
Title Co-authors Links
[7] The Hochschild cohomology ring of monomial algebras Dalia Artenstein, Amrei Oswald, Andrea Solotar J. Algebra, 654:108–131, 2024
[] Generation time for biexact functors and Koszul objects in triangulated categories Marc Stephan arXiv:2403.00695
[] Transfer of A-infinity structures to projective resolutions arxiv:2312.13696
[] Koszul homomorphisms and universal resolutions in local algebra Ben Briggs, James C. Cameron, Josh Pollitz arxiv:2310.08400
[6] The spectrum of a well-generated tensor triangulated category Henning Krause Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 55(2):680–705, 2023
[5] Brown representability for triangulated categories with a linear action by a graded ring Arch. Math. (Basel), 120(2):135–146, 2023
[4] Exceptional complete intersection maps of local rings Srikanth B. Iyengar, Jian Liu, Josh Pollitz Pacific J. Math., 318(2):275–293, 2022
[3] Locally Complete Intersection Maps and the Proxy Small Property Ben Briggs, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Josh Pollitz Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2022(16):12625–12652, 2022
[2] Appendices in Maximal Cohen–Macaulay Modules and Tate Cohomology by Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz Luchezar Avramov, Ben Briggs, Srikanth B. Iyengar volume 262 of Math. Surveys Monogr., 2021
[1] Local to global principles for generation time over Noether algebras Homology Homotopy Appl., 23(2):165–182, 2021


Research Stays

Hausdorff Trimester Program on Spectral Methods in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology
Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany—September 12, 2022–December 16, 2022

Research Talks

Generation time under biexact functors and for Koszul objects in triangulated categories
  • Syracuse Algebra Seminar, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA—March 29, 2024
  • Tensor-Triangular Geometry and Interactions, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany—September 18, 2023
Koszul homomorphisms and universal resolutions in local algebra
Transferring resolutions along a Koszul homomorphism
  • Oberseminar Algebra, Osnabrück, Germany—April 18, 2023
  • Resolutions in Local Algebra and Singularity Theory, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany—February 9, 2023
Brown representability for triangulated categories with a linear action by a graded ring
Algebras and Representation Theory Network Meeting, Cologne, Germany—January 27, 2023 (Slides)
Homotopical characterization of exceptional complete intersection maps
The spectrum of a well-generated tensor triangulated category
Computations for thick subcategories in Macaulay2
Special Session on Differential Graded Methods in Commutative Algebra, AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, virtually—March 13, 2021 (Slides, Demo)
Generation in Derived Categories and Applications to Commutative Algebra
New directions in group theory and triangulated categories, virtually—January 19, 2021 (Notes)
A homotopical characterization of locally complete intersection maps
  • Algebra Seminar, University of Leeds, UK—February 23, 2021
  • Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Clemson University, South Carolina, USA—November 6, 2020
  • Special Session on Recent Developments in Commutative Algebra, AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA—April 5, 2020 (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
Smallness properties and locally complete intersections
  • AWM Workshop: Poster Presentations by Women Graduate Students and Reception, JMM, Denver, Colorado, USA—January 17, 2020 (Poster)
  • Poster, KUMUNU, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA—September 21, 2019 (Poster)
  • Special Session on Homological and Characteristic p > 0 Methods in Commutative Algebra, AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting, Wisconsin, Madison, USA—September 15, 2019
  • Gongshow talk, Equivariant Topology & Derived Algebra: A Jolly Pleasant Conference for Greenlees, Trondheim, Norway—July 29, 2019 (Slides)
  • RRAGE: Ragnar's Ramifications in Algebra and Geometry Emerging Workshop, Toronto, Canada—July 8, 2019
Local to global principles for generation time over commutative rings
  • Algebra Seminar, Syracuse University, New York, USA—February 21, 2020
  • Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA—January 31, 2020
  • AMS Special Session on Commutative Algebra, JMM, Denver, Colorado, USA—January 17, 2020 (Slides)
  • Oberseminar Algebra, Osnabrück, Germany—June 11, 2019
  • BIREP seminar, Bielefeld, Germany—May 24, 2019
  • KUMUNUjr, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA—March 30, 2019
  • Commutative Algebra Seminar, University of Nebraska, USA—March 27/28, 2019
  • Commutative Algebra Seminar, University of Utah, USA—March 8, 2019

Other Talks

Frobenius Categories and the Grothendieck Group K0
Summer School on Derived and Triangulated Categories, Wuppertal, Germany—September 13, 2021
Local Cohomology
European Talbot Workshop 2017: Dualities in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology, Geestland, Germany—June 12, 2017


