 17.1,  854 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER for some in . Hence (this defines r normalizes . Since and normalize , we see that . Since centralizes and , we have . We now write . where and Such a representation is possible since . Consider the equation . Since , we have . If . then [A. ] is a -element since . But [A. ] , an identity holding in all groups. Since . . Since , so [A. ] & -group. Hence . Since A is an arbitrary element of , we have . Now however , we have so , contrary to assumption. LEMMA 17.3. Uncler Hypothesis 17.1, . and; . Proof. We must show that contains at least one element from each coset W. from which the lemma follows directly. Let , and being a -group. Notice that by Lemma 7.4 together with . (This was the point in taking in place of ) By Sylow's theorem, contains some element of , so suppose . Since is contained in by Lemma 7.2 (1), we have , and normalizes . Hence, normalizes and by Theorem 17.1, for some in . Write . where . . so that , since normalizes . Hence, normalizes . But , since , so and contains an element of . LEMMA 17.4. Uncler Hypothesis 17.1, if is a subgroup of which contains , then . Proof. Let . Since normalizes so does . Hence, normalizes . But and contains . so normalizes. . By Theorem 17.1, for some in . Let . Now where and . Consider the equation . Let . We have . where is in  18. CONFIGURATIONS 855 hence, is a -element of , since , so that . But . Hence, . Since is an arbitrary element of . it follows that centralizes , so is contained in . But now the elements and normalize . Since . the lemma follows. LEMMA 17.5. Under Hypothesis 17.1, if is a proper subgroup of which con tains , then . Proof. If , and . it suffices to show that . By Lemma 7.2 (1), we have . and so by Lemma 17.4, . Thus it suffices to show that . By Lemma 17.3 it suffices to show that . However, this last contain- ment follows from Lemma 7.2 (1) and Corollary 17.1. LEMMA 17.6. Under Hypothesis 17.1, if is a proper subgroup of and is a -subgroup of , th en . Proof. Suppose false, and that is chosen to maximize and with this restriction to minimize . Let . By minimality of we have . By maximality of is a -subgroup of . We assume without loss of generality that . In this case, Lemma 7.9 implies that . Since . by Lemma 17.4 we have . by Lemma 17.5, . so in particular, as required. 18. Configurations The necessary -theorems emerge from a study of the following objects: 1. A proper subgroup of . 2. A -subgroup of . . A -subgroup of . 4. . . . DEFINITION 18.1. A configuration is any 6-tuple satisfying (C). The semi-colon indicates that are determined when are given. DEFINITION 18.2.  856 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER (i) 2t is a ^-subgroup of . (ii) for every configuration (®, $p, 21; 93, 2ft, 9B), (a) 2tt centralizes Z(2B). (b) If Z(25) is cyclic, then 2ft centralizes Z2(3B)/Z(2B).} DEFINITION 18.3. ranging over all Sp-subgroups of ® in both unions. LEMMA 18.1. // p ^ 5, fc«n ^(p) U &W<sK(p) S . Let aJi0 = ker(OP,,P>p,(^)->Aut2!Bo), aJ^==ker(OJ,,i,,,,(ft)-^Aut(SB1/a9o)). By definition of 3Jt, 3Ji is contained in 3Jti if and only if 93 acts trivially on Op',p,p/(ft)/2R*, t = 0 or 1. Suppose that 93 does not act trivially on O,'fP.p>(ft)/3Ri. Let 33 = 2l0 be a conjugate of 21 which lies in 93 and does not centralize Op'p,p'(ft)/9W< (93 depends on i). In accordance with 3.11, we find a subgroup & of 0 of S? such that >0 and X0 are incident, and such that >0 is 95-admissible. In particular, 950 centralizes v Let ^?* be a Sp-subgroup of JV(95), so that ^P* is a SP-subgroup of . If 950 n Z(^?*)* is non empty, we apply Lemma 16.1 and have a contra diction. Otherwise, Lemma 16.2 gives the contradiction. We can now suppose that Z(9B) is cyclic. In particular, 9B0 is of order p. Since Xx is of the form 2)i/9B0 where Si is a suitable subgroup  19. AN ^-THEOREM 857 of 3^!, we can find a p-subgroup & of $ incident with 2)i and 33- admissible. Choose B in 33^ Since SBi centralizes ?)!/3B0 and since 2B0 is of order p, it follows that >2 = C^(B) is of index 1 or p in &. If 33i n Z($P*)f is non empty, application of Lemma 16.1 gives 73£>2333 = <1>, and so T^iSB4 = <1>, the desired contradiction. Otherwise, we apply Lemma 16.2 and conclude that o^B4 = <1>, and so T^i^B5 = <1>, from which we conclude that 1 33 : 33X | = 5. In this case, however, setting 3 = Z(ty*) fl 33, we have 93 = , and so the extra push comes from Lemma 16.2 which asserts that 73£>233 = <1>, and so T4^4 = <1>, completing the proof of the lemma. 19. An ^'theorem It is convenient to assume Burnside's theorem that groups of order paqb are solvable. The interested reader can reword certain of the lemmas to yield a proof of the main theorem of this paper with out using the theorem of Burnside. If p, q e 7T3 U 7T4, we write p ~ q provided © contains elementary subgroups 6? and g of orders p3 and q3 respectively such that c®. Clearly, ~ is reflexive and symmetric. Hypothesis 19.1. (i ) p 6 7T3 U ?T4, q € TT(®) and p ^ q. (ii) A Sp-subgroup ty of ® centralizes every element of M(^P; q). LEMMA 19.1. Under Hypothesis 19.1, if 33 e ^(p), then 33 central izes every element of M(33; g). Proof. Suppose false, and that Q is an element of M(33; q) minimal with respect to 7S3D = . From 3.11 we conclude that 33 centralizes D(D) and acts irreducibly and non trivially on D/jD(Q), so in particular, O - 7Q33 and 330 = ker (33 — Aut Q) = <1>. Let ( = C(330), let ^ be a SP-subgroup of JV(33), and let ^50 = C(») n 5p. Since 33 e ^(?>), % is of index at most p in a Sp-subgroup ?& of E, and so ^50 < SR. Hence 7^33 £ ^Po. Since ^0 centralizes 33, we have 72^332 = <1>, so 33 S Op'^E) = St. Let 8 = Op,(<£). Since 33 e ft < (E, 7Q33 £ SB, so 7O33 S *St n O G 8. Since jQ = 7QS3, we have Q £ 8. By Lemma 8.9, 33 is contained in an element 21 of t$*^L^($P). Since 21 centralizes 33, we have 21 £ 5p0.. Let S) = 218, and observe that 8 is a normal p-complement for 2t in S). By Hypothesis 19.1 (ii), Theorem 17.1, Corollary 17.2, and DPiq in , 2t centralizes a Sg- subgroup of , so S) satisfies E£q and every p, g-subgroup of S>  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER is nilpotent. But , and , so is not nilpotent. This contradiction completes the proof of this lemma. Hypothesis 19.2. (i) and . (ii) . (iii) A -subgroup of centralizes every element of a of centralizes every element of . THEOREM 19.1. Under Hypothesis 19.2, satisfies . We proceed by way of contradiction, proving the theorem by a sequence of lemmas. Lemmas 19.2 through 19.14 all assume Hypothesis 19.2. We remark that Hypothesis 19.2 is symmetric in and . LEMMA 19.2. , whenever . Proof. Suppose , where . , and is minimal. By in , it follows that is a -group. By the previous lemma centralizes and centralizes . Since and are abelian, and . are abelian, so centralizes . Hence by 3.3. Let be a chief series for . one of whose terms is , and let be a chief factor of . If . then is obviously a central factor. If . and is a -group, then centralizes , and since is a chief factor, must also centralize . so is a central factor. The situation being symmetric in and . every chief factor of is central, and so is nilpotent, and . Let , let be a -subgroup of with Sylow system being a -subgroup of . since . By in for suitable in . Let be a maximal -subgroup of containing , with Sylow system . where . Let be a -subgroup of containing . Finally, let . and observe that . By Hypothesis 19.2, centralizes . By the previous lemma, centralizes . We next show that . Consider and let . Since centralizes , so does . so is nilpotent. But now centralizes and so Lemma 1.2.3 of [21] implies that . It follows that . Since is weakly closed in a -subgroup of , it follows that is a -subgroup of . Again, centralizes , and now centralizes both assertions being a consequence of Hypothesis 19.2 (iii). It follows  19. AN -THEOREM readily that every chief factor of is central, and so is nilpotent. Since we are advancing by way of contradiction, we accept this lemma. LEMMA 19.3. If . then either is a -group or a of is of order and has the property that it does not centralize any . Proof. Let be a -subgroup of . and suppose . By Lemma 19.2, no element of centralizes any . Let be a -subgroup of containing and let . Then is of index 1 or in and is disjoint from follows. Lemmas 19.2 and 19.3 remain valid if and are interchanged throughout. In Lemmas 19.4 through 19.14 this symmetry is destroyed by the assumption that (which is not an assumption but a choice of notation). We now define a family of subgroups of . First, is the set theoretic union of the subfamilies , where ranges over the -subgroups of . Next, is the set theoretic union of the subfamilies , where ranges through the elements of . We proceed to build up . Form . Consider the collection of all -subgroups of which have the following properties: 1. . (K) 2. . 3. Every characteristic abelian subgroup of is cyclic. If is empty, we define to consist of all subgroups of of type . If is non empty, we define to consist of all subgroups of of type together with a11 subgroups of of type which contain . and ranges over . Notice that depends on too, but we write to emphasize that its elements are -subgroups of . The nature of is somewhat limited by LEMMA 19.4. If is a -subgroup of and are non empty, and if . then . Proof. Let . Then . From 3.5 and the definition of . we have . Hence and . From (B), we conclude that and as required. Using Lemma 8.9 and Lemma 19.4, we arrive at an alternative definition of being a -subgroup of . If is empty  860 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER for all a€^gl^(Sp)f J^OP) is the set of all subgroups 35 of <$ of type (p, p) such that 33^ is abelian. If JTX51) is non empty for some ^e<5*if^OP) and fte jr(Sl), then .^(^P) consists of all subgroups of type (p, p) in Oq P(®) n ^P which contain Q1(Z(Oqtp(R) n $)), together with all subgroups 33 of Off,P(S) n ^P of type (p, p) such that 33^ i& abelian. Here we are also using (B) to conclude that Oq,9(St) n ^P- contains every element of LEMMA 19.5. Let St e JT(2l), wfeere 31 e ,£"g^7($p) and ^P is a Sp-subgroup of . Let ^P0 = ^P fl Off>p(A). // 3Ji is any proper subgroup of ® containing $p, tfeen ^P0OP.(9K) < 2W. Proo/. Since 73Wo=l, it follows from (B) that ^P0S^P 0 (W2») = tyl9 say. By Sylow's theorem, 2Ji = Op/(2»)JV^0Pi), so it suffices to show that ^Po < Ay^Pi) = 91. Choose N in 91. Then [W, %, ^Po, %] = !. Since SR, G SR £ $p* G SV, it follows from (B) applied to W that % S W, so that *P0 = W, as required. LEMMA 19.6. Let ffi 6 JST(2l), 21 e ^^L^7(5P), ^P being a SP-subgroup of , and let % be a subgroup of index p in $P0 = Oq,p(&) n 93= Proof. Since ^^^ (^P) is non empty, (B) implies that S is non abelian. Now &i(Z(^P)) is of order p and is contained in S. By 3.5 S/IWZCSP)) is abelian. Let 8* = Si be a conjugate of 8 contained in $, G e . First, suppose that (£1(Z(^P)))6( = 3 is contained in $P0. Then C?0(3) = EI is of index 1 or p in $P0- Set (£2 = CX3). By Lemma 19.5, with S2 in the role of 2ft, ^ in the role of $, ^ in the role of ^?0, we see that T^g; = <1>, and it follows that 7*%8{ = <1>, so by (B), 2, G Sft. (Recall that p ^ 5.) Thus, if Sx g 5p0, but 8i G sp, then 3 g ^P0- But 2, normalizes ^P0r so SP0 PI Sj < SL Since Sx is of index p in sp?f any non cyclic normal subgroup of Si contains 3- Hence, % n 81 is cyclic and disjoint from 3. If now fiiC^Po) is extra special of order p2r+1, we see that #1(81) contains an extra special subgroup 2 of order p*r~l which is disjoint from ^P0. Consider now the configuration (ffl, sp, 8; 53, 501, 28), and observe that 2B = ^P0. 2 is disjoint from $P0, so is faithfully represented on %=Oq>P g(St)IOg,p(St)9 a g-group. Furthermore, g is faithfully represented on fl1(2B)/fl1(Z(2B)), which makes sense, since Off,,(J8) acts trivially on Let ! be the subgroup of g which acts trivially on which also makes sense, since OQtp(St) acts trivially on Then /& is cyclic and 2 acts trivially on g/gx since p > g.  19. AN -THEOREM 861 Since is a -group, acts faithfully on , so acts faithfully on If then divides , and so , by Lemma 5.2. On the other hand, acts faithfully on , and trivially on , so is isomorphic to a subgroup of the symplectic group . Hence, divides . so by Lemma 5.2 (ii). . Combining this with the previous paragraph, we have a contradiction, completing the proof of the lemma. We can now translate this information about to the general -subgroup of . To do this, we let be the set theoretic union of sets ranging over the -subgroups of is the set of all subgroups which can occur in the previous lemma. Formally, is the set of all subgroups of index in where , and . LEMMA 19.7. If and is a -subgroup of then . Proof. Let be a configuration. The lemma is clearly equivalent to the statement that . Let be a -subgroup of containing and let be a conjugate of contained in . Since , we have for some subgroup of . Now for some in , and so - By Lemma 19.6, we have . and so in particular, so (B) and imply this lemma. LEMMA 19.8. If then for every con- figuration for whi ch is a -group. Proof. Suppose false, and that is chosen to maximize , and, with this restriction to minimize . It follows readily that is a -subgroup of and that is a -subgroup of every -subgroup of which contains . By Lemma 18.1 and the isomorphism we conclude that centralizes . By minimality of . we also have . If is a -subgroup of containing , we see that centralizes , and so , by maximality of . It, now follows that centralizes , and maximality of yields : : Since does not act trivially on , and since , it follows that contains an elementary subgroup of order . But,  862 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER 3Ji centralizes Z(OP(®)) = 3 and if 3 is non cyclic, then 3 contains an element of ^(^5), in violation of Lemma 19.3. Hence, 3 is cyclic. In this case, we conclude from Lemma 18.1 that a Sff-subgroup of 9JJ centralizes Z2(OP(®)) = -82- But 32 contains an element of ^(^P), so once again Lemma 19.3 is violated. This contradiction completes the proof of this lemma. LEMMA 19.9. // 8 e f(p) U *if~. Since 2 S Op(^) for every #, g-subgroup ^ of <^5, O7(S)> which contains S by (B) and Hypothesis 19.2, a second application of Lemma 7.5 shows that 2 centralizes O9(®), as required. LEMMA 19.10. // 33e^(;p), then 33 centralizes every element o/ Proof. Suppose false, and O is chosen minimal subject to > e M(33; g) and 7&33 ^ <1>, so that we have Q = 7QS3 and S30 = ker (S3 — Aut O) = <1>. Let E = C(350). Since 33 e J^(p), we have 33 6 ^~OP) for a suitable SP-subgroup ^P of . By definition of J^~OP), either C(33) contains an element ^ of S^<^H?$) or else C(33) contains a subgroup S& of index p in ^5 n Of ,„(£), ft e JT(2l) and 21 e ^^L^(^). Let § be a Sp,9-subgroup of ( containing 2IX in the first case, and % in the second case. Lemma 19.9 implies that 2It £ O,($) in the first case and ^ £ OP($) in the second case. In both cases, we have S3 £ Op($). Now let fe be a SP,,-subgroup of (E containing S3Q. By Lemma 7.5, we have S3 E Of(*i) and so 7O33 £ O,(&) n O = <1>, contrary to assumption. LEMMA 19.11. // » e jr(p)f 21 e &(q), then ® = <«, S3>. Proo/. Suppose <2l, S3> = ft c , and 21 and S3 are chosen to minimize S. By the minimal nature of ft, ft is a p, g-group. By the  19. AN ^-THEOREM 863 previous lemmas, 21 centralizes OP($), and S3 centralizes Oq(®). It follows readily that $ is nilpotent, so ® = 21 x S3. But now C(2l) contains S3 in violation of Lemma 19.3, with p and q interchanged. This interchange is permissible since Lemma 19.3 was proved before we discarded the symmetry in p and q. LEMMA 19.12. If 3) is a p, q-subgroup of © and if ® possesses an elementary subgroup of order p3, then a Sp-subgroup of ® is normal in 3X Proof. Case 1. 3) contains a Sp-subgroup ^? of . Let Q be a Srsubgroup of , let d = > n Op.,(2>)f let 5 be a Sg-subgroup of ® containing Q, let S3 e ^(O), and Q, = (7^(33). Then Q, is of index 1 or g in Q!. Next, let $ = Op(®), and assume by way of contradiction that Sc^P. By the preceding lemmas, ® contains F(cc£@(2l); $P) for every 21 e ,£*gL^(5p). By the preceding lemma, no element of &$ centralizes any element of ^(p). If $ contains a non cyclic characteristic subgroup E, then every subgroup of ® of type (p, p) belongs to ^OP), and so C§(Q) is cyclic for Q 6 jQj. This implies that ^^^(D,) is empty, and if Oz possesses a subgroup of type (q, g), then 2? = 1 (mod q). However, if $ does not contain any non cyclic characteristic abelian subgroup, then every subgroup of $ of type (p, p) which contains Q^Z^)) lies in ^~(ty)9 and we again conclude that &*&i4^(Qt) is empty, and if Qa is non cyclic, then p = 1 (mod q). Now Q! = Op,9(®)/5? admits a non trivial ^-automorphism since ® c ^5, so i$*g5L/f7(Q1) is non empty, by Lemma 8.4 (ii) and p > q. Hence, Q, is non cyclic, being of index at most q in QI, and this yields p = 1 (mod q). We apply Lemma 8.8 and conclude that p = 1 + q + q2, and Ox is elementary of order g3. This implies that any two subgroups of X of the same order are conjugate in . Since at least one subgroup of Oj of order # centralizes S3, every subgroup of Q! of order # centralizes some element of ^(g). Since at least one subgroup of Ox of order q centralizes some element of every subgroup of DX of order # centralizes some element of This conflicts with Lemma 19.11. Case 2. ® does not contain a Sp-subgroup of . Among all S> which satisfy the hypotheses but not the conclusion of this lemma, choose ® so that 1 3> n &i(2t) | is a maximum, where 21 ranges over all elements of ^^^(p), and with this restriction, maximize |®|p. Let 3>! be a Sp-subgroup of S>, and let ^P be a SP-subgroup of © containing SV  864 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER First, assume 3^ centralizes O9(3)). In this case, O,(3)) is a Sp- subgroup of 0g,P(3)). By maximality of | ® |p, 3\ is a Sp-subgroup of JV(0p(5»). This implies that x contains every element of ^g^^(^). To see this, let 21 e *S*g^0P), and let 2lx = 21 n i. Since OP(®) is a Sp-subgroup of O«,p(3)), it follows that 21 n 3\ S OP(S). If Six were a proper subgroup of 51, then 3^ would be a proper subgroup of Since this is not possible, we have 21 = 2lx. But now, ; 3)0 < 2), and by maximality of | 3) |p, 3)t = $P follows, and we are in the preceding case. We can now assume that 3\ does not centralize Og(3)). Suppose 3>! contains some element S3 of ^~(p). By Lemma 19.10, S3 centralizes Og(®). Since x does not centralize O«(5))f \ Og(S)) | > tf , and so Lemma 19.11 is violated in C(Q), Q being a suitable element of Off(3)). Thus, we can suppose that i does not contain any element of J^~(p). In particular, 3) n fii(2l) is of order 1 or p for all 21 e ^K(p)m Let S3 € ^"($P), and 3>2 = (7^(33). Since ^^^(3)^ is non empty by hypothesis, 3)2 is non cyclic. Let Gf be a subgroup of 2 of type (P, P)- Since S3 £ 3)x, <@, S3> is elementary of order at least p3. If @ does not centralize O«(3)), then there is an element # in * such that © does not centralize C(E) n Off(3>). But in this case, a SPf9- subgroup of C(E) is larger than ® in our ordering since S3 £ C(^), CC^) possesses an elementary subgroup of order p3, and a Sp-subgroup of a Sp,g-subgroup g of C(JS') is not normal in g. This conflict forces every subgroup of 3)2 of type (p, p) to centralize Og(3)). Thus, ?i(3)2) = * centralizes O9(®), since * is generated by its subgroups of type (p, p). However, we now have JV(®*) a <3\, S3, O,(®)> and a Sp ,- subgroup gi of JV(®*) is larger than 3) in our ordering, possesses an elementary subgroup of order p3, and has the additional property that its SP-subgroups are not normal in %lm This conflict completes the proof of this lemma. Lemma 19.12 gives us a fairly good idea of the structure of the p, g-subgroups of . The remaining analysis is still somewhat detailed, but the moves are more obvious. For the remainder of this section, ty denotes a Sp-subgroup of , D a Sg-subgroup of JV($P), and Q a Sg-subgroup of © which contains Q. LEMMA 19.13. ^^L^(O) is non empty. Proof. We apply Hypothesis 19.2 (ii) and let 3) be a maximal p, g-subgroup of © which contains elementary subgroups of order p3 and q\ By Lemma 19.12, p < 3), p being a SP-subgroup of 3>. Since 2) is a maximal p, g-subgroup of , p is a Sp-subgroup of , so p = sp* and the lemma follows.  19. AN ^-THEOREM 865 We now choose 33 in ^(O) and set d = Cc(93). LEMMA 19.14. ( i ) ^^^(Q!) is empty. (ii) D contains ^(ZCQ)). (iii) p = 1 (mod q). (iv) O* contains an element Y which centralizes an element of and has the additional property that C^(Y) contains an elementary subgroup of order q*. (v) If Xe&* and X centralizes an element of ^~(ty), then X does not centralize any element of ^(O), and C(X) does not contain an elementary subgroup of order q4. Proof. Let Gf be an elementary subgroup of Q of order q\ and choose Gf in Q if possible. If ty possesses a non cyclic characteristic abelian subgroup (£, then some element of G? has a non cyclic fixed point set on E. Since every subgroup of £ of type (p, p) lies in .^~OP), (iv) is established in this case. If every characteristic abelian subgroup of ^? is cyclic, then some non cyclic subgroup G^ of Gf centralizes Z(ty). Since any non cyclic subgroup of ^? which contains Qi(Z(ty)) is normal in ^?, by 3.5, some element of G^ centralizes an element of ^OP), so (iv) is proved. If S S Q!, then Lemma 19.11 is violated in C(E), Ee @», E central izing an element of ^OP). Hence, (i) is proved. On the other hand, ^^^^(D) is non empty, so Ox possesses a subgroup & of type (q, q). If p & 1 (mod q), then some element of 5i is seen to centralize an element of ^"(ty). Since this is forbidden by Lemma 19.11, (iii) follows. We now turn attention to (v). In view of Lemma 19.11, we only need to show that if X in }* centralizes an element of ^~OP), then C(X) does not contain an elementary subgroup of order #4. Let 21 be an element of ^($P) centralized by X, let § be a Sp>q- subgroup of C(X) and let ft be a maximal p, g-subgroup of ® containing >. By Dp>q in C(X), 8^ = W S & £ $, for some G in C(X). Suppose by way of contradiction that C(X) contains an elementary subgroup of order q*. By DptQ in C(X), § contains an elementary subgroup of order . Suppose that ^ does not centralize Z2 and that 3 is a ^Grinvariant subgroup of 2, minimal subject to the condition 72^ = <1>. By minimality of 3, we have 3 = 72^. Since 3 is a g-group, 72^ c 3, and so 72£3Q1?1 = <1>. Since 70^ = <1>, we also have 72G1$12:3 = <1>. The three subgroups lemma now yields 72^P1£3Q1 = <1>, so ^ centralizes 7^Pi£3 = 3. By what we have already shown this implies that $& centralizes 3. This conflict forces 7^ZZ = We next show that ^ £ 2. To do this, consider Cx(2y = ® < 2:. Since 2;j £ SR, we see that Oi £ . On the other hand, Z(^) central izes both 2; and 2,, so Z(^) £ 2;, by 3.3. Hence, (E £ C3:(Z(^1)) £ C(Z(^)) S JV(Z(^)). Since d = Of(?iQ*), Lemma 7.5 implies that QI S Og(<£) char £ < 2:, and so S^ £ 2;,. Consider finally Cj(2y . Since ^ £ S:2, we have ^(S,) £ C^Qi) £ C(Qa) £ N(S\). Since % = OP(^PQ*), Lemma 7.5 implies that S& £ OP(CX(2:2)) char Cx(2:2) < Z9 and so ^ £ Z^ Since we have already shown that Z1 £ %, we have Z1 = ^ < X, and so D* is a S?-subgroup of 2;, as required. To prove Theorem 20.1 recall that Q is a S^-subgroup of © con taining D*. Choose 21 in ^^Lx^(O), and let 21* = 51 n O*. We first show that 21* c 21. Suppose by way of contradiction that 21* = 21. Then 21 normalizes $&. Lemma 7.3 and the previous lemma imply that 51$! is a maximal element of M(2I; p). By Corollary 17.1, JVOPi) contains a S9-subgroup of , and ® satisfies Ep>q. Since we are advancing by contradiction, we have 21* c 21. We next show that 21* n Ox = <1>. To do this, we observe that 21* n d < O*, so if 21* n >! # <1>, then 21* n k n Z(O*) ^ . In this case, however, C(2l* n &i n Z(O*)) contains % and also contains 1*21, contrary to the previous lemma. Thus, 21* n QI = <1>. Since 3t* and f^ are both normal in O*, we have 721*^ = <1>. Let 2tx = JV^(O*), so that 21* c 2rx £ 21. Observe that 72I1O* £ i* n 21 c 2IX and so Q* normalizes 21^ Let 33 be any subgroup of 2^ which contains 21* properly. Since [S3, ^21*] iS 21*, we see that 33 normalizes jQjSl* = DI x 21*. Since O* normalizes 33, D* also normal izes C0l(33) = 2), say. If 3) ^ <1>, then 3) n Z(O*) = <1>. But then the previous lemma is violated in C(S) n Z(d*)). Hence, 2) = <1>. Since CW n S2&* ^ 21*, we have C(33) n ^21* = 21*.  20. AN -THEOREM FOR 869 Since normalizes also normalizes . Since has no fixed points on by the above argument, is abelian. But now and are normal abelian subgroups of , so is of class two, so is regular. It follows that if , , then . But is an arbitrary subgroup of which contains properly, so we can choose such that . For such a . the element centralizes . It now follows that is elementary. We take a different approach for an instant. does not centralize the elementary abelian group , and has no normal subgroup of index . by Lemma 17.3. It follows that is not of order . Returning to the groups and , since has no fixed points on , if . . then the mapping defined by in is an isomorphism of onto a subgroup of . Hence, is not cyclic. From the definition of , we see that contains . We wish to show that contains an element of . This is immediate if is non cyclic, so suppose is cyclic, If does not .contain any element of , then the element above can be taken to lie in some element of . However, . so .could not map onto a subgroup of order exceeding . We conclude that contains and also some element of . We will now show that for each element of . we can find -subgroup in which is not centralized by Z. Namely, is faithfully represented on , since and is a normal abelian subgroup of . We first consider the case in which is non cyclic. Let be a subgroup of of type which has non trivial intersection with , that is let contain . .Since acts non trivially on . acts non trivially on for .suitable in . Let and let be a -subgroup of permutable with . It is easy to see that does not centralize . If is cyclic, we use the fact that contains an element of . We can find an element in such that does not centralize . Let . By (B), it follows that , and so . Thus, contains an element which does not centralize. It now follows from Theorem 17.1 and the preceding argument that if is a maximal element of , then is faithfully represented on . If is a -subgroup of permutable with , then Lemma 20.2 is violated with and interchanged. This the proof of Theorem 20.1.  870 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER 21. A C* 'theorem for 7T3 and a C-theorem for 7Ta It is convenient to introduce another proposition which is "between" CT and Dx. C?: X satisfies Cx, and if Z is a 7r-subgroup of £ with the property that \Z\9 = \ X \p for at least one prime p in TT, then Z is- contained in a S^-subgroup of 36. THEOREM 21.1 If p, q e 7T3 and p ~ q, then & satisfies Cp*< Proof. We can suppose p ^ q. We first show that © satisfies Cp,g. By Theorem 20.1, © satisfies p,g. Let § be a Sp,,-subgroup> of © with Sylow system ^5, D, where ty is a Sp-subgroup of . We assume notation is chosen so that |$P| > |Q|. Then Op(£>) = <1> by Lemma 5.2. Lemma 7.3 implies that Op(£>) is a maximal element of H(D; p). If >i is another Sp,g-subgroup of © containing }, then Op(^)1> is also a maximal element of M(G; 2)). From Section 17 we conclude that Op(&) = G^Op^G for suitable G in @. Hence, G^G~l and & both normalize Op(£) so are conjugate in N(Op($Q)). Turning to C*,qy we drop the hypothesis |$P| > |Q|, and let 2 be a maximal p, g-subgroup of © containing ^?. Let § be a Sp,g-subgroup^ of © containing ty. First, assume that Oq(Z) = 1. In this case, Og(£) is a maximal element of M0P; g). If O,(§) ^ 1, then Oq(&) is also a maximal element of M(^?; q). Thus, Theorem 17.1 yields that > is conjugate to Z. (Here, as elsewhere, we are using the fact that every maximal element of H(^P; q) is also a maximal element of M(2l; q) for all SI in ^^x^(^).> Thus, suppose Off($) = 1. In this case, if 21 e ^g^^(^P), then S3 < v g? =. F(ccy§l); ?P), by Lemma 17.5, so | © |f = | N(%) : C(5S) |f . But 'N(Oq(Z)) dominates 95, so | N(Oq(Z)) \q > \ ® |ff, which is absurd. We can now suppose that Oq(Z) = 1. We apply Lemma 17.5 and conclude that 53 < Z, where 93 = F(ccy§l); $), and 2t 6 ^g=lx^(^). Let DO be a S7-subgroup of Z. Since Z is a maximal p, (/-subgroup- of , Do is a S,-subgroup of JV(9S). Let $ be a Sp,,-subgroup of © containing ^? and let D be a Sq- subgroup of . Let d = Of($). If Oj = <1>, then ^ £ N(%), by Lemma 17.5, and we are done. Otherwise, § = D1JV^>(9S), again by Lemma 17.5, and we assume without loss of generality that JV^(9S) £ Z.. Assume that N$(%>) n D! ^ <1>. Then in particular, 2 n contrary to Og(Z) = <1>. Hence, N$(%) n QI = <1>. We will now show directly that JV^(9S) = 2. Since N it suffices to show that | A^SB) |. ^ | Z |f . Now A(OO = Op (A(Qi) 0 A(SB)), by Lemma 17.1, and since JV^(9S) n d = <1>, it follows easily that | JV^(SS) |f = | N(&J n  21. A -THEOREM FOR AND A -THEOREM FOR 871 Let . By Lemma 17.3 we have . Let . Since contains . By Lemma 17.5, we now have , which yields . Now contains and , since . Thus, is mapped isomorphically into . and it follows that , as required. Since it follows that , proving the theorem. THEOREM 21.2. Let be a subset of . Assume that satisfies for all . in . Then satisfies . Proof. By the preceding theorem, we can assume that contains at least three elements. By induction on . we assume that satisfies for every proper subset of . Let and let . , . . Let be a -subgroup of . . Then the S-subgroups of are conjugate to the S-subgroups of . For , let . Note that by dependS only on and and not on the particular -subgroup of we choose. Fix . let be a S-subgroup of , let groupof-subgroup which is possible by . and . Let Suppose that . With this assumption, we will show that . We can assume that . that , and try to show that . Let be a Sylow system for and let and be Sylow systems for and respectively. Here is a -subgroup of . Since is the -subgroup of , the condition says that is faithfully represented as autom. orphisms of . Now ( .), where . Since and are disjoint normal subgroups of centralizes . If , then is clearly contained in and so and are disjoint normal subgroups of and so commute elementwise. But is faithfully represented as automorphisms of . so is faithfully represented as automorphisms of . It follows from Lemma 5.2 that . Returning to the general situation, if . whenever . and is a -subgroup of then  872 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . Permuting cyclically, we would have . The integers being pairwise relatively prime, we would find for all . This is not possible since a S-subgroup of is solvable. Returning to the groups and , we suppose without loss of generality that . Since commutes elementwise with Similarly. commutes element- wise with . Hence is a proper sub- group of normalizing . By Lemma 7.5, both and are -subgroups of . in particular, has a normal -complement. Since has a normal -complement, we can find an element in such that is permutable with . For such an element , let . We will now show directly that for each in . contains a -subgroup of . This is trivially true if so suppose that . Let . be a Sylow system for which is normalized by . where . is an -subgroup of . . We remark that by . each is a maximal element of . Let : and let By Lemma 17.5 and S we see that , where and . Let . Let be a coset of in . Then contains an element of by Lemma 17.5. Hence, where all lie in Let . Since , and since centralizes , we have . Let so that by Lemmas 7.3 and 7.4. Hence, contains both and , and since normalizes . normalizes both and . By . is a -subgroup of . By the conjugacy of Sylow systems in . there is an element in such that . Since has a normal -complement, . so contains . Thus, if , we have . Since , we have . Hence by Lemma 17.5, so that . Thus maps onto Since centralizes . it follows that . Hence . as required. If now , then and so satisfies . We now treat the possibility that . In this case, both and are -groups. By (B), both groups contain . By Lemma 17.4, both and are contained in so once again f.fltisfies . It remains to prove . given and for every proper subset.  