BIREP — Darstellungstheorie endlichdimensionaler Algebren
BIREP header picture 1
BIREP header picture 2

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Special Biserial Algebra



Cartan Matrix

Avella-Alaminos–Geiß Invariant

Nakayama Permutation

String Components of the AR Quiver

Click on a string to get more information.

Biserial Projective-Injectives

Elementary Strings

Elementary Cyclic Strings

Elementary Bands

Forbidden Cycles

Alternating Cycles

String Quiver

Reduced Syzygy Quiver

Bridge Quiver

To mutate, click on a summand.

τ-Rigid Part

Support Part


Fact Collections


Positive AR Translate

Negative AR Translate

Direct AR Predecessors

Direct AR Successors

Positive Syzygy

Negative Syzygy

The quiver may have many vertices.

Compute it anyway?