The BIREP library is located in room V5-227 and consists mostly of books donated by Sheila Brenner and Michael Butler and by Claus Michael Ringel. The list of books in the library is as follows:
- Infinite Loop Spaces, Princeton Unniversity Press 1978. [BB] ,
- Lectures on Lie Groups, W. A. Benjamin, Inc. 1969. [BB] ,
- The Burnside Problem and Identities in Groups, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete 95, Springer 1979. [BB] ,
- Moduli of Abelian Varieties, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1644, Springer 1996. [BB] ,
- Finite Groups, Proceedings of Symposia in Mathematics Volume 1, AMS 1959. [BB] ,
- An Introduction to the Theory of Groups, Blackie & Son Ltd. 1959. [BB] ,
- Local representation theory, Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics 11, Cambridge University Press 1986. [BB] ,
- Local representation theory, Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics 11, Cambridge University Press 2004. [UL] ,
- Rings and Categories of Modules, Springer 1974. [BB] ,
- Rings and Categories of Modules, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 13, Second Edition, Springer 1991. [UL] ,
- Homologie des algèbres commutatives, Grundlagen der math. Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen 206, Springer 1974. [BB] ,
- Handbook of Tilting Theory, Cambridge University Press 2007. [PR] ,
- Catastrophe Theory, Springer 1984. [BB] ,
- Singularity Theory, Cambridge University Press 1981. [BB] ,
- Mathematics: Frontiers and Perspectives, International Mathematical Union 2000. [BB] ,
- Galois Theory, Norte Dame 1959. [BB] ,
- Geometric Algebra, Interscience Publishers 1957. [BB] ,
- The Collected Papers of Emil Artin, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1965. [BB] ,
- Rings with minimum condition, University of Michigan Press 1955. [BB] ,
- Finite group theory, Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics 10, Cambridge University Press 1986. [BB] ,
- Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras (1: Techniques of Representation Theory), Cambridge University Press 2006. [BB] ,
- Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras (1: Techniques of Representation Theory), Cambridge University Press 2010. [UL] ,
- K-Theory, W. A. Benjamiin, Inc. 1967. [BB] ,
- Introduction to Commutative Algebra, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1969. [UL] ,
- Introduction to Commutative Algebra, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company 1969. [BB] ,
- Representation of Algebras, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 903, Springer 1981. [BB] ,
- Representations of Algebras, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 944, Springer 1982. [BB] ,
- Representation Theory of Artin Algebras, Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics 36, Cambridge University Press 1997. [UL] ,
- Representation Theory of Artin Algebras, Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics 36, Cambridge University Press 1995. [BB] ,
- Principles of Geometry (Volume II), Cambridge University Press 1930. [BB] ,
- Principles of Geometry (Volume III), Cambridge University Press 1934. [BB] ,
- Theorie der Opérations Linéaires, Chelsea Publishing Company 1932. [BB] ,
- Algebraic K-Theory, W. A. Benjamiin, Inc. 1968. [BB] ,
- Algebraic K-Theory II - "Classical“ Algebraic K-Theory, and Connections with Arithmetic, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 342, Springer 1973. [BB] ,
- Algebraic K-Theory I - Higher K-Theories, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 341, Springer 1973. [BB] ,
- Algebraic K-Theory III - Hermitian K-Theory and Geometric Applications, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 343, Springer 1973. [BB] ,
- Representation Theory of Algebras, CMS Conference Proceedings Volume 18, AMS 1996. [BB] ,
- Representation Theory of Algebras and Related Topics, CMS Conference Proceedings Volume 19, AMS 1996. [BB] ,
- Modular Representation Theory: New Trends and Methods, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1081, Springer 1984. [BB] ,
- Representations and cohomology (I: Basic representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras), Cambridge studies in advanced Mathematics 30, Cambridge University Press 1991. [BB] ,
- Representations and cohomology (I: Basic representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras), Cambridge studies in advanced Mathematics 30, Cambridge University Press 1998. [UL] ,
- Representations and cohomology (II: Cohomology of groups and modules), Cambridge studies in advanced Mathematics 31, Cambridge University Press 1998. [UL] ,
- Representations and cohomology (II: Cohomology of groups and modules), Cambridge studies in advanced Mathematics 31, Cambridge University Press 1991. [BB] ,
- Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences, Academic Press 1979. [BB] ,
- Axiomatic Set Theory, North-Holland Publishing Company 1958. [BB] ,