22. LINKING THEOREMS 873 T of a. Let & and >x be two S^-subgroups of ® with Sylow systems ^Pi • • • 9 ^n and D!, • • • , On respectively, ^< and O* being SPi-subgroups of , l^i^n. If F(£>) and F($i) are Prgroups, we apply Lemma 17.4 and conclude that £ and & are conjugate in N(Z(%)), where 5? = 21 e ^^^7(^1) and we have normalized by taking ^ = If F(£>) is a ^-group, then CPl,Pt for i — 2, • .-, n imply that is a prgroup. Thus, we can assume that neither F(£>) nor F(^) is a p-group for any prime p. Let m< = | Op<($) |, m- = | O,4(fe) |, 1 ^ t ^ n. For each i, we can choose Gi in (8 so that Of* = S&, 1 ^ j ^ n, i ^ j. Let ^ = >?% i — 1, • • , n, so that § n » contains a S^-subgroup of . Suppose 0,/ftJ 0 OPj(£>) = <1> for some i, j, i * j. Then Op/ft*) is faithfully represented on F(£>), since Opj(^i) ^ >. But in this case, OPJ(&i) centralizes OPJ($>) and also centralizes OPk($Q) for fe ^ i. Hence, Opj(&i) is faithfully represented on OPi(§>), and so m] ^ m^ by Lemma 5.2. For the same reasons, nij ^ m-, since OPJ($) is faithfully repre sented on F(Ri). If for all i, j, l^i, j ^n,i^ j, OPj(^) n Op/£>) = <1>, we find m] ^ m< ^ m^, and so m'j — nit = 1. This is not possible since § and & are solvable. Hence, we assume without loss of generality that 2)12 = OPl(®2) n OPl(&) ^ <1>. We will now show that Op>(®2) is conjugate to Opj(£>). To see this, we first apply Lemma 7.4 and CP]L.P4 to conclude that Opj(S2) and OPi(£>) have the same order. Since 12 centralizes both OPi(®2) and O,{($), it follows that S = c . By Lemma 7.4, it follows that )> g OPi(S). By Theorem 17.1 and Cp*,Pi, OPi(^2) and OPl(^) are S-subgroups "of OPi(8), so are conjugate in S, being of the same order. Since OPi(£>) = <1>, C^ follows immediately. 22. Linking Theorems One of the purposes of this section is to clarify the relationship between 7T3 and 7r4. Hypothesis 22.1. (i) pe7T3, ?e7r(®). (ii) A Sp-subgroup ty of ® does not centralize every element of M(^; q). THEOREM 22.1. Under Hypothesis 22.1, if X is a maximal element of M(^?; q) and Q is an element of C^ of order q, then C&^Q) contains an elementary subgroup of order q3. In particular t q 6 TTS U 7T4.  874 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Proof. Choose char in accordance with Lemma 8.2, and set . From 3.6 and Lemma 8.2, it follows that does not centralize . Since is of exponent . Since , Lemma 17.3 implies that . Since has odd order, this in turn implies that is not generated by two elements. Consider the chain r Since does not centralize . does not stabilize . so we can find an integer and subgroups such that and such that is a chief factor of and with the additional property that does not centralize . Since , we also have , where . Since is odd it follows that Since . it follows that . If did not contain an elementary subgroup of order , then we would necessarily have since is of exponent Since . the only possibility is that is the non abelian group of order and exponent . But in this case . and contains an elementary subgroup of order since does, by Lemma 8.13, Lemma 8.1, and the equation . Hypothesis 22.2. (i) is a -subgroup of and . (ii) does not centralize eveW element of and does not centralize every element of . THBORBM 22.2. Under Hypothesis 22.2, . The proof of this theore m is by contradiction. The following lemmas assume that . Since Hypothesis 22.2 is symmetric in and we can assume that , thereby destroying the symmetry. Let . Let be maximal ele.nents in . respectively. LBMMA 22.1. If , is an -invariant -subgroup of and if a of is non cyclic, then . Proof. Let be a -subgroup of normalized by . Since , either or is empty. If is empty, application of Lemma 8.5 to yields this lemma. Suppose is non empty. Then is empty, so has -length one. Thus, it suffices to how that centralizes . We suppose without loss of generality that normalizes .  22. LINKING THEOREMS 875 Then by Corollary 17.2 is contained in a conjugate of . so possesses an elementary subgroup of order for in . of order , by Theorem 22.1. We will show that centralizes . Since is assumed non cyclic, is generated by its subgroups which are elementary of order . so it suffices to show that each such centralizes . If does not centralize . then does not centralize for suitable in . By Lemma 8.4, is non empty for such an E. so is violated in . Since centralizes , it follows that is empty, since . Hence, centralizes by Lemma 8.4, as required. We define as the set of -subgroups of which have the additional property that no or -subgroup is centralized by . LEMMA 22.2. is non empty. Proof. Suppose that . If we also had , then would be violated in . Hence, , and we can find such that and such that . Consider . By Lemma 17.6, and it follows readily that possesses a normal comple- ment to We can then find in such that is. a -group. By Lemma 22.1 and the fact that is a maximal element of . we have . But now . Since . if is a -subgroup of . then is empty. By Lemma 8.13 centralizes every chief -factor of . It follows that centralizes , contrary to construction, so we can assume that . Suppose . Since possesses an elementary subgroup of order we can find A in such that is non cyclic. Consider . By Lemma 17.6 we can assume that is a -group. Then Lemma 22.1 implies that . being a -subgroup of . Enlarge to , a maximal -invariant -subgroup with Sylow system . Lemma 17.6, Lemma 22.1 and maximality of imply that is a maximal element of . contrary to . We can now assume that and . Let be an -invariant subgroup of of minimal order subject to . Let be an -invariant subgroup of of minimal order subject to . Let ker . Since acts irreducibly on and on . it follows that is cyclic, . Since .  876 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . An -invariant -subgroup of satisfies the conditions defining , by Lemma 17.6 and in . Let be a maximal element of , with Sylow system chosen so that normalizes both and being a -subgroup of . LEMMA 22.3. is cyclic and . Proof. Suppose is non cyclic. Then Lemma 22.1 yields The maximal nature of , together with Lemma 17.6, imply that is a maximal element of so is conjugate to . By Lemma 17.3, . Since does not possess an elementary subgroup of order . Now and Lemma 8.13 imply that , contrary to construction. Hence, is cyclic. If . then . The maximal nature of now conflicts with Lemma 17.6 and Theorem 22.1 proving this lemma. We choose in so that ; since is also a maximal element of . we assume without loss of generality that . LEMMA 22.4. (i) is non abelian. (ii) No non identity weakly closed subgroup of is contained in . (iii) contains an element of being any -subgroup of containing a -subgroup of . Proof. We first prove (ii). Suppose is weakly closed in . and . Then , so the maximal nature of together with Lemma 17.6 imply that . Since , so also . Since Lemma 8.13 implies , contrary to construction, proving (ii). If were abelian, then and Lemma 1.2.3 of imply that , in violation of (ii). This proves (i). Suppose . In this case, implies , and since it is clear that contains an element of . Since it follows that and so by (B), . It now follows that . and so , again by (B). Next, suppose that . In this case, since contains an element of being a -subgroup of . Since centralizes . by Lemma 19.1, we have . Since , and so by (B), . it follows . This proves (iii).  22. LINKING THEOREMS 877 To prove Theorem 22.2 we will now show that centralizes . Suppose by way of contradiction that this is not the case. We can choose such that but . Since is cyclic is of order . From (B), we then have . If , we apply Lemma 16.2 and conclude that contrary to the above statement. Hence , and by Lemma 16.3 we have ; in particular, . Now apply Lemma 16.3 again, this time with in the role of , and conclude that . Let . By Lemma 8.11, we have . and so . Hence by (B), acts trivially on , and this implies that , so that is elementary. The equality and (B) i mply that an element of induces an automorphism of with matrix Since divides . we have . By definition of we ave . Since we have a contradiction, completing the proof that centralizes in all cases. Now centralizes , so by maximality of , we have and (B) implies that . Hence, . But and since does not possess an elementary subgroup of order . Lemma 8.13 implies that , contrary to construction, completing the proof of Theorem 22.2. For in , let be the se t, of all subgroups of of type such that every element of centralizes an element of . We allow to depend on W. Hypothesis 22.3. (i) . (ii) . THEOREM 22.3. Unter Hypothesis 22.3, if is a -subgroup of and if contains an element of , then a -subgroup of is normal in . Proof. Let be the set of subgroups of satisfying the hypotheses but not the conclusion of this theorem and let be the subset of all in which contain at least one element of . We first show that is empty. Suppose false and in is chosen to maximize . Let be a -subgroup of , and let where and . Since , Hypothesis 22.1 does not hold. Hence, Hypothesis  878 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER 19.1 holds. Apply Lemma 19.1 and conclude that 93 centralizes Oq(&). Suppose ftp is a Sp-subgroup of . Then p centralizes Oq(®). By Lemma 17.5 and Hypothesis 22.3 (i), if 91 € <$*g^(ftp), and ^ = F(ccy2l); ftp), then ^ S O,,p(ft). Since Sp centralizes Og(ft), it follows that SBiEO^ft), and so SB^ft. By Lemma 17.2, JV(Z(9S1))=O'(JV(Z(SB1))). Since p^ q, JV(Z(SS1)) does not possess an elementary subgroup of order q\ so Lemma 8.13 implies that p < ft, contrary to the definition of J%?. Hence,, in showing that 3% is empty, we can suppose that $P is not a Sp-subgroup of . Since 55 centralizes Og(ft), we have p • Off(ft) S N($). Since S3 is weakly closed in % and p is not a Sp-subgroup of , p is not a Sp-subgoup of JV(aS). Maximality of | ft |p implies that p < ftp • O,(ft), and so Op(ft) is a Sp-subgroup of Oq p($). Let ^P be a Sp-subgroup of ® containing ftp, and let 21 e ^^L^(^P). Since Op(&) is a Sp-subgroup of Offtp(ft), it follows from (B) that ?I n ftp = 21 n Op($). By maximality of | ft |p, p is a Sp-subgroup of JV(Op(ft)) and it follows readily that 21 S OP(ft). But in this case, SS2 = F(ccZ@(2I); ftp) < ^, by Lemma 17.5. Since ftp is not a Sp-subgroup of , it is not a Sp-subgroup of JV(5S2), and the maximality of p is violated in a Sp,9-subgroup of JV(9S2). This contradiction shows that ^ is empty. Now let ® be in 3ff with | ft |p maximal. Let 2B E ftp, 3B e 5^(p). If 722O9(^) ^= <1>, then 2B does not centralize C(W) n O,(ft) for suitable TF in 2B*. But in this case a Sp,g-subgroup of C(W) contains an element of ^/(p) and also contains non normal Sp-subgroups, and 3% is non empty. Since this is not the case, 2B centralizes Og($), and so SBx = y(ccZ@(2B); ftp) centralizes Off(ft), 2B being an arbitrary element of ^(p) contained in $p. Since ^p is not a Sp-subgroup of , it is not a Sp-subgroup of JV(SBi), so maximality of | ft |p implies that ^p centralizes Oq(&). Hence, OP(ft) is a Sp-subgroup of O,,p(^). Since . Then Q = 7Q and @0 = CC(O) = <1>. Let © = C(@0). Then § contains an element 21 of ^^^K^) with @ £ 21. By Lemma 17.5, 21 £ OP,|P(&), and so O = 7O@ is contained in Op/($). If O* is an 2l-invariant S9-subgroup of (M$), it follows readily that 7d*@ ^ <1>. If O is a maximal element of M(2I; g) containing Q*, then @ does not centralize O. Let Q0 be a maximal element of M(^5; (7) centralizing @. Since Q0 is also a maximal element of M(2I; g), we have G0 = ^ for suitable C in C(2l) S C(C). Since © does not centralize Q, ^ = @ does not centralize OQ. This contradiction completes the proof of this lemma. The next theorem is fairly delicate and brings ;r4 into play ex plicitly for the first time. Hypothesis 22.5. (i) pe7T3, . If D2 is a Sq-subgroup of JV(Di) permutable with ty and Q3 ts a Sg- subgroup of © containing GS, tfe^n Dx contains every element of Furthermore, Proof. By Theorem 19.1, ^P does not centralize d, so in particular  22. LINKING THEOREMS 881 Suppose that Oa contains an element 33 of ^(Os). By Lemma 19.1, 93 centralizes OP(^^) and since S3 is a normal abelian subgroup of Oj, (B) implies that 93 g O^SX). Let 91 be an element of ^^^(Qs) containing 33. Let & = JV(33) 3 . Since ^ e 7T4, O«,($) = <1>, and (B) implies that 21 S Off($). Hence, [a n 0,, 0P(m>] S Of(fc) 0 OP(m) = <1>, and by (B), 2t n O, S O^OPO,), and so 21 n Q, C O.0PO,), that is, a n O, = « n O^ If "21 n QI c 21, then 21 n $3* c A^OJ, contrary to JV^Qx) C 21 n O2 = ^ n G!. Hence, a S QI. Since g e 7r4, Corollary 17.3 implies that W(a; p) is trivial, so OpCPO,) = <1>. By Lemma 7.9, it follows that &! contains every element of ^WL^(O3), and not merely 2t. This proves the theorem in this case. We can now assume that O2 does not contain any element of ^<(Qs)i and try to derive a contradiction. Since G2 is a S?-subgroup of the normalizer of every non identity normal subgroup of ^G,, if D(£^ = <1>, then Ah800(£li)) contains an element of ^(O3), and since A^/Z^Oi)) = Qa in this case, Oa contains an element of ^(Q3), contrary to assumption. Hence, D(Qi) = <1>. Let D* = 0P g(^Da) n Q2. Since [Q*, DJ = [O, ,(m>, ^1 < ?PQ,, and since every element of ^(£1$) normalizes [Df, C^], we conclude that Q! S Z(Q*). Since D(D£) n Oi is normalized by every element of ^(Ds) and also by = ^Q2, we have D(Of) n Qi = <1>. This implies that Of = Oi x g for a suitable -subgroup g of Of. Since Z(Qs) S O2, we have Z(O3) S Of, by (B). Since O2 contains no element of ^(O3), Z(Og) is cyclic. For the same reason, Z(Os) nOi = -, since otherwise, ^(ZCDg)) S Oi and every element of ^(O3) normalizes Oi. In particular, Oi is a proper subgroup of Of. This implies that OP(^S^) * <1>. More exactly, Qx = CoffOpOPQ,)). Let 33 e ^<(Q3) and let ^ = CQl(»), so that | Q! : &, \ = q. Suppose OP(^?Q2) is non cyclic. In this case, a basic property of p-groups implies that OP(^Q2) contains a subgroup © of type (p, p) which is normal in ^5. Since Oi is a maximal element of M(^p; g), Hypothesis 22.4 is satisfied. Since Oi is of index g in Oi, Theorem 22.1 implies that C^ ^ . Hence, <6, @> is a proper subgroup of ® centralizing OL Choose ^ e cc^(33) and @! e cc^(©) so that ^ = <33!, i> is minimal. By Dptq in ^, it follows that 5 is a p, tf-group. By Lemma 19.1, SB? centralizes OP(ft) and by Lemma 22.5, @? centralizes Og(£). It follows that ffi = ! x @L Let STC = JV^). Since g e 7T4, F(5«) is a g'-group. By Lemma 22.5, @! centralizes F(5ft) so 3.3 is violated. This contradiction shows that OP(^?O2) is cyclic. Since Oi = Cd*(Op(^O2)), it follows that g is cyclic of an order 'dividing p — 1.  882 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Let 33 = fl^Qf ) = d x fl^g), and let & = J%>2(33). We see that m = &op(m), & n op(m> = . Let aii = jy(33), an, = c(33). it is clear that 2^ n ^O2 = Of, since ^ n O,0PO^ = <1>, and since Of is a Sg-subgroup of OpgOPQj). Let S = Og(2ft mod 2JIO. We see that 8 n $0, = Of, again since Of is a Sg-subgroup of Op gOPO2). We observe that since Of contains Z(Os), 2Ji contains every element of ^(O3), and so contains 33. By Lemma 7.1, 8 contains S3. Hence, 8i)2Wi. We next show that 8/23^ = S is elementary. If /)(8) ^ <1>, then by a basic property of g-groups, C^(/)(8)) is of order at least q\ Hence, Oi = CfeU>(8)) n Oi = <1>. But in this case, Ox is normalized by ^OPO,), &,> = ^Os, and is centralized by /> (8 mod 23^), and so O2 is not a Sg-subgroup of JV(Oi). This is not possible, so /)(8) = <1>. We have in fact shown that if 2, < 2Ji, and 2^ c 8i S 8, then CJB(SI) is of order q. Since 8 is abelian, 8 normalizes [5?, S3] = ^(ZCO,)). It follows that CsB(8) = fl^ZCOs)). Let 8i = <»TC,3tti>, and let ^ = 33^, Me2«. Since 33 and 93, are conjugate in 2Ji, [5S,33J is of order g_and is centralized by 8. It follows that PB,J8J = O1(Z(S\)). Since 8 is abelian, and since 93^ covers 81/2Ji1 = 8U it follows that [S3, SJ =J?1(Z(Q8)). Let | Oi | = gnf and 1 8j : 2Jij | = qm. Since each element of 8} determines a non trivial homomorphism of 2$/£?i(Z(Q3)) into 0i(Z(Os)), it follows that m g n Since CJB(SI) = ^(ZCOs)), it also follows that m ^ n. Hence, m = n. This implies that 8! = 8, since any (j-element of Aut 33 which centralizes 8j is in J?lf by 3.10. Here we are invoking the well known fact that Si is normal in a Sg-subgroup O of Aut 33 and is in fact in ^^^(O). (This appeal to the "enormous" group Aut 33 is somewhat curious.) Returning to 8, let 33* be a Sg-subgroup of 8, and let 2B = ^(33*). Since 0l(®*) S Z(33*), and Z(33*) is cyclic, it is easy to see that ^(ZfSB)) = Ol(Z(£i9))9 and that SEB/f?1(Z(SB)) is abelian. Hence, SB is an extra special group of order qzn+1 and exponent q. We next show that 23^ is a p'-group. Since 23^ C C(Qi), it suffices to show that no non identity p-element of JV(Qi) centralizes 33. This is clear by Dp>q in JVXOj), together with the fact that no non identity p-element of ^pOa centralizes 33. Since 23^ is a p'-group, so is 8. Since 8 < 2Ji, we assume with out loss of generality that JV^(33) normalizes 33*. Let < e ^^L^(^5), and set ^ = E n ^(33). Since ?p = Op(SpOj) • 2J^(33) and OP(?pO2) is cyclic, ex is non cyclic. Since (^ is. faithfully represented on 33, it is faithfully represented on SB = ^(33*). Since p > q, (^ centralizes  22. LINKING THEOREMS 883 We can now choose C in &{ so that Sx does not centralize SS^ = Cgg(C). Let 2£2 = [Sd, SJ. We will show that 2B2 is non abelian. To do this, we first show that SS^ is extra special. Let We SH^ — fi^ZCSB)). Since C centralizes TF, C normalizes Cn(W). Since p > g, C acts trivially on SB/CggC^), and so C centralizes some element of SB-C»(TF). It follows that Z^) = Z(SB), so that 2^ is extra special. We can now find 3B3 S 2Bi so that 2^ = SK22B3 and SB2 n 2B3 S Z(2B); in fact, we take 2B3 = (7^(28,). By the argument just given, 2£3 is extra special. Since SBj is, too, it follows that 3K2 is extra special, hence is non abelian. For such an element C, let Z = C(C) 2 <(£, 2B2>. By Lemma 17.5, ( S Op/,p(3:). Since 3B2 = [S82, (EJ, by Lemma 8.11, it follows that 2B2 C Opf(Z). It follows now that M((£; g) contains a non abelian group. But now Theorem 17.1 implies that the maximal elements of M((£; q) are non abelian. Since C^ is a maximal element of M(E; q) and X is elementary, we have a contradiction, completing the proof of this theorem. THEOREM 22.7. // p, q$ ;r3, and p — q, then u(p) = n(q). Proof. Suppose p ~ r. By Theorem 22.4, we can suppose that re7T4. Proceeding by way of contradiction, we can assume that a S9-subgroup O of © centralizes every element of M(Q; r), by Theorem 22.1. By Theorem 19.1, a Sp-subgroup ^3 of © does hot centralize every element of M(^P; r). Applying Theorem 22.2, we can suppose that ^P centralizes every element of M0P; q). Let Oi be a maximal element of M0P; q) and let 9^ be a maximal element of M(^$; r). Let 5R2 be a Sr-subgroup of N(^i) permutable with <$ and let 5R3 be a Sr-subgroup of ® containing 5R2. Let 21 e ^^^l(^). By Theorem 22.6, OP(^5R2) = <1>, so 2t does not centralize 9^. We can then find A in 21* such that SRf = [C^^A), 21] ^ <1>. Suppose Q! is non cyclic. Then by Cp*>=>a:, and let ft be an 21- invariant S, r-subgroup of OP/(X) with Sylow system Sr, O^ By Theorem 22.3, Dx < S. Since N(£k) = 09(N(&d), it follows that 72Iftr - <1> by Lemma 8.11 and the fact that JV(Oi) does not contain an elementary subgroup of order r3. This violates the fact that SRf = 75Rf2I ^ <1>, by Dpr in . Hence, Oj is cyclic. Since Td^ = <1>, ^ = OP(^Q2) ^ <1>, where O2 is a Sg-subgroup of ® permutable with ty and containing SX, which exists by C*>g. Since JV^Pi) = O9(JV(^Pi)), it follows that C^ £ Z(Q2), X being a S7- subgroup of . Since > also satisfies E&1 for all subsets tarx of tsr, § is a proper subgroup of © by P. Hall's characterization of solvable groups [15]. This section is devoted to a study of § and its normalizer 2Jt = JV(£>). All results of this section assume that Hypothesis 23.1 holds. Let -or = {plf • • , pn}, n^l, and let $&,•••,$* be a Sylow system for >. LEMMA 23.1. W is a maximal subgroup of © and is the unique maximal subgroup of © containing >. Proof. Let $ be any proper subgroup of ® containing >. We must show that $ g 3Ji. Since ® is solvable we assume without loss of generality that & is a -cr, tf-group for some # g tar. Let SR, • • , $pn, } be a Sylow system for $. It suffices to show that S& < ^O. Since g g tsr, PI^ q. Theorem 22.1 implies that ^i centralizes By Lemma 17.5, S3 < SRO, where S3 = F(ccZ@(Sl); ^) and By Lemma 17.2, 3^ = JV(Z(»)) = OPl(9^). Since % does not contain an elementary subgroup of order #3, Lemma 8.13 implies that spx centralizes every g-factor of ^Q and so ^ < completing the proof of this lemma. LEMMA 23.2. // p< e n(F(§)), and ^ 6 ^^x^(^), then Proof. We can assume that i = 1. By C*ltPJ > contains a SPJ- subgroup of CC&i) for each ^* = 2, • • • , n. Thus, it suffices to show that if q&'tf, and O is a Sg-subgroup of C(SIi) permutable with SR,  23. PRELIMINARY RESULTS ABOUT THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF ® 885 then G S 2JJ. By the preceding argument, 5R < 5&Q. Since S& normalizes 0(31!) = ! x 3), ® being a pi-group, it follows that 5RQ = ?& x Q. Since F($) n SR = <1>, it follows that 3K = AXTO) n %), since F(i&) fl $Pi char > < 2ft and 2Ji is the unique maximal subgroup of © containing >. The lemma follows since N(F($) n %) 3 LEMMA 23.3. Le l^i^n, and let 3l e S 2ft. Proof. We can assume that i = 1. If F($) is a Prgroup, then Lemma 17.5 implies that ^ < § and so S^ < 2ft, since ^ is weakly closed in F(£>) n 5R. In this case, JV(SSi) = 3K and we are done. We can suppose that F(iQ) is not a Pi-group, and so Z = Op/(^) = <1>. Let Z,, • • • , Zn be a ^-invariant Sylow system for Z, where f is a S^-subgroup of Z and we allow Zt = <1>. By C*l§Pi, Z, is a maximal element of M^; p{). Let Ne N(^). Then by Theorem 17.1, Zf = Z? where C2, • • - , Crt are in 0(31,) S SK. Since 2 char $ < 3M, each Z?< is contained in 2 .and so 2* = Z. Since 2 ^ <1>, 5K = JV(S) 3 ^(550, as required. LEMMA 23.4. Let 1 ^ t^ n, 21, e ^K^(Sp4), 5S = F(crfa(3r4); sp,)- ./jf E 3Ji, ^feen 2Ji is the unique maximal subgroup of <$ containing $&. Proof. We can assume that £ = 1. Let 1 be a g-subgroup of )), ^ does not centralize F($). If F(§) were cyclic, p = max {P!, • • • , pw}, then a Sp-subgroup of § would be contained in F(!Q) and so be cyclic. Since this is not the case, F(£>) is non cyclic,  SOLVABILITY oF GROUPS oF oDD ORDER SO we can assume that is non cyclic. We can then find A in SO that contains an element of , say . Let ., and let be of' with Sylow system , where and . Since by Lemma 17.5, it follows that is a central factor of . Hence, is of and SO . We apply Theorem 22.3 and conclude is a elernent of it follows . is a maximal element of . By contains . By Theorem 17.1, there is an element in such that . Since normalizes , it follow that contains of . But , SO by what is. already proved, we have , and SO contains . We apply Lemmas 23.3 and 23.4 and complete the proof of this lemma.. 24. Further Linking Theorems LEMMA 24.1. If then . pr00f. If , there is nothing to prove, so suppose Corollary 19.1 implies that . Let . We must show that . If and is of , then does not centralize every element of and does not centralize every element of . By Theorem 22.2, we have . If . then since also , we have . by Theorem 22.7. This completes the proof of this lemma. If let By Theorem| 22.7 and Lemma 24.1. . It from that . By Theorem 22.5, satisfies . Let. be of . Clearly, since . It is easy to see that is non cyclic. Choose SO that the of is non cyclic. Let be a Sylow system for being a of . Thus, 'Jet is non cyclic, SO that contains a subgroup of type which is normal in . Let be an element of which contains . Let be a maximal element of . By Lemma 24.1 and Theorem 22.6, . Let being . THEOREM 24.1. is . pr00f. Let be the set of -invariant subgroups of such  24. FURTHER LINKING THEOREMS Since . it follows that Suppose , and . Since normalizes By Lemma 17.6. . Let be the image of under the projection of onto Since , we see that is a self centralizing sub- group of and it follows readily that is centralized by and . By Lemma 1.2.3 of [Z1], we have and hence is a . Let . be an -invariant Sylow system of being a -subgroup of . If {. } it follows from that is a aximal element of Since. . this implies that is a -subgroup of . If {. }, then Theorem 22.1 implies that centralizes . so that . Finally, if , then there is an element of such that , by Theorem 17.1. Let be a fixed -subgroup of . By the preceding paragraph, is a -subgroup of . and is a -subgroup of . Since , it follows that is permu-. table with so that is a proper -subgroup of . This means that contains a unique maximal element. Since is A-in- variant for each . since , and since . the theorem follows. THEOREM 24.2. Let and . Then contains is a maximal subgroup of and is the only maximal su bgroup of containing . Proof. Since is a proper subgroup of . We first show that contains . Let be an -invariant -subgroup of , so that is a maximal element of . either by virtue of , or by virtue of so that centralizes . For in for some in by Theorem 17.1 together with . Since is a -subgroup of . Hence, . and so . Thus, . To show that . we use the fact that , where Since , it suffices to show that We will in fact show that . Let be a invariant -subgroup of . If . then . so that normalizes . Hence, normalizes , and we see that . Thus, contains and . Let be a maximal subgroup of conffiining . It is easy to see that by Lemma 7.3, so that , and is a maximal subgroup of .  888 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Let be any proper subgroup of containing . To show that , it suffices to treat the case that is a -group. Let be a -subgroup of permutable with . Since , it suffices to show that . This is clear by if . If , this is also clear, by Theorem 17.1, since and If . then : centralizes by Theorem 22.1, and we are done, since . If , and is a -subgroup of . we define { contains some element of }. contains a subgroup of type such that for each in . LEMMA 24.2. If and is a -subgroup of then every subgroup of which contains a subgroup of type is in . Proof. Let , so that is non cyclic. Let be a subgroup of of type . If . then . Since is contained in an element of . it follows that is in . THEOREM 24.3. If is a -subgroup of , am) is cmtained in a unique maximal subgroup of , then each element of is contained in a unique maximal subgroup of . Proof. Let be the unique maximal subgroup of containing . We remark that if this theorem is proved for the pair . then it will also be proved for all pairs where . This prompts the following definition: is the set of all subgroups of such that contains for some in and some . Clearly . Suppose some element of is contained in a maximal sub- group of different from . Among all such elements of let be maximal. By hypothesis, . Let be a maximal subgroup of different from which contains and let be a -subgroup of which contains . If , then . Since . maximality of implies that , so that for some in Since , so also . But , and maximality of is violated. Hence, is a -subgroup of . Let be chosen so that for some . Since every element of is contained in , every element of  24. FURTHER LINKING THEOREMS 889 is contained in . Hence . If , then , so , by maximality of Since by Lemma 17.6, we find that . contrary to assumption. The theorem is proved. THEOREM 24.4. Let and let be a -subgroup of . If each element of is contained in a unique maximal subgroup of . then for each each element of is the unique maximal subgroup of containing . Proof. For , let be the set of subgroups of such that contains a subgroup of type such that contains an element of for some and all . Here denotes the set of . Suppose . or 4 is minimal with the property that some element of is con- tained in at least two maximal subgroups of . This implies that does not contain any elements which are contained in two maximal subgroups of being an arbitrary element of . Choose in with maximal subject to the condition that is contained in a maximal subgroup of with . We see that is a of . Let be a subgroup of of type with the property that contains an element of for suitable in , and each in . (We allow to depend on Q.) Since is generated by its subgroups , it follows that . Let be an element of . Then . or we are done. Let Since by (B). it follows that . Hence, , by maximality of . Since , we have . completing the proof of this theorem, since . THEOREM 24.5. If and is a -subgrmp of then is contained in a unique maximal subgroup of . Proof. If , this theorem follows from Lemma 23.5. Suppose . Let , where and let . be a -subgroup of containing . If is non cyclic, we are done by Theorem 24.2, so we suppose that is cyclic. Let be the unique maximal subgroup of containing . Suppose we are able to show that for some in . Since is cyclic, is also cyclic. Hence, If . then normalizes , by Theorem 17.1,  SOLVABILITY oF GROUPS oF oDD ORDER Logether with . Since for every proper subgroup of which contains . it suffices to show that every element of is contained in . This follows readily by , Theorem 22.1 and . Thus, it suffices to show that . Choose such that , of , is non cyclic, and let : be of permutable with . It suffices to show that for some , by Theorems 24.8 and 24.4 together with the fact that is the unique maximal subgroup of containing . Let , so that is a maximal element of . By Lemma 17-8, . Since is contained in and no other maximal subgroup, . Thus, if is generated by two elements, then centralizes and we are done. If is non cyclic, then every subgroup of of type is contained in . Since contains a subgroup of type is non cyclic for some in , and we are done in this case. There remains the possibility that is cyclic, while is not generated by two elements. Since every subgroup of of type which contains is contained in , by Lemma 24.2, and since contains such a subgroup for some in ,we are done. The preceding theorems give precise information regarding the of the maximal subgroups of for in . THEOREM 24.6. Let let be a maximal of . If is of and is n0t of . then contains a cyclic subgroup of index at . Pr00f. Let be of containing . let and let so that |--1 or . If is non cyclic, then . and so is contained in a unique maximal sub- group of , which must be , since . But , a con- tradiction, so is cyclic, as required. Theorem 24.6 is of interest in its own right, and plays an important role in the study of to which all the preceding results are now turned. 