Organized conferences

Spring 2024 Western Sectional Meeting
San Francisco, California, USA—May 4–5, 2024
I organized a Special Session on “Commutative and Noncommutative Algebra, Together at Last” together with Ben Briggs and Pablo Ocal.
BIREP Summer School on Persistence Modules—The Interplay of Representation Theory and Topological Data Analysis
Bad Driburg, Germany—July 31–August 4, 2023
This summer school is aimed towards early career researchers, namely advanced Master students, PhD students and PostDocs. The talks are given by the participants of the summer school. I am organizing the summer school together with Raphael Bennett-Tennenhaus, Rudradip Biswas, Benedikt Fluhr, Jan-Paul Lerch, and Julia Sauter.
Representation Theory and Triangulated Categories
Paderborn, Germany—September 26–30, 2022
This is a conference in honour of Henning Krause's 60th birthday. I organized it together with Dave Benson, Bill Crawley-Boevey, Eleonore Faber, Lutz Hille, Srikanth Iyengar, and Marc Stephan.
BRIDGES—Building Relationships for an Inclusive and Diverse Group of Emerging Students
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, hybrid—July 28–30, 2021
This conference is aimed towards early graduate students and advanced undergraduate students interested in representation theory, number theory, and commutative algebra. It was supposed to happen in May 2020, and rescheduled due to COVID-19. I organized it together with Allechar Serrano López, Christian Klevdal, Peter McDonald, and Sabine Lang.
Zoom Special Session on DG Methods in Commutative Algebra and Representation Theory
virtually—May 2–3, 2020
This was a Zoom Special Session was the replacement for the special session we were organizing at the AMS Spring Western Sectional Meeting (cancelled due to COVID-19).I organized it together with Ben Briggs and Josh Pollitz.

In the research community

Part of the FDLIST Team
The FDLIST is a network for research in representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras and related topics. It provides a platform for the exchange of information, ideas, problems and questions.

At Bielefeld University, Germany

Member of the commission for research and young academics
Member of the Examination Committee Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at the University Bielefeld
Member of the Examination Committee Master of Science in Mathematics at the University Bielefeld
Organizing the internal seminar of the BIREP group
Bielefeld University

At the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA

Webmaster for the student chapter of the AWM at the University of Utah
Fall 2019/Spring 2020
I keep the website current and post events on campus connect.
Co-chair of the GSAC Professional development committee
University of Utah—Fall 2019/Spring 2020
We organized
  • a job material editing group that meets weekly to read, edit and discuss documents needed to apply for jobs,
  • a website workshop (Slides),
  • an industry job panel,
  • a funding panel/information session.
Co-chair of the GSAC peer mentoring program
University of Utah—Fall 2019/Spring 2020
This mentoring program assings an advanced graduate student to every incoming graduate student with similar mathematical interest.
Member of the student chapter of the AWM at the University of Utah
University of Utah—Fall 2018–Spring 2020
I organize and facilitate events. Some of the events I helped with:
  • I hosted Agnès Beaudry, who visited for the speaker series.
  • I was one of the facilitators for the What is Math? Day, where we visited a middle school.
  • I am a mentor to an undergraduate student.
  • LaTeX Workshops: I facilitated workshops on
Graduate student colloquium chair
University of Utah—Fall 2018/Spring 2019
I scheduled the talks and lead the colloquium.
Organizing the student seminar in commutative algebra (BIKES)
University of Utah—Fall 2018/Spring 2019


‘Symmetrische Polynome—Wie sehen sie aus und wie viele gibt es?’ (Symmtric polynomials—How do the look and how many are there?)
Gütersloh, Bielefeld—February 13, 2023
Talk at the award ceremony of the regional round of the national Mathematical Olympiad in the district Gütersloh.
Bielefeld, Germany
Discussions with high school students on studies in mathematics.
Girl’s day: Exploring and puzzle-solving—for a profession (Forschen und Knobeln—als Beruf)
I was one of the facilitators for a day with girls of the ages 11–15 to provide insight in the profession of a mathematician. This event was organized by Young Women in Theoretical Sciences.
Workshop for the state-round of the national mathematical olympiad
With Dirk Frettlöh I organized a workshop on the game SET for grades 7–9.
Training camp for the federal round of the national Mathematical Olympiad
In the years 2012–2015 I was a facilitator of several classes at the training camp for the team of Rhineland-Palatine. In 2011 I organized a 2-day training camp in Mainz, Germany.