Markov property of generalized fields and axiomatic potential theory,
Math. Ann. 264 (1983), 157-177.
Self-adjoint harmonic spaces and Dirichlet forms, Hiroshima Math. J.
14 (1984), 55-66.
Dirichlet forms: closability and change of speed measure (with Norbert
Wielens), Infinite dimensional analysis and stochastic processes
(S. Albeverio, ed.), Research Notes in Mathematics, vol. 124, Pitman, Boston,
London, Melbourne, 1985, pp. 119-144.
Capacity, Green's functions and Schrödinger operators (with
Sergio Albeverio, Withold Karwowski, and Ludwig Streit), Infinite dimensional
analysis and stochastic processes (Sergio Albeverio, ed.), Research Notes in
Mathematics, vol. 124, Pitman, Boston, London, Melbourne, 1985, pp. 197-215.
Generalized Markov fields and Dirichlet forms, Acta Appl. Math.
3 (1985), 285-311.
A Dirichlet problem for distributions and specifications for random
fields, Memoirs of the Am. Math. Soc. 54 (1985), 324.
Specifications and Martin boundaries for P(varphi)2-random
fields, Commun. Math. Phys. 106 (1986), 105-135.
On the transition function of the infinite dimensional
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process given by the free quantum field, Potential
Theory (J. Kral et al., eds.), Plenum Press, New York, London, 1988,
pp. 277-293.
footnotetextbfThis paper was awarded the Heinz-Mayer-Leibnitz Preis
1989 in mathematics through the German Bundesminister of Education and
Sciences. Traces of harmonic functions and a new path space for the
free quantum field, J. Funct. Anal. 79 (1988), 211-249.
On Dirichlet forms on topological vector spaces: existence and
maximality (with Sergio Albeverio), Proc. Bad Honnef Conference June
1988 (N. Christopeit et al., eds.), Lect. Notes Inform. Control, vol. 126,
Springer, Berlin, 1989, pp. 14-31.
Dirichlet forms, quantum fields and stochastic quantization (with Sergio
Albeverio), Stochastic analysis, path integration and dynamics (K. D.
Elworthy and J. C. Zambrini, eds.), Research Notes in Mathematics, vol. 200,
Longman, Harlow, 1989, pp. 1-21.
Dirichlet forms and generalized Schrödinger operators (with
Sergio Albeverio and Johannes F. Brasche), Schrödinger Operators
(H. Holden and A. Jensen, eds.), Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 345,
Springer, Berlin, 1989, pp. 1-42.
Classical Dirichlet forms on topological vector spaces: construction of
an associated diffusion process (with Sergio Albeverio), Prob. Th. Rel.
Fields 83 (1989), 405-434.
Infinite dimensional diffusions connected with positive generalized white
noise functionals (with Sergio Albeverio), White noise analysis (Takeyuki
Hida et al., eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1990, pp. 1-21.
New developments in theory and applications of Dirichlet forms (with
Sergio Albeverio), Ascona/Locarno, Switzerland, 4-9 July 1988 (Sergio
Albeverio et al., eds.), Stochastic processes, physics and geometry, World
Scientific, Singapore, 1990, pp. 27-76.
The Dirichlet problem for quasi-linear partial differential operators
with boundary data given by a distribution (with Boguslav Zegarlinski),
Stochastic Processes and their Applications (Sergio Albeverio et al., eds.),
Kluwer, 1990, pp. 301-326.
Dirichlet forms and Markov fields: a report on recent developments
(with Sergio Albeverio and Zhi-Ming Ma), Diffusion processes and related
problems in Analysis, vol. 1, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1990, pp. 325-347.
Dirichlet forms on topological vector spaces: closability and a
Cameron-Martin formula (with Sergio Albeverio), J. Funct. Anal.
88 (1990), 395-436.
On the contraction property of energy forms on infinite dimensional space
(with Jürgen Potthoff), J. Funct. Anal. 92 (1990), 155-165.
On partial integration in infinite dimensional space and applications to
Dirichlet forms (with Sergio Albeverio and Shigeo Kusuoka), J. London
Math. Soc. 42 (1990), 122-136.
Dirichlet forms in terms of white noise analysis I: Construction and
QFT examples (with Sergio Albeverio, Takeyuki Hida, Jürgen Potthoff,
and Ludwig Streit), Rev. Math. Phys. 1 (1990), 291-312.
Dirichlet forms in terms of white noise analysis II: Closability and
diffusion processes (with Sergio Albeverio, Takeyuki Hida, Jürgen
Potthoff, and Ludwig Streit), Rev. Math. Phys. 1 (1990), 313-323.
Potential theory on non-locally compact space via Dirichlet forms,
Potential Theory (M. Kishi, ed.), W. de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, New
York, 1991, Invited Lecture, pp. 107-126.
Decomposition of Dirichlet processes on Hilbert space (with Tu-Sheng
Zhang), Stochastic Analysis (M. T. Barlow and N.H. Bingham, eds.), Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 1991, pp. 321-332.
Capacities on Wiener space: tightness and invariance (with Sergio
Albeverio, Masatoshi Fukushima, Wolfhard Hansen, and Zhi-Ming Ma), C. R.
Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I 312 (1991), 931-935.
Stochastic differential equations in infinite dimensions: solutions via
Dirichlet forms (with Sergio Albeverio), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 89
(1991), 347-386.
Introduction to the theory of (non-symmetric) Dirichlet forms (with
Zhi-Ming Ma), Universitext, Springer, Berlin, 1992, pp. viii+209.
Dirichlet forms on infinite dimensional state space and applications,
Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics (H. Körezlioglu and A. S. Ustumel,
eds.), Birkhäuser, Boston, 1992, pp. 131-186.
A Beurling-Deny type structure theorem for Dirichlet forms on
general state spaces (with Sergio Albeverio and Zhi-Ming Ma), Ideas and
methods in mathematical analysis, stochastics, and applications (Sergio
Albeverio et al., eds.), vol. 1, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992,
In Memory of Raphael Høegh-Krohn (1938-1988), pp. 115-123.
On the parabolic Martin boundary of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator
on Wiener space, Ann. Prob. 20 (1992), 1063-1085.
A note on tightness of capacities associated with Dirichlet forms (with
Terry Lyons), Bull. London Math. Soc. 24 (1992), 181-184.
Non-symmetric Dirichlet forms and Markov processes on general state
space (with Sergio Albeverio and Zhi-Ming Ma), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris,
Serié I 314 (1992), 77-82.
Regularization of Dirichlet spaces and applications (with Sergio
Albeverio and Zhi-Ming Ma), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I 314
(1992), 859-864.
Capacités gaussiennes sont portées par des compacts
métrisables (with Vladimir I. Bogachev), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris,
Serié I 315 (1992), 197-202.
Construction of diffusions on path and loop spaces of compact Riemannian
manifolds (with Bruce K. Driver), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I
315 (1992), 603-608.
Uniqueness of generalized Schrödinger operators and applications
(with Tu-Sheng Zhang), J. Funct. Anal. 105 (1992), 187-231.
An invariance result for capacities on Wiener space (with Sergio
Albeverio, Masatoshi Fukushima, Wolfhard Hansen, and Zhi-Ming Ma), J. Funct.
Anal. 106 (1992), 35-49.
Tightness of general C1,p-capacities on Banach space (with
Byron Schmuland), J. Funct. Anal. 108 (1992), 1-12.
An approximate criterium of essential self-adjointness of Dirichlet
operators (with Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G. Kondratiev), Pot. Anal. 1
(1992), 307-317.
A remark on the support of cadlag processes (with Sergio Albeverio and
Zhi-Ming Ma), Stochastic Processes. A Festschrift in Honour of G.
Kallianpur (S. Cambanis et al., eds.), Springer, Berlin, 1993, pp. 1-5.
General theory of Dirichlet forms and applications, Dirichlet Forms,
Varenna 1992 (G. Dell'Antonio and U. Mosco, eds.), Springer, Berlin, 1993,
pp. 129-193.
Markov uniqueness for a class of infinite dimensional Dirichlet
operators (with Sergio Albeverio and Tu-Sheng Zhang), Stochastic Processes
and Optimal Control (H. J. Engelbert et al., eds.), Stochastic Monographs,
vol. 7, Gordon & Breach, 1993, pp. 1-26.
Girsanov transform for symmetric diffusions with infinite dimensional
state space (with Sergio Albeverio and Tu-Sheng Zhang), Ann. Prob. 21
(1993), 961-978.
Construction of a rotational invariant diffusion on the free loop space
(with Sergio Albeverio and Remi Léandre), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris,
Serié I 316 (1993), 287-292.
Markov uniqueness and its applications to martingale problems,
stochastic differential equations and stochastic quantization (with Sergio
Albeverio and Tu-Sheng Zhang), C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada XV
(1993), 1-6.
Quasi-regular Dirichlet forms and Markov processes (with Sergio
Albeverio and Zhi-Ming Ma), J. Funct. Anal. 111 (1993), 118-154.
Local property of Dirichlet forms and diffusions on general state
spaces (with Sergio Albeverio and Zhi-Ming Ma), Math. Ann. 296 (1993),
Addendum to citealb-kon-roe:pa:92 (with Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G.
Kondratiev), Pot. Anal. 2 (1993), 195-198.
Dirichlet operators and Gibbs measures (with Sergio Albeverio and
Yuri G. Kondratiev), On Klauder's path: a field trip. Essays in honour of
J. R. Klauder (G. G. Emch et al., eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 1994,
pp. 1-10.
Infinite dimensional diffusions, Markov fields, quantum fields, and
stochastic quantization (with Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G. Kondratiev),
Stochastic analysis and applications (A. I. Cardoso et al., eds.), Kluwer,
Dordrecht, 1994, pp. 1-34.
Hypoellipticity and invariant measures of infinite dimensional diffusions
(with Vladimir I. Bogachev), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I 318
(1994), 553-558.
Uniqueness of generalized Schrödinger operators: Part II (with
Tu-Sheng Zhang), J. Funct. Anal. 119 (1994), 455-467.
