Invariant theory summer semester 2012,
general information
Seminar on perverse sheaves and the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence
The Green-Sølberg algorithm (manuscript)
Unfocused notes on the Markoff equation and T-Singularities (notes)
- (with Stefan Schröer)
Vector bundles on proper toric 3-folds and certain other schemes (preprint)
- Combinatorial aspects of exceptional sequences on (rational) surfaces (submitted, preprint)
- (with Lutz Hille)
Tilting bundles on rational surfaces and quasi-hereditary algebras (submitted, preprint)
- A lifting functor for toric sheaves, Tohoku Math. J. (2) 66(1), pp. 77-92, 2013 (preprint)
- Resolutions and Cohomologies of Toric Sheaves. The affine case, Internat. J. Math. 24(9), 2013 (preprint)
- (with Lutz Hille) Exceptional sequences of invertible sheaves on rational surfaces, Compos. Math. 147(4), pp. 1230-1280, 2011 (preprint)
- Divisorial Cohomology Vanishing on Toric Varieties, Documenta Mathematica 16, pp.
209-251, 2011 (preprint)
- Examples for exceptional sequences of invertible sheaves on rational surfaces, in Geometric Methods in Representation Theory II, Seminaire et Congres 24, pp. 369-389, 2012 (preprint)
- (with Günther Trautmann) Equivariant Primary Decomposition and Toric Sheaves, Manuscripta Math. 132, pp. 103-143, 2010 (preprint)
- (with S. D. Kumar) Primary decomposition over rings graded by finitely generated Abelian groups, J. Alg. 318, pp. 553-561, 2007
- Toric Varieties as Spectra of Homogeneous Prime Ideals, Geom. Dedicata 127, pp. 121-129, 2007(preprint)
- (with Lutz Hille) A Counterexample to King's Conjecture, Compositio 142(6), pp. 1507-1521, 2006 (preprint)
- Moduli for Equivariant Vector Bundles of Rank Two on Smooth Toric Surfaces, Math. Nachr. 265, pp. 87-99, 2004 (preprint)
- Graded Rings and Equivariant Sheaves on Toric Varieties, Math. Nachr. 263-264, pp. 181-197, 2004 (preprint)
- Some Quivers Describing the Derived Category of the Toric del Pezzos (manuscript)
- Resolutions for Equivariant Sheaves over Toric Varieties (ICTP preprint IC/2004/59, preprint)
- On the Local Cohomology of Reflexive Modules of Rank One over Normal Semigroup Rings (preprint)
- Resolutions and Moduli for Equivariant Sheaves over Toric Varieties, PhD thesis 2003 (gzipped Postscript version)