by Markus Rost (75 pages)
Doc. Math. 1 (1996), No. 16, 319-393.
Summary: We develop a generalization of the classical Chow groups in order to have available some standard properties for homology theories: long exact sequences, spectral sequences for fibrations, homotopy invariance and intersections. The basis for our constructions is Milnor's K-theory.
Full text: EuDML, EMIS, eLibM, local copy: [pdf].
On page 377 there is the erroneous remark: "The flatness [of the double deformation cone] over A2 (not needed in the following) may be deduced from Remark 10.1.". However, flatness does not hold in general (there is a simple example in the non-regular case). The remark is not used anywhere in the text.
Thanks to Merkurjev for pointing out the error.