DML: Digital Mathematics Library
Also: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library

Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs

New items here since 1. 1. 2013, most recent first Start

Contains links to 4609 digitized books (> 647486 pages )
and to 577 digitized journals/seminars (> 4303824 pages).
(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.)

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Remark: Repositories marked by '*' require paid subscription.

Overview of Repositories: Number of Books Number of Journals Number of Pages
1. aloa aloaustrian literature online - 1 -
2. AIP American Institute of Physics - 5 -
3. AMS American Mathematical Society 27 1 9071
4. icm Biblioteka Wirtualna Matematyki 60 10 -
5. Gallica Bibliothéque nationale de France 285 13 368072
6. CMS Canadian Mathematical Society - 4 -
7. Cornell Cornell Historical Math Monographs 550 - 136348
8. DML-CZ Czech Digital Mathematics Library 10 12 -
9. DIGI Das Deutsche Digitale Zeitschriftenarchiv - 1 -
10. rma Departamento de Ingeniería Matemática Universidad de Chile - 1 -
11. Kobe Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kobe University - 1 16624
12. IJM Department of Mathematics UIUC Illinois - 1 -
13. Wien Department of Mathematics, University of Vienna 4 - 632
14. DLI Digital Library of India 2 - -
15. DIEPER DIgitised European PERiodicals - 1 12150
16. EEBO* Early English Books Online 196 - 47994
17. smarandache E-Library of Science 1 - -
18. GASL Gesellschaft der Arno-Schmidt-Leser 1 - 227
19. googlebooks google books 1 9 -
20. grothendieck_circle 1 - -
21. HAB Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel 24 - 6686
22. hindawi Hindawi Publishing Corporation - 4 21931
23. Houston Houston Journal of Mathematics - 1 -
24. IAS Indian Academy of Sciences - 1 -
25. iumj Indiana University Mathematics Journal - 1 -
26. IMI Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - 1 -
27. ISSAS Institute of Statistical Science Academia Sinica - 1 -
28. MLI Institut Mittag-Leffler The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences - 2 -
29. IMU International Mathematical Union 26 - 30539
30. IA Internet Archive 1860 - -
31. DML-JP Japanese Digital Mathematics Library - 6 -
32. JSTOR* Journal STORage - 76 2351263
33. Leibniz Leibniz Edition 43 - 26960
34. msri Mathematical Science Research Institute Publications 30 - 8105
35. MPIWG Max-Planck-Institut fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte 115 - 29932
36. NAS National Academy of Science of the United States of America - 1 -
37. nielrow nielrow library 1 - -
38. NUMDAM NUMérisation de Documents Anciens Mathematiques - 56 288829
39. OUP* Oxford Journals - 6 -
40. Euclid Project Euclid - 5 260804
41. REIM Riviste Elettroniche Italiane Di Matematica - 13 -
42. RusDML RusDML at GDZ - 12 251706
43. ScieLO Scientific Electronic Library Online - 1 -
44. Serbia Serbia eLibrary - 7 -
45. DML-E Spanish Digital Mathematics Library - 17 -
46. Seals Swiss Electronic Academic Library Service - 4 -
47. TIFR Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 92 - -
48. grothendieck_SGA The Bourbakistas 1 - -
49. EuDML The European Digital Library - 254 -
50. MSJ The Mathematical Society of Japan - 1 -
51. Michigan The University of Michigan Historical Mathematics Collection 779 - 145925
52. Bielefeld Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Mathematik 10 1 10543
53. IMUJ Universitatis Iagellonicae - 1 8719
54. Debrecen University of Debrecen, Institute of Mathematics - 1 -
55. MISC Various Sources 2 3 846
56. GDZ WDML-Göttingen Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum 485 41 915018

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