Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry @ Bielefeld
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The Bielefeld Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry Seminar 2023

Welcome to the website of the Bielefeld Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry Seminar! For more information, please contact one of the organizers: Claudia Alfes, Ana Botero, Eike Lau, Michael Spiess, Charles Vial, and Thomas Zink.



8 November, 2023

14:00 U2-200 Riccardo Pengo (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Standard conjectures in Arakelov geometry: from the projective space to Grassmannians
16:00 U2-200 Manuel Hoff (U Bielefeld)
(G, mu)-displays and Rapoport-Zink spaces


6 December, 2023

14:15-15:15 U2-200 Léonard Pille-Schneider (U Regensburg)
Continuity of families of Monge-Ampère measures
16:15-17:15 U2-200 Enrica Mazzon (U Regensburg)
A non-archimedean approach to the SYZ conjecture


20 December, 2023

14:00 U2-200 Paul Kiefer(U Bielefeld)
Injectivity of the Kudla-​Millson-Lift in genus 2
16:00 U2-200 Jens Funke (Durham U)
Indefinite theta series via incomplete theta integrals


17 January, 2024

14:00 U2-200 Timo Richarz(TU Darmstadt)
Non-normality of Schubert varieties
16:00 U2-200 Thibaud van den Hove (TU Darmstadt)
Motivic Satake equivalences and central motives


31 January, 2024

16:00 U2-200 Claudia Fevola (INRIA Saclay)
KP solutions from nodal curves, and the Schottky problem
17:00 U2-200 Andreas Gross (Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main)
Tropicalizing Psi Classes


14 February, 2024

14:00 V2-200 Jan Vonk (U Leiden)
Around the class number one problem
16:00 V2-200 Domenico Valloni (EPFL Lausanne)
Noether problem in mixed characteristic


15 May, 2024

14:30 H4 Fumiaki Suzuki (Hanover)
Non-injectivity of the cycle class map in continuous l-adic cohomology
16:00 H4 Fabio Bernasconi (Neuchatel)
On the failure of the Frobenius--stable version of the Grauert--Riemenschneider theorem


29 May, 2024

14:00 H4 Anneloes Viergever (U Hannover)
Motivic Donaldson-Thomas invariants in low degrees for the three-dimensional projective space.
16:00 H4 Nils Scheithauer (TU Darmstadt)
Reflective modular varieties and their cusps


12 June, 2024

14:15 H4 Clémentine Lemarié-Rieusset (U Duisburg-Essen)
Motivic Linking
15:45 H4 Sara Mehidi (Utrecht University)
The Logarithmic Jacobian and extension of torsors over families of degenerating curves


3 July, 2024

14:15-15:15 H4 Andreas Mihatsch (University of Bonn)
Generating series of complex multiplication cycles
15:45-16:45 H4 Joahnnes Sprang (U Duisburg-Essen)
Irrationality and linear independence of p-adic zeta values


10 July, 2024

14:15-15:15 H4 Sebastián Olano (University of Toronto)
Singularities of Secant Varieties from a Hodge theoretic perspective
15:45-16:45 H4 Guido Kings (University of Regensburg)
Deligne’s conjecture for algebraic Hecke characters


17 July, 2024

14:15 H4 Steven Charlton (MPIM Bonn)
Goncharov's programme, and depth reductions of multiple polylogarithms (in weight 6)
15:45 H4 Xiaolei Zhao (UCSB)
Moduli of stable objects on Fano threefolds


23 October, 2024

14:15 TBD Danylo Radchenko (U Lille)
15:45 TBD TBD