Triangulated Categories and Geometry - a conference in honour of Amnon Neeman
Amnon Neeman (Photo: D. Benson)
There will be a conference on triangulated categories and geometry at Bielefeld University, in honour of Amnon Neeman.
Triangulated categories and their enhancements are a major feature of the modern mathematical landscape, playing prominent roles in representation theory, algebraic topology, K-theory, operator algebras, and, of course, geometry. Over the last 25 years there have been many major advances both in the abstract theory of triangulated categories and as a result of their application in these diverse areas. In particular, much insight has been gained as a result of adapting techniques from one area to the others. One very successful instance of this has been in importing ideas from algebraic topology to algebraic geometry as in the pioneering work of Amnon Neeman.
The aim of this conference is to bring together speakers representing the myriad subjects touched by triangulated categories in order to inspire future advances, aid in the cross-fertilisation of ideas, and celebrate the work of Neeman to mark the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Location: Bielefeld University.
Date: Monday 15 May to Friday 19 May 2017
Organisers: Bill Crawley-Boevey, Henning Krause, Daniel Murfet and Greg Stevenson
Scientific Committee: Paul Balmer, Carles Casacuberta, Ching-Li Chai, Joseph Lipman, Dmitri Orlov and Raphaël Rouquier
Funding: The conference is supported by the DFG CRC 701 "Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematics" and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the framework of an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship endowed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Conference Speakers
The detailed schedule of the conference and abstracts for the talks are available on separate pages.
The social programme of the conference includes a conference dinner on Tuesday evening and a public lecture "Mathematics and Music" by Christian Krattenthaler (Wien) on Thursday evening.
Conference participants:
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If you have any questions about the conference, please contact the organisers at birep.