- An approach to algebraic K-theory, Research Notes in Mathematics 56, Pitman Advanced Publishing Program 1982. [BB] ,
- Interscience Tracts in pure and applied Mathematics, Interscience Publishers 1962. [BB] ,
- Lattice Theory, American Mathematical Society Colloquim Publications Volume XXV, AMS 1948. [BB] ,
- Introduction to higher Algebra, The Macmillan Company 1907. [BB] ,
- Darstellungen von Gruppen, Die Grundlehren der math. Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen Band LXXIV, Springer 1955. [BB] ,
- Essays in the History of Lie Groups and Algebraic Groups, History of Mathematics Volume 21, AMS 2000. [BB] ,
- Linear Algebraic Groups, W. A. Benjamiin, Inc. 1969. [BB] ,
- Number Theory, Academic Press 1966. [BB] ,
- Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology, Springer (printed in China) 1982. [PR] ,
- Éléments de Mathématique (Algèbre Commutative; Ch. 3 & Ch. 4), Hermann 1961. [BB] ,
- Éléments de Mathématique (Algèbre Commutative; Chapitre 1 & Chapitre 2), Hermann 1961. [BB] ,
- Éléments de Mathématique (Algèbre Commutative; Chapitre 5 Entiers; Chapitre 6 Valuations), Hermann 1964. [BB] ,
- Éléments de Mathématique (Algèbre Commutative; Chapitre 7), Hermann 1965. [BB] ,
- Éléments de Mathématique (Groupes et Algèbres de Lie; Chapitre 1), Hermann 1960. [BB] ,
- Éléments de mathématique (Théories Spectrales), Hermann 1967. [BB] ,
- Éléments de Mathématique, Algèbre, Chapter 9, Hermann 1959. [BB] ,
- Éléments de Mathématique, Algèbre, Chapter VI + VII, Hermann 1952. [BB] ,
- Éléments de Mathématique, Algèbre, Chaptire IV & V, Hermann 1950. [BB] ,
- Èlèments de Mathématique, Algèbre: Chapitre 2 Algebre Lineaire, Hermann 1955. [BB] ,
- Éléments de Mathématique, Algèbre: Chaptire 1, Structures Algébriques, Hermann 1958. [BB] ,
- Espaces Vectoriels Topologiques, Hermann 1955. [BB] ,
- Groupes et algèbres de Lie (Chapitres 4,5 et 6), Hermann 1968. [BB] ,
- Groupes et algèbres de Lie (Chapitres 7 et 8), Hermann 1975. [BB] ,
- Groupes et algèbres de Lie Chapitres 2 et 3 (Éléments de Mathématique), Hermann 1972. [BB] ,
- Representations of Compact Lie Groups, Springer (printed in China) 1995. [PR] ,
- Buildings, Springer 1990. [BB] ,
- Elements of Modern Topology, Mcgraw-Hill, Inc. 1968. [BB] ,
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Noth-Holland 2003. [BB] ,
- Curves and singularities, Cambridge University Press 1984. [BB] ,
- A Survey of binary Systems, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete 20, Springer 1958. [BB] ,
- Subcategories of Triangulated Categories and the Smashing Conjecture, Diss. Paderborn 2007. [PR] ,
- Studies in Modern Analysis (Vol.1), The Mathematical Association of America 1962. [BB] ,
- Ring Theory (Proceedings, Granada 1986), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1328, Springer 1988. [BB] ,
- Theory of groups of finite order (2. Edition), Dover Publications 1955. [BB] ,
- Conformal Representation, Cambridge University Press 1932. [BB] ,
- The Epigenetics Revolution, Icon Books Ltd 2011. [BB] ,
- Modules and Group Algebras, Birkhäuser 1996. [UL] ,
- Differential Forms, Hermann 1971. [BB] ,
- Homological Algebra, Princeton University Press 1956. [BB] ,
- Homological Algebra, Princeton University Press 1973. [UL] ,
- Simple Groups of Lie type, John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1972. [BB] ,
- Algebraic Groups and their Representations, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998. [BB] ,
- Lectures on Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Cambridge University Press 1995. [BB] ,
- Algebraic Number Theory, Academic Press 1967. [BB] ,
- Lectures on Elliptic Curves, Cambridge University Press 1991. [BB] ,
- Rational Quadratic Forms, Academic Press 1978. [BB] ,
- Galois Theory and Cohomology of Commutative Rings, AMS 1965. [BB] ,
- Rings with chain conditions, Research Notes in Mathematics 44, Pitman Advanced Publishing Program 1980. [BB] ,
- Fundamental Concepts of Algebra, Academic Press 1956. [BB] ,
- Théorie des Groupes de Lie (Tome II), Publications de L'Institut de Mathématique de L'Universite de Nancago 1152. [BB] ,
- Theory of Lie Groups, Princeton Unniversity Press 1965. [BB] ,
- Stratifying Endomorphism Algebras, (Number 591), AMS 1996. [BB] ,
- Algebra (Volume 1), John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1974. [BB] ,
- Algebra (Volume 2), John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1989. [BB] ,
- Algebra (Volume 3), John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1991. [BB] ,
- Basic Algebra Groups, Rings and Fields, Springer 2005. [UL] ,
- Free Rings and their Relations, Academic Press 1971. [BB] ,
- Lie Groups, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, No. 64, Cambridge University Press 1957. [BB] ,
- Universal Algebra, Harper & Row 1965. [BB] ,
- Finite Simple Groups II, Academic Press 1980. [BB] ,
- On Numbers and Games, Academic Press 1976. [BB] ,
- What is Mathematics? – An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods, Oxford University Press 1953. [BB] ,
