Definition: Canonical algebra.

Basic terms for canonical algebras:

  • The tubes, their rank, left rank, right rank, the mouth, the wings
  • Separating property.

Separating substructures

Note: By definition, the piecewise hereditary algebras are those finite dimensional algebras B such that Db(mod B) is equivalent to Db(H) for some hereditary category H, and then Db(mod B) is equivalent to Db(mod A) for A a finite dimensional hereditary algebra or to Db(mod C) for C a canonical algebra.

Thus, in order to understand mod B, one needs to look at the module categories of finite dimensional hereditary algebras and of canonical algebras. These are the algebras which have

  • either a complete slice,
  • or a separating tubular family.
The algebras tilted from a finite dimensional hereditary algebra or from a canonical algebra are the quasi-tilted algebras.

Here one should mention the T

Why are the canonical algebras canonical?

Wiktionary (deutsch)
  • Informatik: allgemeingültige und eindeutige Bezeichnung eines Datensatzes
  • Mathematik: bezeichnet eine Darstellung in Normalform
Meyers Lexikon online:
  • Physik: Bezeichnung für nach einer festen Regel gebildete Größen, Operationen u. a., die für die Beschreibung eines physikalischen Vorgangs am besten geeignet sind.
Wikipedia (english):
  • Basic, canonic, canonical: reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality, e.g., "a basic story line"; "a canonical syllable pattern."
  • Mathematicians have for perhaps a century or more used the word canonical to refer to concepts that have a kind of uniqueness or naturalness, and are (up to trivial aspects) "independent of coordinates."

    Remark: Note that "tilting" means changing coordinates!
  • Kanonische Schriften gelten im kirchlichen Sinne als verbindlich. Nach ihnen muss sich jeder Gläubige richten.
  • Ein Kanon war ein Holzstab, der im antiken, athletischen Wettkampf zur Messung der Sprungweite der Athleten diente.
    (canon = a wooden stick for measuring the leap for jumping athlets)

Let me change the title:

In which way are the canonical algebras canonical?

We consider a special class: the tame concealed algebras.

The importance of this class of algebras is well-known

Aim: In any derived equivalence class, one wants a representative - just one.

Main observation. Any derived equivalence class of domestic canonical algebras contains usually many hereditary algebras, but just one canonical algebra.

First attempt: To choose one hereditary algebra

This means: to choose one orientation. Not really convincing.

Remark: Simson-Skowronski call these quivers the "canonically oriented Euclidean quivers".
They need these orientations for case-by-case proofs.

The HV-list

Reprinted in various publications, with different ordering.

References, in particular:

The tilting order of the tame concealed algebras: We need a notion: down-tilting: the tilting pair (X(T),Y(T)) splits.

Domestic canonical algebras

General notation:

Part I. Properties

1. The positive radical generator d

  • di = 1 for all i.
  • |d| = n.
Formulation in terms of modules:
  • There exists an indecomposable module M of length n with self-extensions.

  • RED Up to shift and symmetry, there is only one tilting set in ZΔ which contains only objects in the extension orbits.

2. Shortage

Let T be a preprojective A-tilting module, A hereditary. The shortage of T or End(T) is the number s(T) of isoclasses of mixed modules.

Remark: The mixed modules have defect < -1.

Note: The shortage is 0 iff End(T) is hereditary.

  • The shortage is maximal.

3. Sinks and sources

  • There is only one sink and only one source.
  • only one simple module is projective, only one simple module is injective.

  • C is non-Schurian

Here, we should stress the importance of the exceptional pair (t0,t) in ZΔ with dim Hom(T0,T) = 2.

  • RED: Up to shift and symmetry, there ist just one exceptional pair (t0,t) in ZΔ with dim Hom(T0,T) = 2.
    And it can be completed in ZΔ to a tilting set in only one way.

    One may call this a canonical pair.

What means the 2?

Here, the tubular type E6. First, the calculation of the hammock for an extension vertex:

Then the unique completion to a tilting set:

Next, the tubular type E7. First, the calculation of the hammock for an extension vertex:

Then the unique completion to a tilting set:

And the tubular type D8. First, the calculation of the hammock for an extension vertex:

Then the unique completion to a tilting set:

4. Simple regular modules

  • Any tube of rank r contains r-1 simple modules.
  • All but 2 simple modules are regular.
    RED: The canonical algebra displays well in which way the extended Dynkin diagrams are extended!

    Experienced mathematicians know for each extended Dynkin diagram which of the vertices can be considered as the extension vertex -
    But looking at the quiver of the canonical algebra, no guessing is needed.