Quasi-homeomorphisms of Dirichlet forms (with Z. Q. Chen and Zhi-Ming
Ma), Nagoya Math. J. 136 (1994), 1-15.
A remark on stochastic dynamics on the infinite dimensional torus (with
Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G. Kondratiev), Ascona Conference (Boston)
(E. Bolthausen et al., eds.), Birkhäuser, 1995, pp. 1-12.
Potential theory of quasi-regular Dirichlet forms without capacity
(with Sergio Albeverio and Zhi-Ming Ma), Dirichlet Forms and Stochastic
Processes (Zhi-Ming Ma et al., eds.), de Gruyter, Berlin, 1995, pp. 47-53.
A remark on quasi-Radon measures (with Sergio Albeverio and Zhi-Ming
Ma), International Conference, Locarno, Switzerland, 24-29 June, 1991
(S. Albeverio et al., eds.), Stochastic Processes: Physics and Geometry II,
World Scientific, Singapore, 1995, pp. 75-85.
Dirichlet form methods for uniqueness of martingale problems and
applications (with Sergio Albeverio), Stochastic Analysis. Proceedings of
Symposia in Pure Mathematics (Providence, Rhode Island) (M. C. Cranston and
M. A. Pinsky, eds.), vol. 57, Am. Math. Soc., 1995, pp. 513-528.
A remark on coercive forms and associated semigroups (with Sergio
Albeverio, Ru-Zhong Fan, and Wilhelm Stannat), Partial differential operators
and mathematical physics, Operator Theory Advances and Applications, vol. 78,
Birkhäuser, Basel, 1995, pp. 1-8.
An analytic approach to Fleming-Viot processes with interactive
selection (with Ludger Overbeck and Byron Schmuland), Ann. Prob. 23
(1995), 1-36.
Quasi-regular Dirichlet forms: examples and counterexamples (with
Byron Schmuland), Can. J. Math. 47 (1995), 165-200.
Markov processes associated with positivity preserving forms (with
Zhi-Ming Ma), Can. J. Math. 47 (1995), 817-840.
Dirichlet operators via stochastic analysis (with Sergio Albeverio and
Yuri G. Kondratiev), J. Funct. Anal. 128 (1995), 102-138.
Uniqueness of the stochastic dynamics for continuous spin systems on a
lattice (with Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G. Kondratiev), J. Funct. Anal.
133 (1995), 10-20.
Regularity of invariant measures on finite and infinite dimensional spaces
and applications (with Vladimir I. Bogachev), J. Funct. Anal. 133
(1995), 168-223.
Mehler formula and capacities for infinite dimensional
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with general linear drift (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev), Osaka J. Math. 32 (1995), 237-274.
Markov processes associated with semi-Dirichlet forms (with Zhi-Ming
Ma and Ludger Overbeck), Osaka J. Math. 32 (1995), 97-119.
Characterization of (non-symmetric) Dirichlet forms associated with
Hunt processes (with Sergio Albeverio and Zhi-Ming Ma), Rand. Op. Stoch.
Eq. 3 (1995), 161-179.
Differential geometry of Poisson spaces (with Sergio Albeverio and
Yuri G. Kondratiev), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I 323 (1996),
Canonical Dirichlet operator and distorted Brownian motion on Poisson
spaces (with Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G. Kondratiev), C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris, Serié I 323 (1996), 1179-1184.
Regularity of invariant measures: the case of non-constant diffusion part
(with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Nicolai V. Krylov), J. Funct. Anal. 138
(1996), 223-242.
Regularity of invariant measures for a class of perturbed
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Giuseppe
Da Prato), Nonlin. Diff. Eq. Appl. 3 (1996), 261-268.
Generalized Mehler semigroups and applications (with Vladimir I. Bogachev
and Byron Schmuland), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 105 (1996), 193-225.
Martingale decomposition of Dirichlet processes on the Banach space
C0[0,1] (with Terry Lyons and Tu-Sheng Zhang), Stoch. Proc. Appl.
64 (1996), 31-38.
Finite dimensional approximation of diffusion processes on infinite
dimensional state spaces (with Tu-Sheng Zhang), Stoch. Stoch. Rep. 57
(1996), 37-55.
Elliptic regularity and essential self-adjointness of Dirichlet operators
on mathbb Rd (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Nicolai V. Krylov), Ann.
Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., Serie IV XXIV (1997), no. 3, 451-461.
Uniqueness of Gibbs states on loop lattices (with Sergio Albeverio,
Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatjana V. Tsikalenko), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris,
Serié I 324 (1997), 1401-1406.
Dobrushin's uniqueness for quantum lattice systems with non-local
interaction (with Sergio Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatjana V.
Tsikalenko), Commun. Math. Phys. 189 (1997), 621-630.
Partitions of unity in Sobolev spaces over infinite dimensional state
spaces (with Sergio Albeverio and Zhi-Ming Ma), J. Funct. Anal. 143
(1997), 247-268.
Ergodicity of L2-semigroups and extremality of Gibbs states (with
Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G. Kondratiev), J. Funct. Anal. 144 (1997),
Ergodicity for the stochastic dynamics of quasi-invariant measures with
applications to Gibbs states (with Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G.
Kondratiev), J. Funct. Anal. 149 (1997), 415-469.
Convergence of operator semigroups generated by elliptic operators (with
Tu-Sheng Zhang), Osaka J. Math. 34 (1997), 923-932.
Uniqueness of Gibbs states for quantum lattice systems (with Sergio
Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatjana V. Tsikalenko), Prob. Th. Rel.
Fields 108 (1997), 193-218.
Geometric aspects of finite and infinite dimensional Fleming-Viot
processes (with Ludger Overbeck), Rand. Op. Stoch. Eq. 5 (1997),
Stochastic analysis on configuration spaces: basic ideas and recent
results, New directions in Dirichlet forms (J. Jost et al., eds.),
Studies in Advanced Mathematics, International Press, 1998, pp. 157-231.
Dirichlet forms on infinite dimensional "manifold-like" state spaces: a
survey of recent results and some prospects for the future, Probability
towards 2000 (L. Accardi et al., eds.), Lecture Notes in Statistics,
Springer, Berlin, 1998, pp. 287-306.
On the strong Feller property of semigroups generated by non-divergence
operators with Lp-drifts (with Tu-Sheng Zhang), Stochastic Analysis
and Related Topics (L. Decreusefond et al., eds.), vol. VI, Birkhäuser,
1998, pp. 401-408.
Approximation of arbitrary Dirichlet processes by Markov chains (with
Zhi-Ming Ma and Tu-Sheng Zhang), Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré 34
(1998), 1-22.
Strong uniqueness for a class of infinite dimensional Dirichlet operators
and applications to stochastic quantization (with Vitali I. Liskevich),
Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., Serie IV XXVII (1998), no. 1,
A support property for infinite dimensional interacting diffusion processes
(with Byron Schmuland), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I 326 (1998),
Analysis and geometry on configuration spaces (with Sergio Albeverio and
Yuri G. Kondratiev), J. Funct. Anal. 154 (1998), 444-500.
Analysis and geometry on configuration spaces. The Gibbsian case (with
Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G. Kondratiev), J. Funct. Anal. 157 (1998),
Lp-analysis of finite and infinite dimensional diffusion operators,
Stochastic PDE's and Kolmogorov's equations in infinite dimensions
(Giuseppe Da Prato, ed.), Lect. Notes Math., vol. 1715, Springer, Berlin,
1999, pp. 65-116.
Existence of invariant measures for diffusion processes on Banach
spaces (with Tu-Sheng Zhang), Progress in Probability, vol. 45,
Birkhäuser, Basel, 1999, pp. 261-265.
Stochastic quantization of the two-dimensional polymer measure (with
Sergio Albeverio, Yao-Zhong Hu, and Xian Yin Zhou), Appl. Math. Optim.
40 (1999), 341-354.
A-priori estimates and existence of Gibbs measures: a simplified proof
(with Sergio Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatjana V. Tsikalenko), C. R.
Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I 328 (1999), 1049-1054.
Elliptic equations for infinite dimensional probability distributions and
Lyapunov functions (with Vladimir I. Bogachev), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris,
Serié I 329 (1999), 705-710.
On uniqueness of invariant measures for finite and infinite dimensional
diffusions (with Sergio Albeverio and Vladimir I. Bogachev), Comm. Pure
Appl. Math. 52 (1999), 325-362.
Scattering problem for local perturbations of the free quantum gas (with
Yuri G. Kondratiev, Alexei Y. Konstantinov, and Gennadi V. Shchepa'nuk),
Commun. Math. Phys. 203 (1999), 421-444.
Probabilistic representation and hyperbound estimates for semigroups (with
Tu-Sheng Zhang), IDAQP 2 (1999), 337-358.
Dirichlet operators with variable coefficients in Lp-spaces of
functions of infinitely many variables (with Vitali I. Liskevich and Zeev
Sobol), IDAQP 2 (1999), 487-502.
Fluctuations and their Glauber dynamics in lattice systems (with Sergio
Albeverio, Alexei Daletskii, and Yuri G. Kondratiev), J. Funct. Anal.
166 (1999), 148-167.
Rademacher's theorem on configuration spaces and applications (with
Alexander Schied), J. Funct. Anal. 169 (1999), 325-356.
On the martingale problem for pseudo-differential operators on infinite
dimensional spaces (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Paul Lescot), Nagoya Math.
J. 153 (1999), 101-118.
Diffeomorphism groups, current algebras and all that: configuration space
analysis in quantum theory (with Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G. Kondratiev),
Rev. Math. Phys. 11 (1999), 1-24.
L1-uniqueness for diffusion operators on measurable state spaces: a
class of examples., Mathematical Physics and Stochastic Analysis. Essays in
Honour of Ludwig Streit (Sergio Albeverio et al., eds.), World Scientific,
Singapore, 2000, pp. 350-358.
Uniqueness of invariant measures and essential m-dissipativity of diffusion
operators on L1 (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Wilhelm Stannat),
Infinite dimensional Stochastic Analysis (P. Clément et al., eds.), Royal
Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, 2000, pp. 39-54.
Exponential mixing for classical continuous systems (with Yuri G.
Kondratiev, Robert A. Minlos, and Gennadi V. Shchepa'nuk), Stochastic
Processes, Physics and Geometry: New Interplays, vol. 1, AMS for the CMS,
Providence, Rhode Island, 2000, A volume in honor of Sergio Albeverio,
pp. 243-254.
Diffusions on "simple" configuration spaces (with Zhi-Ming Ma),
Stochastic Processes, Physics and Geometry: New Interplays, vol. 1, AMS for
the CMS, Providence, Rhode Island, 2000, A volume in honor of Sergio
Albeverio, pp. 255-270.
Approximation of Hunt processes by multivariate Poisson processes (with
Zhi-Ming Ma and Wei Sun), Acta Appl. Math. 63 (2000), 233-243.
Stochastic dynamics of compact spins: ergodicity and irreducibility (with
Sergio Albeverio, Alexei Daletskii, and Yuri G. Kondratiev), Acta Appl. Math.
63 (2000), 27-40.
Existence and uniqueness of invariant measures: an approach via sectorial
forms (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Tu-Sheng Zhang), Appl. Math. Optim.
41 (2000), 87-109.
A-priori estimates on symmetrizing measures and their applications to
Gibbs states (with Sergio Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatjana V.
Tsikalenko), J. Funct. Anal. 171 (2000), 366-400.
Construction of diffusions on configuration spaces (with Zhi-Ming Ma),
Osaka J. Math. 37 (2000), 273-314.
Generalized Mehler semigroups: The non-Gaussian case (with Marco
Fuhrman), Pot. Anal. 12 (2000), 1-47.
Ray Hölder-continuity for fractional Sobolev spaces in infinite
dimensions and applications (with Jiagang Ren), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields
117 (2000), 201-220.
Uniqueness of Gibbs states of quantum lattices in small mass regime (with
Sergio Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Yuri Kozitsky), Ann. Inst. Henri
Poincaré 37 (2001), no. 1, 43-69.
Lp-uniqueness for infinite dimensional symmetric Kolmogorov
operators: The case of variable diffusion coefficients (with Vitali I.
Liskevich, Zeev Sobol, and Alexei Us), Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci.,
Serie IV XXX (2001), no. 2, 285-309.
Elliptic equations for invariant measures on Riemannian manifolds:
existence and regularity of solutions (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and
Feng-Yu Wang), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I 332 (2001),
Gibbs states on loop lattices: existence and a priori estimates (with
Sergio Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatiana Pasurek), C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris, Serié I 333 (2001), 1005-1009.
On regularity of transition functions and invariant measures of singular
diffusions under minimal conditions (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and
Nicolai V. Krylov), Comm. PDE 26 (2001), 2037-2080.
Differentiability of the invariant measure and transition probabilities of
singular diffusions (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Nicolai V. Krylov),
Doklady Math. Russian Acad. Sci. 63 (2001), 18-21, translated from
Doklady Akademii Nauk., vol. 376 (2001), 151-154.
Elliptic equations associated with invariant measures of diffusions on
finite- and infinite-dimensional manifolds (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and
Feng-Yu Wang), Doklady Math. Russian Acad. Sci. 63 (2001), 351-354,
translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk., vol. 378 (2001), 439-442.
Gauss formula and symmetric extensions of the Laplacian on
configuration spaces (with Dimitri L. Finkelshtein, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and
Alexei Y. Konstantinov), IDAQP 4 (2001), 489-509.
Stochastic dynamics of fluctuations in classical continuous systems (with
Sergio Albeverio, Martin Grothaus, and Yuri G. Kondratiev), J. Funct. Anal.
185 (2001), 129-154.
Poincaré inequality for weighted first order Sobolev spaces on loop
spaces (with Fu-Zhou Gong and Li-Ming Wu), J. Funct. Anal. 185
(2001), 527-563.
Weak Poincaré inequalities and L2-convergence rates of Markov
semigroups (with Feng-Yu Wang), J. Funct. Anal. 185 (2001), 564-603.
Elliptic equations for invariant measures on finite and infinite dimensional
manifolds (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Feng-Yu Wang), J. Math. Pures
Appl. 80 (2001), 177-221.
On a relation between intrinsic and extrinsic Dirichlet forms for
interacting particle systems (with Yuri G. Kondratiev and Jose-Luis
da Silva), Math. Nachrichten 222 (2001), 141-157.
Euclidean Gibbs states of quantum crystals (with Sergio Albeverio,
Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatiana Pasurek), Moscow Math. J. 1 (2001),
1-7, (English version), 307-313 (Russian version).
Elliptic equations for measures on infinite dimensional spaces and
applications (with Vladimir I. Bogachev), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 120
(2001), 445-496.
Glauber dynamics for quantum lattice systems (with Sergio Albeverio,
Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatjana V. Tsikalenko), Rev. Math. Phys. 13
(2001), 51-124.
Invariant measures of diffusion processes: regularity, existence and
uniqueness problems (with Vladimir I. Bogachev), Stochastic partial
differential equations and applications (Giuseppe Da Prato et al., eds.),
Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 2002, pp. 69-87.
Gibbs states of a quantum crystal: uniqueness by small particle mass
(with Sergio Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Yuri Kozitsky), C. R. Acad.
Sci. Paris, Serié I 335 (2002), 693-698.
Surface measures and tightness of Sobolev capacities on Poisson space
(with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Oleg V. Pugachev), Dokl. Math. (Dokl. Russian
Acad. Sci.) 66:2 (2002), 157-160.
Invariant measures of stochastic gradient systems in Riemannian
manifolds and Gibbs measures (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Feng-Yu Wang),
Dokl. Math. (Dokl. Russian Acad. Sci.) 66:2 (2002), 179-183.
On weak parabolic equations for probability measures (with Vladimir I.
Bogachev and Giuseppe Da Prato), Dokl. Math. (Dokl. Russian Acad. Sci.)
66:2 (2002), 192-196.
Generators of Mehler-type semigroups as pseudo-dif-feren-tial operators
(with Paul Lescot), IDAQP 5 (2002), 297-315.
Surface measures and tightness of (r,p)-capacities on Poisson space
(with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Oleg V. Pugachev), J. Funct. Anal. 196
(2002), 61-86.
Uniqueness of solutions of elliptic equations and uniqueness of invariant
measures of diffusions (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Wilhelm Stannat),
Matem. Sbornik. 193:7 (2002), 3-36, (Russian version), 945-976
(English version).
Singular dissipative stochastic equations in Hilbert spaces (with
Giuseppe Da Prato), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 124 (2002), 261-303.
Euclidean Gibbs states of quantum lattice systems (with Sergio Albeverio,
Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Yuri Kozitsky), Rev. Math. Phys. 14:12 (2002),
A generalization of Hasminskii's theorem on existence of invariant measures
for locally integrable drifts (with Vladimir I. Bogachev), Th. Prob. Appl.
45 (2002), 363-378, translated from Th. Prob. Appl., vol. 45 (2000)
Strong Feller properties for distorted Brownian motion and
applications to finite particle systems with singular interactions (with
Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G. Kondratiev), "Finite and Infinite Dimensional
Analysis in Honor of Leonard Gross" (H.H. Kuo et al., eds.), Contemporary
Mathematics, Vol. 317, Amer. Math. Soc., 2003.
Symmetrizing measures for infinite dimensional diffusions: an analytic
approach (with Sergio Albeverio and Yuri G. Kondratiev), "Geometric
analysis and nonlinear partial differential equations" (Stefan Hildebrandt
et al., eds.), Springer, Berlin, 2003, pp. 475-486.
Scaling limits of stochastic dynamics in classical continuous systems
(with Martin Grothaus, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Eugene Lytvynov), Ann. Prob.
31:3 (2003), 1494-1532.
Large deviations for invariant measures of general stochastic
reaction-diffusion systems (with Sandra Cerrai), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris,
Serié I 337 (2003), 597-602.
Small mass implies uniqueness of Gibbs states of a quantum crystal (with
Sergio Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Yuri Kozitsky), Commun. Math. Phys.
241 (2003), 69-90.
Quantum anharmonic crystal in functional integral approach (with Yuri G.
Kondratiev, Yuri Kozitsky, and Tatiana Pasurek), Condensed Matter Physics
6:4 (2003), 647-674.
Supercontractivity and ultracontractivity of (non-symmetric) diffusion
semigroups on manifolds (with Feng-Yu Wang), Forum Math. 15 (2003),
Lower order perturbations of Dirichlet processes (with Tu-Sheng Zhang),
Forum Math. 15:2 (2003), 285-297.
Harnack and functional inequalities for generalized Mehler semigroups
(with Feng-Yu Wang), J. Funct. Anal. 203 (2003), 237-261.
On Lp-uniqueness of symmetric diffusion operators on Riemannian
manifolds (with Vladimir I. Bogachev), Matem. Sbornik. 194(7) (2003),
Quantum stabilization in anharmonic crystals (with Sergio Albeverio,
Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Yuri Kozitsky), Phys. Rev. Lett. 90:17 (2003),
The heat semigroup on configuration spaces (with Yuri G. Kondratiev and
Eugene Lytvynov), Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., Kyoto University 39:1
(2003), 1-48.
L1-theory for the Kolmogorov operators of stochastic generalized
Burgers equations (with Zeev Sobol), Quantum Information and Complexity:
Proceedings of the 2003 Meijo Winter School and Conference (T. Hida,
K. Saitô, and Si Si, eds.), World Scientific, 2004, pp. 87-105.
Invariant measures for a stochastic porous medium equation (with Giuseppe
Da Prato), Stochstic Analysis and Related Topics (Hiroshi Kunita, Yoichiro
Takanashi, and Shinzo Watanabe, eds.), Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics,
vol. 41, Math. Soc. Japan, 2004, pp. 13-29.
Large deviations for stochastic reaction-diffusion systems with
multiplicative noise and non-Lipschitz reaction term (with Sandra
Cerrai), Ann. Prob. 32 (2004), no. 1B, 1100-1139.
Euclidean Gibbs measures on loop lattices: existence and a priori
estimates (with Sergio Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatiana Pasurek),
Ann. Prob. 32 (2004), no. 1A, 153-190.
On the spectrum of a class of non-sectorial diffusion operators (with
Feng-Yu Wang), Bull. London Math. Soc. 36 (2004), 95-104.
A new approach to Kolmogorov equations in infinite dimensions and
applications to stochastic generalized Burgers equations (with Zeev
Sobol), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I 338 (2004), no. 12,
Global gradient bounds for dissipative diffusion operators (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev, Giuseppe Da Prato, and Zeev Sobol), C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris, Serié I 339 (2004), no. 4, 277-282.
Invariance implies Gibbsian: some new results (with Vladimir I.
Bogachev and Feng-Yu Wang), Commun. Math. Phys. 248 (2004), no. 2,
Invariant measures of stochastic generalized porous medium equations (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev and Giuseppe Da Prato), Doklady Math. Russian Acad. Sci.
396 (2004), no. 1, 6, English translation: Russ. Math. Dokl.
Weak solutions to stochastic porous media equations (with Giuseppe
Da Prato), J. Evol. Equ. 4 (2004), 249-271.
Uniqueness of diffusion generators for two types of particle systems with
singular interactions (with Yuri G. Kondratiev and Alexei Y. Konstantinov),
J. Funct. Anal. 212 (2004), no. 2, 357-372.
On diffusion dynamics for continuous systems with singular superstable
interaction (with Yuri G. Kondratiev and Alexei L. Rebenko), J. Math. Phys.
45 (2004), no. 5, 1826-1848.
Perturbations of generalized Mehler semigroups and applications to
stochastic heat equations with Lèvy noise and singular drift (with Paul
Lescot), Pot. Anal. 20 (2004), no. 4, 317-344.
Existence of solutions to weak parabolic equations for measures (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev and Giuseppe Da Prato), Proc. London Math. Soc. 88
(2004), no. 3, 753-774.
Sample path large deviations for diffusion processes on configuration
spaces over a Riemannian manifold (with Tu-Sheng Zhang), Publ. Res. Inst.
Math. Sci., Kyoto University 40 (2004), no. 2, 385-427.
PDE approach to invariant and Gibbs measures with applications,
Infinite dimensional harmonic analysis III. Proceedings of the Third
German-Japanese Symposium, University of Tübingen, Germany, 2003 (Herbert
Heyer et al., eds.), World Scientific, 2005.
remark on sets in infinite dimensional spaces with full or zero capacity
(with Jiagang Ren), Stochastic Analysis: Classical and Quantum. Perspectives
of white noise theory (Takeyuki Hida, ed.), World Scientific, 2005,
pp. 177-186.
Euclidean Gibbs measures of quantum crystals: existence, uniqueness and a
priori estimates (with Sergio Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatiana
Pasurek), Interacting Stochastic Systems (J.D. Deuschel and A. Greven, eds.),
Springer, 2005, pp. 29-54.
An analytic approach to Kolmogorov's equations in infinite dimensions and
probabilistic consequences, XIVth International Congress on Mathematical
Physics, World Scientific, 2005, invited talk at the International Congress
on Mathematical Physics (ICMP) 2003, pp. 520-526.
Large deviations for invariant measures of stochastic reaction diffusion
systems with multiplicative noise and non-Lipschitz reaction term (with
Sandra Cerrai), Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré 41 (2005), no. 1,
Homogenization with respect to Gibbs measures for periodic drift
diffusions on lattices (with Sergio Albeverio, Simonetta Bernabei, and
Minoru W. Yoshida), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris - Mathematics 341 (2005),
no. 11, 675-678.
Regularity and global bounds of densities of invariant measures of
diffusion processes (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Nicolai V. Krylov), Dokl.
Math. (Dokl. Russian Acad. Sci.) 72 (2005), no. 3, 934-938, (English
translation; Russian version: Doklady Akademii Nauk textbf405 (2005), no.
5, 583-587).
Strong solutions for stochastic equations with singular time dependent
drift (with Nicolai V. Krylov), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 131 (2005),
no. 2, 154-196.
Global regularity and bounds for solutions of parabolic equations for
probability measures (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V.
Shaposhnikov), Teor. Veroyatn. Primen. 50 (2005), no. 4, 652-674,
English translation: Theory Probab. Appl. 50 (2006), no.4, 561-581.
Existence and a-priori estimates for Euclidean Gibbs states (with
Sergio Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatiana Pasurek), Trans. Moscow
Math. Soc. 66 (2005), 3-101.
Gradient bounds for solutions of elliptic and parabolic equations (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev, Giuseppe Da Prato, and Zeev Sobol), Stochastic Partial
Differential Equations and Applications. VII (Giuseppe Da Prato and Luciano
Tubaro, eds.), Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2006, pp. 27-34.
Kolmogorov equations in infinite dimensions: well-posedness, regularity of
solutions, and applications to stochastic generalized Burgers equations
(with Zeev Sobol), Ann. Prob. 34 (2006), no. 2, 663-727.
Dissipative stochastic equations in Hilbert space with time dependent
coefficients (with Giuseppe Da Prato), Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei
Mat. Appl. 17 (2006), no. 4, 397-403.
Strong solutions of stochastic generalized porous media equations: existence,
uniqueness and ergodicity (with Giuseppe Da Prato, Boris L. Rozovskii, and
Feng-Yu Wang), Comm. PDE 31 (2006), no. 2, 277-291.
Infinite interacting diffusion particles I: Equilibrium process and its
scaling limit (with Yuri G. Kondratiev and Eugene Lytvynov), Forum Math.
18 (2006), no. 1, 9-43.
Markov processes associated with Lp-resolvents and applications to
stochastic differential equations on Hilbert space (with Lucian Beznea
and Nicu Boboc), J. Evol. Equ. 6 (2006), no. 4, 745-772.
Weak solutions to the stochastic porous media equation via Kolmogorov
equations: the degenerate case (with Viorel Barbu, Vladimir I. Bogachev,
and Giuseppe Da Prato), J. Funct. Anal. 237 (2006), no. 1, 54-75.
Elliptic equations for measures: regularity and global bounds of densities
(with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Nicolai V. Krylov), J. Math. Pures Appl.
85 (2006), no. 6, 743-757.
Functional inequalities for particle systems on polish spaces (with Feng-Yu
Wang), Pot. Anal. 24 (2006), no. 3, 223-243.
Quasi-regular topologies for Lp-resolvents and semi-Dirichlet forms
(with Lucian Beznea and Nicu Boboc), Pot. Anal. 25 (2006), no. 3,
Large deviations for stochastic generalized porous media equations (with
Feng-Yu Wang and Li-Ming Wu), Stoch. Proc. Appl. 116 (2006), no. 12,
A concise course on stochastic partial differential equations (with
Claudia Prévôt), monograph, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1905,
Springer, Berlin, 2007, pp. vi+144.
A note on evolution systems of measures for time-dependent stochastic
differential equations (with Giuseppe Da Prato), Progress in Probability,
Vol.59 (Robert C. Dalang, Marco Dozzi, and Francesco Russo, eds.),
Birkhaeuser, 2007, pp. 115-122.
Compact excessive functions and Markov processes: a general case and
applications (with Lucian Beznea and A. Cornea), RIMS Kôkyûroku
Bessatsu B6, Proceedings of RIMS Workshop on Stochastic Analysis and
Applications, 2007, pp. 31-37.
Uniqueness of solutions to weak parabolic equations for measures (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev, Giuseppe Da Prato, and Wilhelm Stannat), Bull. London
Math. Soc. 39 (2007), no. 4, 631-640.
new approach to Kolmogorov equations in infinite dimensions and
applications to the stochastic 2D Navier Stokes equation (with Zeev
Sobol), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I 338 (2007), no. 12,
Equilibrium Glauber and Kawasaki dynamics of continuous particle
systems (with Yuri G. Kondratiev and Eugene Lytvynov), IDAQP 10
(2007), no. 2, 185-209.
Concentration of invariant measures for stochastic generalized porous media
equations (with Feng-Yu Wang), IDAQP 10 (2007), no. 3, 397-409.
remark on the generator of a right-continuous Markov process (with Gerald
Trutnau), IDAQP 10 (2007), no. 4, 633-640.
footnotetextbfTop Cited Article 2007-2011 of J. Diff.
Stochastic generalized porous media and fast diffusion equations (with
Jiagang Ren and Feng-Yu Wang), J. Diff. Equations 238 (2007), no. 1,
Essential self-adjointness of Dirichlet operators on a path space with
Gibbs measures via an SPDE approach (with Hiroshi Kawabi), J. Funct.
Anal. 242 (2007), no. 2, 486-518.
Stochastic evolution equations of jump type: existence, uniqueness and large
deviation principles (with Tu-Sheng Zhang), Pot. Anal. 26 (2007),
no. 3, 255-279.
Kusuoka-Stroock formula on configuration space and regularities for local
times with jumps (with Jiagang Ren and Xicheng Zhang), Pot. Anal. 26
(2007), 363-396.
N/V-limit for stochastic dynamics in continuous particle systems (with
Martin Grothaus and Yuri G. Kondratiev), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 137
(2007), no. 1-2, 121-160.
Estimates of densities of stationary distributions and transition
probabilities of diffusion processes (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and
Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Teor. Verojatn. i Primen. 52 (2007), no. 2,
240-270, English translation: Theory Probab. Appl. 52 (2008), no. 2,
Some results on stochastic porous media equations (with Viorel Barbu and
Giuseppe Da Prato), Bollettino U.M.I. (9) I (2008), 1-15.
Markov processes associated with Lp-resolvents, applications to
quasi-regular Dirichlet forms and stochastic differential equations (with
Lucian Beznea and Nicu Boboc), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I 346
(2008), no. 5-6, 323-328.
parabolic equations for measures (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Giuseppe
Da Prato), Comm. PDE 33 (2008), no. 1-3, 397-418.
Yamada-Watanabe theorem for stochastic evolution equations in infinite
dimensions (with Byron Schmuland and Xicheng Zhang), Cond. Matt. Phys.
11 (2008), no. 2, 247-259.
Non-equilibrium stochastic dynamics in continuum: the free case (with
Yuri G. Kondratiev and Eugene Lytvynov), Cond. Matt. Phys. 11 (2008),
no. 4, 701-721.
