Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry @ Bielefeld
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The Bielefeld Arithmetic Geometry Seminar 2015 (winter term)

Welcome to the website of the 6th edition of the Bielefeld arithmetic geometry seminar! Below you will find a list of the upcoming talks, hover with your mouse over abstract to see the abstract. The seminar is related to projects B5 and C7.
The seminar is supported by the SFB CRC 701: Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematics.



28 October, 2015

16:15 C01-142 Valentina Di Proietto (FU Berlin)
The homotopy exact sequence for the log algebraic fundamental group: a way to define a monodromy action


11 November, 2015

16:15 C01-142 Cornelius Greither (Munich)
A question of Hayes concerning integrality of Brumer elements
To every abelian Galois extension $K/k$ of number fields with Galois group $G$ and every finite set $S$ of places of $k$ containing all infinite and all ramified places, one can associate the so-called Brumer element $\theta_{K/k}\in \mathbb Q[G]$. In fact this element is almost integral, in the sense that $I \theta_{K/k}\subset \mathbb Z[G]$, where $I$ is the annihilator ideal of the module $\mu_K$ of roots of unity. In particular if $w_K$ denotes the number of roots of unity in $K$, then $w_K\theta_{K/k}$ has integer coefficients. The Brumer element can be thought of as a $G$-equivariant generalization of the class number $h_K$; it plays the lead role in the Brumer conjecture which predicts that $I \theta_{K/k}$ annihilates the class group of $K$. It is quite natural to ask under what circumstances the Brumer element is $p$-integral. David Hayes addressed the interesting case $p|w_K$ by formulating a certain set of hypotheses, which is somewhat sharper than demanding $p|h_K$ (which is in some sense a necessary condition), and asking: do these conditions imply that $\theta_{K/k,S}$ is $p$-integral? Barry Smith gave a positive answer to a related question in a fairly restricted setting. In this talk we answer Hayes' question in the negative by a systematic construction of counterexamples. First we exhibit "approximate counterexamples" with base field $\mathbb Q$ (Hayes' question happens never to apply when the base field is $\mathbb Q$), and then we obtain the desired counterexamples by a fairly simple shift of base field.


25 November, 2015

15:00 C01-142 Andreas Langer (Exeter)
$p$-adic deformation of motivic Chow-groups
16:15 C01-142 Steffen Müller (Oldenburg)
Quadratic Chabauty


27 January, 2016

15:00 C01-142 Yara Elias (MPI Bonn)
On the Selmer group associated to a modular form twisted by a ring class character
16:15 C01-142 Georg Tamme (Regensburg)
$K$-theory for non-archimedean algebras and spaces


10 February, 2016

16:15 C01-142 Lin Jie (Jussieu)
An automorphic version of the Deligne conjecture