5. 2-Kronecker pairs

We call a pair of B-modules (X,Y) an n-Kronecker pair, provided this is an orthogonal pair of bricks and dim Ext1(Y,X) = n
(thus, the category of B-modules M with an exact sequence 0 → Xa → M → Yb → 0 is equivalent to the category of 2-Kronecker modules).

For a canonical algebra, the structure of all Kronecker pairs (X,Y) is obvious:

The number of such pairs is ∏ pi.

  • There is a 2-Kronecker pair (X,Y) with X simple
  • There is a 2-Kronecker pair (X,Y) with Y simple.

Actually: Characterizations

Theorem: For A tame concealed, any of these properties is equivalent to being canonical.

These characterizations concern smallness or largeness of some invariants.



To repeat: Direct display of important properties and invariants

We can read off information:

Part II. The ideal lattice of a canonical algebra

Let us look at I = left-socle ∩ right-socle of C.

  • C has sincere indecomposable modules which are not faithful.

Recall Jans: On indecompsable representations of algebras. Annals Math. 66 (1957), 418-239.

Part III. Further Characterizations

6. Diamonds

  • In case the base field has at least 3 elements:
    There is sincere diamond.

7. Local modules

  • There is a 1-parameter family of local modules
  • There are local modules with self-extensions.

7*. Colocal modules

  • There is a 1-parameter family of colocal modules
  • There are colocal modules with self-extensions.

8. Projective modules

  • Every indecomposable projective module has defect -1.
  • There exists an indecomposable projective module which is not thin.

8*. Injective modules

  • Every indecomposable injective module has defect 1.

  • There exists an indecomposable omjective module which is not thin.

9. Generic module

  • If M is the generic module, then Mα is bijective, for any arrow α.

10. Indecomposable modules which are thin and sincere

Part IV. Cluster-tilted algebras

Tilted algebras are no longer considered as basic objects,
they are just special factor algebras of cluster-tilted algebras.

Our characterizations dealt with tilted algebras.
Question: Are there similar characterizations of the corresponding cluster tilted algebras?

The cluster-tilted algebras for the canonical algebras:

Important: The shortage is the number of mixed modules for the corresponding cluster tilted algebra.

The mixed modules for the cluster tilted algebra is a hammock,
namely the hammock of all indecomposable modules for the cluster tilted algebra which are not annihilated by the additional arrow
(this is the Scheuer hammock for the indecomposable length 2 module with composition factors 0 and ω)

As an example, the tubular type E6. First, the canonical tilting set:

The transjective component of the cluster tilted algebra is obtained from ZΔ by factoring out this tilting set.

This yields projective vertices (blue circles) and injective vertices (red squares):

The Scheuer hammock for the mixed modules, it starts at P(ω) and ends at Q(0):

The yellow spot marks the indecomposable length 2 module with composition factors 0 and ω

Here is the Scheuer hammock for the algebra defined by the subquiver

Next, the tubular type E7. First, the canonical tilting set:

Here is the Scheuer hammock for the mixed modules, it starts at P(ω) and ends at Q(0):

The yellow spot marks again the indecomposable length 2 module with composition factors 0 and ω.
RED: We obtain the cluster-tilted algebras in the following way:
  • Take a cluster category C
  • take a cluster-tilted object T in C,
  • and form End(T) in .
Here we are dealing with the case
  • C is of Euclidean type
  • all summands of T are transjective.

An obvious interesting invariant is the maximal length l of a non-sectional path from some Ti to some Tj.

Here is the list of the maximal values:
Tubular type Apq Dn E6 E7 E8
Maximal length 0 2(n-2) 12 (=3×4) 24 (= 4×6) 60 (= 5×12)

Here we see zhe number and the length of the leaps...

One further argument

Consider a canonical algebra C.


There is a left squid and a right squid, this yields non-regular tubes.
There is an obvious transition: left squid - canonical - right squid,
    look at the repetitive algebra for
Note: generalizations of the squids (as well as of the canonical algebras) are nice for dealing with repetitive algebras

  • RED: Essentially, there is only one tilting set in ZΔ which contains only objects in the extension orbits.

    Also, essentially, there is only one canonical pair in ZΔ, and this pair has a unique completion inside ZΔ to a tilting set.

Of course, the squids also use the canonical pair, but here the completion is done outside of the component.

Tilted algebras

It seems: The only tilted algebras with q(1,...,1) = 0 are the canonical ones.
The canonical algebras should be considered as "canonical" for the appearance of a rational 1-parameter family of bricks.