Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry @ Bielefeld
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The Bielefeld Arithmetic Geometry Seminar 2014 (winter term)

Welcome to the website of the 4th edition of the Bielefeld arithmetic geometry seminar! Below you will find a list of the upcoming talks, hover with your mouse over abstract to see the abstract. The seminar is related to projects B5 and C7.
The seminar is supported by the SFB CRC 701: Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematics.



22 October, 2014

16:15 D5-153 Veronika Ertl (Universität Regensburg)
Overconvergent de Rham-Witt connections


12 November, 2014

16:15 D5-153 Moritz Kerz - Cancelled!
Specialization of zero cycles


26 November, 2014

15:00 D5-153 Daniel Macias Castillo (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid)
Congruences between derivatives of twisted Hasse-Weil $L$-functions
The results discussed in this talk include joint work with David Burns, Christian Wuthrich, Werner Bley and Stéphane Viguié.
Let $A$ be an abelian variety defined over a number field $k$. Then for any finite Galois extension $F$ of $k$ with group $G$ the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture (`ETNC') for the pair $(h^1(A_F)(1),\mathbb Z[G])$ was formulated by Burns and Flach as a natural refinement of the seminal conjecture of Bloch and Kato. Under certain not-too-stringent conditions we give a reformulation involving the finite support cohomology of Bloch and Kato of the $p$-part of this conjecture (for a given prime number $p$).
We next describe several (conjectural) consequences of this reinterpretation. These concern elements which interpolate the values at $s=1$ of higher derivatives of the Hasse-Weil $L$-functions of twists of $A$ by irreducible complex characters of $G$, suitably normalised by a product of explicit equivariant regulators and periods. They include integrality properties, statements concerning the Galois structure of Tate-Shafarevich groups and integral congruences involving the $G$-valued height pairings of Mazur and Tate.
In another direction, we discuss how our approach leads to the first verifications of the $p$-part of the ETNC for elliptic curves $A$ defined over $\mathbb Q$ in the technically most demanding case in which $A$ has strictly positive rank over $F$ and the Galois group $G$ is both non-abelian and of order divisible by $p$.


21 January, 2015

16:15 D5-153 Otmar Venjakob (Universität Heidelberg)
Explicit Reciprocity Laws and $(\varphi,\Gamma)$-Modules


28 January, 2015

16:15 D5-153 Massimo Bertolini (Universität Essen)
Anticyclotomic main conjectures


4 February, 2015

15:00 D5-153 Jiro Nomura (Keio University)
The Galois Brumer-Stark conjecture


17 March, 2015

15:00 V3-201 Ma Li (Paris VI)
$p$-adic Gross-Zagier formula for Hilbert modular forms