Amidst the strange vicissitudes of life,'Tis likely, most unlikely things should happen.


Barbara Gentz
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Bielefeld


Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
Noise-Induced Phenomena in Slow-Fast Dynamical Systems. A Sample-Paths Approach
Probability and its Applications, Springer-Verlag (2006)

Table of contents

Books edited

Jean-Dominique Deuschel, Barbara Gentz, Wolfgang König, Max von Renesse, Michael Scheutzow, Uwe Schmock (eds.)
Probability in Complex Physical Systems
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics, Vol. 11, Springer-Verlag (2012)

In Honour of Erwin Bolthausen and Jürgen Gärtner

Articles published in journals

Nils Berglund, Barbara Gentz and Christian Kuehn
From random Poincaré maps to stochastic mixed-mode-oscillation patterns
J. Dynam. Differential Equations 27, no. 1, 83–136 (2015)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
On the noise-induced passage through an unstable periodic orbit II: The general case
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 46, no. 1, 310–352 (2014)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
Sharp estimates for metastable lifetimes in parabolic SPDEs: Kramers' law and beyond
Electron. J. Probab. 18, no. 24, 1–58 (2013)

Nils Berglund, Barbara Gentz and Christian Kuehn
Hunting French ducks in a noisy environment
J. Differential Equations 252, 4786–4841 (2012)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
The Eyring–Kramers law for potentials with nonquadratic saddles
Markov Processes Relat. Fields 16, 549–598 (2010)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
Anomalous behavior of the Kramers rate at bifurcations in classical field theories
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42 (2009) 052001

Nils Berglund, Bastien Fernandez and Barbara Gentz
Metastability in interacting nonlinear stochastic differential equations II: Large-N behaviour
Nonlinearity 20, 2583–2614 (2007)

Nils Berglund, Bastien Fernandez and Barbara Gentz
Metastability in interacting nonlinear stochastic differential equations I: From weak coupling to synchronisation
Nonlinearity 20, 2551–2581 (2007)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
Universality of first-passage- and residence-time distributions in non-adiabatic stochastic resonance
Europhys. Lett. 70, No. 1, 1–7 (2005)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
On the noise-induced passage through an unstable periodic orbit I: Two-level model
J. Statist. Phys. 114, No. 5/6, 1577–1618 (2004)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
Geometric singular perturbation theory for stochastic differential equations
J. Differential Equations 191, No. 1, 1–54 (2003)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
A sample-paths approach to noise-induced synchronization: Stochastic resonance in a double-well potential
Ann. Appl. Probab. 12, 1419–1470 (2002)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
Metastability in simple climate models: Pathwise analysis of slowly driven Langevin equations
Stoch. Dyn. 2, 327–356 (2002)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
The effect of additive noise on dynamical hysteresis
Nonlinearity 15, 605–632 (2002)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
Beyond the Fokker-Planck equation: Pathwise control of noisy bistable systems
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 35, 2057–2091 (2002)

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
Pathwise description of dynamic pitchfork bifurcations with additive noise
Probab. Theory Related Fields 122, No. 3, 341–388 (2002)

Barbara Gentz and Matthias Löwe
Fluctuations in the Hopfield model at the critical temperature
Markov Process. Relat. Fields 5, No. 4, 423–449 (1999)

Barbara Gentz and Matthias Löwe
The fluctuations of the overlap in the Hopfield model with finitely many patterns at the critical temperature
Probab. Theory Related Fields 115, No. 3, 357–381 (1999)

Barbara Gentz
A central limit theorem for the overlap in the Hopfield model
Ann. Probab. 24, No. 4, 1809–1841 (1996)

Barbara Gentz
An almost sure central limit theorem for the overlap parameters in the Hopfield model
Stochastic Processes Appl. 62, No. 2, 243–262 (1996)

Articles published in books

Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz
Stochastic dynamic bifurcations and excitability
In: Stochastic Methods in Neuroscience, Carlo Laing and Gabriel Lord (eds.), Oxford University Press (2009)

Barbara Gentz
On the central limit theorem for the overlap in the Hopfield model
In: Mathematical aspects of spin glasses and neural networks, A. Bovier and P. Picco (eds.), Prog. Probab. 41, Birkhäuser, 115–149 (1998)

Short Conference Proceedings

Barbara Gentz and Matthias Löwe
Fluctuations in the Hopfield model at the critical temperature
5th Workshop on Probability Theory and its Applications, University of Bielefeld (1999)

Barbara Gentz
A central limit theorem for the mean magnetization in the Curie–Weiss model with random couplings
Workshop on Probability Theory and its Applications, University of Bielefeld (1996)

Barbara Gentz
On the central limit theorem for the overlap in the Hopfield model
Workshop on Large Deviations and Statistical Mechanics, University of Bielefeld (1996)

Barbara Gentz
A central limit theorem for the Hopfield model
Workshop on Discrete Stochastic Models, University of Bielefeld (1995)


Barbara Gentz
A central limit theorem for the overlap in the Hopfield model
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Zurich, Philosophische Fakultät II (1996)

Barbara Gentz
Stochastische Differentialgleichungen mit verzögertem Argument
Diploma Thesis, Technical University Berlin (1989). In German.