24.1. 1. . 2. is 0f . 8. is a proper subgroup of such that ( i ) . (ii) If . there is a subgr0up 0f in  24. FURTHER LINKING THEOREMS 891 accordance with Lemma 8.2 such that is generated by two ele- ments. THEOREM 24.7. Uruder Hypothesis 24.1, is contained a unique maximal subgroup of and centralizes . Proof. Let be any proper subgroup of containing . We must show that centralizes . By Lemma 8.2, ker is a 8-group, so is contained in . It follows that and in particular . Suppose . Then , so is generated by two elements. Since is odd, a -subgroup of centralizes , so centralizes . Since also centralizes . we have . Suppose . Since is a normal abelian subgroup of we have . Since , we conclude that . By the preceding paragraph, centralizes . Thus, it suffices to show that centralizes . 8ince , and since normalizes . it suffices to show that centralizes . Let . .so that contains . Since is a normal abelian subgroup of . (B) implies that . Hence, , which implies that induces only 8-automorphisms on , and suffices to complete the proof. Hypothesis 24.2. 1. . 2- is a -subgroup of . 8. If is any proper subgroup of containing and if then every subgroup of chosen in accordance with Lemma 8.2 satisfies . REMARK. If , then Hypothesis 24.1 and Hypothesis 24.2 exhaust all possibilities. LEMMA 24.8. Und er Hypothesis 24.2, an element of such that the normal closure of in is abelian. Proof. If is non cyclic, every element of satisfies this l.emma. Otherwise, set , and let be a non cyclic normal abelian subgroup of R. Since contains an element of which meets the demands of this lemma. THEOREM 24.8. Let and let be a -su bgroup of . If assume that contains an element such that th e normal  892 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER closure 0f in is abelian. If , let be any ele- ment of . If is any pr0per subgr0up of such that and, if is a 0f , then , where- ' . and is the largest normal subgr0up of which- centralizes . Pr0of. 0bSVSer that contains . Since mod mM . maximality of guaran- tees that mod . If , then Sylow's theorem yields this theorem since is weakly closed in . Suppose by way of contradiction that . Let mod . By Lemma 1-2.8 of [21]. . Let , and let . Let be the normal closure of in . Suppose . Since and since by Sylow's theorem, we see that Maximality of implies that . In particular, . Since- . , by Sylow's theorem we have mod , which is not the case. Hence, . Since , we also have . Since . the identity implies that contains a conjugate of such that . Since application of Theorem C of [21] to yields a special such that acts irreducibly and non trivially on . Since is , and does not centralize does not centralize . Furthermore, . where and . and is invariant under . Since is a -group and . we have . where and . If , Lemma 18.1 gives an immediate contradiction. If . and , we also have a contradiction with (B), since . If , Lemma 16.8 implies that is cyclic, and that . However, the normal closure of in is abelian, and so the desired contradiction, completing the proof of this theorem. REMARK. Except for the case , and the side conditions and Theorem 24.8 is a repetition of Lemma 18.1. Hypothesis 24.8. 1. . 2. is of is a maximal element 0f , is a 0f permutable with . 8. is a of containing . where  24. FURTHER LINKING THEOREMS 893 for . the normal closure of in is abelian. 4. . THEOREM 24.9. Unxter Hypothesis 24.3, ei th er contains as element of or contains an element of . Furth er- more, and satisfies . Proof. Let be the largest normal subgroup of which centralizes . Then . by Theorem 24.8. Since , . If is non cyclic, then . Suppose is a non identity cyclic group. By Lemma 17.6, . Since a Sylow -subgroup of is cyclic, it follows that centralizes . where . and so . If centralizes . then contains a -subgroup of . In this case, normalizes for some in . Let be a -subgroup of containing , with . By the conjugacy of Sylow systems in . we have for suitable in . Hence, normalizes and . Since is weakly closed in and we are done. If does not centralize , then is a -group, since is cyclic. In this case the factorization, , together with . yields that , for some subgroup of . This in turn implies that every non cyclic subgroup of is in . Since and is cyclic, the -subgroups of are non cyclic. Hence, contains a non cyclic subgroup such that normalizes for some in . By the conjugacy of Sylow systems, we can find in such that and . Since is weakly closed in , and we are done, since every non cyclic subgroup of is contained in . Suppose . Then is a -group. From , we conclude that normalizes for some in and the conjugacy of Sylow systems, together with the fact that is weakly closed in imply that normalizes . This completes the proof of the first assertion of the theorem. If then S].nce every element of is contained in a unique aXlmal subgroup of by Theorem 24.3, if contains an element of , then is not a -subgroup of . But is a maximal -subgroup of , by Lemma 7.3. If contains an element of , then since by (B) and Theorem 22.7, we see that contains an element of . Hence, . Thus, in all cases, Since also contains a -subgroup of , satisfies Since is contained in and no other maximal subgroup of satisfies as required.  894 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Hypothesis 24.4. 1. . 2- is a -subgroup of . 8. contains a subgroup which is elementary of order 27 with the property that for all . Hypothesis 24.5. 1. . 2. A -subgroup of is contained in at least two maximal subgroups of . LEMMA 24.4. Assume that Hypothesis 24.5 is satisfied and that if Hypothesis 24.4 is also satisfied. If , let be an arbitrary element of . If , let be the subgroup given in Hypothesis 24.4. Let be the weak closure of in . and let be the subgroup of generated by its subgroups such that and is cyclic for suitable in . Let be a proper subgroup of coutaining . with the properties that is a q- group for some prime and has -length at most two. Let be any one of the pairs Then , where normalizes and is a -group, and normalizes . Proof. Let be a -subgroup of . and let . Then . The lemma will follow immediately if we can show that normalizes and induces only -automorphisms on X. Suppose by way of contradiction that either some element of induces a non trivial -automorphism on , or does not normalize I. If , we can find such that either some element of induces a non trivial -automorphism of or else does not normalize X. Similarly, if , we can find and in such that is cyclic and such that either some element of induces a non trivial -automorphism of or else does not ormalize . Let , so that Since jg gener- ated by the subgroups which h. ave the property that acts irreducibly and non trivially on we can find such that either does not normalize or some element of induces a non trivial -automorphism on , and with the additional property that acts irreducibly on . Let . so that is cyclic. Let , and Since and since  24. FURTHER LINKING THEOREMS 895 it follows that . Also, since is a normal abelian subgroup of , we have . Suppose that . If . then since is generated by two elements, it follows that . Hence, . Since the normal closure of in is abelian, we have , and (B) implies that of centralizes . so centralizes . Suppose . We first treat the case that for some e and is of index at most in . If is a of containing , then . Hence, , and so . It follows that . (Note that since ) Hence, . and so , so that of centralizes and so centralizes . We can now suppose that for all such that . In this case, since is generated by two ele- ments, there is a normal elementary subgroup of of order such that . Hence, . Since we can find in . Consider . Since is cyclic, if and , then . Let . Let be a of containing , so that or . We have . and so . This implies that . Let ; then . , so that Since it follows that . Since . and since , we have . This shows that of centralizes and so centralizes . Suppose now that , so that . In this case, . Hence, since is cyclic. Since is con- tained in , if denotes the normal closure of in , then centralizes being a subgroup of . Let so that is normal in . If , we have , since , and it follows that group of centralizes . Namely, if r is part of a chief series for , then centralizes each , so that a of centralizes each . so centralizes . If . then for some . and we have . and we are done. THEOREM 24.10. Umcler Hyp0thesis 24.5, . Furtherm0re, Hypothesis 24.4 is m0t satisfied,. Pr00f. Suppose that either or Hypothesis 24.4 is satisfied. Let be any element of in case and let be the  896 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER subgroup given by Hypothesis 24.4 in case p = 3. Let 2B, 2B* be as in Lemma 24.4. Let ^ = JV(Z(SP)), 9?2 = JV(2B), 5K3 = n Si,). Taking ft = %, we get 8^ S 9W, MI E 9W. Taking & = 5tt2, we get S^E^Ws^SS^. Taking £ = 9t3, we get 9l3g 9*1%, 9^3 ^ 9^1- By Lemma 8.6, we conclude that 9^% is a group and so ^SS^SRa for every proper subgroup > of © containing $p. If UyRa = , then Op(SRi) is contained in every conjugate of 912, against the simplicity of . Hence, SyJla is the unique maximal subgroup of © containing $p. We can now suppose that p = 3 and that Hypothesis 24.4 is not satisfied. Suppose q € ?r(3), q = 3. Let O be a S9-subgroup of ® permutable with sp and let 2Jt be the unique maximal subgroup of ® containing Q. If § = O3(3K) and E is a subgroup of $ chosen in accordance with Lemma 8.2, then Theorem 24.7 yields that m(Z(E)) ^ 3. Let © be a subgroup of Q of type (q, q, q) and let QV(Z(&)) = /O3(£>), ^Aew ^ ^ 1 is cyclic, ^ ts faithfully and irreducibly represented on S/D(£}), and Q does not centralize S3 = Proof. There is at least one proper subgroup of © containing ty and not normalizing ZCP)9 since otherwise JV(Z($P)) is the unique maximal subgroup of © containing ?p. Let & be minimal with these two properties. Then $ = $PQ for some g-group O. Since 3 e :r4, O,(£>) = 1. Since ^^x^(D) is empty, § has g-length 1. Hence,  25. THE ISOLATED PRIME 897 O3(&)£1 < ft. By Lemma 8.13, ^ is abelian. By minimality of ft, $ acts faithfully and irreducibly on Q//)(Q). If SJJ = 1, then ?p < ft, and } normalizes Z(^P), which is not the case. Since O does i^ot normalize Z(^P), Q does not centralize Z(O3(ft)) so does not centralize #i(Z(O3(£>))). The proof is complete. We will now show that Hypothesis 24.4 is satisfied. ^D is rep resented on 33 = 0i(Z(O8(ft))), and it follows from (B) that the minimal polynomial of a generator of ty is (x — I)1*1. Hence, there is an ele mentary subgroup 21 of S3 of order 27 on which ty acts indecomposably. Let £ N(yQ), so that < normalizes C. Since p and ^P* are conjugate in JV(^P0)> any element of ^P* — $P0 has minimal polynomial {x - I)3 on e. Let A = O3(<£). Then | A : A n % I - 1 or 3, so that 7®@ s ^Po, and 72^®2 = 1. By (B), @ S ft. If • ft S ^Po, then @ £ Z(ft), and 72e2t2 = 1. Suppose f ft : ft n % I = 3. Then Z)(ft) S ^P0, so that G £ Cft(jD(ft)). If Cft(D(ft)) £ %, then © S Z(C^(D(St)))9 and once again 72S2l2 = 1. Hence we can suppose that C%(D($t)) contains an element K of ® — ft n % Since ft C ^P*, it follows from the preceding paragraph that the class of C$(D(&)) is at least three. On the other hand, if X and Fare in C$(D(Sl)), then [X, Y\ e CK(D(St)) n SV. Since & £ Z)(^), we have [JT, Y, Z] = 1 for all ^T, F, Z in Cfi(-D(ft)). This contradiction ^shows that 72E2I2 = 1 for all A in 21*. Combining this result with the results of Section 24 yields the following theorem. THEOREM 25.2. // pe7T4, and ^ is a SP-subgroup of , then ty is contained in a unique maximal subgroup of . THEOREM 25.3. Let pen* and let ty be a Sp-subgroup of . Then each element of J^ffi) is contained in a unique maximal subgroup of . Proof. First, assume that if p = 3, then ^($P) contains an ele ment S3 whose normal closure in C(Z(^P)) is abelian, while if p ^ 5, 53 is an arbitrary element of ^(^P). Let 2Ji be the unique maximal subgroup of ® containing $p. Let J^*(^p) be the set of subgroups ^50 of ^P such that ^?0 contains S^ for suitable E in *9^l^J(^P), M in 9JI. Suppose by way of contradiction that some element % of J^*(^P) is contained in a maximal subgroup ^ of © different from 2Ji, and that |$P0| is maximal. It follows readily that ^?0 is a Sp-subgroup of 2)^. Since % contains E^ for  898 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER suiffible in in Thus the of Theorem 24.8 are satisfied, playing the role of and the role of Since and since ( being self centralizing), we conclude from the factorization given in Theorem 24.8 and from the maximality of that . There remains the possibility that for every in , the normal closure of in is non abelian, and . Let . If contains a on cyclic characteristic abelian subgroup then contains an element of and is ab e- lian. Since we are assuming there are no such elements, every characteristic abelian subgroup of is cyclic. The structure of is given by 3.5. If is any element of then by (B). so . As before, let be chosen so that is contained in a maximal subgroup of different from , with maximal. Then is a -subgroup of and . Let . Since implies that . Since by maximality of , we conclude that We need to show that . Consider . Since , we conclude that and maximality of implies that so it suffices to show that and it follows readily from that it suffices to show that . Since , we have , so that , and induces only 3-auto- morphisms on , so centralizes , and follows in case . Suppose . If . then , and since implies that . In this case, . so . There remains the possibility that . If , then and (B) is violated. Hence, . so that . Hence, . If , then and we are done. If , we conclude that centralizes , since . This is absurd, since by (B) applied to , completing the proof of this theorem Before combining all these results, we require an additional result about . THEOREM 25.4. Let , let be a -subgroup of let be the unique maximal subgroup of containing . Then . Proof. Let , and suppose in has the property that Then . By Theorem 25.3, we have  25. THE ISOLATED PRIME 899 so that . Hence . By (B) and for each in . Hence, so maxi- mality of implies . By uniqueness of (or because is weakly closed in , we have . Furthermore, 'by Theorem 25.8. if then '. Thus, is not in the kernel of the permutation representation of on the cosets of in . We can then find in such that has order in . so Theorem 14.4.1 in [12] yields this theorem. We are now in a position to let and coalesce, that is, we set . THEOREM 25.5. Let be a matcimal subgroup 0f . If is a 0f , then either is a 0f or has a cyclic mbgroup 0f inlex at most f0r every 0f . If is the largest subset 0f with the property that c0ntains 0f then ';He, . Pr00f. Let be a of containing . Suppose . Then . by Theorems 24.8, 24.5, and 25.8. Thus, if , then is cyclic. Since or the first assertion follows. Let be of for in W. (If W is empty there is no more to prove.) If , then by uniqueness of and Lemma 17.2. If . then by uniqueness of and Theorem 25.5. Hence, . If , then central- izes every chief -factor of , by Lemma 8.18. Since we conclude that . THEOREM 25.6. is rtiti0ne1, into non empty subsets r , with the f0ll0wing pr0perties: ( i ) If , then satisfies if 0nly if f0r some . (ii ) If is of , then is a maximal subgroup of . .. is 0f square free for each . (iii) If is of , if for some ., then is of 0rcler , where is cyclic, . Pr0of. By Lemma 8.5, is non empty. By Corollary 19.1, Theorems 24.8, 24.4, 24.5, 25.2 and is an equivalence relation on and if are the equivalence classes of under ' then (i) holds.  900 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Let : be a -subgroup of and let be a subgroup of for . By Theorem 25.5, is a maxi- mal subgroup of , and . Suppose and . If is any non identity characteristic subgroup of . then either or by Theorems 24.3, 24.4, 24.5, 25.5 and 25.3. Since contains every element of both and , we con- clude that is elementary of order or . Suppose . If contains then contains an element of , so that . If does not contain then contains an elementary subgroup of order , so once again . The same argument applies to . so that . Hence for some in . Hence . so . contrary to hypothesis. Hence, is of order . If . then , so that . contrary to the fact that has order 1 or for all in , by the preceding paragraph. Hence, . If , and , then is of index at most in and is disjoint from . since . Hence, . This proves (iii), the cyclicity of following from . The proof is complete. 26. The Maximal Subgroups of The purpose of this section is to use the preceding results, notably Theorems 25.5 and 25.6, to complete the proofs of the results stated in Section 14. LEMMA 26.1. If is a -subgroup of then . Proof. If is abelian, the lemma follows from theorem and the simplicity of . If is non abelian, is not metacyclic, by 3.8. Also, . as already observed several times. Thus, from 3.4 we see that is a non abelian group of order . The hypo- theses of Lemma 8.10 are satisfied, so by Theorem 14.4.2 in [12] and the simplicity of . Since and since has -length one, the lemma follows. LEMMA 26. 2. If and is a -subgroup of , then is abelian or is a central product of a cyclic group and a non abelian group of order and exponent . Proof. We only need to show that is not isomorphic to (iii)  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF in 3.4. Suppose false. Let . and let be a fixed subgroup of Set . The oddness of guar- antees that is abelian. Let be a chief series for , one of whose terms is and which is -admissible. Let be the character of on the ith term of modulo the , where , and . Since is cyclic, . From 3.4, we see that . Furthermore, . and . Combining these equalities yields , so , and Lemma 26.1 is violated. If normalizes we say that is prime on provided any two elements of have the same fixed points on . if is a prime, is necessarily prime on . If is solvable, then is prime on if and only if for each prime , there is a -subgroup of which is normalized by and such that is prime on . The next two lemmas are restatements of Lemma 13.12. LEMMA 26.3. Suppose is a sol vable -group, is a cyclic pp-subgroup of Aut which is prime . Assume also that is odd. If is not a prime, if the centralizer of in is a Z-group, if has no fixed points on , then is milpotent. LEMMA 26.4. Suppose is a solvable -group is a subgroup of Aut of prime order. Assume also that is . If th e centralizer of in is a Z-group, if has fixed points on then is nilpotent. denotes the set of all proper subgroups of denotes those subgroups of such that, for all does not contain an element of for any -subgroup of . denotes the set of maximal subgroups of . If , then does not contain an elementary subgroup of order for any prime , so is nilpotent. Furthermore, if then has a Sylow series of complexion (. ). Suppose and is a subgroup of type with . Let . be the distinct -subgroups of which contain . Since . , it follows that . and that contains an element of order centralizing . Since is -closed, this implies that . . This fact is very important, since it shows that the subgroups of of order are contained in two conjugate slasses in , one class containing , the remaining subgroups  902 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER lying in a single conjugate class. If denotes the largest normal nilpotent -subgroup of . Note that by Lemma 8.5, . More explicitly, contains the largest prime in . Note also that is a S-sub- group of . If denotes the unique -subgroup of , where is the equivalence class of under associated with . That is, if and only if and contains a -subgroup of . Or again, if and only if contains an elementary subgroup of order . Or again, if and only if and contains an element of for some -subgroup of . Suppose . and a -subgroup of centralizes . Since is the unique maximal subgroup of containing , it follows that , so that is a -sub- group of . Then by Lemma 26.1, . Since the derived group. of is nilpotent, we have . Thus, if is the largest. subset of such that some -subgroup of centralizes , then contains a unique -subgroup is a normal nilpotent -subgroup of is a -subgroup of and the structure of the -subgroups of is given by Lemma 26.2. We set Since and centralizes , and since is the unique maximal subgroup of containing , it follows that is a T.I. set in . If and is a -subgroup of . then the definitions; of and imply that is of type . In this case, wa set , and remark that char . . Furthermore, if is an element of order in . then contains an elementary subgroup of order . If , set being any -subgroup of . The relevance of lies in the fact that if is any element of of order . then is contained in only one maximal subgroup of . namely, the one that contains . This statement is an immediate consequence of. the theorems proved about , explicitly stated in Theorem 25.5.. If , then is contained in a unique maximal subgroup of . so we set . The existence of the mapping from to is naturally crucial. If , set . If let consist of. a11 elements in with the property that some power of H. say is either in or is in for some -subgroup of with . Let and let be a -subgroup of with let denote the set of subgroups of of type such that  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF 903 for some element in . If , then . Furthermore, if and is a subgroup of of type , and if is contained in at least two maximal subgroups of , then for every -subgroup of which contains . LEMMA 26.5. (i) If then is a . set in . (ii) If . then is a . set in . Proof. (i) is cyclic and normal in , by Lemma 26.2. Hence, if for some in , then , so , as required. (ii) It is immediate from the definition that is a normal .subset of , so is a T.I. set in . Suppose and . Choose so that is in either or for some -subgroup of . and such that is of prime order. If , then since , it follows that . Hence , and so . Suppose . Then and so . This implies that contains non cyclic -subgroups. By Theorem 25.6 (ii), we again have . The lemma is proved. With Lemma 26.5 at hand, it is fairly clear that the one remaining obstacle in this chapter is . In dealing with . we will repeatedly use the assumption that is odd. LEMMA 26.6. Let let be a -subgroup of let . If is any non identity subgroup of is in the -subgroup of , then . Proof. In any case, , by Theorem 25.6 (iii). If is non cyclic, then contains an element of for some subgroup of and we are done. Otherwise, . so contains an element of , and we are done. LEMMA 26.7. Suppose is a -subgroup of and is a -subgroup of . If is cyclic, th en is prime on . Proof. Suppose false. Then (mod ). and every q- subgroup of is -closed. Also for some -subgroup of , by Lemma 26.2 and . If is cyclic, or if is non abelian, then , by Lemma 26.1. Since every chief  904 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER -factor of is centralized by , it follows that centralizes and we are done. If is abelian and non cyclic, then normalizes some of . Since the lemma is assumed false, , so . If is a maximal -subgroup of containing , then is -closed, so contains a -subgroup of . This violates the hypothesis of this lemma. LEMMA 26.8. Let and suppose that or . If is any -subgroup of and contains an elemenb of for some -subgroup of , then is p-closed. Proof. Let . The hypotheses imply that and . The lemma follows. LEMMA 26.9. Let . and suppose that or . If is a -subgroup of which is normalized by the cyclic -subgroup of , then is prime on . Proof. If , the lemma is trivial. Otherwise, the lemma follows Lemma 26.8, since contains an element of for some -subgroup of . LEMMA 26.10. Let . let be a -subgroup of for some prime . If is non abelian , th en does not contain a cyclic subgroup of index . Proof. We can suppose that for if then and by Theorem 25.6 (ii). Hence, proceeding by vvay of contradiction we can suppose that , where . Note that . If is nilpotent, then , so by maximality of . This implies that is a -subgroup of which is not the case. Hence, is not nilpotent. In particular, . It follows that for all in . We first show that . For centralizes . so if is an element of containing . then normalizes some -subgroup of with . It follows from Lemma 8.16 that centralizes . If , then , which is not the case, so . Choose in and let be a -subgroup of normalized by . We can now choose such that is normalized by , is centralized by some non identity element of . but is not centralized by . For otherwise, centralizes , and  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF , which is not the case. For such a choice of and P. let be a -subgroup of which contains . By Lemma 26.7, there is a -subgroup of which contains and is contained in . Since does not centralize , and since . a subgroup of is contained in . by Lemma 26.8. We wish to show that . This is clear if contains an element of for some -subgroup of , by Lemma 26.6. Otherwise, Lemma 8.5 implies that , since . By Lemma 26.6, , so contains a -subgroup of . This implies that Since the subgroups of of order different from are conjugate in , and since is a normal subset of , we can suppose that . Let be a -subgroup of containing and let , so that , or else . It follows that central- izes for some in . But contains a -subgroup of , so contains an element of order equal to that of W. Since and have the same order, a -subgroup of has exponent , which is not the case. The proof is complete. LEMMA 26.11. Let let be a -subgroup of for some prime . If is non abelian, then . Proof. First, suppose . If , we are done. Other- wise, contains a cyclic subgroup of index and we are done by the preceding lemma. We can now suppose that . If is nilpotent, the lemma follows readily from Lemmas 26.1 and 26.2. We can suppose that is not nilpotent and that . Since is non abelian, Lemma 26.2 implies that is of order , or else is metacyclic. In the second case, we are done by the preceding lemma. We first show that . Since centralizes . it follows readily that dominates , by Sylow's theorem. If . then . and so , by Lemma 26.1, and we are done. Let be a -subgroup of which is normalized by , with . We show that . For otherwise, centralizes , by Lemma 8.16, so that . By Lemmas 26.1 and 26.2, , contrary to . Hence, . Let We next show that has no fixed points on Let . and suppose by way of contradiction that . Let . and let be the maximal normal subgroup of of order prime to . Let be permutable Sylow subgroups of . . Since , it follows that is not contained  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER in any conjugate of This implies that This in urn implies that centralizes every chief -factor of by Lemma 8.13. Hence, and it follows that covers Since by Lemma 26.6, we have a contradiction. Hence. . We next show that if then This is clear if is non cyclic, since , so suppose is cyclic. We remark that an easy consequence of the preceding paragraph. Let be a maximal subgroup of containing , and let a -subgroup of containing . If is non cyclic, then is contained in a nique maximal subgroup of , and since , we have Since and since we have . Thus, we can suppose that is cyclic. Since acts regularly on . we can suppose that a -subgroup normalizes and that . If is nilpotent, then Since . we have Hence, we can suppose that is not nilpotent. Choose in , and let be a -subgroup of normalized by Since cyclic, Since does not cen- tralize It follows from that by Lemma 8.16. Since is a Frobenius group, it follows that . Let . Let be a -subgroup of which contains and , and let be a -subgroup of containing . If is non cyclic, then so If is cyclic, then in any case . since Let be a -subgroup of . If does not centralize then , and so and once again . If cen- tralizes and then Since the structure of is determined by Lemma 26.2, and since centralizes it follows that centralizes , so that , and once again . Thus, in any case, we see that . This implies that . so centralizes every chief -factor of . This is absurd, since is a Frobenius group. We conclude that for every in . We will now show directly that . Choose . Then normalizes and Since has no fixed points on is generated by its subgroups . By the preceding paragraph, we COnclude that . Since is the unique maximal subgroup of containing , we have . so . By Lemma 26.1, . so . The proof is complete. LEMMA 26.12. Suppose and is an non cyclic  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF -subgroup of for some prime further that a subgroup of is non abelian. Then , where , centralizes is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel aM contains for every of which contains . Proof. Let be a -subgroup of containing . If , then , and if is any automorphism of of prime order . then , by Lemma 8.16. The same inequality clearly holds if . Choose in and let be a -subgroup of normalized by . Let . We will show that is a Frobenius group. Let and suppose by way of contradiction that . First consider the case that . Let . and let be a -subgroup of normalized by with . Then , so centralizes Since , it follows that centralizes . Thus, if or . we con- clude that , which is contrary to hypothesis. Otherwise, or so that , or centralizes . But in these cases, we at least have . so . which yields , and so a -subgroup of is non cyclic, and centralizes . Again we conclude that , which is not the case. Hence, we can suppose that . Let be a -subgroup of containing . . and let be a maximal -subgroup of containing . . , where is a -subgroup of and is a -subgroup of Since is a -subgroup of is a -subgroup of . If contains an elementary subgroup of order , then . and maximality of implies that is contained in a conjugate of . contrary to hypothesis. If does not contain an elementary subgroup of order , then either or centralizes . If , then . so once again for some . If . then . and since centralizes a centralizes , by Lemma 26.2. In this case, . If is non cyclic, then . either by Lemma 26.6, in case . or because in case . If is cyclic, then . In this case is conjugate to a subgroup of . since is a -subgroup of . Since it follows that centralizes so that centralizes some -subgroup of . If this is not possible. But if , then is non cyclic, so . Thus, in all these cases, contains a -subgroup of . Since this is not possible, is a Frobenius group, and so is a Frobenius group.  