

I am a postdoc at the University of California, Los Angeles, for the academic year 2023/24, funded by a Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship by the Humboldt foundation. Afterwards I will return to the University Bielefeld, Germany, and continue a postdoc University Bielefeld, Germany, in the BIREP group.

In 2020 I obtained my PhD from the University of Utah. There I studied commutative algebra with Srikanth Iyengar. The title of my thesis is Generation Time in Derived Categories.

I obtained a Bachelor in Mathematics in 2014 and a Bachelor in Physics in 2015 from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.

My research lies in the areas of commutative algebra and representation theory of finite dimensional algebras. I am interested in triangulated, derived, and stable categories.

Here is my CV.


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Title Co-authors Links
[7] The Hochschild cohomology ring of monomial algebras Dalia Artenstein, Amrei Oswald, Andrea Solotar J. Algebra, 654:108–131, 2024
[] Generation time for biexact functors and Koszul objects in triangulated categories Marc Stephan arXiv:2403.00695
[] Transfer of A-infinity structures to projective resolutions arXiv:2312.13696
[] Koszul homomorphisms and universal resolutions in local algebra Ben Briggs, James C. Cameron, Josh Pollitz arXiv:2310.08400
[6] The spectrum of a well-generated tensor triangulated category Henning Krause Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 55(2):680–705, 2023

All publications.

Current and Upcoming

Rank Conjectures Across Algebra and Topology
University of Copenhagen, Denmark— June 24–28, 2024
Masterclass on Derived Category Methods in Ring Theory
Aarhus University, Denmark— August 13–16, 2024
Women in Representation Theory: quivers, mutations, and beyond
Bielefeld University, Germany—September 4–6, 2024
Betti numbers in commutative algebra and equivariant homotopy theory
Bielefeld University, Germany—September 23–27, 2024

Past talks.
Past conferences.
Past activities.


MS 6220
jletz [at] math [dot] uni-bielefeld [dot] de
Mailing Address
Math Sciences Building
520 Portola Plaza
Box 951555
Los Angeles, CA 90095
United States