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DML : Digital Mathematics Library -- Technical Standards Committee:-- -- Intermediate Report
Talk given on the EMS DML Brainstorming Meeting at Berlingen, Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2003

Technical Standards Committee: Intermediate Report
(as of Nov. 5, 2002)

7. Further recommendations:


It is suggested to set up public servers for

Reason: Setting up the DML is a task for many people and will last 10-15 years or longer. Any individual or institutional contribution of digitizations therefore should be welcome. Individuals should be encouraged and enabled to help.

In order to enable many contributors to provide digitized material in a sufficiently high quality, it is necessary to provide public tools to transform the material into the right format, which is sometimes technically demanding and to provide text layers by ocr (this should be optimized for the language the manuscript is written in, therefore it would be good to have public servers for the various language areas). Also, it should be easy for contributors to provide the scanned material with (elementary) metadata such as MSC, keywords and phrases on Dublin Core and/or Open Archive basis.

Copyright © 2003 by Ulf Rehmann