908 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Suppose . We will show that if is any subgroup of of order with , then . Let with . First consider the case , for some in . Let be a non identity -subgroup of and let be a -subgroup of containing . If . then Lemma 26.2 implies that is a -subgroup of . In this case, since and are conjugate and since is a -subgroup of . contains a subgroup of order which centralizes the -subgroup of . Since is a Frobenius group, this implies that if is any subgroup of of order . then either is a Frobenius group, or centralizes , the -subgroup of . This violates the choice of . Hence, . If a -subgroup of is abelian, then so . If some -subgroup of contains in its center, then by Lemma 8.10, . Hence, we can suppose that is of order and . In this case, is of index in and is of index in and contains . Let . If is contained in a conjugate of , then so , since . Similarly, , and we are done. If is contained in an element of . then since is a Frobenius group, we see that and . Hence, in showing that , we can suppose that is contained in an element of . Since is a Frobenius group, this implies that . Since is a -subgroup of . we conclude that is a -subgroup of . By what we have already proved, is a Frobenius group. This implies that is nilpotent, so centralizes . Since is the unique maximal subgroup of containing . it follows that centralizes , so that . which is absurd since . We conclude that . We next show that if and contains an element of , then . Here, as above, is a subgroup of of order . Let be a -invariant -subgroup of with . From Lemma 26.7, we conclude that contains a -subgroup of , and we can assume that . Let . If , then , so . If is nilpotent, then by Lemma 26.7, we see that contains a -subgroup of which is -invariant. Since is a Frobenius group, and so . We can suppose that is not nilpotent, and that . In particular, . It follows that is a -subgroup of , so that is a Fro- benius group, and so centralizes and follows.  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF Thus. in all cases. Suppose now that contains two distinct subgroups such that and We can choose in such that . If . we get an easy contradiction. Namely, , and so and so that contrary to assumption. If . then contains . If contains an abelian with then , and , which is the desired contradiction. Otherwise, if is a -subgroup of with , then is of index in and is of index in . while both and are -subgroups of . Further- more, since a -subgroup of is -closed, it follows that and are -subgroups of . Furthermore, has a normal complement in since and no element of centralizes . By the conjugacy of Sylow systems in , we can therefore find such that Since and we conclude that SO , which is not the case, since is in and is not. Hence, there is exactly one subgroup of of order which has a fixed point on , so centralizes Since , where . the lemma follows. Lemma 26.12 is quite important because, given , (and the hypothesis of Lemma 26.12) it produces a unique factorization of . Namely, exactly one subgroup of of order is in the center of a -subgroup of , and exactly one subgroup . of of order centralizes . and . This is a critical point in dealing with tamely imbedded subsets. Furthermore, Lemma 26.12 shows that is nilpotent, a useful fact. LEMMA 26.13. Suppose is an abelian, non cyclic -subgroup of for some prime Suppose ftrther that a subgroup of is abelian. Then the following statements are true: (i) is a -subgroup of . (ii) . (iii) If and are elements of which are conjugate in but are not conjugate in , eith er or . (iv) Either dminates or . (v) One of th e following coruli tions holds: (a) . (b) for every non identity of such  910 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER that . Proof. If , then and all parts of the lemma follow immediately. We can suppose that . In proving this lemma, appeal to Lemmas 8.5 and 8.16 will be made repeatedly. If centralizes , then and all parts of the lemma follow immediately. We can suppose that does not centralize . This implies that . We first prove an auxiliary result: if is any -subgroup of containing and if , then is -closed. To see this, let be a -subgroup of . and let be a -subgroup of which contains . Let be a -subgroup of con- taining and let be a -subgroup of containing . If , then for some in and so If then not contain elementary subgroups of order or . so either or . If and . then . Suppose . Then centralizes the -subgroup of . There is no loss of generality in supposing that is a maximal . -subgroup of . It follows from this normalization that is a -subgroup of , and . Hence, we can suppose . Since . If is not of order , then is contained in a conjugate of . by Lemma 26.7, and we are done. Hence, we can suppose that is of order . But now contains -subgroups of order exceeding . so that -subgroups of are -closed. Since . is -closed (i) is an immediate application of the preceding paragraph, since some element of centralizes an element of . We turn next to (iv). Suppose , and is a non identity -invariant -subgroup of . Let be a -subgroup of permutable with . By the first paragraph of the proof, normalizes , so by Sylow's theorem dominates . Suppose for some normalizes and dominates . Let be a -subgroup of permutable with . Then normalizes and so dominates . Since , we see that some -subgroup of dominates and is normalized by . It follows that the normal- izer of every -subgroup of dominates for some in . and so dominates (iv) is proved. Notice that if , then by (iv)| elements of are conjugate in if and only if they are conjugate in . Thus, in the case, it only remains to prove (ii). We emphasize that in any case (i) and (iv) are proved.  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF Since , if . then and the lemma follows. We can suppose that . Let and let be a invariant -subgroup of . If centralizes then (ii) follows immediately. Thus, we can choose in such that does not centralize . If . then , so that (ii) holds. If . then is cyclic, by Lemma 8.16, and the containment . Hence . where is a Frobenius group. Let . If is nilpotent, then , so by Lemma 26.7, , and (ii) follows. Suppose is not nilpotent. Hence, contains an elementary subgroup of order for some prime . If then for some in . Since we have and (ii) follows. Suppose . In this case, normalizes a -subgroup of . Since centralizes and is a Frobenius group, and since , it follows that . Let . By (iv) applied to , we get . Since , and since the derived group of is nilpotent, centralizes , which is a contradiction. Hence, , and (ii) holds. The lemma is proved in case , and (i) is proved in all cases. Throughout the remainder of the proof, we assume (26.1) 1 Suppose is a non identity subgroup of and . There are three cases: (a) and (b) and (c) . In each of these cases, we will show that (26.8) Case is nilpotent. Choose so that contains an element of order . and let be a -invariant -subgroup of . By (26.1), , so . If we conclude that , by Lemma 26.7. If , then centralizes for some in , and so . and follows. Case is not nilpotent. In this case, contains an elementary subgroup of order  912 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER for some prime . If , then , for some in . Since . we have . If , let be a -subgroup of normalized by , where is a non identity -subgroup of , as in Case . Let so that is a Frobenius group by (26.1). If is a Frobenius group, then centralizes . and . This is not the case, since for all . Hence, has a fixed point on , so has a fixed point on . By (iv) applied to , it follows that , and so centralizes . which is not the case. Thus (26.3) holds in case (a). In analysing case (b), we use the fact that , and that if is any subgroup of which is disjoint frorn . then is of square free order and for every in . Let be a non identity -invariant -subgroup of . so that . Suppose that (26.3) does not hold. We will show that is contained in a maximal subgroup of such that is not nilpotent, and such that is not conjugate to . Case for some in . Consider . Since and have non cyclic -subgroups, and since , it follows that is contained in no conjugate of . Let be a -invariant -subgroup of . If is nilpotent, then and so by Lemma 26.7. This is not the case, since has non cyclic -subgroups. Hence, is not nilpotent, so we take . Case is nilpotent, but is not contained in any conjugate of . Since . . If is not of order . then for some in . Suppose that is of order . Let , so that has non cyclic -subgroups and . Since is contained in no conjugate of neither is . If is nilpotent, then a -subgroup of is con- tained in , by (26.1) and so . which is not the case. We apply (iv) to . If . then so that centralizes , which is not the case. Hence, (26.1) holds with replacing . Let be any subgroup of of order different from . Then is a Frobenius group. Choose and let be a -subgroup of invariant under . If does not centralize , then so that case holds with replacing . replacing . Suppose then that centralizes . Then so a -subgroup of is contained in . We suppose without  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF 913 loss of generality that normalizes . If now is any subgroup of of order which does not centralize , then since does not centralize , we conclude that . Thus, in all cases, if are the distinct subgroups of of order which have fixed points on . then , so that or . Choose . Then there are indices not necessarily distinct, such that . If , then , by (a). If then , so that and . Hence, , so . and centralizes , which is not the case. Hence, (b) implies (26.3). We will now complete the proof of this lemma in case . Since some element of has a fixed point on (ii) holds by (26.3). Also, by (26.3), alternative holds. It remains to prove (iii). Suppose are elements of which are conjugate in , but are not conjugate in , and that . Theorem 17.1 is violated. We next verify (26.3) under hypothesis (c). Suppose by way of contradiction that (26.3) does not hold. Let be a non identity -invariant -subgroup of . We will produce a subgroup of such that is not nilpotent, and such that . Once this is done, then it will follow as in case that of the subgroups of of order have fixed points on , and (26.3) will follow. Suppose is a maximal subgroup of containing . If is nilpotent, then . If is non abelian, then for some in . Furthermore, from (26.1) and the fact that is not a -subgroup of , we conclude that . Hence, contains . Let be a maximal subgroup of containing . If is nilpotent, then and (26.3) holds. Hence, is not nilpotent, so we can take . If is abelian, then and (26.3) holds. Thus, (26.3) holds in all cases. The completion of the proof that (26.3) implies this lemma is a application of Theorem 17.1. LEMMA 26.14. Suppose and is a non abelian -subgroup Then . Furthermore, one of the following is true; (a) centralizes . (b) for every non subgroup of . (c) . Proof. Suppose . If , then . and so  914 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Since , the lemma is proved. If then contains a cyclic subgroup of index Since is assumed to be non abelian, is a non abelian metacyclic group, so , by 3.8. Lemma 26.10 is violated. Through the remainder of the proof, we assume . Let , so that is of order . by Lemma 26.2 and Lemma 26.10. If ' is nilpotent, then , and all parts of the lemma follow. We can suppose that is not nilpotent. In particular, . We can further assume that . Since is non abelian, centralizes . Choose and let be a -invariant -subgroup of . If then centralizes . Thus, if , then centralizes a subgroup of . If , all parts of the lemma follow. Let and let be a -subgroup of normalized by , and such that does not centralize . If there are no such primes . we are done. Let be any subgroup of of order different from . We will show that . Since does not centralize . Set If , then . Otherwise, is a non trivial cyclic subgroup of , and is a Frobenius group. Let be a maximal subgroup of containing . If is nilpotent, then . so , by Lemma 26.6. We can suppose that is not nilpotent and that is not conjugate to . If a -subgroup of is non then centralizes . which is not the case. Hence, a -subgroup of is abelian and non cyclic. We can apply Lemma 26.12 to and a -subgroup of which contains . We conclude that is a Frobenius group. Since is a Frobenius group, centralizes , and so . We conclude that contains in all cases. Now let be the distinct subgroups of of order different from . Here . Let be any proper subgroup of containing . Let . Since is generated by its subgroups we have . Let and choose in . We can then find indices , not necessarily distinct, such that . Hence, . Since contains an element of , we have . Hence, so in particular, . Let be any non identity subgroup of . If is non cyclic, then . If is cyclic, then . The proof is complete.  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF 915 LEMMA 26.15. Suppose is a cyclic S-subgroup of and . Then is prime on and is a Z-group. Proof. Suppose is prime on , but that is a non cyclic -subgroup of . Choose and let be the -subgroup of . Since . it follows that . Thus, if is a -subgroup of , while if is also a -subgroup of , by Lemma 8.12. Since . we have , so that . Let be a maximal subgroup of containing . If a -subgroup of is cyclic, then dominates . which is not the case, since . Hence, . Let be a -subgroup of permutable with . If is a -subgroup of . then normalizes . Otherwise, normalizes since , and Lemma 8.5 applies to . Let be a maximal -subgroup of containing and let be a -subgroup of R. Then , so that is a -subgroup of . Let be a maximal subgroup of containing . If were non abelian, then by Lemma 26.14, which is not the case. Hence, is abelian. If . then by Lemma 26.13, we have since centralizes . Since this is impossible, we see that . If , then by Lemma 26.1, together with the fact that covers , we see that , contrary to hypothesis. Hence, . Since . this implies that is a non abelian group of order and exponent . Since some element of has a non identity fixed point on . and since centralizes . we see that by Lemma 26.13. Since and since , it follows that . the desired contradiction. Thus, in proving this lemma, it suffices to show that is prime on . First, suppose that is a -group for some prime . We can clearly suppose that , and that . Case 1. . Let , so that Lemma 26.9 applies. Let . Then since . Lemma 26.10 applies. If , Lemma 26.9 applies. Case 2. and a -subgroup of is abelian. If . or and . Lemma 26.7 applies. Let . and let be an -invariant -subgroup of . If centralizes . we have an immediate contradiction. Hence, does not centralize . We can suppose by way of contradiction that . If contains a -subgroup of , which is not the  916 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER case. Otherwise, , so every -subgroup of is -closed, and contains a -subgroup of , which is not the case. Case 8- and a -subgroup of is non abelian. Here, , by Lemma 26.2. Since . the lemma follows. Case 4. . In this case, also, we have . and the lemma follows. Next, suppose that , where is a non identity . . Suppose by way of contradiction that is an -invariant -subgroup of and that is not prime on . We can suppose that does not centralize . Let be a maximal subgroup of containing . Then is not conjugate to , either because is not a -subgroup of , or because . Let be a -subgroup of which contains and is -invariant. Suppose . Then , since . and . Furthermore, is non cyclic. Suppose In this case. so a -subgroup of normalizes some -subgroup of , and it follows that normalizes some -subgroup of . This implies that is a -subgroup of . But in this case so that centralizes and so . Suppose . If , then , which is not the case. Hence, so that . Once again we get that . Hence, we necessarily have in all cases. Since is prime on , from the first part of the lemma, we conclude that is cyclic. We next assume that is nilpotent. Suppose . Since is a -subgroup of , it follows that and is a -subgroup of , so that . Since , we can suppose that is non cyclic. In this case, however, is a -subgroup of and is conjugate to , which is not the case. We can now suppose that is not nilpotent. Suppose . Let be a complement for in which contains . Then is nilpotent and so . Case 1. . In this case, is a -subgroup of . and dominates . This violates . Case 2. , and a -subgroup of is abelian. In this case, , so once again is a -subgroup of and dominates . Case 8. and a -subgroup of is non abelian. Since i-s cyclic, we have , so some -subgroup of normalizes some -subgroup of . But now dominates since every . q-  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF 917 subgroup of is -closed, and dominates . Case 4. . If , then every -subgroup of which contains a .-subgroup of is -closed, so once again dominates and is a -subgroup of . Hence, Since is not tonjugate to . it follows that if is a -subgroup of containing , then . which implies that is cyclic, and . Hence, , since centralizes . But now , so . Thus, once again is a -subgroup of and dominates . A11 these possibilities have led to a contradiction. We now get to the heart of the matter. Suppose . We will show that . Let be a -subgroup of containing and invariant under . Suppose that We will derive a contradiction from the assumption that (26.4) holds. If is an absurdity, since . If , then a -subgroup of is non cyclic, so , as already remarked. If . then centralizes a -subgroup of , so is a -subgroup of . In this case, however, , an absurdity, by (26.4). Thus, if (26.4) holds, then and . Since (26.4) is assumed to hold, it follows that is a -subgroup -of . Hence, is non cyclic. We have already shown that is cyclic. We conclude that (26.4) does not hold. If , then centralizes , by Lemma 8.16 (ii), so (26.4) holds. Hence, . Since (26.4) does not hold, and since is . It follows that is non cyclic. This implies that . since . Since , and since . it follows that a -subgroup of is -closed. This in turn implies that some -subgroup of normalizes some -subgroup of Since is a -subgroup of is forced to be a -subgroup -of . But , and , so centralizes . The proof of the lemma is complete in case . If , the lemma follows immediately by applying the preceding result to all pairs of elements of . LEMMA 26.16. Suppose and is not ni lpotent. Then is a prime and is a S-subgroup of . Proof. Let and let be a -subgroup of . By Lemma 26.11, is abelian. Suppose is non cyclic. If a -subgroup is non abelian, then is nilpotent, by Lemma 26.12. Hence,  918 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER we can suppose that a -subgroup of is abelian. By Lemma is a -subgroup of . By theorem, the simplicity of , and Lemma 26.15, contains elements which are conjugate in but are not conjugate in . If and if has a fixed point on , then . so that and are conjugate in Since this is not the case, is a Frobenius group, and so is nilpotent, contrary to assumption. Hence, . By Lemma 26.13, either or is a Frobenius group, which is not the case. Hence, is cyclic. Let be a complement to in so that is a cyclic -subgroup of . By Lemma 26.15, is prime on and is a Z-group. Let and suppose that is not a prime. By Lemma 26.3, is nilpotent. By 3.7, Hence , so that is a -group. It follows that . the desired contradiction. LEMMA 26.17. Suppose and . Let and Set . Then a -subgroup of has a Sylow series of complexion . Furthermore, if has -length 1. Proof. We first show that has -length 1 for each in . If , this is clear, so suppose . Let be a -subgroup of and let be a subgroup of of order such that where is cyclic. Let . and . It suffices to show that has -length one, since . Let be a subgroup of chosen in accordance with Lemma 8.2, and set Then ker If then . and we are done. We can suppose that . This implies that , since has order and is of exponent . We are assuming by way of contradiction that has -length , so by (B), we have . Hence, . Set and let . Then maps. onto a -subgroup of . Hence has a normal series where and are -groups and . Since is abelian. Also is faithfully represented on and since . By Lemma 26.16, is a prime, and is a -subgroup of . We let be a -subgroup of , so that is of order . Since , it follows that maps onto . Let.  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF 919 denote the image of in and let denote the image of in . Since is a -group and a -group, we assume without loss of generality that normalizes . Let be the linear character of on . so that . Let be the linear character of on . Since divides , is non cyclic. Hence, is not a Z-group. contrary to Lemma 26.15. Thus, has -length one for each . Since a -subgroup of has a Sylow series of complexion (. ) and since a -subgroup of is -closed, it suffices to show that a -subgroup of has a Sylow series of complexion . Let be a .-subgroup of with Sylow system where . By Lemma 8.16, centralizes Hence is -closed, since has -length one. The lemma follows. LEMMA 26.18. Let let be a complement for in . Then there is at most one prime in wi th the following properties: (i) A -subgroup of is a non cyclic abelian group. (ii) A -subgroup of is non abelian. Furthermore, if contains a prime satisfying (i) and (ii). then a subgroup of is a Z-group. Proof. Suppose a.nd both and satisfy (i) and (ii). Let be a -subgroup of and let be a -subgroup of permutable with . Let , where centralizes is a Frobenius group and for some S-subgroup of . Assume without loss of generality that . Then normalizes . It follows that centralizes , and this implies that centralizes . It follows that satisfies . By Lemma 26.17, contains a -subgroup of By Lemma 8.16, centralizes . so centralizes Since , we see that . By Lemma 26.2, and Lemma 26.10, now centralizes . This is a contradiction, proving the first assertion. Now suppose satisfies (i) and (ii), is a -subgroup of and is a non cyclic -subgroup of permutable with p- Case 1. is non abelian. In this case. is a -subgroup of and by Lemma 26.14. Since normalizes Write , where centralizes is a Frobenius group, and for some subgroup of of with . Then centralizes . If centralizes then satisfies as can be seen by considering  920 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . We now show that does not satisfy . Otherwise, since , we see that normalizes some -subgroup of . Then centralizes by Lemma 26.2, Lemma 26.14, and Lemma 8.16, This is not possible since is abelian. Hence, does not satisfy , so does not centralize and . This implies that . Hence is of order . Consider . Since a -subgroup of has order , it follows that a -subgroup of is q-closed. Let be a -subgroup of containing . If is not of order then contains a -subgroup of a -subgroup of is and a -subgroup of has larger order than . As , this is not possible. Hence has order . But now a -subgroup of contains and . so a -subgroup of is -closed. This in turn implies that a -subgroup of has order larger than . which is a contradiction. Case 2. is a non cyclic abelian group. By the first part of the proof, and by Lemma 26.13, is a subgroup of . Since centralizes , and since . it follows that satisfies . This implies that a -subgroup of is -closed, by Lemma 26.2. Hence, centralizes the center of some -subgroup of . since centralizes , (where , as in Case 1). To obtain the relation , we have used Lemma 26.13 to conclude that there are at. least 2 subgroups of of order which have no fixed points on , or else in which case normalizes and so centralizes . But now dominates , so centralizes some -subgroup of , contrary to . The proof is complete. LEMMA 26.19. Let . Suppose is . pose further that ei ther is nilpotent or is not prime. Then is of type I or V. Proof. Let be a complement for . Since by hypothesis (we always have ). is abelian. Case 1. is cyclic. We wish to show that is nilpotent, so suppose is not. a prime. Since is not a prime, since is prime on . since has no fixed points on , and since is a Z-group, it ollows from Lemma 26.3 that is nilpotent, so that. is cyclic. Case . In this case, is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS oF 921 . so condition (i) in type I holds. If is a T.I. set in , then is of type I, since (ii) (a) holds, so suppose is not a T.I. set in . Let where is the subgroup of and . If , then clearly . If - then also , since is a Frobenius group. Similarly, if and X. is non abelian, then . Suppose . Then either and is abelian, or . We will show that the second possibility cannot occur. Choose in such that . and let an element of of prime order and , then , and , contrary to assumption. Hence, . In this case, , and since , both and are in . so . Hence, . Thus, if , then contains a prime such that the of is abelian and . Since does not divide or . but does divide we can find e such that and . Let b e t he subgroup of . Then , where is normalized by and is cyclic, . Since , it follows that and are isomorphic . Hence, normalizes every subgroup of . Once again, choose in so that . Then , so is not contained in any conjugate of . Let . We apply Lemma 26.13 to and . Since , we have . Suppose were not abelian. Let 'be a non abelian subgroup of . Apply Lemma 26.16 to and , and conclude that , and so 'Ht., which is not the case. Thus, alternative (ii) (c) in the definition of type I holds, so is of type I.(Since is generated by two elements.) Case . Since , we have . It follows that for every non empty subset of . Let . If is any non empty subset of . then each element of is of the form . Thus, if , then . Since is a three step group with in the role of in the role of in the role of . Since , we take , so that (i) in the definition of type V holds. If (ii) (a) holds, then is of type V, SO suppose (ii) (a) does not hold. Since is non abelian. Let . where is a non abelian of (there may be several).  