
from the Mathematics Genealogy Project

year of
 year of
1685Wichmannshausen 1666Leibniz
1665/6Mencke 1684Jakob Bernoulli
1713Hausen 1694Johann Bernoulli
1739Kästner 1726Euler
1786Pfaff     Lagrange
1799Gauß Poisson       Fourier
1844Encke 1827    Dirichlet

1845 Kronecker

1622 Friedrich Leibniz, Leipzig

1643 Jakob Thomasius, Leipzig
1665 Otto Mencke, Leipzig
     Ex Theologia naturali -- De Absoluta Dei Simplicitate, Micropolitiam, id est Rempublicam In Microcosmo Conspicuam
1685 Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen, Leipzig
      Disputationem Moralem De Divortiis Secundum Jus Naturae

1713 Christian August Hausen, Halle-Wittenberg 
     De corpore scissuris figurisque non cruetando ductu

1739 Abraham Gotthelf Kästner, Leipzig 
     Theoria radicum in aequationibus

1786 Johann Friedrich Pfaff, Göttingen
      Commentatio de ortibus et occasibus siderum apud auctores classicos commemoratis

1799 Carl Friedrich Gauß, Helmstedt
     Demonstratio nova theorematis omnem functionem algebraicam rationalem integram unius variabilis in factores reales primi vel secundi gradus resolvi posse

1825 Johann Franz Friedrich Encke, Berlin 
     Dr phil hc*
     (From 1811 on Encke studied mathematics in Goettingen as pupil of C.F. Gauss. In May 1816 he moved to Seeberg near Gotha to work as observer at the observatory there. In 1822 he was promoted Director of that observatory and in 1825 followed a call to be the Director of the Observatory at Berlin. He supervised the new construction of the observatory from 1832 -35. In 1844 he became ordinary professor at the University of Berlin and was allowed to lecture without receiving a doctorate. Closest to being his advisor in becoming a professor was therefore Carl Friedrich Gauss.
     Mathematics Subject Classification: 85—Astronomy and astrophysics) 

1845 Leopold Kronecker, Berlin 
      De unitatibus complexis

1884 Kurt Hense, Berlin 
     Arithmetische Untersuchungen über Diskriminaten und ihre außerwesentlichen Teiler

1922 Helmut Hasse, Marburg
     Über die Darstellbarkeit von Zahlen durch quadratische Formen im Körper der rationalen Zahlen     

1930 Wolgang Franz, Halle-Wittenberg
     Untersuchungen zum Hilbertschen Irreduzibilitätssatz

1947 Ewald Burger, Frankfurt am Main
      Über Schnittzahlen von Homotopieketten

1955 Friedrich-Wilhelm Bauer, Frankfurt am Main
     Zur Dimensionstheorie der Kompakten im Rn

1969 Claus Michael Ringel, Frankfurt am Main
     Diagonalisierungspaare in der homologischen Algebra

Date: 22.02.2008, 30.06.2015