Es scheint nicht allgemein bekannt zu sein, dass im Jahr 2004 nicht nur eine neue PISA-Studie vorgelegt wurde, sondern auch eine TIMSS-Studie - allerdings hat sich Deutschland daran auch nicht beteiligt.

Warum hat sich Deutschland nicht beteiligt?

Some European countries opted out of the TIMSS retest. Germany had scored about on a par with the U.S. on the 1995 test, and reportedly was so disappointed in its performance that it refused to take the retest. (From: Wall Street Journal, December 6, 2000)

In Deutschland wurde über die neue TIMSS-Studie kaum berichtet; der "Deutsche Bildungsserver" hat immerhin einen entsprechenden Link (ganz unten), die Links (Eingabe von "TIMSS" in die Suchmaske) des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung zu TIMSS beziehen sich vorrangig auf die alten TIMSS-Studien, über die neue wird geschwiegen.

Hier Kurzinformationen:


The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS, formerly known as the Third International Mathematics and Science Study) provides reliable and timely data on the mathematics and science achievement of different countries. Offered in 1995, 1999, and 2003, TIMSS provides trend data on students' mathematics and science achievement from an international perspective

The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003 is the third comparison of mathematics and science achievement carried out since 1995 by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), an international organization of national research institutions and governmental research agencies. In 2003, some 46 countries participated in TIMSS, at either the fourth- or eighth-grade level, or both.


TIMSS, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, is designed to help countries all over the world improve student learning in mathematics and science. It collects educational achievement data at the fourth and eighth grades to provide information about trends in performance over time together with extensive background information to address concerns about the quantity, quality, and content of instruction.


TIMSS provides important information for policy development, to foster public accountability, to allow areas of progress or decline in achievement to be identified and monitored, and to address concerns for equity.


Approximately 50 countries from all over the world participate in TIMSS. A project of the IEA headquartered in Amsterdam, it is directed by the TIMSS International Study Center at Boston College in collaboration with a worldwide network of organizations and representatives from the participating countries.


The TIMSS 2003 data collection is complete, and the results released December 14, 2004. Conducted on a four-year cycle, the first round of TIMSS was in 1995 and the second in 1999. Preparations are underway for the next round of TIMSS, which will take place in 2007.

Die Liste der Länder, die sich an der letzten TIMSS-Studie beteiligt haben:

Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium (Flemish), Botswana, Bulgaria, Chile, Chinese Taipei, Cyprus, Egypt, England, Estonia, Ghana, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea (Republic), Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Palestinian National Authority, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United States, Yemen.

Ergebnisse 2003

Themen, die getestet wurden

Hier noch weitere Informationen, die aus den TIMSS-Studien hervorgehen:
8th-grade mathematics problems per lesson containing a real life connection (1999)
Japan 9 %
Netherlands 42 %
USA22 %
Average percentage of 8th-grade lessons using computational calculators (1999)
Australia 56 %
Nethelands 91 %
USA 39 %


Hier noch die entsprechenden Links zu PISA Die teilnehmenden Länder bei PISA 2003: Argentina* Australia Austria Azerbaijan* Belgium Brazil* Bulgaria* Canada Chile* Colombia* Croatia* Czech Republic Denmark Estonia* Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong-China* Hungary Iceland Indonesia* Ireland Israel* Italy Japan Jordan* Kazakhstan* Korea Kyrgyzstan* Latvia* Liechtenstein Lithuania* Luxembourg Macao-China* Mexico The Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Qatar* Romania* Russian Federation* Serbia and Montenegro* Slovak Republic Slovenia* Spain Sweden Switzerland Chinese Taipei* Thailand* Tunisia* Turkey United Kingdom United States Uruguay*

Claus Michael Ringel
Last modified: Fri Apr 29 18:28:23 CEST 2005