922 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER We will show that is a T.I. set in Suppose and is a maximal intersection, so that is contained in no conjugate of - Let . with . Apply Lemma 26.14 to and and conclude that . a contradiction. Hence, is a T.I. set in . Since is not a T.I. set in . choose so that is a maximal intersection. Since is a T.I. set in , we see that and is con- tained in no conjugate of , while Since jg a T-I. set in . and since is cyclic. By construction, is non abelian, so . It only remains to show that . Apply Lemma 8.16 to and . If does not centralize then divides and we are done. Suppose that centralizes . Then is faithfully represented on , so if , we are done. Otherwise. we let be an element of of order such that where is cyclic. Since we have . so . By Lemma is empty. By Lemma 26.2, is a central product of a cyclic group and , with Since and since centralizes . we have is faithfully represented on , and since centralizes , each element of induces a linear transformation of of determinant 1. Thus, divides either or , since is isomorphic to a cyclic -subgroup of (. ). Hence, and is of type V. Case 2. is non cyclic. Case . There is an element such that the -subgroup of is non cyclic and a -subgrou of is non abelian. In this case, Lemma 26.18 implies that where is cyclic. Let , with . and with a Frobenius group. Also is a cyclic -subgroup of . We will show that is a Frobenius group. If . this is the case, so suppose . By Lemma 26.16, is prime on . Let , and suppose . Then is a Frobenius group. Let be a maximal subgroup of containing being a fixed subgroup of of prime order. Then is not conjugate to . Hence, . Since is a Frobenius group, , so a -subgroup of is abelian. By Lemma 26.12, is a Frobenius group, so centralizes . Since , we see that , which is not the case. Hence, , so is a Frobenius group, as is . itself is a group of Frobenius type. Suppose is not a T.I set in and . It follows readily  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS oF 923 that is abelian and is generated by two elements. is of type I. Case 2b. Whenever a of is non cyclic, a subgroup of is abelian. Let be the set of primes 'In such that a of is non cyclic. Let , where is the of . Thus is a cyclic -subgroup of , and . By Lemma 26.13, is a -subgroup of . We first show that if and is the of . then (26.6) This is an immediate consequence of Lemma 26.13 (iv) and theorem, since 'He' . We next show that either or is a Frobenius group. Suppose . By Lemma 26.15 is prime on . Suppose . Let be the of for some , and let be a maximal subgroup of containing . Then is not conjugate to . By Lemma 26.13 (ii), Logether with , there is some element of . which has no fixed points on , so is cyclic. By construction . Suppose is non cyclic for some in . Let be a non cyclic of . If a of is abelian, then by Lemma 26.13 (i) and (ii). Since , we have , which is not the case. Hence, a of is non abelian. If were non abelian, then for some in . by Lemma 26.14 with in the role of . Hence, is abelian. By Lemma 26.13, centralizes and is a Frobenius . By (26.6), , so . Since . we can find a of which is normalized by . Since and are not conjugate, so does not lie in . and does not centralize . There are at least subgroups of with the property that is a Fro- benius group, by (26.6). Each of these has a fixed point on . It follows from Lemma 26.13 (iii) that dominates . This is absurd, by (26.6) and Lemma 8.13. Hence, is cyclic for a11 in . In particular, is cyclic. This implies that is faithfully represented on so is faithfully represented on . By (26.6), at least subgroups of or order have fixed poinLs on , so dominates , which violates by Lemma 8.13. is a Frobenius group. Thus, in the defi- nition of a group of Frobenius type, the primes in are taken care of. Let . with , and where is cyclic, . If . then char . By Lemma 26.14  SOLVABILITY oF GROUPS oF oDD ORDER (v), it follows that is a Frobenius group. If then by Lemma 26.14 (iii), there is some element of order in such that is a Frobenius group. Thus, contains a sub- group of the same exponent as with the property that is a Frobenius group. is of Frobenius type. If is not a T.I. set in , and , it follows. readily that is abelian and is generated by two elements. The. proof is complete. LEMMA 26.20. Let let be the subset of primes p- in such that a of is non cyclic abelian group and, a 0f is abelian. Let be a c0mplement f0r in . Then of is a n0rma1 abelian sub- gr0up of 0r . Pr00f. We can suppose . Let and let be a subgroup of . We first show that . Let and let. be of permutable with . If is non abelian, then , by Lemma 26.14. If centralizes. , then so that centralizes . We can suppose. that does not centralize . Since centralizes. , and since , it follows that so that centralizes . If is a non cyclic abelian group, then by Lemma If . then normalizes and centralizes. . If . then dominates . SO centralizes . If , then domi- nates . so that dominates and once again centralizes . Suppose is cyclic. We can suppose that normalizes Then centralizes . If . then centralizes since . We can suppose and that a of is in . In this case, however, for all . so which is absurd. Hence, , so that is a normal abelian subgroup of . Suppose contains a non abelian for some prime . Then , which implies that , since dominates each Sylow subgroup of . Thus, in showing that or . we can suppose that. every Sylow subgroup of is abelian. By Lemma 26.18 and the defi- nition of , this implies that of is a -group. This in turn implies that is a -subgroup of . Let be a complement for in . Then is cyclic. If , then is abelian and we are done. We can suppose . Suppose is not of prime order. Let . By  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF 925 Lemma 26.3, and Lemma 26.16 is nilpotent. If then for some -subgroup of . Hence, domi- nates every Sylow subgroup of Since can be assumed non cyclic, , and we are done. If , then , and we are done. We can now suppose that is of prime order . We can now write . where and , and we suppose by way of contradiction that . Choose so that , where is the -subgroup of - If centralizes , then by Lemma 26.13, since . Since contrary to construction. Hence we can assume that is a Frobenius group, where . Let be a maxi- mal subgroup of containing . Since it, follows that , since dominates . Since is not conjugate to . it follows that . so that Since . both and are in , so commute elementwise. Thus contrary to the above argument. The lemma is proved. LEMMA 26.21. Let aM suppose contains prime such that a -subgroup of is non cyclic. Then is of type I. Proof. Case 1. A -subgroup of is abelian. Case 2. A -subgroup of is non abelian. In Case 1, let be the subset of those in such that, a -subgroup of is an abelian non cyclic -subgroup of . Then and if is a complement for in , then a -subgroup of is an abelian direct factor of by Lemma 26.20. Let . If were not a then some Sylow subgroup of would be non abelian, by Lemma 26.18 and the definition of . But then by Lemma 26.14. Since dominates every Sylow sub- group of we would find , which is not the case. Hence, is a Z-group. Let be a complement for in , and let be the subgroup of . Let . Since . is a Z-group, and since dominates every Sylow subgroup of central- izes . By Lemma 26.13, . Hence is a Frobenius group. Let . be the -subgroup of , and let . If is a Z-group. then as in the preceding paragraph. If  926 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER not a Z-group, then since dominates every Sylow subgroup of we find , which is not the case. Hence, is a Frobenius group. If is non abelian, then for every -subgroup of , so that is a T.I. set in . By Lemma 26.18, is of Frobenius type, so is of type I. If is abelian, is abelian, so is of type I by Lemma 26.19. In Case 2, let be a complement for i n . let a group of and let be a -subgroup of . Let be a complement for in . Then is a -subgroup of . and is a possi- bility. We can suppose is permutable with , so that normalizes . since by Lemma 26.18, is a Z-group. and . Let . where centralizes is a Frobenius group, normalizes both and , and for some subgroup of . By hypothesis, . Suppose . Let , and suppose that . Let be a fixed subgroup of of prime order. Then is a -group normalized by Since is non abelian, . Hence is a Frobenius group, Since is prime on is a Frobenius group. In par- ticular, every subgroup of of prime order centralizes . Let . and suppose that . so that our running assumptions are: is not a Frobenius group, and let be a subgroup of prime order such that . It follows that . But centralizes so is not a -subgroup of . Hence is a Frobenius group, in case . Hence, is of Frobenius type in this case. If is non abelian, then for every -subgroup of , so is a T.I. set in and is of type I. If is abelian, and is not a T.I set in , and , then and is abelian. is of type I in this case. Suppose now that . In this case . Since is a Frobenius group and centralizes . it follows readily that is a Frobenius group, and that is of type I. Next suppose . Since is prime on is of prime order. Since does not centralize does centralize . Let . so that . Since centralizes centralizes . Since is non abelian and is a Frobenius group, it follows that is a T.I. set in and that is cyclic. Let be a maximal subgroup of containing . Then is not conjugate to . Let be a complement to which con-  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF 927 tains . If , then since centralizes a non cyclic p-group, which is not the case. Hence, , and we can suppose that . Since for every non empty subset of . it follows that . is prime on . Let , so that . and is prime on . Since . it follows that . If is not a -subgroup of . then for some in . But then is a Frobenius group, as is . so that centralizes . which is absurd. Hence is a subgroup of . If , then either or a -subgroup of is abelian. But in the first case, dominates , contrary to while in the second case normalizes some of with . and is a robenius group. As is prime on and is not a prime, it follows that centralizes If is a -subgroup of , then dominates so which is not the case. Otherwise. a subgroup of is non and is contained in the center of some -subgroup of . But . and a -subgroup of is abelian. Hence, . We next show that is a complement to in . Namely, turning back to the definition of . we have . But , and centralizes . Hence, or is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel . Now, since , it follows that . This implies that has a normal complement in . If then is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel and . This is absurd since is prime on . and is not a prime. Thus is a complement to in . Now, however, is nilpotent. Since has no fixed points on , it follows that . Since centralizes , it follows that . We next show that is a T.I. set in . Namely, divides since . Hence . since is a prime, , so is a T.I. set in . We now turn to . Let be a maximal subgroup of which contains . Then is not conjugate to either or , since the -subgroups of these three maximal subgroups are pairwise non isomorphic. Let be a -subgroup of containing and normalized by . If , then does not map onto , since centralizes . But then covers . This is not the case since and . Hence, , so , and .  928 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Since and since . it follows that . Hence, normalizes But . (This turns the tide.) Suppose . Then contains a non identity subgroup of . But contains , and we find that which is not the case. Hence . By Lemma 26.17, has -length one. Let , so that . Then is a Frobenius group whose Frobenius kernel is of index , or else . In any case, by Lemma 8.16, centralizes . But now which is a contradiction to . We have now exhausted all possibilities under the assumption that . Suppose . In this case, is cyclic and is nor- malized by . Since is a Frobenius group, centralizes , so centralizes . This implies that is a Frobenius group, or . In both cases, is of Frobenius type. If , then is non abelian, so for every -subgroup of , and is a T.I. set in . If . then is abelian, and the lemma follows from Lemma 26.19. LBMMA- 26.22. Let be the set of Z-subgroups of with the following properties: (i) If are primes, every subgroup of of order is cyclic. (ii) and for any non empty subset of . Then is empty or consists of a unique conjugate class of subgroups. Proof. If , and satisfies (i) and . then contains elements. Since is a Z-group, . is clearly a normal subset of so . Suppose and . Then there is a power of , say such that and such that has order where . is a prime divisor of . Then and so . Thus, the number of elements of which are conjugate to an element of is .  26. THE MAXIMAL OF 929 Suppose another subgroup of and satisfies and (ii). Set We can assume . by (26.7), and it follows that . The proof is complete. LEMMA 26.23. Let . suppose is a -subgroup of is not a and is cyclic. Then is of lype I or or has the following properties: (i) is a n ilpotent . set in . (ii) If is a complemen t for in then (a) is a non abelian -group and every subgroup of of order is cyclic, primes. (b) is prime on and is a non identity cyclic group. (iii) satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 26.22. Proof. If . the lemma follows from Lemma 26.19. We can therefore suppose that . Let be a complement for in , let be a complement to in Then is a cyclic -subgroup of , and is not a prime: If is a Frobenius group, then for every non identity -subgroup of , so is a T.I. set in and we are done. We can suppose that is not a Frobenius group. Suppose is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel . With this hypothesis, we will show that is of type I. Let be a cyclic -subgroup of Suppose . Then normalizes Consider . Since is not a prime and is a Frobenius group, it follows that . Hence, is a -subgroup of Since does not centralize , it follows that every subgroup of of prime order centralizes Since is not square free, .and contains a -subgroup such that . Consider . If . then . If or and a rsubgroup of is non abelian, then , so once again If and a -subgroup of is abelian, then contains a -subgroup of , contrary to . Hence and is a Frobenius group. Since is not a Frobenius group, . contains a non cyclic .subgroup for some prime If is abelian, and a -subgroup .of is non abelian, then , and is a -group. In this case, is a group, and so is of type I. If is abelian, and a -subgroup of is abelian, then is a -subgroup of . In this case, every subgroup of of prime order centralizes so centralizes for some non identity subgroup of . Since and a -subgroup of is abelian, it follows  930 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER that if is a -subgroup of which does not centralize , then a -subgroup of is abelian, and is normalized by a subgroup of with Since . Since is of type , there is a direct factor of which normalizes every subgroup of . Hence, is this direct factor. Hence, divides , so we have where is normalized by . It follows that is a Frobenius group for . Suppose every Sylow subgroup of is abelian. Let be the subset of in such that a -subgroup of is non cyclic, and let be a -subgroup of . By Lemma 26.18 and the preceding paragraph, is a normal abelian subgroup of . Hence, is of Frobenius type. Since is non abelian. is a T.I. set in . so is of type I. Thus, if is a Frobenius group and every Sylow subgroup of is abelian, then is of type I. Suppose is a Frobenius group, and is a non abelian -subgroup of . Then is a -subgroup of and Since every subgroup of of prime order centralizes and since Lemma 26.9 implies that centralizes . This violates the containment . Hence, if is a Frobenius group, is of type I. Suppose now that is not a Frobenius group. Let . By Lemma 26.15, is a -group. By Lemma 26.3, is nilpotent so is cyclic. Since every subgroup of of prime order centralizes , it follows that normal.izes , so centralizes since Aut is abelian. Hence, . Since every subgroup of of prime order centralizes , it follows that is abelian. Suppose were non cyclic. Let be a non cyclic -subgroup of . By Lemma 26.12, together with is a -subgroup of . Let be a -subgroup of which does not centralize , and let . Then . It follows now from that either is not a -subgroup of or , both of which are false. Hence, is cyclic. This yields that every subgroup of of order is cyclic, being primes. We next show that is prime on Since for all , it suffices to show that for all Suppose false and is a -subgroup of such that . Since is a Fro- benius group, it follows that is a -subgroup of and . In this case, let be a -subgroup of which does not  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF 931 centralize and consider . If , Lemma 26.9 is violated; if . then so ; If is not a -subgroup of , contrary to . Hence, is prime on , and so for all . Since is non abelian, is a T.I. set in . Let . and let . By construction, . , and . Since for every non empty subset of . Since , this implies that and for every non empty subset of . Thus, satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 26.22. The proof is complete. LEMMA 26.24. Suppose is of type V. Then is tamely imbedded in . Proof. We can suppose that is not a T.I. set in . Let , where is a complement to in . Then . and . Hence, is non abelian. Let , where is a non abelian -subgroup of , and is the -subgroup of for some prime (there may be several). We show that is a T.I. set in . If , this is the case. Suppose , and . Then . Let be a maximal subgroup of containing . By Lemma 26.14, . Hence . so and so and . Since is not a T.I. set in , it follows that is cyclic. Suppose . and . Since every subgroup of is normal in , it follows that . Furthermore, , so is of order , and , where is a non identity cyclic subgroup of , and (Notice that since ) Let be a maximal subgroup of containing . Then a -subgroup of is abelian, by Lemma 26.14, so is a -subgroup of . by Lemma 26.6. By Lemma 26.12 is a Frobenius group. Let 52 be a complement to in which contains Since is a Frobenius group, it follows that . This implies that , so that . We next show that . This is equivalent to showing that . Suppose false and is a prime divisor of . Since divides or . Since divides , and is a Frobenius group, . Thus, if is any element of of order , then  932 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER is contained in a unique maximal subgroup of . Let be an element of of order and let . Then . Since . is conjugate to in . Since is a Frobenius group or is a -group. We can thus find in such that . and we can suppose that is a -group. This implies that , so that . Since is a subgroup of . we have . Since and , . and so . But now . contrary to and a Frobenius group. Hence, . By construction, We next show that is a complement to in . Since it follows that , since and . Thus, . We next show that two elements of are conjugate in if and only if they are conjugate in . Let , and . Since is a T.I. set in . we can suppose M. . If then , so is non cyclic, and so . We can suppose . In this case is a -subgroup of . Now . so we can find so that . As observed earlier, this implies that . Since . and . we have . Then , so and are conjugate in , namely, by , since . Let be a set of representatives for the conjugate classes of elements in which are in and satisfy . As we saw in the preceding paragraph, is contained in a unique maximal subgroup of , for each , in fact, is the unique maximal subgroup of which contains . Let , and suppose notation is chosen so that are non conjugate in , while is con- jugate to some with , if . Set . . so that if . Let . Since . it follows that . Also, and . If , then is abelian, and in fact , where is a cyclic subgroup of . Since : is a Frobenius group, (26.8) . . so is a T.I. set in .  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF Suppose . Then . and where , and is a Frobenius group so that divides . Now normalizes can be so chosen.) If is abelian, then is a Frobenius group by Lemma 26.21, (together with a Frobenius group), and is a T.I. set in . If is non abelian, then since is prime on . and is prime on is prime on . If is not a prime, then centralizes . Since is cyclic and every subgroup of is normal in , we have . But since . Thus, we can suppose is a prime. If centralizes . Lemma 26.21 implies that is of type I. Thus, we can suppose that is a Frobenius group. Hence is a Frobenius group, as is . Since is a Frobenius group and is also a Frobenius group, : is a nilpotent T.I. set in . Hence is a non identity cyclic subgroup and satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 26.22 with the obvious factorization . But also satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 26.22, so and are isomorphic. In particular, divides , so divides . This is absurd, since divides and is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel . Hence, this case cannot arise. Hence, is a T.I. set in , and in fact (26.8) hold.s. Since is a -subgroup of . we have . Since and . are not conjugate in , by construction, we have if . The factorization of is now immediate, . We have already shown that . Thus, is tamely imbedded in . Hypothesis 26.1. (i) and is a S-subgroup of . (ii) is a prime and is a complement to in . (iii) is not nilpotent. (iv) . LEMMA 26.25. Under HypotheSis 26.1, is cyclic and satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 26.22 with the factorization is contained in a unique maximal subgroup . every element of . is of type I or is conjugate to or . Proof. Since is not nilpotent, . Let be any maximal subgroup of containing . Let consist of those in such that either or or , and let be a -invariant -subgroup of  OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER and let be a -subgroup of We will show is nilpotent and that . Choose and let be a -invariant -subgroup of . If then has -length one, by Lem:ma 26.17. Hence, centralizes , so has a normal -complement. If then by 3.16 (i) or Lemma 13.4, so in this case, too, has a normal -complement. Hence, is nilpotent and Since is not nilpotent, . Furthermore, . By construction, , so for every non empty subset of . Thus, is a T.I. set in Since , Lemma 26.14 implies that for every non empty subset of . Thus satis- fies Hypothesis (ii) in Lemma 26.22. Let is not conjugate to . either because is not a -subgroup of or because Thus, 1. If , then since [', ]. But in that case,. some -subgroup of normalizes , so is a -subgroup of . But in that case, Hence, . Since for every non empty subset CIf it. follows that has a normal complement in , say a]ld is . -subgroup of . Suppose . Then is disjoint from is a Frobenius group, and . Further- more, a -invariant of has a normal complement in . and is abelian, by Lemmas 26.10 and 26.11. Thus is a direct factor of , and , since and . If a subgroup of is abelian, then dominates , so . which is not the case. If a -subgroup of is non abelian, then since: is nilpotent, is contained in the center of some -subgroup. of . This is absurd, since and is an abelian -subgroup. of Hence, . Again, let be a -subgroup of normalized by , and let. be a -subgroup of normalized by . Then either or is a Frobenius group. In both these case, we conclude . If does not centralize , then by Lemma , so is the unique maximal subgroup of If centralizes . then , so if is the unique maximal subgroup of containing . But if . then , so of" course is the unique maximal subgroup of containing . Thus, in all cases, is the unique maximal subgroup of . We next see that if are primes then every subgroup of" of order is cyclic. We next show that . Suppose false and where is the -subgroup  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS oF 935 of . If . then since urnS', it follows that and is the non abelian group of order and exponent , so that . Since has a normal complement in and every subgroup of of order is cyclic, . Thus, we can suppose that e .. By definition of , we also have . Apply Lemma 8.17 and conclude that divides . Since is a -group. Lemma 18.4 applied to acting on the of implies that centralizes the -subgroup of .. since , it follows once again that . Hencet with cyclic . , then is cyclic. Suppose is non cyclic. Since is nilpotent and since is nilpotent by Lemma 26.4, it follows that contains a prime such that of is non abelian. Hence, contains a non abelian . By construction, , so . This implies that is a T.I. set in . Since is assumed non cyclic, hence non abelian, and since every subgroup of of order is cyclic, it follows that is not a prime. By Lemma 26.28 is a nilpotent T.I. set in . Set . If . ,the sets have pair- wise empty intersections. Hence, fig, SO that . Since , the last inequality is not possible. Hence, is cyclic. Let be a maximal subgroup of which is not conjugate to either S or . If is not a -subgroup of , then Lemmas 26.10, 26.11 and 26.21 imply that is of type I. If is a -subgroup of but is non cyclic, Lemma 26.21 implies that is of type I. If is a -subgroup of is cyclic, and is not a prime, then by Lemma 26.28. is of type I or contains a subgroup which satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 26.22. But also satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 26.22, so is conjugate to . Since can be assumed, either , ' , or . The first case yields the second case yields and we are done in this case. Lemmas 26.22 and 26.28 complete the proof.  936 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER LEMMA 26.26. Under Hypothesis 26.1 is either of type , or (i) is a prime. (ii) (a) . anti is a -subgroup of . (b) is not ni lpotent. Proof. By Lemma 26.25, and is cyclic. As and , it follows that for every non empty subset of . Since , this implies that has as a complement. If is not a prime, is nilpotent, by Lemma 26.3. This implies directly that is of type , condition (ii) in the definition of type following easily, since is non abelian. We can suppose that is not of type V. Hence, (i) is satisfied. Since is not nilpotent, (ii) (a) and (ii) (b) also hold. Lemma 26.26 is important, since if is not of type , then satisfies Hypothesis 26.1, as does . LEMMA 26.27. Uruder Hypothesis 26.1, one of the following hold s: (i) (ii) is a tamely imbedded subset of is a -subgroup of . Proof. Suppose . If is a T.I. set in we are done. Hence, we can suppose that is not a T.I. set in . Since is not a T.I. set in and since is a T.I. set in (, so Lemma 26.5 (ii) applies), . We first treat the case in which is non abelian. Let , where is a non abelian -subgroup of . and is the subgroup of We show that is the unique maximal subgroup of containing . Suppose it. By Lemma 26.1, . In particular, , so is a -subgroup of . If . then by Sylow's theorem, is conjugate to in , so that , and . Hence, we can suppose is not conjugate to . Clearly, is not conjugate to , since . Hence, is of type I. But then so , contrary to assumption. Hence, is contained in and no other maximal subgroup of . This implies that is a S- subgroup of . Choose . There are such elements and since is not a T.I. set in . If is not a -element, then for some integer , contrary to the fact that is a T.I. set in . Hence is a -element and we can suppose that . If , then for some , and con- tains a -subgroup of both and , which is not the case. Hence,  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF 937 . Since was any non abelian Sylow subgroup of , it follows that is abelian. Let . A -subgroup of is non cyclic. Let be a -subgroup of containing . If . then by Lemma 26.7, , so . If , the same equality holds by Lemma 26.14 and the containment Thus. is not conjugate to . Since is non cyclic, is not conjugate to . Hence, is of type I. and this implies directly that . Since a -subgroup of is non abelian, Lemmas 26.12 and 26.18 imply that , and it is obvious that is a T.I. set in with as its normalizer. We have verified all the properties in the definition of a tamely imbedded subset except the conjugacy condition for and the coprime conditions. By definition of , together with the fact that is a -subgroup of , it follows that . If then is conjugate to This is not the case, as is non cyclic. Thus, if is a set of representatives for the conjugate classes of maximal subgroups of which contain for some in and are different from . it follows that for . It remains only to verify the conjugacy condition for elements of . Let be elements of which are conjugate in . We can suppose that and have order and are in . otherwise it is immediate that and are conjugate in . Let , then . Since , it follows that and are conjugate in . (It is at this point that we once again have made use of the fact that the subgroups in have two conjugate classes of subgroups of order Thus, is a tamely imbedded subset of in this case. We now assume that is abelian. We first show that is a -subgroup of . Otherwise, is not a -subgroup of for some non identity -subgroup of 0. Let . Then is not conjugate to , since . Suppose is conjugate to . Since is a Frobenius group, we have . Thus is not nilpotent, since by hypothesis . Hence, is not of type V. By Lemma 26.26, is a prime. Since is also a prime, it follows that if is a -subgroup of . normalized by , then is a Frobenius group, , since is not nilpotent). If . then ince . it follows that is conjugate to . But divides , and so , which is not the case. Hence . But  938 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER so , which is absurd since is a -group. Hence, is not conjugate to ither or so is of type I. Since is of prime order and is a Frobenius group, Since we have Hence , which is absurd. Hence, is a -subgroup of . This implies directly that for all non identity Sylow subgroups of . Since is an abelian -subgroup of , and is a T.I. set in , the condition implies that two elements of are conjugate in if and only if they are conjugate in . Suppose , and . Then is a -element, and we can suppose . Let . . Since is an abelian S- subgroup of and since , it follows that is not con- jugate to or . It is now straightforward to verify that is tamely imbedded in . LEMMA 26.28. Hypothesis 26.1, either or is of type II. If is of type II, then is T.I. set in Both and are of type II, III, IV or V. Proof. First, suppose is of type , but that is not of type II. Suppose . By Lemma 26.27. is a tamely imbedded subset of . As is a -subgroup of in this case, we have . By Lemma 26.24, is a tamely imbedded subset of . We now use the notation of section 9. Suppose and some element of is conjugate to some element of This implies the existence of it such that divides , which is not the case. Setting it follows that no element of is conjugate to an element of or . We find, with . that by Lemma 9.5, (26.9) , which is not the case. Hence . If were a non abelian -subgroup of , then . by Lemma 26.14. Since , this is impossible. Hence is abelian, and . Thus, is of type II in this case, since the above in- formation implies directly that is nilpotent. Suppose now that is not of type V. Then from Lemma 26.26 we have , where is a normal -subgroup of is  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF 939 a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel , and is a non identity -group. Since is of prime order . it follows from 3.16 that contains a subgroup such that is elementary of order . and centralizes . We next show that centralizes . This is an immediate application of 3.16. If , then is of type III or IV accord- ing as is abelian or non abelian. If neither nor is of type II, then both and are tamely imbedded subsets of , by Lemma 26.27, since both and satisfy Hypothesis 26.1. Once again, (26.9) yields a contradiction. If is of type II. then is a T.I. set in . Suppose and . Choose Then . If then since is a T.I. set in We can suppose , and without loss of generality, we assume that has prime order . If a -subgroup of is non cyclic, then by Lemmas 26.12 and 26.13, . We can suppose that the -subgroup of is cyclic, so that . Since . it follows that . Choose with . If , it follows readily that . so we can suppose . In this case, is a Frobenius group, and this implies that , which is not the case. The proof is complete. LEMMA 26. 29. If and is of type then is a tamely imbedded subset of . Proof. We first show that is tamely imbedded in . If is a T.I. set in we are done. If is abelian, the conjugacy property for elements of holds. Suppose is abelian, , and . Let with . Suppose is of type I. Then is disjoint from , since . Let be a complement for in which contains . Lemmas 26.12 and 26.13 imply that . If is a set of representatives for the conjugate classes of maximal subgroups of constructed in this fashion, then , for . Also, . Suppose . for some . and some We can suppose that  940 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER has prime order . Let be a prime divisor of . so that , Since is of type , this implies that a -subgroup of is non cyclic so that . Since does not centralize a -subgroup of . But now Lemma 8.16 implies that the -subgroup of centralizes a S.