Parabolic equations for measures on infinite-dimensional spaces (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev and Giuseppe Da Prato), Doklady Math. Russian Acad. Sci.
421 (2008), no. 4, 439-444, English translation: Dokl. Math.
textbf78 (2008), no. 1.
Infinite dimensional Kolmogorov operators with time dependent drift (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev and Giuseppe Da Prato), Doklady Math. Russian Acad. Sci.
77 (2008), no. 2, 276-280, Russian version: Dokl. Russian Akad.
textbf419 (2008), no. 5, pp. 587-591.
Existence and uniqueness of non negative solutions to the stochastic porous
media equation (with Viorel Barbu and Giuseppe Da Prato), Indiana Univ.
Math. J. 57 (2008), no. 1, 187-212.
Non-monotone stochastic generalized porous media equations (with Feng-Yu
Wang), J. Diff. Equations 245 (2008), no. 12, 3898-3935.
The statistical mechanics of quantum lattice systems: A path integral
approach (with Sergio Albeverio, Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Yuri Kozitsky),
monograph, Tracts in Mathematics 8 of the EMS, 2009, pp. xiii+379.
Self-organized criticality via stochastic partial differential equations
(with Viorel Barbu, Philippe Blanchard, and Giuseppe Da Prato), Theta Series
in Advanced Mathematics, "Potential Theory and Stochastic Analysis" in
Albac. Aurel Cornea Memorial Volume, 2009, pp. 11-19.
Existence of strong solutions for stochastic porous media equation under
general monotonicity conditions (with Viorel Barbu and Giuseppe Da Prato),
Ann. Prob. 37 (2009), no. 2, 428-452.
Finite time extinction for solutions to fast diffusion stochastic porous
media equations (with Viorel Barbu and Giuseppe Da Prato), C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris - Mathematics 347 (2009), no. 1-2, 81-84.
Stochastic porous media equation and self-organized criticality (with
Viorel Barbu and Giuseppe Da Prato), Commun. Math. Phys. 285 (2009),
no. 3, 901-923.
Lower estimates of densities of solutions of elliptic equations for
measures (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Doklady
Math. Russian Acad. Sci. 426 (2009), no. 2, 156-161.
Nonlinear evolution and transport equations for measures (with Vladimir I.
Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Doklady Math. Russian Acad. Sci.
80 (2009), no. 3, 785-789.
Tamed 3D Navier-Stokes equation: Existence, uniqueness and regularity
(with Xicheng Zhang), IDAQP (2009), no. 4, 525-549.
Note on variational solutions to SPDE perturbed by Gaussian noise in a
general class (with Yi Wang), IDAQP 12 (2009), 353-358.
Fokker-Planck equations and maximal dissipativity of Kolmogorov operators
with time dependent singular drifts in Hilbert spaces (with Vladimir I.
Bogachev and Giuseppe Da Prato), J. Funct. Anal. 256 (2009), no. 4,
Singular stochastic equations on Hilbert spaces: Harnack inequalities for
their transition semigroups (with Giuseppe Da Prato and Feng-Yu Wang), J.
Funct. Anal. 257 (2009), no. 4, 992-1017.
Erratum: "Singular dissipative stochastic equations in Hilbert
spaces" (with Giuseppe Da Prato), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 143 (2009),
no. 3-4, 659-664.
Stochastic tamed 3D Navier-Stokes equations: existence, uniqueness and
ergodicity (with Xicheng Zhang), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 145 (2009),
Stochastic nonlinear diffusion equations with singular diffusivity (with
Viorel Barbu and Giuseppe Da Prato), SIAM J. for Math. Anal. 41 (2009),
Martingale solutions and Markov selections for stochastic partial
differential equations (with Benjamin Goldys and Xicheng Zhang), Stoch.
Proc. Appl. 119 (2009), no. 5, 1725-1764.
Positive densities of transition probabilities of diffusion processes (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Th. Prob. Appl. 53
(2009), no. 2, 213-239, Russian version: Teor. Verojatn. i Primen. 53
(2008), no. 2.
Elliptic and parabolic equations for measures (with Vladimir I. Bogachev
and Nicolai V. Krylov), Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 64 (2009), no. 6(390),
5-116, (Rossiui skaya Akademiya Nauk. Moskovskoe Matematicheskoe
Obshchestvo. Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk) English translation: Russ. Math.
Surv. 64 (2009), no. 6, 973-1078.
Probabilistic representation for solutions of an irregular porous media type
equation. (with Philippe Blanchard and Francesco Russo), Ann. Prob.
38 (2010), no. 5, 1870-1900.
Large deviations for stochastic tamed 3D-Navier-Stokes equations
(with Tu-Sheng Zhang and Xicheng Zhang), Appl. Math. Optim. 61 (2010),
no. 2, 267-285.
Weak uniqueness of Fokker-Planck equations with degenerate and bounded
coefficients (with Xicheng Zhang), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I
(2010), no. 7-8, 435-438.
BV functions in a Gelfand triple and the stochastic reflection problem on
a convex set of a Hilbert space (with Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu), C.
R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Serié I 348 (2010), no. 21-22, 1175-1178.
Well-posedness and asymptotic behavior for stochastic reaction-diffusion
equations with multiplicative Poisson noise (with Carlo Marinelli),
Electron. J. Probab. 15 (2010), no. 49, 1529-1555.
Log-Harnack inequality for stochastic differential equations in Hilbert
spaces and its consequences (with Feng-Yu Wang), IDAQP 13 (2010),
no. 1, 27-37.
uniqueness of mild solutions for dissipative stochastic evolution equations
(with Carlo Marinelli), IDAQP 13 (2010), no. 3, 363-376.
Existence and uniqueness of solutions for Fokker-Planck equations on
Hilbert spaces (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Giuseppe Da Prato), J.
Evol. Equ. 10 (2010), no. 3, 487-509.
Regular dependence on initial data for stochastic evolution equations with
multiplicative Poisson noise (with Carlo Marinelli and Claudia
Prévôt), J. Funct. Anal. 258 (2010), no. 2, 616-649.
Stochastic partial differential equations in Hilbert space with locally
monotone coefficients (with Wei Liu), J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010),
no. 11, 2902-2922.
Nonlinear evolution equations for measures on infinite dimensional spaces
(with Vladimir I. Bogachev, Giuseppe Da Prato, and Stanislav V.
Shaposhnikov), vol. 25, Quad. Mat., Dept. Math., Seconda Univ. Napoli,
Caserta, 2010, In Stochastic partial differential equations and
applications, pp. 51-64.
evolution for measures on infinite dimensional spaces (with Vladimir I.
Bogachev, Giuseppe Da Prato, and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Stoch. PDE:
Quad. Mat. 25 (2010), 51-64.
Existence results for Fokker-Planck equations in Hilbert spaces (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev and Giuseppe Da Prato), Progress in Probability,
vol. 63, 2011, pp. 23-35.
Cores for generators of some Markov semigroups (with Giuseppe Da Prato),
Proceedings of the Centennial Conference "Alexandra Muller" Mathematical
Seminar, Iasi, Romania, 21-26 June 2010 (Viorel Barbu and Ovidiu Carja,
eds.), 2011, pp. 87-97.
From resolvents to càdlàg processes through compact excessive functions
and applications to singular SDE on Hilbert spaces (with Lucian
Beznea), Bull. Sci. Math. 135 (2011), no. 6-7, 844-870.
The global random attractor for a class of stochastic porous media
equations (with Wolf-Jürgen Beyn, Benjamin Gess, and Paul Lescot),
Comm. PDE 36 (2011), no. 3, 446-469.
Uniqueness for solutions of Fokker-Planck equations on infinite
dimensional spaces (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Giuseppe Da Prato), Comm.
PDE 36 (2011), no. 6, 925-939.
Applications of compact superharmonic functions: Path regularity and
tightness of capacities (with Lucian Beznea), Compl. Anal. Oper. Th.
5 (2011), no. 3, 731-741.
Random attractors for a class of stochastic partial differential equations
driven by general additive noise (with Benjamin Gess and Wei Liu), J. Diff.
Equations 251 (2011), no. 4-5, 1225-1253.
a random scaled porous media equation (with Viorel Barbu), J. Diff.
Equations 251 (2011), no. 9, 2494-2514.
Potential theory of infinite dimensional Lèvy processes (with Lucian
Beznea and A. Cornea), J. Funct. Anal. 261 (2011), no. 10, 2845-2876.
uniqueness problems related to elliptic equations for measures (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), J. Math. Sci. 176
(2011), no. 6, 759-773.
uniqueness problems related to the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation
for measures (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), J.
Math. Sci. 179 (2011), no. 1, 7-47.
Dimension-independent Harnack inequalities for subordinated semigroups
(with Maria Gordina and Feng-Yu Wang), Pot. Anal. 34 (2011), no. 3,
Probabilistic representation for solutions of an irregular porous media type
equation: the degenerate case. (with Viorel Barbu and Francesco Russo),
Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 151 (2011), no. 1-2, 1-43.
The stochastic reflection problem on an infinite dimensional convex set and
BV functions in a Gelfand triple (with Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu),
Ann. Prob. 40 (2012), no. 4, 1759-1794.
Well posedness of Fokker-Planck equations for generators of
time-inhomogeneous Markovian transition probabilities (with Giuseppe
Da Prato), Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 23 (2012),
no. 4, 361-376.
Stochastic porous media equations and self-organized criticality: convergence
to the critical state in all dimensions (with Viorel Barbu), Commun. Math.
Phys. 311 (2012), no. 2, 539-555.
On positive and probability solutions to the stationary
Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and
Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Doklady Math. Russian Acad. Sci. (2012), no. 85,
Localization of solutions to stochastic porous media equations: finite speed
of propagation (with Viorel Barbu), Electron. J. Probab. 17 (2012),
no. 10, 1-10.
Stochastic quasi-geostrophic equations (with Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan
Zhu), IDAQP 15 (2012), no. 1, 1250001-1-1250001-6.
