Conference in memoriam of Dieter Happel – Programme

The conference programme (including abstracts) is also available as a pdf file.

All lectures were held in Lecture Hall N113 on the upper floor of the "Zentrales Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude" at the southern end of the campus area on Reichenhainer Straße. Information on how to get there can be found on the Travel Information page.

There were survey type lectures on Friday and more specialised talks on Saturday. The detailed programme was as follows:

Friday, 3 May

9:0010:00Idun Reiten (Trondheim)
My work with Dieter
10:1511:15Karin Erdmann (Oxford)
Hochschild cohomology and representation theory
Coffee break
11:4512:45Dan Zacharia (Syracuse)
On rigid sheaves on the projective space
Lunch break
14:3015:30Pu Zhang (Shanghai)
From CM finite to CM free
Coffee break
16:0017:00Claus Michael Ringel (Bielefeld)
The early years of tilting theory. 1980–1985.

Saturday, 4 May

9:0010:00Lidia Angeleri Hügel (Verona)
Large tilting sheaves on exceptional curves
10:1511:15Andrew Hubery (Leeds, Bielefeld)
The simplicial complex of cluster-tilting objects is connected
Coffee break
11:4512:45Pierre-Guy Plamondon (Paris)
Quiver varieties and repetitive algebras
Lunch break
14:3015:30Kota Yamaura (Nagoya)
Finding a derived category inside a stable category
Coffee break
16:0017:00Bernhard Keller (Paris)
Projectives in all meshes

Abstracts for the talks are available on a separate page.