Papers and publications dedicated to the memory of Dieter Happel
T. Adachi, O. Iyama and I. Reiten,
τ-tilting theory,
Compos. Math.150 (2014), 415–452,
E. R. Alvares, P. Le Meur and E. N. Marcos,
The strong global dimension of piecewise hereditary algebras,
L. Angeleri Hügel, F. Marks and J. Vitória,
Silting modules,
R. M. Aquino, E. N. Marcos and S. Trepode,
On the existence of a derived equivalence between a Koszul algebra and its Yoneda algebra,
J. Algebra Appl.13 (2014),
Th. Brüstle and D. Yang,
Ordered Exchange Graphs,
in: D. Benson, H. Krause and A. Skowroński (eds.), Advances in Representation Theory of Algebras, EMS Series of Congress Reports, EMS Publishing House2014,
A. B. Buan, I. Reiten and Ø. Solberg (eds.),
Algebras, Quivers and Representations: The Abel Symposium 2011,
Abel Symposia, Vol. 8, Springer2013,
R.-O. Buchweitz and H. Flenner,
Strong global dimension of commutative rings and schemes,
J. Algebra (2014),
G. D'Este,
Unofficial history of a joint work with Dieter Happel and of two unexpected quotations,
Rend. Mat. Appl.35 (2014), 115–130,
Y. Han,
Hattori-Stallings trace and character,
A. Hubery and H. Krause,
A categorification of non-crossing partitions,
K. Igusa and G. Todorov,
Continuous Frobenius categories,
in: A. B. Buan, I. Reiten and Ø. Solberg (eds.), Algebras, Quivers and Representations: The Abel Symposium 2011, Abel Symposia, Vol. 8, Springer2013
C. Ingalls, C. Paquette and H. Thomas,
Semi-stable subcategories for Euclidean quivers,
A. Jaworska, P. Malicki and Andrzej Skowroński,
Modules not being the middle of short chains,
Q. J. Math.64 (2013), 1141–1160,
B. Keller and S. Scherotzke,
Graded quiver varieties and derived categories,
J. Reine Angew. Math.,
O. Kerner,
More representations of wild quivers,
in: K. Igusa, A. Martsinkovsky and G. Todorov (eds.), Expository Lectures on Representation Theory, Contemp. Math. Vol. 607, AMS2014,
F. Kong and P. Zhang,
From CM-finite to CM-free,
D. Kussin, H. Lenzing and H. Meltzer,
Triangle singularities, ADE-chains, and weighted projective lines,
Adv. Math237 (2013), 194–251,
S. Liu, P. Ng and C. Paquette,
Almost Split Sequences and Approximations,
Algebr. Represent. Theory16 (2013), 1809–1827,
B. Leclerc and P.-G. Plamondon,
Nakajima Varieties and Repetitive Algebras,
Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.49 (2013), 531–561,
P. Nicolas and M. Saorin,
Generalized tilting theory,
C. M. Ringel,
Morphisms determined by objects: The case of modules over artin algebras,
Illinois J. Math56 (2012), 981–1000
J. Stovicek, J. Trlifaj and D. Herbera,
Cotilting modules over commutative noetherian rings,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra218 (2014), 1696–1711,
D. Wenzel,
A strange phenomenon for the singular values of commutators with rank one matrices
K. Yamagata and O. Kerner,
Morita theory, revisited,
in: K. Igusa, A. Martsinkovsky and G. Todorov (eds.), Expository Lectures on Representation Theory, Contemp. Math. Vol. 607, AMS2014,
Y. Zhou and B. Zhu,
Cluster algebras arising from cluster tubes,
J. Lond. Math. Soc.83 (2014), 703–723,