Working group: tt-geometry, WS 2024/25
Time and place: Thursday afternoon in T2-228 or as indicated
Organisers: Prof. Dr. Henning Krause, Dr. Juan Omar Gomez, Dr. Marc Stephan
This is the schedule for a small working group between researchers from Bielefeld University and University of Paderborn during the winter semester 2024/25. A more detailed program for the years 2020-2022 can be found here.
Schedule for WS 2024/25
- 30 Jan, 13:15 in V5-227
- Brainstorming session
- 16 Jan, 15:00 in M4-122/128
- Henning Krause: Locally dualisable modular representations and local regularity
- 12 Dec, 14:15 in V2-135
- Juan Omar Gomez: Fiberwise building and stratification in tensor triangular geometry
Schedule for WS 2023/24
The goal of this semester is to understand the recent classification of thick tensor ideals in the derived category of permutation modules of a finite group over a field of positive characteristic.
- 25 Jan, 16:00 in T2-228
- Manuel Hoff: Twisted cohomology in the elementary abelian case
- 30 Nov, 16:00 in T2-228
- Alexander Samokhin: Twisted cohomology
- 2 Nov, 16:00 in T2-228
- Eike Lau: Primes in the derived category of permutation modules
- 26 Oct, 16:00 in V2-213
- Juan Omar Gomez: Modular fix points
- 18 Oct, 16:00 in U2-200
- Henning Krause: Permutation resolutions for representations of finite groups (after Rouquier)
- 11 Oct, 14:15 in U2-200
- Organisational meeting
Schedule for SS 2022
- 24 May, 16:00 in T2-149
- Henning Krause: Fibrewise stratification of group representations
- 19 May, 17:00 in H11
- Janina Letz: The spectrum of a well-generated tensor triangulated category
- 19 May, 16:00 in H11
- Rudradip Biswas: On the Noetherianness and connectedness of Balmer spectra of stable module categories of infinite groups
- 26 Apr, 17:00 in H6
- Tobias Columbus: Some aspect of permutation modules, Mackey functors and Artin motives
Schedule for WS 2021/22
- 20 Dec, 17:00 in V4-112
- Fabian Januszewski: Artin Motives II
- 20 Dec, 16:00 in V4-112
- Tobias Columbus: Artin Motives I
- 9 Dec, 17:30 in V2-200
- Eike Lau: Permutation modules and cohomological singularity
- 8 Nov, 17:00 in V4-112
- Marc Stephan: Finite permutation resolutions
- 8 Nov, 16:00 in V4-112
- Henning Krause: The stable derived category of a noetherian scheme
- 28 Oct, 16:00 in U2-217
- Janina Letz: The frame of alpha-localizing ideals and its connection to the tt-spectrum via Stone duality
Schedule for WS 2020/21
- 10 Mar, 17:00 via Zoom
- Discussion about research problems
- 24 Feb, 17:00 via Zoom
- Marc Stephan: Perfect chain complexes with small homology over F_2[A_4]
- 10 Feb, 17:00 via Zoom
- Tobias Columbus: A^1 over monoidal derivators
- 27 Jan, 17:00 via Zoom
- Henning Krause: Stratification of representations of finite groups
- 13 Jan, 17:00 via Zoom
- Marc Stephan: Stratification of triangulated categories
- 6 Jan, 17:00 via Zoom
- Fabian Januszewski: Monoidal structures on Harish-Chandra modules
- 2 Dec, 16:00
- Fabian Januszewski: Harish-Chandra modules
- 18 Nov, 17:00
- Janina Letz: Theorem of Hopkins-Neeman
- 18 Nov, 16:00
- Eike Lau: Balmer spectrum