-subgroup of . which is not the case. Hence, for every . By construction contains a non identity element. From Lemma 26.13 we have and is a T.I. set in . Thus, if is abelian and every with the property that and for some . is of type , then is tamely imbedded in . Suppose is not of type I. Since it is obvious that is not of type V. It is equally obvious that is not of type III or IV. Hence, is of type II. Since is a -subgroup of . it is a -subgroup of , and it follows that is a complement to Since is relatively prime to and to each , we only need to show that is relatively prime to , . Let , so that is a prime and contains a -subgroup of . Since , it follows that if is a -subgroup of . either , or is a Frobenius group. Thus for and is a tamely imbedded subset of . Since for every element of , by Lemmas 26.12 and 26.13, the lemma is proved if is abelian. We can now suppose that is non abelian, and is not a T.I. set in . Let be a non abelian -subgroup of and let . Since is not a T.I. set in Lemmas 26.14 and 26.13 imply that is a cyclic T.I. set in . It follows directly from Lemma 26.12 that is a tamely imbedded subset of . It remains to show that is a tamely imbedded subset of . This is an immediate consequence of Lemmas 26.12 and 26.13. LEMMA 26.30. If is a nilpotent S-subgroup of , then two elements of are conjugate in if and only if they are conjugate in . . Proof. Let . If and is of type ,  26. THE MAXIMAL SUBGROUPS OF 941 we are done. If and is not of type I. we are done. If then If is of type I. is abelian, and we are done. If is not of type I. then is of type III or IV. and we are done. We now summarize to show that the proofs of Theorems 14.1 and 14.2 are complete. By Lemma 26.30, the conjugacy property for nilpotent -subgroups holds. If every element of . is of type I. we are done by Lemma 26.29. We can therefore suppose that con- tains an element not of type I. Choose not of type I. By Lemma 26.21, if , a -subgroup of is cyclic. This implies that is a -subgroup of . First, suppose is not a prime. Then by Lemma 26.23, is of type or satisfies the con- ditions listed in Lemma 26.23. Suppose that is not of type and is a complement to in . Let be the smallest prime such that a -subgroup of is not contained in and choose . . By Lemmas 26.12 and 26.13, is not of type I. Lemma 26.21 implies that is a -subgroup of and is cyclic. By construction, is not nilpotent, and also by construc- tion is not conjugate to . We will now show that is a prime. Otherwise, since is not of type I or satisfies the conditions of Lemma 26.23. In this case, both and are nilpotent T.I. sets in and satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 26.22. . . . , so that (26.10) , which is not the case. Hence is a prime, so that satisfies Hypothesis 26.1. But then Lemma 26.25 implies that is of type V. Thus, whenever . satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 26.23, is of type I or V. Suppose every element of is of type I or , and there is an element of type V. Let , and let be a -subgroup of . Choose so that . Then is not of type I. Suppose is of type V. By Lemma and are tamely imbedded subsets of . Since (. ) it follows that and do not contain elements in the same conjugate class of , Setting . then (26.10) holds, by Lemma 9.5, which is not the case. We can now suppose that it contains an element not of type I or V. Lemmas 26.21, 26.23 and the previous reduction imply that is a -subgroup of . is not nilpotent, and is a prime. Lemmas 26.25 and 26.28 cowplete the proof of Theorem 14.1.  942 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER As for Theorem 14.2, Lemmas 26.28 and 26.29, together with Theorem 14.1, imply all parts of the theorem, since if is of type II, III, IV, or is any tamely imbedded subset of which satisfies , and is a cyclic subgroup of which satisfies the hypothesis of Lemma 26.22, then adjoining all L. , to does not alter the set of supporting subgroups for as for all . The proofs are complete.  CHAPTER 27. Statement of the Result Proved in Chapter The following result is proved in this chapter. THEOREM 27.1. Let be a minimal simple group of odd order. Then satisfies the following conditions: (i) and are odd primes with contains elemen tary abelian subgroups and with . and are T-I. sets in . (ii) , where and are Frobenius groups with Frobenius kernels respectively. , and . (iii) If then and is a self-normal- izing cyclic subgroup of . Furthermore, . and . (iv) is a cyclic group which is T.I. set in . Further- more, is a cyclic group of order and is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel . In this chapter we take the results stated in Section 14 as our starting point. The notation introduced in that section is also used. There is no reference to any result in Chapter IV which is not con- tained in Section 14. The theory of group characters plays an es- sential role in the proof of Theorem 27.1. In particular we use the material contained in Chapter III. Sections 28-31 consist of technical results concerning the characters of various subgroups of . In Section 32 the troublesome groups of type are eliminated. In Section 33 it is shown that groups of type I are Frobenius groups. By making use of the main theorem of it is then easy to show that the first possibility in Theorem 14.1 cannot occur. The rest of the chapter consists of a detailed study of the groups and until in Section 36 we are able to supply a proof of Theorem 27.1. 28. Characters of Subgroups of Type I Hypothesis 28.1. (i) is of Frobenius type with Frobenius kernel and comple- ment . (ii) where is abelian. is cyclic. .  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER (iii) is a subgroup of with the same exponent as such that is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel . LEMMA 28.1. Under Hypothesis 28.1, has an irreducible charac- of degree which does not have in its kernel. Proof. If is cyclic, then I is a Frobenius group and the lemma is immediate. We may assume that is non cyclic. Let be a chief factor of with . Let . Then is cyclic. Since is of Frobenius type, the exponent of is the exponent of . Hence, Let be the normal closure of in . Then is abelian. Let be a non principal linear character of . Then so Lemma 4.5 completes the proof. LEMMA 28.2. Suppose is of type anxi satisfies Hypo- thesis 28.1. Suppose further that contains an element such that and . Then the set of irreducible eharacters of which do not have in their kernel is coherent. Proof. By Lemmas 28.1 and 4.5, it follows that Hypothesis 11.1 and (11.4) are satisfied if we take . and let play the role of . Since is in the center of , it follows that Thus, by assumption, is not a chief factor of . Therefore, (28.1) . Let {. }, where the notation is chosen so that if and only if . and where . By (28.1) we get that (11.5) holds with and by Theorem 11.1 the lemma will follow as soon as it is shown that is coherent. for . Then each is an integer and . By Theorem 10.1, the coherence of will follow once inequality (10.2) is established. Suppose (10.2) does not hold. Then for some with . Every character in is a constituent of a character induced by a linear character of . Therefore, (28.8) . Let and let Thus,  29. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE III AND IV and . If is the inverse image of : in , then is of Frobenius type and satisfies Hypothesis 28.1. Two applications of Lemma 28.1 imply that . Hence, (28.2) does not hold for any . . The proof is complete. 29. Characters of Subgroups of Type III and IV The following notation will be used. is a subgroup of type II, III, or IV. plays the role of in the definition of subgroups of type II, III, and IV given in Section 14. , and have the same meaning as in these definitions. is a subgroup of type II. III, IV, or whose existence follows from Theorem 14.1 (ii) (b), (e). Let {. } and for . let : be the -sub- group of . Define , . . Let . and . By definition, is a prime. is the set of characters of which are induced by nonprincipal irreducible characters of . is the set of characters of which are induced by irreducible characters of that do not have . in their kernel. The purpose of this section is to prove the following result. THEOREM 29.1. (i) If is of type III then is coheren t except possibly if . for some prime and . (ii) If is of type IV, then is coheren t except possibly for some prime aM is not coherent. Hypothesis 29.1. is a subgroup of type III or IV. Throughout this section, Hypothesis 29.1 will be assumed. Thus, by Theorem 14.1 (ii) (d), is of type II. Consequently, has prime order . Let . and . Thus, by 3.16 (i), for . Since , this yields that . As does not act trivially on , Lemma 4.6 (i) implies that . For any subgroup of , let denote the set of characters in which have the same degree and the same weight as some character in that has in it kernel.  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER LEMMA 29.1. Hypothesis 11.1 is satisfied if in that hypothesis is replaced by is replaced by is taken as is replaced by . and are replaced by , and . Proof. By Theorem 14.2, Condition (i) is satisfied. Condition (ii) follows from the fact that is a three step group. Condition (iii) is immediate and Condition (vi) is simply definition (consistent with the present definition). Since is a Frobenius group, contains an irreducible character of degree . Hence, Condition (iv) is satisfied. The group satisfies Hypothesis 13.2. Hence, by Theorem 14.2, Hypothesis 13.3 is satisfied with , and , and with replaced by . By Lemmas 13.7, 13.9, and 13.10, Condition (v) of Hypothesis 11.1 is satisfied. The proof is complete. LEMMA 29.2. If is coherent, then is coherent. Proof. As It does not act trivially on . Since is a Frobenius group, 3.16 (iii) yields that . As either and or and yields that . Hence, (11.5) is satisfied with . By Lemma 29.1, Theorem 11.1 may be applied. This implies the required result. LEMMA 29.3. If is not coherent, then . Proof. Let . We have , as and centralizes . Hence, is a Frobenius group. Let be all the degrees of characters in and let for . Then for each is an integer and . Every character of is a constituent of a character induced by a linear character of . Thus, for . There are at least irreducible characters of degree in . Thus, if is. not coherent, inequality (10.2) must be violated for some . In par- ticular, this implies that  29. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE III AND IV Therefore, , so since As is a normal subgroup of the Frobenius group we have (mod ). Since and are both odd, this implies that as required. LEMMA 29.4. If is not coherent, then . and . Proof. By Lemma 29.8. If then so that Hence, and fol- lows directly from the fact that If , then since is cyclic, Lemma 4.6 (i) implies that some non identity element of is in the center of Thus, divides which is not the case. Since does not act trivially on (iii) now implies that Since has prime order and lies outside . we get that a Frobenius group. Hence, by 8.16 (i), is nilpotent. Conse- quently, is in the center of . As the fixed points of on are a direct factor of , and since has no fixed points on , we have . The lemma is proved. LEMMA 29.5. If is not coherent then is an elementary abelian -group of order . Proof. In view of Lemma 29.4 it suffices to show that . By 8.16 . Thus, if . there exists a subgroup . of such that and . If acts irreducibly on . then . Hence, is an extra special -group and for some integer contrary to Lemma 29.4. Suppose that acts reducibly on . Since the irreducible constituents of this representation are conjugate under the action of . all constituents have the same dimension. As and is a prime, this yields that they must all be one dimensional. There- fore, there exist elements in such that and where are linear characters of (mod ) with for and a suitably chosen generator of Since is odd, for any with . Hence, if are given, there exists such that For . let be an element of such that  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . Since , we get that [Pl ] . Since . this yields that for . Since , we get contrary to construction. Thus, as required. LEMMA 29.6. If is not coherent , then is not coherent. Proof. Suppose that . Assume that is coherent. Let . Let be the equivalence classes of chosen so that every character in has degree for . and . Suppose is not coherent. By Hypothesis 11.1, and Lemma 29.1, all parts of Hypothesis 10.1 are satisfied except possibly inequality (10.2). Since is not coherent, inequality (10.2) must be violated for some . Every character in . is a constituent of a character induced by a linear character of . Thus for . Hence, violation of inequality (10.2) yields that Since (mod ) and . this implies that . Hence is coherent. Since , the proof is complete. The proof of Theorem 29.1 is now immediate. Lemmas 29.2, 29.4 and 29.5 imply statement (i). Lemmas 29.2, 29.4, 29.5, and 29.6 imply statement (ii). 30. Characters of Subgroups of Type II, III and IV The notation introduced at the beginning of Section 29 is used in this section. The main purpose of this section is to prove the following result.  30. CHARACTERS oF SUBGROUPS oF TYPE II. III AND IV THEOREM 80.1. Let be a subgr0up 0f type II, III or IV. Them is c0heremt except p0ssibly if is 0f type II, is mom abeliam 8-gr0up, is a Frobemius group with Fr0bemius kermel is a subgr0up 0f type V. A11 lemmas in this section will be proved under the following as- sumption. Hypothesis 80.1. ( i ) is a subgr0up 0f type II, III, or IV. (ii) is m0t c0heremt except possibly if is of type II. (iii) has exp0memt . For any subgroup of let be the set of characters in which have in their kernel. Notice that this notation differs from that used in Section 29. LEMMA 80.1. The degree of every character is by . Pr00f. Every character in is a constituent of a character of induced by a nonprincipal character of . For any character of let be the character of induced by . Set . Let . If is of type II 0t III. then by Lemma 4.5 it suffices to show that if , then . Let be the kernel of and let such that . Then and for . As . if , then centralizes some element in . Hence, . Let . Then char and . Suppose . If is of type II, then is a T.I. set in by Theorem 14.2. Hence, contrary t0 definition. If is of type III, then by Theorem 29.1, is represented irre- ducibly on . Since is in the kernel of this represen- tation. Thus, contrary to Theorem 29.1. Thus, . for and s0 in case is of type II 0t III. If is of type IV. we will show that Hypothesis 11.1 and (11.2) are satisfied with in that hypothesis being taken as our present being taken as and being taken as , and being taken as . Certainly (i) is satisfied. Since is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel (ii) and (11.2) are satisfied, and the ,remaining conditions follow immediately from the fact that is a  950 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Frobenius group. The present plays the role of in Hypothesis; 11.1 (iii). Notice now that Hypothesis 11.2 is satisfied. By Lemma 11.2 and the fact that is not coherent it follows that is a non abelian -group for some prime whose derived group and Frattini subgroup coincide. But . Since . is of exponent . so . As has no fixed points on . it follows readily that every non linear character of has degree divisible by , as required. LEMMA 30.2. For . anti has ponen t . Proof. If is of type III or IV, the result follows from Theo- rem 29.1. Suppose is of type II. Then is a T.I. set in by Theorem 14.2. Let be the exponent of for . Then and char . Thus, if then . contrary to definition of subgroups of type II. Suppose for some with Since is cyclic, this implies the existence of a subgroup with such that is a chief factor of . By 3.16 (i), is nilpotent. Thus, and , contrary to definition. LEMMA 30.3. For . either or (. ) and. . In the first case, is the direct product of groups of order each of which is normalized by . In the second case, is cyclic of order and acts irreducibly on . Proof. By Lemma 30.2. is represented irreducibly on . As , the restriction of this representation to breaks up. into a direct sum of irreducible representations all of which have the same degree . By Lemma 30.2, and so or . If , the order of every element in divides . Hence, by Lemma 30.2, . If then acts irreducibly on Thus, is. cyclic. By Lemma 30.2, . Therefore, . Let . Then the characteristic roots of are algebraically conjugate over . Hence, this is also the case for every power of U. If . then some power of has its charac- teristic roots in and thus is a scalar. This violates the fact that is a Frobenius group. LEMMA 30.4. Suppose for some . Let-  30. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE II, III AND IV 951 , and let . Then for some integer . Furth er- more, contains at least irreducible characters of degree at least characters of weight and degree . Proof. By Lemma 30.3, is cyclic. By Theorem 29.1, is not of type IV. so is abelian. Hence, is a Frobenius group. By Lemma 30.2, . Furthermore, since acts irreducibly on . is the direct product of cyclic groups of the same order . Thus, and . By 3.16 (iii) every non principal irreducible character of induces an irre- ducible character of of degree . Since is abelian, this implies that every irreducible character of which does not have in its kernel induces an irreducible character of of degree . Hence, has at least . distinct irreducible characters of degree . Since satisfies Hypothesis 13.2, Lemma 13.7 implies that all but non principal irreducible characters of induce irre- ducible characters of . The result now follows. LEMMA 30.5. Suppose that for some wi th . Let and let Then is an integer contains at least irreducible characters of degree , where . Proof. For any subgroup I of , let . By Lemma 30.3, contains a cyclic subgroup which is normalized by such that  952 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER and such that for some subgroup which is normalized by . Since acts irreducibly on , it follows that . Let be the kernel of the representation of on . Then is cyclic and so . There are at least distinct linear characters of which do not have in their kernel. Each of these induces an irreducible character of of degree . Thus, by Lemma 30.1, and there are at least distinct irreducible characters of of degree which have in their kernel, and as characters of have in their kernel. If one of these induced a reducible character of or two of these induced the same character of , then would normalize , contrary to the fact that acts irreducibly on . LEMMA 30.6. If contains no irreducible character of degree then and . Furthermore, is coherent. Proof. By Lemmas 30.3 and 30.5, and divides for . Suppose that for some , . Then . Therefore, , and (. ). Thus, (30-1) . Now Lemma 30.4 implies that (30.1) holds for . Thus, . Hence, . Also, . and  30. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE II, III AND IV 953 so . If a character in is equivalent to a character in , then its degree is prime to , so . Thus, the equivalence relation in Hypothesis 11.1 has the property that the present set is a union of equivalence classes. Therefore, consists of reducible characters of degree . Theorem 14.2 implies that Hypothesis 13.3 is satisfied. Hence, Lemma 13.9 implies that is coherent. The remaining lemmas in this section will be proved under the following stronger assumption. Hypothesi s 30.2. (i) Hypothesis 30.1 is satisfied. (ii) is not coherent. LEMMA 30.7. If is not coherent, then . and . The degree of every character in is either or contains exactly irreducible characters of degree . Proof. Let be all the degrees of characters in . Define for . By Lemmas 13.10, 30.1 and 30.6, all the assumptions of Theorem 10.1 are satisfied except possibly inequality (10.2). Every character in is a constituent of a character of which is induced by a linear character of . Hence, and so . Choose the notation so that for and for . If is not coherent then inequality (10.2) is violated. Lemmas 30.2 and 30.3 imply that for , . Thus by Lemmas 30.4 and 30.5, there exists with , such that . Therefore, (30-2) . For  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . By Theorem 29.1, . Thus, (30.2) implies that . If , then . . Assume first that If , then since and (30.2) yields . Thus, every character in has degree . Therefore the definition of subcoherence implies directly that is coherent contrary to assumption. Suppose now that . Then (30.2) yields that . Therefore, (30.4) (mod ), . Further, (30.2) also implies that . It follows from (30.4) that (30.6) (mod ). Each term on the left of (30.5) is an integer. Hence, if . yields that contrary to (30.5). Consequently, . Now (30.2) and (30.3) imply that so that We also conclude that , so that . Furthermore, . and Since is odd, we have Finally we get that and so . If or if contains more than irreducible characters of degree , then (30.2) is replaced by a strict inequality which is impossible as . Thus, , and so and the degree of a character in is either or . If is of type II or III, then and the result is proved. Suppose that is of type IV. Since the degree of any character in is either or . is generated by two elements. Since is generated by two elements. Thus, if we set , replace and by , and replace by in Hypothesis 11.2, then by Lemma 29.1, Hypothesis 11.2 holds and by Lemma 11.3 and Theorem 29.1, we conclude that is coherent, contrary to  30. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE III AND IV 955 assumption. LEMMA 30.8. is coherent. Proof. By Lemma 30.7, it may be assumed that is a p- group for some prime . that , and that . Suppose that is not coherent. Let be the set of irreducible charac- ters in of degree . Then by Lemma 30.7 (30.7) , . Let be the set of irreducible characters in of degree . The group satisfies Hypothesis 13.2. Hence, by Lemmas 13.5, 13.7 and 30.7, there are reducible characters in of weight and degree which have in their kernel. As the sum of the squares of degrees of irreducible characters of is , we get that (30.8) . Since is abelian and is generated by two elements, we also have (30.9) . Now (30.7), (30.8) and (30.9) yield that (30.10) . Hence, by (5.8), is non empty. Let for . The character is in- duced by a linear character of some subgroup of index in . Define (30.11) , where is the character of induced by Since , it follows that induces on Since does not normalize . (30.11) is seen to imply that . Since is tamely imbedded in and vanishes on . we get that  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . Furthermore, for all values of and . Suppose that for some . Then for all . Hence (30.10) and (30.12) imply that . Thus (30.13) . Therefore . . Hence . Thus by (5.1). Now (30.13) becomes . Thus . This implies that .  30. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE II. III AND IV 957 Therefore , or equivalently . Thus (80.7) yields t.hat . This is impossible since and both a and are odd. Thus' (80.14) for . Define . Suppose that . As is an isometry on . this yields that for all . Therefore, (80.15) , where is a linear combination of elements in and is orthogonal . Since it follows that . Since (80.16) . (80.7) and (80.16) yield . This implies that , 0t . Since is an integer, or 1 and . Suppose . Then (80.15) becomes (80.17) . As vanish on , we have (80.18) a. Since , we get that  958 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER (30.19) , for some integer and some which is orthogonal to . Now (30.14), (30.17), (30.18) and (30.19) yield that . - Reading this equality mod , we get (mod ). Thus , contrary to Lemma 30.7. Hence, . Consequently , and so for some . Since , or- . This implies directly that is coherent. Lemma 13.10 and Theorem 10.1 now yield that is coherent. The proof is complete. LEMMA 30.9. is of type II. Proof. If is of type III or IV. then Theorem 29.1 yields that . Thus, by Lemma 30.8, is coherent. Hence, Hypothesis 30.2 implies that is of type II. LEMMA 30.10. If contains an irreducible character of degree . then Hypothesis 11.1 is satisfied with . and . Proof. By Theorem 14.2, Condition (i) is satisfied. Condition (ii) follows from the definition of three step group. Conditions (iii) and (vi) are immediate, while Condition (iv) holds by assumption. The group satisfies Hypothesis 13.2. Hence, by Theorem 14.2 Hypo- thesis 13.3 is satisfied with and By Lemmas and 13.10, Hypothesis 10.1 is satisfied. Thus, Lemma 10.1 yields that Condition (v) of Hypothesis 11.1 is satisfied. The proof is complete. LEMMA 30.11. If contains an irreducible character of degree then . Proof. By Hypothesis 30.2, is not coherent. Thus, Lemmas 30.8, 30.9, and 30.10, together with Theorem 11.1 yield the result.  30. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE II, III AND IV 959 LEMMA 80.12. For . and is a Frobenius group. Proof. Suppose that for some . Then Lemmas 80.2 and 80.11 yield that . Thus, . Therefore, (5.1) implies that . Hence, or 7. Thus, a divides 4 or 6. As is odd and , this implies that which is not the case. Therefore, by Lemma 80.8, is cyclic of order for . If were not a Frobenius group, then for some . { U ell} would lie in Since and char , this implies that , contrary to Lemma 80.9. LEMMA 80.18. . and . Proof. By Lemma 80.8, . Choose the notation so that . Let where is a chief factor of for . Thus, . is of class two and so is a regular -group. By Lemma 4.6 (i) centralizes an element of for Since is cyclic, this implies that , has exponent . Let . Then the regularity of , yields that has the same minimal polynomial on as on . Hence, by Lemma 6.2, . Now Lemma 80.11 implies that if , then (80.20) . Since , (80.20) implies that . Hence, by (5.9), and . Thus, (80.20) becomes (80.21) . If (80.21) implies that . Thus, and so by (5.1). Hence and (80.21) yields 1000, which is not the case. If , then (80.21) and (5.6) imply that . Thus, or . If then  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER and . Since and this cannot be the case. If then is a prime. Thus 2801 . Suppose now that . Then by (5.7), . Thus, , or 11. Let be a prime factor of . Then and (mod ). Thus, (mod ). If , then (mod 6) and , which is impossible. If . then and (mod 14). Thus or 48. Since (mod 29) and (mod 48). these cases cannot occur. If . then and (mod 22). Thus, . , or 419. Since (mod ). the quad- ratic reciprocity theorem implies that so that (mod 5). Thus, or 419. Since (mod 89), (mod 199), (mod ) (mod 419). these cases cannot occur. Hence, , and the lemma is proved. If is not coherent, then Lemmas 80.8 and 80.12 imply that is not a prime. Hence, is of Type V. The other statements in Theorem 80.1 follow directly from Lemmas 80,9 and 80.18. 31. Characters of Subgroups of Type In this section is a subgroup of type V. Let be the subgroup of which satisfies condition (ii) of Theorem 14.1. By Theorem 14.1 (ii) (d) is of type II. The notation introduced at the beginning of Section 29 will be used. is the set of all characters of which are induced by non principal irreducible characters of . For any class function of let be the class function of induced by . For let be the generalized charac- ters of defined by Lemma 18.1 and let be the characters of defined by Lemma 18.8. Hypothesis 18.2 is satisfied with . and replaced by . By Lemma 18.7 has exactly irreducible characters which induce reducible characters of . Denote these by for , where . Let for . Since is a prime the characters are algebraically conjugate for . Therefore for .  31. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE LEMMA 31.1. contains an irreducible character of ex- cept possibly if is a prime and is a Frobenius group. Proof. If is not a Frobenius group then there are strictly more than classes of whose order is not relatively prime to . The result now follows from Lemma 13.7. Suppose that is a Frobenius group. By Lemma 6.2 and 3.16 (iii) is abelian and if the result is false. Then Lemma 13.7 implies that contains exactly conjugate classes which are in . Therefore . Hence . This implies that is an elementary abelian -group for some prime . Since is cyclic is a prime as required. LEMMA 31.2. Let . Then for . Proof. Lemma 10.3 implies that by Lemma 9.4 . Since is rational on by Lemma 13.1, is independent of . Thus (31.1) implies that (31.2) . for some integer , where is an integral linear combination of irreducible characters of each of which vanishes on . Let . Let be a prime dividing . let be an element of order in and let be a prime divisor of in the ring of integers of . Let have the same meaning as in Hypothesis 13.1. Thus by Lemmas 13.1 and 13.3 (31.3) , where is independent of . Therefore  962 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER (31.4) . In view of Lemma 4.2 (31.3) and (31.4) imply that (mod ) (mod ) (mod ). Thus (31.2) and (31.5) yield that (mod ). Thus as required. The main purpose of this section is to prove that is coherent. Theorem 12.1 will play an important role in the proof of this fact. The lemmas in this section will from now on satisfy the following assumption. Hypothesis 31.1. is not coherent. By theorem is a Frobenius group. Hence by Lemma 11.2 is a -group. Define (31.6) , . Let r be all the integers which are degrees of irreducible characters of . Let (31.7) , . By Lemma 13.10 Hypothesis 12.1 is satisfied. Let . be defined by (12.3) for . LEMMA 31.3. Sttppose th at for some integer . Then is not a prime power. Proof. Suppose that for some prime . Then by Lemma 11.5 and contains a subgroup which is normal in and satisfies and . Therefore and contains irreducible characters r of degree . Define . . By Lemma 9.4 we have that (31.8) . Furthermore  31. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE V , (81.9) . Suppose that for some with . Then (81.8) and (81.9) imply that . Hence , or which is not the case. Therefore (81.10) for . Equation (81.9) also yields that for some integer (81.11) , for . Furthermore Lemma 18.8 implies that for , (81.12) . Since vanishes on and Lemma 18.2 yields that (81-18) where for Now (81.12) and (81.18) imply that for . Define a2.. Then (81.18) implies that (81.14) '. For any value of the term in the last summation in (81-14) is non zero. Furthermore . Thus (81.14) implies that if there are exactly values of with , then (81.15) is even. The last statement follows from the fact that since and thus has its values in . By definition . Lemma 81.2 implies that for any value of with  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER or . Now (31.8), (31.11) and (31.15) yield that . or . Therefore . Suppose that , then . Now (31.8) and (31.11) imply that By (31.15) this implies that or Assume first that then (31.10) implies that . Hence by (31.16) . This implies that . Consequently (31.8), (31.10) and (31.11) yield that which is not the case. Assume now that . Choose with so that for . Thus and by (31.16) . Since has its values in and has its values in for any algebraic conjugate of . By Lemma 13.1 has at least algebraic conjugates. Hence , therefore . Since vanishes on Lemma 13.1 implies that for . Hence if then . Therefore . Hence . Consequently (31.8), (31.10) and (31.11) yield that  31. CHARACTBRS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE 965 . The assumption that has led to a contradiction in all cases. Therefore (31.8), (31.11) and (31.15) imply that , . Thus for . Thus (31.14) implies that . Hence or and . Thus or and . In either case this implies that the set of charac- ters consisting of . and is coherent. This includes all characters in which have in their kernel. Since the result now follows from Theorem 11.1 with - . and . LEMMA 31.4. is coheren t. Proof. By Theorem 30.1 is a power of 3 if is not coherent. By Lemma 31.3 is odd. Thus the lemma follows from Lemma 11.6. LEMMA 31.5. For let be as irretucible charac- of wi th . Let be the normal closure of in . Let be all the degrees of irreducible characters of . Then is a Frobenius group. For any value of with let be an irreclucible character of of tegree . Define . for for . Them for . . for . . Furthermore if is a prime then one of the following possibilities must occur: , . -  SOLVABILITY oF GROUR OF oDD ORDER with f0r . Pr00f. For let 's0 , where each is a linear combination of the generalized characters and each is orthogonal to each of these generalized characters. Since for is orthogonal to and and a11 of these vanish on , Lemma 13.2 implies that (31.17) . where is a set of integers depending on . Since . Since , Theorem 12.1 implies that (31.18) for all . Assume first that . Then . Thus (31.17) and (31.18) imply that . If then for each value of or . Thus which is not the case. Hence and so (31.19) . let . As is orthogonal to Lemma 31.4 yields that for all for . By (31.19) . Hence . Suppose now that for some . Then for all with . Hence (31.18) and (31.19) imply that which is not the case. The result is proved in case . Let . Then . By assumption for . since is a prime. By (31.17)  31. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE 967 for where the sign is independent of . Since this yields that for . Hence (31.17) and (31.18) imply that . If this yields that and and the result follows. If then we get that . Hence and the result is proved also in this case. LEMMA 31.6. Let . have the same meaming as in Lemma 31.5. Define . Then for . Proof. Let be the equivalence class in defined by (12.3) which contains X. If is in then the result follows from the coherence of . For any , let be the number of characters of degree in and define as in (12.4) by (31.20) , where is the minimum degree of any character in . Let (31.21) , where is an integral linear combination of the gener- alized characters and is orthogonal to and to every . Theorem 12.1 yields that (31.22) . vanishes on and . Furthermore for . Therefore Lemma 13.2 implies that (31.23) . where . Since is orthogonal to Lemma 31.4 yields that for .  OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER By (81.28) , where the sign is independent of . Therefore for . . By (81.22) and (81.28) we see that (81.24) . If and then for each at most one of vanishes. Hence (81.24) yields that . This is impossible as either or is even. If then (81.24) implies that 2 . If . then 2 for . Hence which is not the case. Thus or and . Thus we get for . Assume that the result is false. Then for some value of . We will next show that for . If this is false then there exists such that . If is any character in then (. ). Thus (81.25) implies that (81.26) . Thus for every in P. Let be the exponent of . By Lemmas 80.1, 80.4 and 80.5 . Thus is in the kernel of . Define . By (81.25)  31. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE Thus (81.22), (81.28) and (81.26) yield that , where if and 16/25 if . and ranges over the irreducible characters in . By Lemma 18.7 there exist irre- ducible characters of which induce the characters for . Consequently where ranges over the irreducible characters of which are distinct from all and do not have in their kernel. Therefore . otherwise since is odd there are at least 2 characters I of degree at least . Furthermore . This implies that (81.27) , where if and otherwise. Let , where . Let and . Since is of type II and . Thus (81.27) implies that . Since for some prime dividing we get that . Thus by (5.1). Hence which is not the case as . Hence no such group exists. Thus is an elementary abelian -group for some prime. Therefore is a prime and for . Consequently for contrary to assumption. Returning to (81.24) we see that . Therefore for . Thus (81.28) for . Now (81.24) implies that (81.29) .  970 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Suppose that . Thus and . Then (31.29) im- plies that . As this implies that or which is not the case. Therefore (31.30) . By (31.29) either or . . Now (31.23) and (31.28) imply that or . This is equivalent to (31.31) or . Since . is a real valued generalized character. Thus . By (31.31) , hence by (31.22) . Now (31.21) implies that (31.32) , where for ranges over the characters of degree in . Suppose that contains an irreducible character . Then by Lemma 31.4 for . As is rational valued on elements of for all . Thus (31.31) and (31.32) imply that . Therefore contains no irreducible characters. Hence by Lemma 31.1 (31.33) a prime. Now Lemma 31.3 implies that is odd, where is defined in (31.6). As ThCOtCm 12.1 implies that if is  31. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE 971 defined in (31.20) then (31.34) (mM ) or . Assume first that in (31.32). Let be defined as in Lemma 31.5. Suppose that . - Then (31.31) and (31.32) yield that . Thus by Lemma 31.5 (31.35) . Then (31.36) . where for . Suppose that . Then (31.31), (31.32) and (31.36) yield that . Hence . Thus by (31.35) and (31.36) Thus (31.34) yields that (31.37) (mod ). Equations (31.31), (31.32), (31.35) and (31.36) imply that Hence (31.37) implies that (mod ). This contradiction arose from assuming . Assume now that . Then Hence (mM ). Thus (31.34) and 3.15 imply that (31.38) (mM ). Now (31.31) and (31.32) yield that  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . Therefore (31.39) . By (31.38), . Thus (31.39) yields that . It is easily verified that is a monotone increasing function for and . Thus . By (31.39) . Hence . Now (31.39) becomes , or equivalently (31.40) . Therefore . hence Thus . As is even, (31.38) now yields that . Now (31.40) becomes , or . As is a prime one of the factors is and the other is . As the factors differ by 2 this implies that . Hence . Since implies that . This contradiction establishes the lemma in all cases. THEOREM 31.1. is coh erent. Proof. Suppose that is not coherent so that Hypothesis 31.1 is assumed. Let have the same meaning as in Lemmas 31.5 and 31.6. Choose . Then (31.41) . . for .  31. CHARACTERS OF SUBGROUPS OF TYPE Lemmas 31.2, 31.5 and 31.6 together with (31.41) imply that or and . If the latter possibility occurs then by Lemma 10.1 it may be assumed after changing notation that in any case (31.44) . Now Lemma 31.5, (31.43) and (31.44) imply that (31.45) . for . Since and . implies that (31.46) for . Lemmas 31.2 and 31.5 and equations (31.42) and (31.44) yield that (31.47) (. ). By Lemma 13.10 is subcoherent in . Since it follows from (31.47) that (31.48) . Let have the same meaning as in Lemma 31.5. Then there exists a subgroup of such that is a chief factor of and . Let be the irreducible characters of of degree . . Then (31.46) implies directly that is coherent. Hypothesis 11.1 is satisfied with and . If is not coherent then Theorem 11.1 implies that . As is a Frobenius group this implies that . Therefore is an extra special -group. Thus for some integer . Define . Then consists of all characters in having the same weight and degree as some character in which has in its kernel. By (31.48) is coherent. Thus if is not coherent Theorem 11.1 implies that  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER (31.49) . Lemma 13.6 applied to the group implies that or and . As is odd this yields that in any case. Thus by (31.49) . This contradiction suffices to prove Theorem 31.1. COROLLARY 31.1.1. If is an irreducible character of of degree then . Proof. Let and let . By Theorem 31.1 (31.50) . As is rational on . . By Lemma 13.9 . Thus (31.50) implies that for . Hence by Lemma 31.2 for As and we get that . As vanishes on Lemma 13.2 now implies the required result. COROLLARY 31.1.2. is a Frobenius group and is a prime. Proof. Suppose that contains an irreducible character . Choose in . Then . If is not coherent may be chosen in by Theorem 30.1 and Lemma 31.1. Hence by Corollary 31.1.1 and Lemmas 13.9 and 30.8, . Therefore contains no irreducible characters. Lemma 31.1 now implies that is a Frobenius group and is a prime.  32. SUBGROUPS OF TYPE . Subgroups of Type THEOREM 32.1. contains no subgroup of type V. Proof. Suppose that the result is false and is a subgroup of type V. is tamely imbedded in by Theorem 14.2. For let have the same meaning as in Definition 9.1 and let be defined by (9.2). Let be the set of elements in which are conjugate to some element of for . By Lemma 9.5 . Let be an irreducible character of degree in . By Theo- rem 31.1 and Lemmas 10.3 and 9.4 (32.2) for where is independent of T. Now Theorem 31.1 and Corollary 31.1.1 imply that in (32.2). Thus for . Hence Theorem 31.1 and Lemmas 10.3 and 9.5 imply that (32.3) . Let be defined by Theorem 14.1 (ii) (a) and let . Define . Thus Theorem 14.2 (ii) (a) implies that (32.4) . Let be the set of elements in which are conjugate to some element of . Since is a T.I. set in . (32.5) . Define .  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Then (82.1), (82.4) and (82.5) imply that By (82.8) (82.7) . By Corollary 81.1.2 is a prime and is a Frobenius group. Hence by Lemma 18.1 . are algebraically conjugate characters whose values lie in . Every element whose order is divisible by lies in . Thus is a rational integer for and . Now Corollary 81.1.1 implies that for . Hence (mod 2) for . Therefore for . Now (82.6) and (82.7) imply that or (82.8) . Since yields that and . Thus, acts irreducibly on . Therefore is an extra special group. Let . Then by Lemma 18.6, Thus (82.8) implies that . Hence which is not the case. The proof is complete. COROLLARY 82.1.1. Let be a sttbgroup of type II. III or IV. Let have the same meamimg as Sectiom 29. Them is coheremt. Proof. This is an immediate consequence of Theorems 80.1 and 82.1. 33. Subgroups of Type I LEMMA 88.1. Let be a maximal subgroup of let have the same meamimg as sectiom 14. If is of type I with Frobemius  33. SUBGROUPS OF TYPE I kernel let be the set of all irreducible characters of which do not have in their kernel. If is of type II. III or IV let be the set of characters of each of which is induced by a principal irreducible character of which vanishes outside . Let have the same meaning as in section 9 and let be defined by (9.2). If then can be defined. Furthermore is constant on for . Proof. Since is odd Lemmas 10.1 and 13.9 imply that can always be defined as {X. } is coherent. If then and there is nothing to prove. If with let be a supporting subgroup of such that . If is of type I then the result follows from Lemmas 4.5 and 10.3. By definition cannot be of type III or N. If is of type II then the result is a simple consequence of Corollary 32.1.1. The main purpose of this section is to prove THEOREM 33.1. Every subgroup of type I is a Frobenius . A11 the remaining lemmas in this section will be proved under the following assumption. Hypothesis 33.1. contains a subgroup of type I which is not a Frob enius . If Hypothesis 33.1 is satisfied the following notation will be used. is a set of primes defined as follows: if and only if contains a subgroup of type I with Frobenius kernel such that a S-subgroup of is not cyclic. is the smallest prime in . . is a -subgroup of . is a -subgroup of with . is a maximal subgroup of such that . has the same meaning as in Lemma 33.1. If is of type I let be the Frobenius kernel of . Let with . If is of type II, III or IV let be the maximal normal nilpotent -subgroup of . Let be a complement of in and let ; be a complement of in with . LEMMA 33.2. is the unique maximal subgroup of which contains . Furthermore is either a Frobenius or is type III or IV can be chosen to lie in .  978 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Proof. By Theorem 32.1 is not of type V. If is of type II. III or IV then since is not cyclic. Since is a T.I. set in it may be assumed that . There exists such that . Thus e]..ther or is cyclic and . If a -subgroup of is abelian then is the -subgroup of . Hence char and so . Therefore is of type III or IV and . By definition is the unique maximal subgroup which contains . If the -subgroup of is not abelian then is of type IV and it may be assumed that . Then and in this case also is the unique maximal subgroup of contains . Suppose that is of type I. Let . be a -subgroup (of with . If then is abelian. Thus, and so . Hence, is an abelian -subgroup of . By construction, . Hence, . by Burnside's transfer theorem. Since is odd, if an element of induces an automorphiscn of of prime order , then . By the minimal nature of a -subgroup of is cyclic. Let . Since is of type is cyclic. We can now find a prime such that some element induces an automorphism of order on . Let be a -subgroup of permutable with . Since normalizes . and is cyclic. Since is a Frobenius group, centralizes . Let . Then , and . Let be a maximal subgroup containing . The minimal nature of implies that . Hence, by Lemma 8.13, centralizes every chief -factor of , so centralizes which is not the case. We conclude that . Therefore . Herpce . is not a T.I. set since is not a T.I. set in . This y:ields that either or . In either case this implies that every prime divisor of is less than . The minimal nature of now implies that is a Frobenius group. The previous parts of the lemma imply that if is maximal subgroup of which contains then is a Froben.ius group and divides the order of the Frobenius kernel of . If is abelian then and . If is non abelian then . The uniqueness of is proved. LEMMA 33.3. There exists an irreducible character which does not have in its hernel such that or . Proof. Let be a character of which does not have in its kernel and is induced by a linear character of if is a Frobenius group and by a linear character of if is of type III or IV.  33. SUBGROUPS OF TYPE Either and so , or is cyclic. In either case this implies that if then or . If is of type III or IV then is a prime and the result follows. Suppose that is a Frobenius group. If then has the required properties by assumption. If then is abelian since is not a T.I. set in . Thus and . Suppose that where and . Then an element of of order acts as a scalar on . There exists such that . Thus contains a Frobenius group of order which is not the case. Therefore every prime in divides or. every prime in divides . Since this yields that or . The lemma follows since . LEMMA 33.4. Let be the character defined in Lemma 33.3. Then for Proof. Set . Observe that if is a Frobenius group, then since . it follows that , so that . This equality also holds if is of type III or IV. Set so that , where is a gener- alized character of orthogonal to . Let . be the characters in of degree . Since divides or , it follows that , and so . We next show that is coherent. If is a Frobenius group, the coherence of follows from Lemma 11.1 and the fact that is of type I. Suppose is of type III or IV. Then Hypothesis 11.1 and (11.2) are satisfied with the present in the role of in the role of , and in the role of . By Lemma 11.1, we may assume that . Hence, and , so that . If is non abelian, then divides . Hence, we may assume that is abelian of order and is of type III. By Theorem 29.1 (i), no element of centralizes . This implies that if . are the characters in of degree , then . . . Let , so that , with . If the coherence of follows from Theorem 30.1. As and it follows that . and . Hence, and . But now , so that . This is not the case as and are real valued generalized characters of  980 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER orthogonal to . The coherence of is proved in all cases. Since , the lemma follows from Lemmas 9.4 and 33.1. LEMMA 33.5. Let be the character defined Lemma 33.3. Then . Proof. Let be the set of all elements in which are conjugate to an element of ments in which are conjugate to an element of for some . No subgroup of can be a supporting subgroup for both and . If were a supporting subgroup of then would not be minimal in the set . Thus is disjoint from . Therefore by Lemmas 9.5, 4.5, 10.3, 33.1 and 33.4 ' LEMMA 33.6. Let where . Then there exists in . such that . Furthermore satisfies Hypothesis 28.1. Proof. If is of type , then . Thus, is nilpotent and hence abelian. The result follows from 3.16 (ii) and the fact that is not cyclic. Suppose is not of type I. If then we may assume that . Then is a Frobenius group and . By 3.16 (ii), centralizes an element of . Since is a prime, this contradicts the fact that contains a Frobenius group of order . Thus, . Let . Since is a T.I. set in , we get that is a cyclic normal -subgroup of . If , then is abelian and the result follows from 3.16 (ii). Assume now that . We may assume that . If does not centralize , then there exists such that is a Frobenius group. Hence, by 3.16 (ii). But in this case, lies i-n no normal abelian subgroup of contrary to the definition of groups of Frobenius type. Thus, centralizes . Since is abelian and . this implies that  33. SUBGROUPS OF TYPE 981 . The lemma now follows from 3.16 (ii). LEMMA 33.7. Let be the set of all irreducible characters of which do not have in thei r k ernel. Let be the character defined in Lemma 33.3. If is coherent then is constant on . Proof. Let be a set of supporting subgroups of in , and let . By definition, . Suppose and We will show that . For otherwise, some power of is -conjugate to an element A of . Since is a supporting subgroup of some tamely imbedded subset of . it follows that . Hence, is in . We next show that is of type I or II, . Suppose is not of type I. Then , and we assume that . Since is a supporting subgroup of we may choose in so that . By the first paragraph, . Hence, . If . then by a well known property of nilpotent groups, we have , so that , which is not the case. Hence, so is not of type III or IV; is of type II. Let be the least common multiple of the orders of all elements of . We will show that . If is of type I. then is a Frobenius group, so divides . and we only need to verify that is not conjugate to or . As none of the groups is a Frobenius group, this is clear. Suppose is of type III of so that . Since none of is of type III or IV, we have Since . it is trivial that . We appeal to Lemma 10.4 and conclude that is rational on and on every supporting subgroup of . Let be a supporting subgroup of and let be a character of : with . Let be irreducible characters of th . Then and no irreducible character appearing in is rational on . Thus, . If is of type I. then Hypothesis 10.2 is satisfied with our present in the role of . If is of type II, then a complement to in is abelian, and again Hypothesis 10.2 is satisfied. Hence, by Lemma 10.2, is constant on the cosets of in , and in particular is constant on all the sets . As is assumed coherent, an appeal to Lemma 10.5 completes the proof of this lemma.  982 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Theorem 33.1 will now be proved by showing that Hypothesis leads to a contradiction. Choose and . By Lemmas 33.1 and 33.4 (33.2) . Let be a prime divisor of in . By Lemma 4.2 (33.3) (mod ) (mod ). Now (33.2), (33.3) and (33.4) yield that (mM ). By Lemma 10.4 is rational. Thus (mod ). Since by Lemma 33.3, we get that (33.5) for . If every element in commutes with an element of then (33.5) implies that (33.6) for . If not every element in commutes with an element of then is constant on by Lemmas 28.2, 33.6 and 33.7. As (33.5) holds for at least one element in . we get that (33.6) holds in any case. Now Lemma 33.5 and (33.6) imply that . This can be written as (33.7) where . Since and is a complement to in yields that . Hence or . Thus and a -subgroup of is cyclic contrary to the simplicity of and the fact that  . THE SUBGROUPS AND 983 is odd. This contradiction completes the proof of Theorem 33.1. THEOREM 33.2. c0ntains a subgroup 0f type II. Pr00f. Suppose false. Then by Theorems 14.1 and 33.1, every maximal subgroup of is a Frobenius group. Let be a maximal subgroup of and let be a complement to the Frobenius kernel of . We will show that is abelian. Suppose false. Let be the set of primes such that for some maximal subgroup with Frobenius kernel and complement . a of is not in . Let be the least prime in . We may suppose that a of is not contained in . Then . Let be a maximal subgroup of containing . Since 'He.. If is contained in the Frobenius kernel of . then so is . This is impossible as does not centralize , while is nilpotent. Hence . Since , it follows that is not contained in , and that a of 'He. is cyclic. Hence, by Burnside's transfer theorem, is not simple. Since this is not possible, is abelian. Let . Let be a maximal subgroup of containing . It follows that is nilpotent. Hence, is solvable by the main theorem of [10]. The proof is complete. 34. The Subgroups and By Theorems 32.1 and 33.2 contains two subgroups and . each of which is of type II, III or IV and which satisfy Condition (ii) (b) of Theorem 14.1. The following notation will be used the rest of this chapter. This differs slightly from that introduced previously. . Thus and are both primes. Let be the of and let be the of . Then . Let , . Let be a complement of in and let be a complement of in . By 3.16 (i) and are nilpotent, thus . if is of type II and ,  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER if is of type II. Let . . If is of type III or IV let . If is of type II then a maximal subgroup which contains is not conjugate to since is not -closed. Hence by Theorem 33.1 is a Frobenius group. Let be the Frobenius kernel of . Thus . Define similarly. Let , . is the set of characters of which are induced by irreducible characters of which do ot have in their kernel. is the set of characters of which are induced by irreducible characters of which do not have in their kernel. The set as defined here is a subset of the as defined in Section 29. hus by Corollary 32.1.1 and are coherent. are the sets of irreducible characters of respectively which do not have respectively in their kernel. For are the generalized characters of defined by Lemma 13.1; are the characters of defined by Lemma 13.3; are the characters of defined by Lemma 13.3. For is the character of defined by Lemma 13.5. For is the character of defined by Lemma 13.5. If , where is a maximal subgroup of and if is a class function of then denotes the class function of induced by . Whenever this notation is used will be uniquely determined by the context. Throughout this section no distinction is made between and . Any result in this section about one of these groups is automatically for the other by symmetry. LEMMA 34.1. Either and is cyclic or is the product of at most cyclic groups and . For is induced by a linear character of . . Either is a Frobenius group with and  34. THE SUBGROUPS AND 985 or contains an irreducible character of degree which is by a linear character of . Proof. If then by is nilpotent. Thus is nilpotent contrary to assumption. Hence contains a subgroup such that and is a chief factor of . Hence is represented on the elementary abelian group By 8.16 (i) is nilpotent. Therefore is faithfully and irreducibly represented on . By 8.16 (iii) . Let where . By Lemma 4.6 (i) . Thus . Hence any non principal linear character of induces for some with . As is a prime the characters are algebraically conjugate for Thus for . Let for a linear character of . Suppose that . Then contains a subgroup such that is a chief factor of . Let be a non principal linear character of . Then induces an irreducible character of of degree . Suppose that is represented reducibly on . Since the irreducible constituents of this representation all have the same dimension. This dimension is 1 since is a prime. Thus is the direct product of cyclic subgroups for some integer , each of which has order dividing . No element of is represented as a scalar as is a Frobenius group. Therefore and . The irreducible constituents of the representation of on are distinct since is irreducibly represented on . Let where for some generator of and such that normalizes each . Let with and . for 1. Sup- pose and centralizes for some . Let then . Then . If then is conjugate to . Hence is conjugate to which is impossible as is odd. Therefore . Then . for and so . This proves that no element of . leaves fixed- Let be a non principal linear character of with ker - Let . then induces an irreducible character of of degree .  986 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Assume now that is irreducibly represented on . Then is cyclic since is abelian. If a subgroup of acts reducibly on then it is represented by scalar matrices. As is a Frobenius group every non identity subgroup of acts irreducibly on . Thus permutes the subgroups of order in and no element of leaves any such subgroup fixed. Hence . Suppose now that contains no irreducible character of degree . By an earlier part of the lemma this implies that . Thus and . Since , we must have . By 3.16 (i) is nilpotent. If then there exists a subgroup of such that . Hence is the center of since acts irreducibly on . Thus is an extra special -group. This implies that is even which is not the case. Thus . Hence is a Frobenius group. Consequently contains irreducible characters of degree . Lemma 13.7 now implies that LEMMA 34.2. Either is a Frobenius group with aM or is a Frobenius group with and . Proof. If the result is false then Lemma 34.1 implies that contains an irreducible character of degree and contains an irreducible character of degree . Every character in is rational valued on by Lemma 10.4. Since is odd this implies that every generalized character of weight 1 in is orthogonal to . Define . Then and . Thus (. ) .  34. THE SUBGROUPS AND 987 This proves the lemma. LEMMA 34.3. For . Proof. Since is a T.I. set in and is coherent the Frobenius reciprocity theorem implies that for for , where is a generalized character of , and . Therefore . This implies that (34.1) . By Lemma 34.1, . thus . The result now follows from (34.1). LEMMA 34.4. For . Proof. Since is a T.I. set in the coherence of and the Frobenius reciprocity theorem imply that for , where is a generalized character of . Therefore for . If and is a prime divisor of in then by Lemma 4.2  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER (mM ). Thus the expression in (34.2) is non zero. The result now follows from the fact that (mod ). LEMMA 34.5. Suppose that contains an irreducible character of degree which is induced by a character of . Then . Proof. As is a T.I. set in the coherence of and the Frobenius reciprocity theorem imply that for , for some generalized character of . Therefore . . If then by Lemma 34.1 . Hence the result follows from (34.3) in this case. If then thus (34.3) also implies the result in this case. LEMMA 34.6. Let be the set of elements in which are not conjugate to any element of or . Suppose that contains an irreducible character of degree Define { (mM )}. Then . Proof. Suppose that . Let . Then and .  34. THE SUBGROUPS AND 989 Since is rational. Thus for As we must have that (84.4) (mod ). Suppose that . Then since we must have that for . Hence by Lemma 18.1 contradicting the fact that . Hence and by as required. LEMMA 84.7. (i) If then aM . (ii) If then and (18/20) . (iii) If and then . (iv) If then or Furthermore . (v) If then is an elementary abelian -group aM or aM . (vi) If aM then . Proof. If is a Frobenius group with then all the statements in the lemma are immediate. Suppose that this is not the case. Then by Lemma 84.1 contains an irreducible character which is induced by a linear character of By Lemma 84.2 is a Frobenius group with . . . and are T.I. sets. Let have the same meaning as in Lemma 84.6. Then . Since is rational valued on by Lemma 10.4, Lemma 84.5 implies that ' (84.6) .  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER If Lemma 34.3 is applied to then Lemmas 13.1 and 34.4 yield that . . . Lemmas 13.1 and 34.3 also imply that ' . Lemma 34.6 and (34.5), (34.6), (34.7) and (34.8) now imply that . Since , this can be simplified to , .  THE SUBGROUPS AND 991 By Lemma 84.1 and ; thus (84.9) implies that , . Let then (84.11) . Suppose first that . Then (84.10) implies hat . Hence by (5.2) . Therefore . (84.12) . Therefore (84.18) . Suppose that Then by (84.11) . Thus (84.12) implies that . Thus or which is not the case. Hence and (84.18) completes the proof of statement (ii) of the lemma. Suppose now that . Hence (84.10) yields that (84.14) . As this implies that . Hence by (5.8)  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . Thus . This yields that Hence . Assume that . Then (84.11) implies that . SuPPose first then . Then (84.14) implies that . Hence . Therefore contrary to (84.16). Suppose that . Then by (84.16). Thus and since is a power of 8 and This contradicts (84.11). Hence . Thus by (84.16) Hence and since is a power of 8. Thus statement (i) of the lemma follows from (84.15) and statement (ii). If then and . By (84.15) . Hence by Lemma 84.1 Thus by (84.17). This completes the proof of statement (iii) of the lemma. Assume now that . Let not neces- sarily integral) Then (84.9) implies that  34. THE SUBGROUPS AND . - Therefore . or . Suppose that . Then (84.18) implies that . Therefore 52-19, or . Therefore, . Hence or . Since , Lemma 34.1 now implies that . Thus if and if . Hence one of the following must occur: , , . or . . , . By (84.11) . or . If then by (84.18) . Hence , which is not the case. Therefore we have shown that either or and . If . then , and by (84.11) or . Thus in any case (84.19) or . This proves statement (iv) of the lemma.  994 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER If then (34.19) implies that and , hence and . Since , Lemma 34.1 implies that , thus . If then acts irreducibly on and centralizes . If is non abelian this implies that . Hence is an extra special -group contrary to the fact that . Thus is abelian. Hence . If this implies that is represented on and so acts irreducibly on contrary to and . Thus is elementary abelian. Statement (v) of the lemma is proved. Suppose that and ; then (34.18) implies that . Therefore, which is impossible. Hence if then . This proves statement (vi) of the lemma and completes the proof of Lemma 34.7. LEMMA 34.8. If then is a Frobenius group and . Proof. By Lemma 34.7 (i) . Thus if is not a Frobenius group then by Lemma 34.1 . Thus by Lemma 34.7 (i) . Therefore which is not the case, since . LEMMA 34.9. If then and either or (mod ) and . Proof. By Lemma . Lemma 34.8 implies that and . Let . If (mod r then (mod ). Thus (mod ). If (mod ) then (mod ). Hence (mod ) as . Thus in any case if the result is false. Now Lemma 34.7 (ii) implies that . Hence  34. THE SUBGROUPS AND . Thus 18 contrary to the fact that . LEMMA 84.10. or if or or 15 or 88 if or if . Proof. Let be a. complement of in which contains . Every Sylow subgroup of is cyclic and every subgroup of prime order is normal in by 8.16 (ii) and Theorem 88.1. Thus . Hence or or . The result now follows from Lemma 84.7. By Theorem 88.1 is tamely imbedded in unless and . By Lemma 84.7 this can only happen if and . In that case let be the set of characters of which are induced by non principal irreducible characters of . In all other cases let . Define similarly. Then and are always defined. LEMMA 84.11. Suppose that is coherent and . If and then . If furthermore then . Proof. Let . Let with . Let . Then . Define . vanish on respectively. As and are T.I. sets in Furthermore by Lemma 18.8 (84.21) ,  996 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER where are real valued generalized characters of which are orthogonal to . The assumed inequalities and (34.20) imply that . Thus if then (mod 2) (mod 2). Since is rational valued on this implies that for . . Hence by Lemma 13.1 (mod 2). Thus for . . Hence . Suppose now that then (34.22) . Let be the set of elements in which are conjugate to some element of with Since is coherent by assumption, (34.22) Lemmas 33.1 and 9.4 imply that for . . Furthermore Lemma 9.5 and (34.22) imply that (34.23) . By Lemma 9.5 (34.24) . Let be the set of elements in which are not conjugate to any element of or . Now (34.22) implies that if then is rational and (mod 2). Thus for . Hence (34.23) implies that .  35. FURTHER RESULTS ABOUT AND 997 Therefore . . and . thus the required inequality follows. LEMMA 84.12. If is cyclic then T.I. set in unless and . Proof. Since is a cyclic -subgroup in is a -subgroup -of . Suppose that is not a T.I. set in and let . Then . Since is a maximal ubgroup of this implies that . Thus and is a T.I. set in . 35. Further Results About and The notation of Section 84 is used in this section. However we will destroy the symmetry of and by choosing the notation so that . The next three lemmas are restatements of Lemmas 84.7, 84.8, t84.9 and 84.10. LEMMA 85.1. If then . Either or (mod ) . Furthermore are Frobenius groups. or and or . LEMMA 85.2. Suppose that Then , and . is a Frobeniu s group with . Either or and . Furthermore and or .  998 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER LEMMA 85.8. Suppose that Then or if or 88 if . Furthermore one of the following possibilities occurs: (i) . is an elementary abelian -group With or . (ii) . is an elementary abelian -group with . LEMMA 85.4. Either or . Proof. By (5.12) . Therefore if then by Lemma 84.1 . Suppose now that . Then by Lemma 85.1. By Lemma 85.2 and Thus if then by Lemma 84.2 . Hence . Thus or . If then . As 1098 is a prime this implies that and the result follows from the first part of the lemma. If then . Thus and . Thus . The proof is complete. LEMMA 85.5. is coherent. Proof. Suppose that is not coherent. Then by Lemma 11.2 is a power of some prime . As is cyclic (mod ). Thus  35. FURTHER RESULTS ABOUT AND . Let , then by Lemma 11.3. By Lemma 11.1 . Suppose that . Then and (35.2) and (35.3) imply that If this yields that Then by (35.2) which is not the case as . Hence Thus Lemma 11.4 implies that . Hence by (35.2) and so which is impossible. By Lemmas 35.1 and 35.2 we may assume now that . Thus (35.2) and (35.3) imply that . thus . Hence Lemma 11.4 implies that . This completes the proof in all cases. LEMMA 35.6. . If then or . Proof. If then . Hence by Lemma 34.2. Assume now that . Assume first that . By Lemmas 35.1 and 35.2 and . By Lemma 34.2 Thus and . Hence by Lemmas 35.5 and 34.11 . Thus . Therefore . Assume now that . Let . (mod 10) as (mod 10). If and , then . Thus 21.11.  SOLVABLITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER and . Thus Lemmas 35.5 and 34.11 imply that Thus which is not the case. Therefore Ot , and we are done in this case. By Lemma 35.4 it may now be assumed that If then (mod ) since (mod ) Thus (35.4) if . Therefore . . Hence by Lemmas 35.5 and 34.11 Hence (35.4) and- Lemmas 35.1 and 35.2 imply that . Thus Hence by (5.4). Thus Hence and . By assumption , hence Thus . This completes the proof in all cases. LEMMA 35.7. or . Proof. This follows directly from Lemmas 35.1, 35.2, 35.3 and 35.6-. THEOREM 35.1. If is conjugate to then the conclusions: of Theorem 27.1 hold. Proof. By Lemma 35.6 if then and . Thus . Hence does not divide . Thus by Lemmas 35.1 and 35.2, is cyclic. By Theorem 33.1 is a Frobeniua group with Frobenius kernel . Hence by Lemma 34.12 is a T.I. set in . Since and Lemma 35.T implies that is a cyclic group of order . Thus condition (iv) of Theorem 27.1 holds. Since is cyclic so is . Thus char . Hence if then which is not the case. Hence  36. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 27.1 . By Lemma 35.6 . Thus and . Hence condition (iii) of Theorem 27.1 holds. If or , then or respectively. This implies that is elementary abelian of order and is elementary abelian of order . Hence condition (i) of Theorem 27.1 holds. Since is cyclic and and are Frobenius groups and . Since is cyclic every divisor of satisfies (mod ). Thus . Hence by Lemma 34.1 . Let . Suppose that (mod ). Then (mod ) since (mod ). Thus if . then . Furthermore Lemma 35.1 implies that in this case . Thus by Lemma 35.3 (i) whichls impossible as Thus and Sup- pose that Then Hence since . As and (mod ) we see that . Thus if , Lemma 35.1 yields that . Since , Lemma 35.3 (i) implies that . This is impossible since . This verifies condition (ii) of Theorem 27.1 and completes the proof of the theorem. 36. The Proof of Theorem 27.1 In this section the study of the groups and is continued. All the lemmas in this section will be proved under the followi ng assumption. Hypothesis 36.1 (i) . (ii) is not conjugate to . The following notation is used in addition to that introduced in Section 34. and . If is defined since is odd. Let . Then  1w2 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER if if (36.3) for . (36.4) for , where are in respectively, are orthogonal to respectively. are li near combinations of the generalized characters and are orthogonal to each . Then and are real valued generalized characters each of which is orthogonal to . Thus (36.5) (mod 2). (36.6) (mod 2). (36.7) (mod 2). It is a simple consequence of Lemma 13.1 that (36.8) (mod 2). (36.9) (mM 2). By Hypothesis 36.1 (ii) is orthogonal to . Thus (36.10) (mod 2). Since is an isometry (36.1), (36.2), (36.3) and (36.4) yield that (36.11) . LEMMA 36.1. is coherent. Proof. If is of type IV then by Lemmas 35.2 and 35.3 . or 7 so by Lemma 11.1 the result follows from Theorem 29.1. If is of type III then is abelian and the result follows from Lemma 11.2. Suppose that is not coherent. Then and by Lemma 11.2 is an -group for some prime . Furthermore jg of type II. Let then by Lemmas 11.1, 11.3 and  36. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 27.1 1003 11.4 , (36.15) with , (36.16) or and . Suppose first that is not cyclic. Then by Lemma 35.1 . If . then by Lemma 35.3 is cyclic and . Thus by Lemma 34.1 is cyclic. Hence is generated by two elements. If then Lemma 34.1 implies that is generated by two elements. Thus . As is of type II is a T.I. set in . Consequently there exists an element of order such that . Thus is cyclic. Hence (mod ). This contradicts (36.15) and (36.16). Suppose now that is cyclic. Thus (mod ). By (36.16) is irreducibly represented on . Thus acts as a group of scalar matrices on . Hence by Lemma 6.4 has prime exponent. Since is a cyclic subgroup of this implies that (36.17) . If then Lemmas 35.1, 35.7 and (36.15) and (36.16) imply that . Hence and so . Thus which is not the case. Suppose that : If then (36.16) and Lemmas 35.3 and 35.7 ].mply that . Hence . Thus . Hence . If then (36.16) and Lemmas 35.3 and 35.7 imply that . Hence  SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . Therefore in this case also. Thus or 11. By Lemma 84.1 and (86.17) either or If then and since . However in this case which is impossible by Lemma 85.1. Thus . Hence by (86.17) if if and if then or . If then (86.16) and (86.17) imply that which is not the case. If then (86.16) and (86.17) imply that 19' 86.49 1800 . Thus 19' which is not the case. If and then (86.16) and (86.17) imply that which is not the case. Assume now that and . Then (86.15) and (86.16) imply that (86.18) (mod ll) . Since we must have . However (mod 11) contrary to (86.18). The proof is complete. LEMMA 86.2. . Proof. Suppose that . Then by (86.10) either or . If , then (mod p). Hence by Lemmas 85.1, 85.5 and 86.1, or . Therefore by (5.11) . Hence  36. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 27.1 which is impossible for . LEMMA 86.8. or . Proof. If then and by Lemma 85.8. Since Lemma 84.1 implies that . Thus . By Lemma 84.2 . Suppose first that Then by (86.8) . Thus . Hence by (86.5). Since is coherent (86.18) implies that , which is not the case. Suppose now that . Then by Lemma 85.7 Let Then (mod ) since (mod ). As this implies that . Hence by Lemma 85.2 and (86.12) (86.19) . Since is coherent this implies that . Thus by . Since is coherent (86.18) and (86.19) imply that . Thus by (86.5) (86.21) (mod 2). Since is coherent (86.11), (86.20) and (86.21) imply that . Hence by Lemma 85.2 . Therefore . Hence by (5.5). Thus and . If the -subgroup of has order , then (mod 5). Thus . Therefore  1006 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . Thus the coherence of implies that . Hence (36.7) yields that (mod 2). Therefore (36.8), (36.11) and (36.21) imply that contrary to (36.20). Thus and consequently or . LEMMA 36.4. . Proof. If the result is false then by Lemma 35.7. Thus (36.8) implies that . Therefore by (36.5) and (36.10) and Since (36.13) implies that and . , (36.22) . where ranges over . Thus by (36.6) is odd. Hence by Lemma 36.3 and (36.12) . where is odd and is orthogonal to all . Therefore by (36.22) . Since this implies that . Hence . Thus by Lemma 35.3 (i) , hence . Hence or . In either of these cases by Lemma 34.1 since . Thus or which is not the case. LEMMA 36.5. . Proof. If then as is a T.I. set in . This contradicts Lemma 36.4. LEMMA 36.6. is cyclic. Proof. By Lemma 34.1 if is not cyclic then , where each is cyclic and . Let for . If then Lemma 35.3 (i) implies that  36. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 27.1 1N7 which is not the case. Thus . If then (mod 4) and so is even. If then (mM 8) and so which is not the case. Thus and . Therefore . Thus . Furthermore (mod ). Since (mod ) by Lemma 86.4 we have that and (mod ). By Lemma 84.2 . Hence Lemma 86.8 and (86.10), (86.11) and (86.12) imply that or . The first possibility implies that . Thus . Hence by (5.4). The second possibility in (86.28) yields that . Therefore . As this implies that (86.24) . Let for some integer . Then since (86.24) yields that . Furthermore (86.25) if if . As and or . If then by (86.25) which is impossible as (mod 8). If , then or 87. As (mod 6) this implies that . Then and so 87 (mM 11) by Lemma 86.4 which is not the case. LEMMA 86.7. or or . Proof. If then by Lemmas 84.1 and 86.6 . Thus by Lemma 85.8 (i) . Hence lip which implies that . Therefore by Lemma 84.1 an integer. By Lemma 85.8 (i) . If is a prime such that (mod ) then either or  10o SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER (mod 8). Hence or 9. If then (mM 9). Hence (mM 8). Thus or 7 (mM 9). In none of these cases is (mod 9). Hence or 7. LEMMA 86.8. . Proof. Let . Assume that (mod ) by Lemma 86.4. If , then (mM ). thus (mod ) and so . If , then (mod ). Furthermore (mod 6) since (mM 6) and (mod 6) since (mod 8). Thus if then (mod 6). Hence . If then (mod ). If then by Lemma 86.6 the -subgroup of is generated by two elements. Hence (mod ) by Lemma 86.4. However and . Thus . Let . Then (mod 6). Hence (mod 6). Thus (mod 6), hence (mod 6). Therefore . Thus in any case (86.26) , . Therefore . Hence by (86.18) and the coherence of . Assume first that , then by (86.12) and the coherence of . Suppose now that . Then by (86.10) . Hence the coherence of and (86.11) imply that (86.29) . By (86.27) and (86.5) (mod 2). If also were odd then by (86.8) for Thus by (86.11) contrary to what has been proved. Therefore (mod 2). Hence by (86.7) Thus by (86.14) and (86.29) . Now (86.28) implies that in any case  36. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 27.1 . For any prime let be the -subgroup of . Suppose first that . then . Hence (36.30) .mplies that . Therefore which is impossible for . Suppose now that then by (36.26). Hence (36.30) implies that . Thus or . Since (mod 3) this yields that . or . If then . If then as (mod 7). Thus (36.30) implies that 19' . If then . Let , then as (mod 13). Hence (36.30) implies that 61' 27.13' . If then . Let , then as (mod 19). Hence (36.30) implies that 127' 27.19' . Assume finally that then . Thus (36.30) implies that . Therefore . so . Since (mod 7). (mod 7) or (mM 7). Thus or . If then then as (modll). Hence (36.30) implies that 19' 27.11' 287.11 . If then As (mod 23). . Hence (36.30) implies that 79' 27.23' . Therefore in all cases. Hence (mod ) by Lemmas 36.4 and 36.5. Since (mod ) and (mod ). Hence by Lemma 36.7 . The proof of Theorem 27.1 under Hypothesis 36.1 is now im- mediate. Let and have the same meaning as in the earlier part of this section. By Lemma 35.2 . By Lemma 36.5 . The other properties of Condition (i) follow from the structure of and and Theorem 14.1. Thus Condition (i) is verified. By Lemma 35.6 . Hence . By Lemma 36.3 . hence by Lemma 36.5. The other properties of Condi-  1010 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER tion (iii) follow from the structure of and . Thus Condition (iii) is verified. Lemmas 36.6 and 36.8 imply that is cyclic. By Lemmas 34.12 and 36.4 is a T.I. set in . Hence Lemma 36.4 completes the verification of Condition (iv). Lemmas 34.1, 36.3, 36.5 and 36.8 imply that is a Frobenius group. Lemma 36.8 implies that . Lemmas 36.4, 36.6 and 36.8 imply that if then (mod ). Thus . The other statements in Condition (ii) follow from the structure of and . By Theorem 35.1 this completes the proof of Theorem 27.1 in a11 cases.  CHAPTER VI 37. Statement of the Result Proved in Chapter VI The purpose of this chapter is to prove the following result. THEOREM 37.1. There are no groups which satisfy conditions (i)-(iv) of Theorem 27.1. Once it is proved, Theorem 37.1 together with Theorem 27.1 will serve to complete the proof of the main theorem of this paper. In this chapter there is no reference to anything in Chapters II-V other than the statement of Theorem 27.1. The following notation is used throughout this chapter. is a fixed group which satisfies conditions (i)-(iv) of Theorem 27.1. and . . . Thus so that . and are fixed elements of and respectively. For any integer . is the ring of integers mod . If is a prime power then is the field of elements. acts as a linear transformation on . Let be the minimal polynomial of on . Then is an irreducible polynomial of degree over . Let be a fixed root of in . Then is a primitive uth root of unity in and are all the characteristic roots of on . 38. The Sets and LEMMA 38.1. There exists an element such that nor- malizes Proof. normalizes and is contained in a cyclic sub- group of of order . Hence some element of order in normalizes . Since every subgroup of order in is of the form for some . Hence it is possible to choose such that normalizes . Since ,  1012 SOLVABILITY OF' GROUPS OF ODD ORDER does not normalize hence and normalizes . From now on let (38.1) where satisfies Lemma 38.1. Notice that normalizes , since normalizes and centralizes . Define by (38.2) LEMMA 38.2. If then unless and . Proof. . Hence acts trivially on . However if then is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel . Thus as required. LEMMA 38.3. Every element of has a unique representation in the form , where and is a polynomial of degree at most over . Proof. There are up' ordered pairs with and of degree at most over . Thus it is sufficient to show the uniqueness of in such a representation. If . Then reading mM yields that . Since is irreducible we get that (mod ). Thus as required. LEMMA 38.4. Every element of has a unique representa- tion in the form , where and . Proof. If and then reading mod we get that . Hence Since . . As we have that , and so . . The representation is unique. There are ordered triples with and . . Each triple gives rise to an element of and . The result now follows. LEMMA 38.5. Let Then  38. THE SETS AND 1013 if and only if (i) (ii) . Proof. Let . Then . Thus by Lemma 38.3 if and only if (mod ). The first equation allows us to rewrite the second as (mod ). Thus the lemma is proved. DEFINITION 38.1. The set is defined to consist of all ordered triples such that (i) for . (ii) . (iii) . DEFINITION 38.2. is the set of all elements such that for suitable . LEMMA 38.6. . Proof. If then by Lemma 38.4 and are de- termined by . LEMMA 38.7. if and only if (i) for (ii) (iii) . Proof. By Lemma 38.5, if and only if and This implies the result. LEMMA 38.8. If then (. . ).  1014 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Proof. If then by Lemma 88.7 . As this yields that . As the result follows from Lemma 88.7. LEMMA 88.9. For let be the conjugate class of which contains and let be the sum of the elements in in the group ring of over the integers. Let . If then . Proof. Let r be all the irreducible characters of and let r be all the other irreducible characters of . It is a well known consequence of the orthogonality relations ([4] r that . Since is cyclic, for all By 8.16 for all . Thus (88.8) . By the orthogonality relations for . Therefore (88.4) . By (88.8) and (88.4) . Thus (88.5) . Since yields that .  38. THE SETS AND 1015 As and is a prime we have , and the lemma follows. LEMMA 38.10- . Proof. Assume first that . Consider the set of polynomials of the form with . There are of these and none of them has 0 as a root. Thus if were re- ducible for every value of there would exist such that and have a common root . Then . Since this yields that , hence How- aver Thus there exists some polynomial which is irreducible over . Let be a root of in . Then . Therefore for some . . and for some . Furthermore Thus . Since . Hence by Lemmas 38.6 and 38.7 . Assume now that . Then Lemma 38.9 implies the existence of . with or such that . Therefore . Let . . Then . If then (38.6) becomes ; as is a Frobenius group this implies contrary to the choice of and If then (38.6) implies that , hence . If then (38.6) yields that or commutes with Thus . hence also . Therefore are all non zero and by Definition 38.1 and Lemma 38.6 . The following result about finite fields is of importance for the proof of Theorem 37.1. LEMMA 38.11. For define and for let If then for some . Proof. Assume that the result is false and for all . We will first prove by induction that  1016 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER (88.7) for r If follows from the definition of . Assume now holds for . Then . This establishes (88.7). Now (88.7) implies that for , . Therefore . Thus (88.8) for . Define by (88.9) . Thus has coefficients in and (88.8) yields that (88.10) for . . Let for . then . Hence (88.10) yields for . Therefore (88.11) for .  39. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 37.1 1017 is a polynomial of degree at most . By (38.11) has at least roots. As we must have that . By (38.9) is a root of , hence contrary to the choice of . The proof is complete. 39. The Proof of Theorem 37.1 LEMMA 39.1. There exist functions and such that (i) and map into . (ii) maps into , (iii) . Furthermore for (iii) determines and uniquely anti . are all non- ze ro. Proof. By Lemma 38.4 the functions exist and are uniquely de- fined by provided that does not lie in . It is easily seen that if and does not lie in . Suppose that . Then . Then and . Therefore either or . Suppose that . Then . Thus -f-- and Hence or . Suppose that . Then . Hence , then . Thus or . This com- pletes the proof of the lemma. Throughout the rest of this section will denote the func- tions defined in Lemma 39.1. For as in Lemma 38.1, define . LEMMA 39-2. (i) (ii) (iii) , for . Proof. Since and is abelian, (i) is immediate. (iii) is a direct consequence of (i). By definition . Thus which implies (ii). LEMMA 39.3. For . " UP' .  1018 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER Proof. By (38.2) . By (38.1) . Hence . Conjugating both sides by . we get that . If both sides are raised to the power, the lemma follows. LEMMA 39.4. . Proof. Substitute (38.1) into (iii) of Lemma 39.1 to get . Conjugate by to get . Now use the results of Lemma 39.2 to derive that which implies the lemma. LEMMA 39.5. If then . Proof. In the definition of conjugate (iii) by . Then , or . Hence Lemma 39.3 yields that . Since is abelian, this implies that . Conjugating by implies the result by (38.1) and the fact that is abelian. LEMMA 39.6. For define  39. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 37.1 1019 (. ) (. . ) (. ) ( . ) . Then . Proof. Use Lemmas 89.4 and 89.5 to obtain . . Multiply on the left by and on the right by to get A where , or equivalently . The lemma follows. LBMMA 89.7. Let . Use the notation of Lemma 39.6. If then there exist elements sueh that (i) (ii) (iii) Y. Proof. Conjugate (89.1) by Q. Since . this yields that  1020 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER . Taking inverses we get . Multiplying this by (39.1) on the left yields . Conjugating by yields . Use Lemma 39.2 (iii) and (38.1) to get . Conjugate this by to obtain . . Multiply on the left by and on the right by to obtain , (39.2) Y. Suppose that . Then (39.2) implies that By Hypothesis , hence by Lemma 38.2, . By Lemma 39.1 . Thus the above equality cannot hold in the Frobenius group . Hence . This proves statement (i) of the lemma. Let . By (39.2) is a conjugate of which lies in . All conjugates of which lie in are of.' the form with . Hence (39.3) for some . Thus . Since , we get that . By (39.2) , thus . Hence .  39. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 37.1 1021 However . Since N(II) , this yields that . Hence . Thus (39.4) for some . Now (39.2) and (39.4) show that . Since , we have N(II), thus . Therefore (39.5) for some . Consequently . If this is compared with (39.3) we see that (39.6) . Using (39.4) and (39.6) in (39.5) leads to (39.7) Y. Comparing (39.2) and (39.7), we get Y. Conjugating by gives (39.8) . If we substitute (39.7) into (39.2) we get . Multiply on the left by and on the right by to get . Since the right hand side is the left hand side conjugated by , we see that centralizes the left hand side. Hence (39.9) for some . Reading (39.9) mod yields that which proves (ii) of the lemma. Substituting (ii) of Lemma 39.2  1022 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER into (39.8) we get that (39.10) . Substituting (39.10) into (39.1) leads to . Multiply on the left by and on the right by . Then using Lemma 39.2 (ii) and (iii) this becomes . Use to get . Conjugate by and multiply on the left by to get (39.11) . Conjugate by and take inverses, then Y. Multiply by (39.11) on the right to get . Conjugate by to get . Using (39.2) and (39.3), this yields . Now by the second equation in (39.12) . Thus the first equation in (39.12) impliCS that . By (39.3) and (39.4), . Hence (39.13) for some . We wish to show that . To do this con- jugate (39.13) by to get  39. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 37.1 by (39.7). Multiply (39.13) by the inverse of (39.14) on the right to get (39.15) . By Lemma 38.2 and have the same order. Since the left hand side of (39.15) is in , this implies that the order of divides thus . Multiply (39.13) on the left by and on the right by to get (39.16) Y. By (39.7) the right hand side is in , while the left hand side is in . Since this yields that (39.17) for some . Conjugate by to get . Comparing this with (39.9) yields that . so that . Using (39.16) and (39.17) this yields or . Hence by (39.7) Y. This immediately implies (iii) of the lemma and thus completes the proof. LEMMA 39.8. Let let have the same meaning as in Lemma 39.6. Then . Proof. Suppose that , so that Lemma 39.7 may be applied. Let  1024 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER ( . ) . By Lemma 38.5 (i) ( . ) ( . ). Hence in the notation of Lemma 39.6 . . Since this yields that . Thus or . By Lemma 39.7 (ii) this implies that . If , then by Lemma 38.2, has an inverse in . Thus contrary to Lemma 39.7 (i). Therefore . Now Lemma 39.7 (iii) becomes (39.18) . Reading (39.18) mod implies that . Thus (39.18) yields that and commute. Since by Lemma 39.1, this implies that . Thus which is not the case. Therefore as required. LEMMA 39.9 Let . let and have the same meaning as in Lemma 39.6. Then . Proof. Since by Lemma 39.8, (39.1) becomes  39. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 37.1 1025 . Conjugating by and using (38.2) we get that . Now (39.19) and (39.20) imply that . lTherefore . Suppose that . Then by Lemma 38.2 . As is a T.I. set in . (39.21) now implies that . As this implies that . commutes with Y. Hence . This is contrary to Lemma 39.1. Thus . Now (39.21) implies that . Therefore by Lemma .38.2 . LEMMA 39.10. Let and have the same meaning as in Lemma 39.6. Then . Proof. In view of Lemmas 39.8 and 39.9 equation (39.1) becomes . Reading (39.22):mod implies that .or using the definition of . Hence and (39.22) becomes . acts as a linear transformation on . It is convenient to use the exponential notation. Thus , so that . l39.24) can be rewritten as . In exponential notation this becomes  1026 SOLVABILITY OF GROUPS OF ODD ORDER (39.25) . Define (39.26) . Since is a Frobenius group with Frobenius kernel . is an invertible linear transformation on . By (39.25) A annihilates Y. Hence also A(1 ) annihilates Y. By (39.26) . Therefore . Thus (39.27) . By Lemma 39.3 . By (39.27) this yields that (39.28) . Lemma 39.2 also implies that . Raising this to the th power we get that (39.29) . Now (39.28) and (39.29) yield that (39.30) . Another application of Lemma 39.3 gives (39.31) . Thus (39.30) and (39.31) imply that . Since . . Therefore  39. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 37.1 1027 . As is a T.I. set in (39.32) now implies that . Therefore commutes with and so . Now (39.27) yields that . or . Consequently . Hence . Now (39.23) implies that as required. LEMMA 39.11. Let have the same meaning as in Definition 38.2. If then . Proof. Let and suppose that . By Lemma 38.8 (. ). Let (. . ) play the role of . By Lemma 39.10 (. . ). Thus Lemmas 38.5 and 39.1 imply that (39.33) (. ) . Let and ( . ). By Lemma 39.1 for . By (39.33) . Now it follows from (39.34) and Lemma 38.7 that . Thus . Since was an arbitrary element of we get that for any integer . . Thus in particular, . . Hence by (38.2). as was to be shown. It is now very easy to complete the proof of Theorem 37,1. Define the set by . Since . , Lemma 38.10 yields that is not empty. The definition of and Lemma 38.7 yield that and if and only if . Lemma 39.11 implies that if and only if Therefore if then Since - . we have for . Thus if has the same meaning as in Lemma 38.11 then there exists such that for all values of . This contradicts Lemma 38.11, and completes the proof of the main theorem of this paper.  BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. N. Blackburn, On a special class of -groups, Acta Math., 100 (1958), 45-92. 2. -. Generalizations of certain elementary theorems on -groups, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3). 11 (1961). 1-22. 3. R. Brauer, On the connection between the wdinary and the modular characters of finite groups, Ann. of Math. (2), 42 (1941), 926-935. 4. W. Burnside, Theory of Groups of Finite Order, Cambridge, 1911. 5. -, On groups of order . Proc. London Math. SOC., (2), 2 (1904), . 6. L. E. Dickson, Linear Groups, New York, 1958. 7. W. 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CORNBLL UNIVBR8ITY UNIVBR8ITY OF IN8TITUTB FOR DBFBN8B MALY8BS HARVARD UNIVBR8ITY 1029