- Introduction to Geometry, John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1964. [BB] ,
- Regular Polytopes (3.Edition), Dover Publications 1973. [BB] ,
- The real Projective Plane, Mcgraw-Hill, Inc. 1949. [BB] ,
- Generators and relations for discrete Groups, 2. Edition, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete 14, Springer 1965. [BB] ,
- Methods of Representation Theory with Applications to finite Groups and Orders I, John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1981. [BB] ,
- Representation Theory of finite Groups and associative Algebras, Interscience Publishers 1962. [BB] ,
- Introduction to Lattices and Order, Cambridge University Press 1990. [BB] ,
- The Mathematical Experience, Harvester Press 1981. [BB] ,
- Normed Linear Spaces, Springer 1962. [BB] ,
- Groups Algébriques (Tome 1), North-Holland Publishing Company 1970. [BB] ,
- Algebren, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete 41, Springer 1968. [BB] ,
- Thick subcategories for quiver representations, Diss. Paderborn 2009. [PR] ,
- Linear Groups with an Exposition of the Galois Field Theory, Dover Publications 1958. [BB] ,
- Foundations of Modern Analysis, Academic Press 1961. [BB] ,
- La Géométrie des Groupes Classiques, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete 5, Springer 1955. [BB] ,
- Invariant Theory Old and New, Academic Press 1970. [BB] ,
- The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, International Series of Monographs on Physics, Oxford University Press 1947. [BB] ,
- Enveloping Algebras, AMS 1996. [BB] ,
- Les algèbres d'opérateurs dans l'espace Hilbertien (Algèbres de von Neumann), Gauthier-Villars 1969. [BB] ,
- Les C*-algèbres et leurs représentations, Gauthier-Villars 1964. [BB] ,
- Representation Theory I, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 831, Springer 1980. [BB] ,
- Representation Theory II, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 832, Springer 1980. [BB] ,
- Reresentations of Algebras, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 488, Springer 1975. [BB] ,
- Representation Theory I, Finite Dimensional Algebras (Proceedings, Ottawa 1984), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1177, Springer 1986. [BB] ,
- Representation Theory II, Groups and Orders (Proceedings, Ottawa 1984), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1178, Springer 1986. [BB] ,
- Representations of Algebras (Sixth International Conference, Aug 19-22,1992 in Ottawa, Canada), AMS 1992. [BB] ,
- Finite Dimensional Algebras and Related Topics, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1994. [BB] ,
- Lectures on Algebraic Topology, Classics in Mathematics, Springer 1995. [UL] ,
- Skew Fields, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 81, Cambridge University Press 1983. [BB] ,
- Finite dimensional Algebra (Russian), Vyshcha Shkola, Kiev 1980. [BB] ,
- Finite Dimensional Algebras, Springer 1980. [UL] ,
- Finite Dimensional Algebras, Springer 1994. [BB] ,
- Quadratische Formen und Orthogonale Gruppen, Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen (Band LXIII), Springer 1956. [BB] ,
- Proceedings of the Conference on Categorical Algebra, Springer 1966. [BB] ,
- Foundations of Relative Homological Algebra, AMS 1965. [BB] ,
- The Geometry of Schemes, Springer 2000. [BB] ,
- Relative Homological Algebra, De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 30, W de Gruyter 2000. [BB] ,
- Relative Homological Algebra (Vol. 1) 2. Edition, W de Gruyter 2011. [UL] ,
- Relative Homological Algebra (Vol. 2), W de Gruyter 2011. [UL] ,
- Blocks of Tame Representation Type and Related Algebras, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1428, Springer 1990. [BB] ,
- Blocks of Tame Representation, Type an Related Algebras, Springer 1990. [UL] ,
- Syzygies, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 106, Cambridge University Press 1985. [BB] ,
- The Cohomology of Groups, Oxford University Press 1992. [BB] ,
- Module Theory (Endomorphism rings and direct sum decompositions in some classes of modules), Birkhäuser 1998. [BB] ,
- Module Theory (Proceedings, Seattle 1977), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 700, Springer 1979. [BB] ,
- The Representation Theory of Finite Groups, North-Holland Mathematical Library, North-Holland Publ. Company 1982. [BB] ,
- Finite Matrices, Oxford University Press 1951. [BB] ,
- The Calculus on Extensions, Cambridge University Press 1941. [BB] ,
- Trivial Extensions of Abelian Categories, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 456, Springer 1975. [BB] ,
- The International Series of Monographs on Physics (The Principles of Quantum Mechanics), Oxford University Press 1935. [BB] ,
- Abelian Categories (An Introduction to the Theory of Functors), Harper & Row 1964. [BB] ,
- Young Tableaux (With Applications to Representation Theory and Geometry), Cambridge University Press 1997. [UL] ,
- Graduate Texts in Mathematics (Representation Theory (A First Course)), Springer 2000. [UL] ,
- