\documentstyle[11pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \newcommand{\fatbox}{{\vrule height5pt width5pt depth0pt}} %theorem-environment: \newtheorem{Prop}{Proposition} \newtheorem{Theo}[Prop]{Theorem} \newtheorem{Lem}[Prop]{Lemma} \newtheorem{Coro}[Prop]{Corollary} \newtheorem{Def}[Prop]{Definition} \newtheorem{Ex}[Prop]{Example} \newtheorem{Conj}[Prop]{Conjecture} \centerline{\Large \bf On hereditary algebras} \medskip \centerline{\bf Steffen K\"onig} \bigskip {\bf Hereditary algebras} form one of the most intensively studied classes of finite dimensional algebras (see \cite{Ri} for the present state of knowledge). They are important both inside representation theory and for several applications. Our main result underlines this importance even more. \begin{Theo} Let $A$ be a finite dimensional algebra over a perfect field. Then $A$ is hereditary. \end{Theo} The {\bf Proof} is based on a series of lemmas. \begin{Lem} An algebra of global dimension zero is semisimple. A semisimple algebra has global dimension zero. \noindent An algebra of global dimension zero or one is hereditary. \end{Lem} \begin{Lem} A quotient of a semisimple algebra is semisimple, hence of global dimension zero. By dimension shift \cite{CE}, a subalgebra of a semisimple algebra has global dimension zero or one. \end{Lem} \begin{Lem} A finite dimensional algebra is a subalgebra of a semisimple algebra. \end{Lem} \noindent This finishes the proof of the theorem. \fatbox \bigskip Based on extensive computations for group algebras of finite groups we conjecture that even more is true. \begin{Conj} An algebra over a field of characteristic zero is semisimple. \end{Conj} {\footnotesize \begin{thebibliography}{9} \bibitem{CE} {{\sc H.Cartan and S.Eilenberg,} Homological algebra, Princeton University Press (1956).} \bibitem{Ri}{{\sc C.M.Ringel,} Towards a representation theory for Dynkin diagrams. Talk at ICRA VIII (1996).} \end{thebibliography}} \bigskip \small \noindent {\sc Steffen K\"onig, Fakult\"at f\"ur Mathematik, Universit\"at Bielefeld, Postfach 10 01 31, D--33501 Bielefeld (Germany)} \noindent {\it E--mail address:} koenig@mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de \end{document}