Phase transitions and quantum effects in anharmonic crystals (with Sergio
Albeverio, Yuri Kozitsky, and Yuri G. Kondratiev), Int. J. Mod. Phys. B
26 (2012), no. 11, 1250063-1-1250063-32.
Regularity analysis for stochastic partial differential equations with
nonlinear multiplicative trace class noise (with Arnulf Jentzen), J. Diff.
Equations 252 (2012), no. 1, 114-136.
Stochastic 3D-tamed Navier-Stokes equation: existence, uniqueness and
small time large deviation principles (with Tu-Sheng Zhang), J. Diff.
Equations 252 (2012), no. 1, 716-744.
Strong uniqueness for both Dirichlet operators and stochastic dynamics for
Gibbs measures on a path space with exponential interactions (with Sergio
Albeverio and Hiroshi Kawabi), J. Funct. Anal. 262 (2012), no. 2,
Finite time extinction of solutions to fast diffusion equations driven by
linear multiplicative noise (with Viorel Barbu and Giuseppe Da Prato), J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 389 (2012), no. 1, 147-164.
Harnack inequalities and applications for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroups
with jumps (with Shun-Xiang Ouyang and Feng-Yu Wang), Pot. Anal. 36
(2012), no. 2, 301-315.
Gibbs measures of continuous systems: An analytic approach (with Yuri G.
Kondratiev and Tatiana Pasurek), Rev. Math. Phys. 24 (2012), no. 10,
Strong uniqueness for stochastic evolution equations in Hilbert spaces with
bounded measurable drift (with Giuseppe Da Prato, Franco Flandoli, and
Enrico Priola), Ann. Prob. 41 (2013), no. 5, 3306-3344.
Stochastic variational inequalities and applications to the total variation
flow perturbed by linear multiplicative noise (with Viorel Barbu), Arch.
Rational Mech. Anal. 209 (2013), no. 3, 797-834.
Fokker-Planck equations for SPDE with non-trace class noise (with
Giuseppe Da Prato and Franco Flandoli), Commun. Math. Stat. 1 (2013),
no. 3, 281-304.
Local and global well-posedness of SPDE with generalized coercivity
condition (with Wei Liu), J. Diff. Equations 254 (2013), no. 2,
The finite speed of propagation for solutions to nonlinear stochastic wave
equations driven by multiplicative noise (with Viorel Barbu), J. Diff.
Equations 255 (2013), no. 3, 560-571.
uniqueness of solutions to the Cauchy problem for degenerate
Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and
Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), J. Evol. Equ. 13 (2013), no. 3, 577-593.
Gibbs states over the cone of discrete measures (with Dennis Hagedorn,
Yuri G. Kondratiev, and Tatiana Pasurek), J. Funct. Anal. 264 (2013),
no. 11, 2550-2583.
General extinction results for stochastic partial differential equations and
applications (with Feng-Yu Wang), J. London Math. Soc. 87 (2013),
no. 2, 545-560.
Large deviation principles for the stochastic quasi-geostrophic equation
(with Wei Liu and Xiangchan Zhu), Stoch. Proc. Appl. 123 (2013), no. 8,
Stochastic generalized porous media equations with reflection (with Feng-Yu
Wang and Tu-Sheng Zhang), Stoch. Proc. Appl. 123 (2013), no. 11,
Vector analysis for Dirichlet forms and quasilinear PDE and SPDE on
fractals (with Michael Hinz and Alexander Teplaev), Stoch. Proc. Appl.
123 (2013), no. 12, 4373-4406.
Quasi regular Dirichlet forms and the stochastic quantization problem
(with Sergio Albeverio and Zhi-Ming Ma), Festschrift Masatoshi Fukushima
(Zhen-Quing Chen, Niels Jacob, Masayoshi Takeda, and Toshihiro Uemura, eds.),
World Scientific, 2014, In Honor of Masatoshi Fukushima's Sanju.
existence of Lyapunov functions for a stationary Kolmogorov equation with
a probability solution (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V.
Shaposhnikov), Doklady Math. Russian Acad. Sci. 457 (2014), no. 2,
136-140, English translation: Doklady Math. 90 (2014), no. 1, 424-428.
Stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equations with linear multiplicative
noise: the rescaling approach (with Viorel Barbu and Deng Zhang), IJNS
24 (2014), no. 3, 383-409.
continuity equations in infinite dimensions with non-Gaussian reference
measure (with A. V. Kolesnikov), J. Funct. Anal. 266 (2014), no. 7,
note on stochastic semilinear equations and their associated
Fokker-Planck equations (with Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu), J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 415 (2014), no. 1, 83-109.
maximal inequalities for purely discontinuous martingales in infinite
dimensions (with Carlo Marinelli), Lecture Notes in Mathematik: Seminaire
de Probabilités XLVI 2123 (2014), 293-315.
parabolic inequalities for generators of diffusions with jumps (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields
158 (2014), no. 1-2, 465-476.
Uniqueness for continuity equations in Hilbert spaces with weakly
differentiable drift (with Giuseppe Da Prato and Franco Flandoli), Stoch.
PDE: Anal. Comp. 2 (2014), no. 2, 121-145.
Local existence and non-explosion of solutions for stochastic fractional
partial differential equations driven by multiplicative noise (with
Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu), Stoch. Proc. Appl. 124 (2014), no. 5,
Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations (with Vladimir I. Bogachev,
Nicolai V. Krylov, and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Mathematical Surveys and
Monographs, 207, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2015,
pp. xii+479. Russian version: Izhewsk Institute of Computer Science, 2013.
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction
(with Wei Liu), Universitext, Springer, Cham, 2015, pp. vi+266.
Sub- and supercritical stochastic quasi-geostrophic equations (with
Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu), Ann. Prob. 43 (2015), no. 3,
analytic approach to infinite-dimensional continuity and
Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations (with Vladimir I. Bogachev,
Giuseppe Da Prato, and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup.
Pisa Cl. Sci. 14 (2015), no. 3, 983-1023.
BV functions in a Gelfand triple for differentiable measures and its
applications (with Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu), Forum Math. 27
(2015), no. 3, 1657-1687.
Milstein scheme for SPDE's (with Arnulf Jentzen), Found. Comput. Math.
15 (2015), no. 2, 313-362.
About the infinite dimensional skew and obliquely reflected
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (with Gerald Trutnau), IDAQP 18
(2015), no. 4, 1550031(1)-1550031(25).
the uniqueness of solutions to continuity equations (with Vladimir I.
Bogachev, Giuseppe Da Prato, and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), J. Diff.
Equations 259 (2015), no. 8, 3854-3873.
The stochastic porous media equations in Rd (with Viorel Barbu and
Francesco Russo), J. Math. Pures Appl. 103 (2015), no. 4, 1024-1052.
Uniqueness problems for Degenerate Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov
equations (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), J.
Math. Sci. 207 (2015), no. 2, 147-166.
Strong uniqueness for stochastic evolution equations with unbounded
measurable drift term (with Giuseppe Da Prato, Franco Flandoli, and Enrico
Priola), J. Theoret. Prob. 28 (2015), no. 4, 1571-1600.
operatorial approach to stochastic partial differential equations driven by
linear multiplicative noise (with Viorel Barbu), JEMS 17 (2015),
no. 7, 1789-1815.
Existence and uniqueness of solutions to stochastic functional differential
equations in infinite dimensions (with Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu),
Nonlinear Anal. Theory Methods Appl. 125 (2015), 358-397.
the existence of the dual right Markov process and applications (with
Lucian Beznea), Pot. Anal. 42 (2015), no. 3, 617-627.
Singular-degenerate multivalued stochastic fast diffusion equations (with
Benjamin Gess), SIAM J. Math. Anal. 47 (2015), no. 5, 4058-4090.
Stochastic Porous Media Equations (with Viorel Barbu and Giuseppe
Da Prato), monograph, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2163, Springer, 2016,
pp. ix+202.
Strong uniqueness for SDEs in Hilbert spaces with nonregular drift
(with Giuseppe Da Prato, Franco Flandoli, and Alexander Veretennikov), Ann.
Prob. 44 (2016), no. 3, 1985-2023.
Non-symmetric distorted Brownian motion: strong solutions, strong Feller
property and non-explosion results (with Jiyong Shin and Gerald Trutnau),
DCDS-B 21 (2016), no. 9, 3219-3237.
Estimates of distances between transition probabilities of diffusions
(with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Doklady Math.
Russian Acad. Sci. (2016), no. 93, 135-139.
the maximal inequalities of Burkholder, Davis and Gundy (with Carlo
Marinelli), Expo. Math. 34 (2016), no. 1, 1-26.
Time inhomogeneous generalized Mehler semigroups and skew convolution
equations (with Shun-Xiang Ouyang), Forum Math. 28 (2016), no. 2,
Distances between transition probabilities of diffusions and applications to
nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations (with Vladimir I.
Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), J. Funct. Anal. 271 (2016),
no. 5, 1262-1300.
Stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equations (with Viorel Barbu and
Deng Zhang), Nonlinear Anal. Theory Methods Appl. 136 (2016), 168-194.
Backward uniqueness of stochastic parabolic like equations driven by
Gaussian multiplicative noise (with Viorel Barbu), Stoch. Proc. Appl.
126 (2016), no. 7, 2163-2179.
Doubly probabilistic representation for the stochastic porous media type
equation (with Viorel Barbu and Francesco Russo), Ann. Inst. Henri
Poincaré 53 (2017), no. 4, 2043-2073.
Ergodicity for the stochastic quantization problems on the 2D-torus (with
Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu), Commun. Math. Phys. 352 (2017), no. 3,
Closability of quadratic forms associated to invariant probability measures
of SPDEs (with Feng-Yu Wang), IDAQP 20 (2017), no. 4,
1750023, 15pp.
Global solutions to random 3D vorticity equations for small initial data
(with Viorel Barbu), J. Diff. Equations 263 (2017), no. 9, 5395-5411.
Stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equations: no blow-up in the
non-conservative case (with Viorel Barbu and Deng Zhang), J. Diff.
Equations 263 (2017), no. 11, 7919-7940.
Uniqueness for a class of stochastic Fokker-Planck and porous media
equations (with Francesco Russo), J. Evol. Equ. 17 (2017), no. 3,
Restricted Markov uniqueness for the stochastic quantization of p(phi)2
and its applications (with Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu), J. Funct. Anal.
