Curriculum Vitae


Andriy Haydys
Fakultaet fuer Mathematik
Universitaet Bielefeld
Postfach 100131
D-33501 Bielefeld

Tel.: (0521)106-4966
e–mail: haydys ( @ )
2015 Habilitation, Bielefeld University, Germany
Thesis: Compactness of moduli spaces in some problems inspired by higher dimensional gauge theory
2006 PhD, Georg-August University of Goettingen, Germany
Thesis: Generalized Seiberg–Witten equations and hyperKaehler geometry
Supervisor Prof.Dr. Victor Pidstrygach
1997--2002 Five-year B.Sc/M.Sc integrated degree in Mathematics; National University of Lviv, Ukraine
Diploma with distinction
since 2009
University of Bielefeld
Assistant Professor (Akademischer Rat a.Z.)
2010–2012 Imperial College London
Visiting Researcher (supported by the DFG)
2006–2009 University of Bielefeld
PostDoc (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
[9] A. Haydys. Topology of the blow-up set for the Seiberg--Witten equation with multiple spinors. arXiv:1607.01763 
[8] A. Haydys. Isolated singularities of affine special Kaehler metrics in two dimensions. Commun. Math. Phys., 340(3):1231-1237, 2015; arXiv:1505.00462 
[7] A. Haydys, T.Walpuski. A compactness theorem for the Seiberg-Witten equation with multiple spinors in dimension three. Geom. Funct. Anal. (GAFA), 25(6):1799-1821, 2015; arXiv:1406.5683
[6] A. Haydys. Dirac operators in gauge theory, In New ideas in low-dimensional topology edited by L.Kauffman and V.Manturov, volume 56 of Ser. Knots Everything, pp. 161--188. World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2015; arXiv:1303.2971
[5] A. Haydys. Fukaya-Seidel category and gauge theory, J. Symplectic Geom. 13(1):151--207, 2015. arXiv: 1010.2353
[4] A. Haydys. Gauge theory, calibrated geometry and harmonic spinors, J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2), 86(2):482-498, 2012. arXiv: 0902.3738
[3] A. Haydys. HyperKahler and quaternionic Kahler manifolds with S1-symmetries. J. Geom. Phys. 58(2008), no. 3, 293-306. arXiv: 0706.4473
[2] A. Haydys. Nonlinear Dirac operator and quaternionic analysis. Comm.  Math. Phys. 281(2008), 251--261, arXiv: 0706.0389
[1] A. Haydys. Generalized Seiberg–Witten equations and hyperKahler geometry. PhD dissertation, Universitat Gottingen, February 2006.

2013-2017 Principal Investigator.
Project "Algebraic and analytic aspects of holomorphic Lagrangian fibrations'' (together with S.Rollenske; CRC 701) funded by the DFG

from 2016 Dr. Martin Callies
2015 Dr. Ryouke Takahashi
2014-2015 Dr. Giovanni Bazzoni
2010–2012 Research Fellowship of the DFG.
Research project "High and low dimensional gauge theory and exceptional geometry"
Host Institution: Imperial College London
2007–2009 Reserch project
"Gauge theory over low and high dimensional manifolds and exceptional geometry" supported by University of Bielefeld
2002–2005 Scholarship of the research training group "Groups and Geometry", Georg-August University of Goettingen
Selected Recent Invited Talks
2016 9th Brussels-London geometry seminar "Gauge theory'', University College London, London, UK

Workshop "Recent Developments in the Mathematical Study of Gauge Theory'', Simons Center, Stony Brook, USA

Inaugural Conference of Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis, and Physics, Simons Center, Stony Brook, USA

Workshop "General Relativity: from Geometry to Amplitudes'', Cambridge, UK

25th NRW Topology Meeting, Essen, Germany

Conference "Gromov-Witten  theory,  Gauge  Theory  and  Dualities'', Kioloa, Australia
2015 Mathematics Colloquium, Bielefeld University, Germany

CUHK/UM Joint International Workshop in Geometry, Hong Kong, China

Mini-Workshop "Singularities in G2-geometry'', Oberwolfach, Germany
2014 Joint Meeting of the German Mathematical Society and the Polish Mathematical Society, thematic session ``Quaternion-K\"ahler manifolds and related structures in Riemannian and algebraic geometry'', Poznan, Poland

G2 Manifolds Seminar, Simons Center, Stony Brook, USA (3 talks)

Workshop "Gauge Theories in Higher Dimensions'', Hanover, Germany

Workshop "The Geometry, Topology and Physics of Moduli Spaces of Higgs Bundles'', Singapore, Singapore

Workshop "G 2 Days'', London, UK

Conference "Mathematics Days in Sofia'', Sofia, Bulgaria

Last updated: 07 November 2016