Recent Developments in Commutative Algebra
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute, Berkeley, California, USA; April 15–19, 2024
Introductory Workshop: Commutative Algebra
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute, Berkeley, California, USA; January 22–26, 2024
Symmetric Tensor Categories and Representation Theory
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics, Los Angeles, California, USA—January 8–12, 2024
Women in Commutative Algebra II
CIRM Trento, Italy—October 16–20, 2023
Tensor-Triangular Geometry and Interactions
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany—September 17–22, 2023
Homological Algebra and Representation Theory
Karlovasi, Samos, Greece—July 10–14, 2023
Workshop on Finitistic Dimensions
Bielefeld, Germany—June 15–16, 2023
Stuttgart, Germany—June 23–24, 2023
Categories, clusters, and completions master class
Aarhus, Denmark—March 22–24, 2023
Resolutions in Local Algebra and Singularity Theory
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany—February 5–11, 2023
Algebras and Representation Theory Network Meeting
Cologne, Germany—January 27–28, 2023
Workshop: Spectra, triangles, and higher structures
Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany—December 5–9, 2022
Workshop: Spectral methods in equivariant mathematics
Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany—October 24–28, 2022
Summer School: Spectral methods in algebra, geometry, and topology
Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany—September 19–23, 2022
Conference picture of the Conference `Representation Theory and Triangulated Categories' in Paderborn in 2022
Representation Theory and Triangulated Categories
Paderborn, Germany—September 26–30, 2022
International Conference on Representations of Algebras (ICRA)
Montevideo, Uruguay—August 3–6, 2022
Buenos Aires, Argentina—8–12 August, 2022
Geometric and combinatorial methods in homological algebra
Aarhus, Denmark—July 20–22, 2022
75+80=155 years of commutative algebra
Osnabrück, Germany—June 13–17, 2022
Abel symposium on Triangulated categories in representation theory and beyond
Ålesund, Norway—June 6–10, 2022
WINART3 workshop
virtually—April 3–8, 2022
Workshop “Geometry and Representations”
Bielefeld, Germany—April 9, 2022
Workshop “Representations of Algebras and Sheaves”
Bielefeld, Germany—November 13, 2021
Conference picture of the Conference `Homological Methods in Representation Theory' on the Fraueninsel in 2021
Homological Methods in Representation Theory
Fraueninsel (Chiemsee), Germany—October 3–8, 2021
Summer School on Derived and Triangulated Categories
Wuppertal, Germany—September 13–17, 2021
Workshop on Homotopy Theory and Group Theory (IRP Higher Homotopical Structures)
Barcelona, Spain, hyprid—July 5–9, 2021
AMS Spring Southeastern Secional Meeting
virtually—March 13–14, 2021
Dualities in Topology and Algebra
by ICTS, India, virtually—February 1–14, 2021
Flash Talks in Representation Theory at NTNU
virtually—January 8, 2021
ICRA 2020
virtually—November 9–25, 2020
Conference picture of the Workshop `Cohomology of Finite Groups: Interactions and Applications' at Oberwolfach in 2020
Workshop: Cohomology of Finite Groups: Interactions and Applications
at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany—August 9–16, 2020
Advances in Mixed Characteristic Commutative Algebra and Geometric Connections (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
at the Casa Matemática Oaxaca, Mexico—June 7–12, 2020
Zoom Special Session on DG Methods in Commutative Algebra and Representation Theory
virtually—May 2–3, 2020
AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA—April 4–5, 2020
JMM 2020
in Denver, Colorado, USA—January 15–18, 2020
in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA—September 21–22, 2019
AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting
in Madison, Wisconsin, USA—September 14–15, 2019
Conference picture of `Equivariant Topology and Derived Algebra: A Jolly Pleasant Conference for Greenlees' in Trondheim in 2019
Equivariant Topology and Derived Algebra: A Jolly Pleasant Conference for Greenlees
in Trondheim, Norway—July 29–August 2, 2019
RRAGE: Ragnar's Ramifications in Algebra and Geometry Emerging Workshop
in Toronto, Canada—July 8–12, 2019
CIME-CIRM Course: Recent developments in Commutative Algebra
in Trento, Italy—July 1–5, 2019
Noether Konferenz—Wie kommt das neue in die Welt? (How does something new arise?)
in Berlin, Germany—June 3–5, 2019
KUMUNUjr 2019
in Nebraska, Lincoln, USA—March 30–31, 2019
AMS Fall Western Sectional Meeting
in San Francisco, California, USA—October 27–28, 2018
Stable Cohomology: Foundations and Applications
in Snowbird, Utah, USA—May 28–June 1, 2018
Minicourse: Topics in commutative algebra
in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA—May 7–11, 2018
Conference picture of the European Talbot Workshop 2017
European Talbot Workshop 2017: Dualities in Algebra, Geometry, and Topology
in Geestland, Germany—June 11–17, 2017
Triangulated Categories and Geometry—a conference in honour of Amnon Neeman
in Bielefeld, Germany—May 15–19, 2017

Local Talks

Bielefeld University (2020–2023)

Internal Representation Theory Seminar

Toda brackets
May 31, 2023
A-infinity algebras
April 13, 2022
Schur algebras of finite type
July 2, 2021
MCM modules and Tate cohomology
February 3, 2021

Working group on tensor triangulated geometry

The spectrum of a well-generated tensor triangulated category
May 19, 2022
The frame of alpha-localizing ideals and its connection to the tt-spectrum via Stone duality
October 28, 2021
The Theorem of Hopkins and Neeman
November 18, 2020

University of Utah (2015–2020)

Hilbert's Syzygy Theorem
Graduate Student Colloquium, University of Utah, USA—August 28, 2018
Flag Varieties
Algebraic Geometry Graduate Student Seminar, University of Utah, USA—October 26, 2015

BIKES, Commutative Algebra Graduate Student Seminar

Introduction to group cohomology, Hochschild cohomology, and Hopf algebras
October 6, 2020
Dimension inequality and Hochster's θ-invariant
April 23, 2020
Support varieties and cohomology over CIs
February 13, 2020
Resolutions of modules and derived functors
September 6, 2019
BGG Correspondence
April 11, 2019
Derived Categories
September 13, 2018
Morita Theory
January 25, 2018
Yoneda Extensions
November 30, 2017
Cohen-Macaulay Rings
September 21, 2017
Grothendieck's Non-Vanishing Theorem
January 26, 2017
An Application of Vasconcelos' Lemma
April 24, 2016