272 (2017), no. 10, 4263-4303.
The stochastic logarithmic Schrödinger equation (with Viorel Barbu
and Deng Zhang), J. Math. Pures Appl. 107 (2017), no. 2, 123-149.
splitting algorithm for stochastic partial differential equations driven by
linear multiplicative noise (with Viorel Barbu), Stoch. PDE: Anal. Comp.
5 (2017), no. 4, 457-471.
Stochastic variational inequalities and regularity for degenerate stochastic
partial differential equations (with Benjamin Gess), Trans. Amer. Math.
Soc. 369 (2017), no. 5, 3017-3045.
Optimal bilinear control of nonlinear stochastic Schrödinger equations
driven by linear multiplicative noise (with Viorel Barbu and Deng Zhang),
Ann. Prob. 46 (2018), no. 4, 1957-1999.
Stochastic Heat Equations with Values in a Riemannian Manifold
(with Bo Wu, Rongchan Zhu, and Xiangchan Zhu), Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend.
Lincei Mat. Appl. 29 (2018), no. 1, 205-213.
Convergence to stationary measures in nonlinear
Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and
Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Doklady Math. Russian Acad. Sci. (2018), no. 98,
Total variation flow perturbed by gradient linear multiplicative noise
(with I. Munteanu), IDAQP 21 (2018), no. 1, 1850003, 28pp.
Nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations driven by Gaussian linear
multiplicative noise (with Viorel Barbu), J. Diff. Equations 265
(2018), no. 10, 4993-5030.
The Poisson equation and estimates for distances between stationary
distributions of diffusions (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V.
Shaposhnikov), J. Math. Sci. 232 (2018), no. 3, 254-282.
Heat kernel estimates for an operator with a singular drift and isoperimetric
inequalities (with A. Grigoryan and Shun-Xiang Ouyang), J. Reine Angew.
Math. 736 (2018), 1-31.
Quasi-Linear (Stochastic) Partial Differential Equations with
Time-Fractional Derivatives (with Wei Liu and Jose-Luis da Silva),
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 50 (2018), no. 3, 2588-2607.
Probabilistic representation for solutions to nonlinear Fokker-Planck
equations (with Viorel Barbu), SIAM J. Math. Anal. 50 (2018), no. 4,
Variational solutions to nonlinear stochastic differential equations in
Hilbert spaces (with Viorel Barbu), Stoch. PDE: Anal. Comp. 6
(2018), no. 3, 500-524.
Irreducible recurrence, ergodicity, and extremality of invariant measures for
resolvents (with Lucian Beznea and Iulian Cîmpean), Stoch. Proc. Appl.
128 (2018), no. 4, 1405-1437.
Stochastic porous media equation on general measure spaces with increasing
Lipschitz nonlinearities (with Weina Wu and Yingchao Xie), Stoch. Proc.
Appl. 128 (2018), no. 6, 2131-2151.
Kolmogorov operatos and SPDEs (with Viorel Barbu, Vladimir I.
Bogachev, and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Spectral Structures and
Topological Methods in Mathematics (Michael Baake, Friedrich G"otze,
and Werner Hoffmann, eds.), EMS Series of Congress Reports, European
Mathematical Society (EMS), Z"urich, 2019, pp. 29-53.
new approach to the existence of invariant measures for Markovian
semigroups (with Lucian Beznea and Iulian Cîmpean), Ann. Inst. Henri
Poincaré 55 (2019), no. 2, 977-1000.
Scattering for Stochastic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations (with
Sebastian Herr and Deng Zhang), Commun. Math. Phys. 368 (2019), no. 2,
Nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations for Probability Measures on
Path Space and Path-Distribution Dependent SDEs (with Xing
Huang and Feng-Yu Wang), DCDS-A 39 (2019), no. 6, 3017-3035.
A remark on global solutions to random 3D vorticity equations for small
initial data (with Rongchan Zhu and Xiangchan Zhu), DCDS-B 24 (2019),
no. 8, 4021-4030.
On the superposition principle for Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov
equations (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Doklady
Math. Russian Acad. Sci. (2019), no. 100, 363-366.
Global solutions for random vorticity equations perturbed by gradient
dependent noise, in two and three dimensions (with I. Munteanu), J. Evol.
Equ. (2019), 22, DOI 10.1007/s00028-019-00551-3.
Convergence in variation of solutions of nonlinear
Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations to stationary measures (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), J. Funct. Anal.
276 (2019), no. 12, 3681-3713.
Absolutely continuous solutions for continuity equations in Hilbert
spaces (with Giuseppe Da Prato and Franco Flandoli), J. Math. Pures Appl.
128 (2019), no. 9, 42-86.
On convergence to stationary distributions for solutions of nonlinear
Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and
Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), J. Math. Sci. 242 (2019), no. 1, 69-84.
mild Itô-formula for stochastic partial differential equations (with
Giuseppe Da Prato and Arnulf Jentzen), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372
(2019), no. 6, 3755-3807.
A natural extension of Markov
processes and applications to singular SDEs (with Lucian Beznea and
Iulian Cîmpean), Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré 56 (2020), no. 4,
From nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations to solutions of distribution
dependent SDE (with Viorel Barbu), Ann. Prob. 48 (2020), no. 4,
Averaging principle for slow-fast stochastic differential equations with
time dependent locally Lipschitz coefficients (with Wei Liu, Xiaobin Sun,
and Yingchao Xie), J. Diff. Equations 268 (2020), no. 6, 2910-2948.
Superposition principle
for non-local Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov operators (with Longjie Xie
and Xicheng Zhang), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 178 (2020), no. 3-4,
processes with singular drifts: integral estimates and Girsanov densities
(with Maria Gordina and Alexander Teplaev), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 178
(2020), no. 3-4, 861-891.
Optimal control of nonlinear stochastic differential equations on Hilbert
spaces (with Viorel Barbu and Deng Zhang), SIAM J. Cont. Opt. 58
(2020), no. 4, 2383-2410.
Stochastic Heat Equations with Values in a Manifold via Dirichlet
Forms (with Bo Wu, Rongchan Zhu, and Xiangchan Zhu), SIAM J. Math. Anal.
52 (2020), no. 3, 50.
Conservative stochastic 2-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation (with
Huanyu Yang and Rongchan Zhu), Ann. Appl. Prob. 31 (2021), no. 3,
Strong convergence order for slow-fast McKean-Vlasov stochastic
differential equations (with Xiaobin Sun and Yingchao Xie), Ann. Inst.
Henri Poincaré 57 (2021), no. 1, 547-576.
Diffusion approximation for fully coupled stochastic differential equations
(with Longjie Xie), Ann. Prob. 49 (2021), no. 3, 1205-1236.
Well-Posedness of Distribution Dependent SDES with Singular
Drifts (with Xicheng Zhang), Bernoulli 27 (2021), no. 2,
Averaging principle and normal deviations for multiscale stochastic
systems (with Longjie Xie), Commun. Math. Phys. 383 (2021), no. 3,
Markov process for an infinite interacting particle system in the
continuum (with Yuri Kozitsky), Electron. J. Probab. 26 (2021),
The structure of entrance laws for time-inhomogeneous Ornstein-Uhlenbeck
processes with Levy noise in Hilbert spaces (with Narges
Rezvani Majid), IDAQP 24 (2021), no. 2, 23 pp., Paper No. 2150011.
Euler scheme for density dependent stochastic differential equations
(with Zimo Hao and Xicheng Zhang), J. Diff. Equations 274 (2021),
Collective stochastic dynamics of the Cucker-Smale ensemble under
uncertain communications (with Seung-Yeal Ha and Jinwook Jung), J. Diff.
Equations 284 (2021), 39-82.
On the
Ambrosio-Figalli-Trevisan superposition principle for probability
solutions to Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations (with Vladimir I.
Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), J. Dyn. Diff. Equations 33
(2021), no. 2, 715-739, DOI 10.1007/s10884-020-09828-5.
Solutions for nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations with measures as initial
data and McKean-Vlasov equations (with Viorel Barbu), J. Funct.
Anal. 280 (2021), no. 7, 108926, 1-35.
Strong dissipativity of generalized time-fractional derivatives and
quasi-linear (stochastic) partial differential equations (with Wei Liu and
Jose-Luis da Silva), J. Funct. Anal. 281 (2021), no. 8, 34 pp., Paper
No. 109135.
Schauder theorems for a class of (pseudo-)differential operators on finite
and infinite dimensional state spaces (with Alessandra Lunardi), J. London
Math. Soc. 104 (2021), no. 2, 492-540.
On a class of infinite-dimensional singular stochastic control problems
(with Salvatore Federico, Giorgio Ferrari, and Frank Riedel), SIAM J. Cont.
Opt. 59 (2021), no. 2, 1680-1704.
Upper envelopes of families of Feller semigroups and viscosity solutions
to a class of nonlinear Cauchy problems (with Max Nendel), SIAM J. Cont.
Opt. 59 (2021), no. 6, 4400-4428.
Convergent numerical approximation of the stochastic total variation flow
(with L'ubom'ir Banas and Andre Wilke), Stoch. PDE: Anal. Comp.
9 (2021), no. 2, 437-471.
Continuity equation in LlogL for the 2D Euler equations under the
enstrophy measure (with Giuseppe Da Prato and Franco Flandoli), Stoch. PDE:
Anal. Comp. 9 (2021), no. 2, 491-509, DOI 0.1007/s40072-020-00173-8.
Uniqueness for nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations and weak uniqueness for
McKean-Vlasov SDEs (with Viorel Barbu), Stoch. PDE: Anal.
Comp. 9 (2021), no. 3, 702-713.
Markov uniqueness and Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations (with
Sergio Albeverio and Vladimir I. Bogachev), Festschrift Masatoshi Fukushima,
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 2022, In Honor of
Masatoshi Fukushima's Beiju.
Applications of Zvonkin's transform to stationary Kolmogorov
equations (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), Dokl.
Math. (Dokl. Russian Acad. Sci.) 106 (2022), no. 2, 318-321.
