Workshop "Discrete Categories in Representation Theory" – Programme

All talks will be given in room V2-210/216, coffee breaks take place in room V3-201.

Friday 20 April

10:0011:00Christof Geiss (Mexico/Bonn)
A reminder on derived tame algebras and clans
Coffee break and Registration
11:3012:30Grzegorz Bobinski (Torun)
Derived Hall algebras for derived discrete algebras
Lunch break
14:0015:00Nathan Broomhead (Plymouth)
Thick subcategories of discrete derived categories
15:1516:15David Pauksztello (Lancaster)
Discrete triangulated categories
Coffee break
16:4517:45Alexandra Zvonareva (St. Petersburg)
t-structures and the stability manifold for silting-discrete algebras
18:0018:20Claus Michael Ringel (Bielefeld)
Pre-Dinner-Lecture: Dieter Vossieck and the development of the representation theory of Artin algebras [Slides] [Transcript]
19:00Dinner at Restaurant "1802 im Bültmannshof" (web site and map in German)

Saturday 21 April

09:0010:00Bernhard Keller (Paris)
On green sequences
Coffee break
10:3011:30Steffen Oppermann (Trondheim)
Higher dimensional Auslander-Reiten components
11:4512:45Andre Beineke (Bielefeld)
Δ-critical quasi-hereditary algebras [Slides]
Lunch and Coffee break
14:0015:00Rosanna Laking (Bonn)
Discrete categories and indecomposable objects
15:1516:15Frédéric Chapoton (Strasbourg)
On some representation-theoretic aspects of Tamari lattices

Abstracts for the talks are available on a separate page.