by Markus Rost (8 pages)
Proceedings of the International Congress of mathematicians, ICM
2002, Beijing, China, August 20-28, 2002. Vol. II: Invited
lectures. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 77-85 (2002).
Errata: "Norm varieties and algebraic cobordism", same
Proceedings, Vol. I, 649.
MR 1957022, Zbl 1042.19002. Errata: MR 1989213.
Text for the talk at ICM 2002, Beijing.
Abstract: We outline briefly results and examples related with the bijectivity of the norm residue homomorphism. We define norm varieties and describe some constructions. Further we discuss degree formulas which form a major tool to handle norm varieties. Finally we formulate Hilbert's 90 for symbols which is the hard part of the bijectivity of the norm residue homomorphism, modulo a theorem of Voevodsky.
Full text (version of July 14, 2002): [tex] [dvi] [dvi.gz] [ps] [ps.gz] [pdf] [pdf.gz]