BIREP — Representations of finite dimensional algebras at Bielefeld
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Noncommutative Algebra 3

Lectures in Winter Semester 2017/18
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. William Crawley-Boevey
Exercises: Andrew Hubery

Please note: the first lecture will be at 10.15am in V5-227 on MONDAY 16 OCTOBER 2017, which is week 2 of the Semester.

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Contents and Literature

I plan to discuss geometric methods for studying representations of algebras and quivers; constructions such as quiver varieties and character varieties. The course will include an introduction to the type of algebraic geometry needed for these applications.

Lecture notes.


Available from the webpage of Andrew Hubery.


Oral examination at the end of the semester, by arrangement with the lecturer.


This course is part of a masters' sequence. See here for more information.

The content of the course is provisional, and may change, depending on the audience, and the amount of material I feel I can cover.