The invariance principle for nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations (with
Viorel Barbu), J. Diff. Equations 315 (2022), 200-221.
Linearization of nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations and applications
(with Panpan Ren and Feng-Yu Wang), J. Diff. Equations 322 (2022),
Strong uniqueness for Dirichlet operators related to stochastic
quantization under exponential/trigonometric interactions on the
two-dimensional torus (with Sergio Albeverio, Hiroshi Kawabi, and
Stefan-Radu Mihalache), Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. XXIV
(2023), no. 5, 33-69.
Strong averaging principle for slow-fast stochastic partial differential
equations with locally monotone coefficients (with Wei Liu, Xiaobin Sun,
and Yingchao Xie), Appl. Math. Optim. 87 (2023), no. 3, 39.
SDEs with critical time dependent drifts: weak solutions (with
Guohuan Zhao), Bernoulli 29 (2023), no. 1, 757-784.
Zvonkin's transform and the regularity of solutions to double divergence
form elliptic equations (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V.
Shaposhnikov), Comm. PDE 48 (2023), no. 1, 119-149.
A Markov process for a continuum infinite particle system with
attraction (with Yuri Kozitsky), Electron. J. Probab. 28 (2023),
Paper No. 67, 59.
The evolution to equilibrium of solutions to nonlinear Fokker-Planck
equation (with Viorel Barbu), Indiana Univ. Math. J. 72 (2023),
no. 1, 89-131.
Averaging principle for stochastic complex Ginzburg-Landau equations
(with Mengyu Cheng and Zhenxin Liu), J. Diff. Equations 368 (2023),
Uniqueness for nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations and for
McKean-Vlasov SDEs: The degenerate case (with Viorel Barbu),
J. Funct. Anal. 285 (2023), no. 4, Paper No. 109980, 37.
Asymptotic behavior of multiscale stochastic partial differential equations
with Hölder coefficients (with Longjie Xie and Li Yang), J. Funct.
Anal. 285 (2023), no. 9, Paper No. 110103, 50.
Multi solitary waves to stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equations
(with Yiming Su and Deng Zhang), Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 186 (2023),
no. 3-4, 813-876.
Nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations with time-dependent coefficients
(with Viorel Barbu), SIAM J. Math. Anal. 55 (2023), no. 1, 1-18.
Averaging principle and normal deviations for multi-scale stochastic
hyperbolic-parabolic equations (with Longjie Xie and Li Yang), Stoch. PDE:
Anal. Comp. 11 (2023), no. 3, 869-907.
Kolmogorov problems on equations for stationary and transition probabilities
of diffusion processes (with Vladimir I. Bogachev and Stanislav V.
Shaposhnikov), Th. Prob. Appl. 68 (2023), no. 3, 342-369.
Nonlinear Fokker-Planck flows and their Probabilistic
Counterparts (with Viorel Barbu), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer,
2024, pp. ix+214.
Strong and weak convergence for the averaging principle of DDSDE with
singular drift (with Mengyu Cheng and Zimo Hao), Bernoulli 30 (2024),
no. 2, 1586-1610.
Operator semigroups in the mixed topology and the infinitesimal description
of Markov processes (with Benjamin Goldys and Max Nendel), J. Diff.
Equations 412 (2024), 23-86.
SVI solutions to stochastic nonlinear diffusion equations on general
measure spaces (with Benjamin Gess and Weina Wu), J. Evol. Equ. 24
(2024), no. 4, Paper No. 94, 37.
Well-posedness of stochastic partial differential equations with fully
local monotone coefficients (with Shijie Shang and Tu-Sheng Zhang), Math.
Ann. 390 (2024), no. 3, 3419-3469.
Nonlinear Dirichlet forms associated with quasiregular mappings (with
Camelia Beznea and Lucian Beznea), Pot. Anal. (2024), 25, DOI
Stochastic Generalized Porous Media Equations over sigma-finite
Measure Spaces with Non-continuous Diffusivity Function (with
Weina Wu and Yingchao Xie), Pot. Anal. (2024), 43, DOI
the restriction of a right process outside a negligible set (with Liping
Li), Pot. Anal. 61 (2024), no. 3, 409-430.
Nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations with fractional Laplacian and
McKean-Vlasov SDEs with Lévy-Noise (with Viorel Barbu),
Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 189 (2024), no. 3-4, 849-878.
Strong convergence of propagation of chaos for McKean-Vlasov
SDEs with singular interactions (with Zimo Hao and Xicheng Zhang),
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 56 (2024), no. 2, 2661-2713.
Cameron-Martin type theorem for a class of non-Gaussian measures
(with Jose-Luis da Silva and Mohamed Erraoui), Stoch. Anal. Appl. (2024),
1-24, DOI https://doi.org/10.1080/07362994.2024.2389133.
Path continuity of Markov processes and locality of Kolmogorov
operators (with Lucian Beznea and Iulian Cîmpean), Stoch. PDE: Anal.
Comp. 12 (2024), no. 2, 1100-1140.
Strong Feller semigroups and Markov processes: A counter example
(with Lucian Beznea and Iulian Cîmpean), Stoch. PDE: Anal. Comp. 12
(2024), no. 2, 968-983.
Multi-bubble Bourgain-Wang solutions to nonlinear Schrödinger
equations (with Yiming Su and Deng Zhang), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
377 (2024), no. 1, 517-588.
Recent progress on multi-bubble blow-ups and multi-solitons to
(stochastic) focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equations (with Viorel
Barbu and Deng Zhang), Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 52 (2024), no. 3,
A unified approach to gradient type formulas for BSDEs and some
applications (with Xiliang Fan and Shao-Qin Zhang), BiBoS-Preprint, to
appear in Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré, 49 pp., 2023.
Second order fractional mean-field SDEs with singular kernels and
measure initial data (with Zimo Hao and Xicheng Zhang), BiBoS-Preprint, to
appear in Ann. Prob., 67 pp., 2024.
The three dimensional stochastic Zakharov system (with Sebastian Herr,
Martin Spitz, and Deng Zhang), BiBoS-Preprint, to appear in Ann. Prob.,
45 pp., 2024.
Non-autonomous mild solutions for SPDE with Levy noise in weighted
Lp-spaces (with S. Michel and Tatiana Pasurek), BiBoS-Preprint
13-01-433, publication in preparation, 39 pp., 2012.
Strong and weak convergence in the averaging principle for SDEs with
Hölder coefficients (with Xiaobin Sun and Longjie Xie), BiBoS-Preprint
19-07-557, publication in preparation, 30 pp., 2019.
SDEs with singular drifts and multiplicative noise on general space-time
domains (with Chengcheng Ling and Xiangchan Zhu), BiBoS-Preprint
20-01-565.pdf, publication in preparation, 40 pp., 2019.
SDEs with critical time dependent drifts: strong solutions (with
Guohuan Zhao), BiBoS-Preprint 21-03-582, publication in preparation,
34 pp., 2021.
Convergent numerical approximation of the stochastic total variation flow
with linear multiplicative noise: the higher dimensional case (with
L'ubom'ir Banas and Andre Wilke), BiBoS-Preprint 22-11-607,
publication in preparation, 16 pp., 2022.
The ergodicity of nonlinear Fokker-Planck flows in
L^1(mathbbRd) (with Viorel Barbu), BiBoS-Preprint 22-10-604,
publication in preparation, 15 pp., 2023.
On nonlinear Markov processes in the sense of McKean (with Marco
Rehmeier), BiBoS-Preprint 23-01-609, publication in preparation, 20 pp.,
Nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations as gradient flows on the
space of probability measures (with Marco Rehmeier), BiBoS-Preprint
23-06-615, publication in preparation, 20 pp., 2023.
Nonlocal, nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations and nonlinear martingale
problems (with Viorel Barbu and Jose-Luis da Silva), BiBoS-Preprint
23-08-628, publication in preparation, 32 pp., 2023.
Averaging principle and normal deviation for multi-scale SDEs with
polynomial nonlinearity (with Mengyu Cheng and Zhenxin Liu),
BiBoS-Preprint 23-08-631, publication in preparation, 39 pp., 2023.
Uniqueness of distributional solutions to the 2D vorticity
Navier-Stokes equation and its associated nonlinear Markov process
(with Viorel Barbu and Deng Zhang), BiBoS-Preprint 23-09-632, publication
in preparation, 29 pp., 2023.
Propagation of chaos for moderately interacting particle systems related to
singular kinetic McKean-Vlasov SDEs (with Zimo Hao,
Jean-Francois Jabir, Stéphane Menozzi, and Xicheng Zhang), BiBoS-Preprint
24-06-640, publication in preparation, 45 pp., 2024.
p-Brownian motion and the p-Laplacian (with Viorel Barbu and
Marco Rehmeier), BiBoS-Preprint 24-10-641, publication in preparation,
28 pp., 2024.
Construction of Hunt processes by the Lyapunov method and applications
to generalized Mehler semigroups (with Lucian Beznea and Iulian
Cîmpean), BiBoS-Preprint 24-10-642, publication in preparation, 30 pp.,
The energy-critical stochastic Zakharov system (with Sebastian Herr,
Martin Spitz, and Deng Zhang), BiBoS-Preprint 24-10-643, publication in
preparation, 56 pp., 2024.
The stochastic evolution of an infinite population with logistic-type
interaction (with Yuri Kozitsky), BiBoS-Preprint 24-11-644, publication
in preparation, 48 pp., 2024.
Distribution-flow dependent SDEs driven by (fractional) Brownian
motion and Navier-Stokes equations (with Zimo Hao and Xicheng Zhang),
BiBoS-Preprint 24-12-645, publication in preparation, 43 pp., 2024.
Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov
equations (with Vladimir I. Bogachev, Tikhon I. Krasovitskii, and
Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov), BiBoS-Preprint 25-01-647, publication in
preparation, 14 pp., 2025.
The superposition principle for solutions to
Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations with potential terms (with
Vladimir I. Bogachev, Tikhon I. Krasovitskii, and Stanislav V. Shaposhnikov),
BiBoS-Preprint 25-01-648, publication in preparation, 14 pp., 2025.