
I have moved to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) where I am leading a junior research group within the CRC1173 on Waves Phenomena. Click here for my new webpage.

I am post-doc fellow in the research group of Prof. Sebastian Herr at Bielefeld University. At the same time, I am member of the Project Nonlinear interaction of rough waves of the Collaborative Research Center 1283 ‘Taming uncertainty and profiting from randomness and low regularity in analysis, stochastics and their applications’.

Before joining Bielefeld University, I have been a post-doc fellow at the Institut Fourier, University of Grenoble Alpes, mentored by T. Gallay, C. Lacave and E. Miot.

Prior to that, I completed my PhD thesis at Gran Sasso Science Institute under the supervision of P. Antonelli and P. Marcati concerning the mathematical analysis of some hydrodynamic models describing quantum fluids and singular limits for these systems.

I am broadly interested in applied partial differential equations arising in the description of physical phenomena. The two major lines of my research concern first the investigation of compressible quantum fluid flow, its dispersive properties and coherent structures such as quantized vortices therein. Second, I am interested in the hydrodynamic stability of incompressible (geophysical) fluid flow, e.g. the lake and Boussinesq equations.

In suitable singular limits like low Mach number, links between these two lines, compressible quantum and incompressible classical fluids, can be established.

For my teaching activities at Bielefeld University during the current and previous semesters please refer to this page.

  • partial differential equations and applied analysis
  • mathematical analysis of fluid dynamics
  • singular limits
  • dispersive equations
  • PhD in applied Mathematics for natural, social and life sciences, 2019

    Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy

  • MSc in Mathematics, 2015

    University of Pisa, Italy

  • BSc in Mathematics, 2012

    Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universitaet Bonn, Germany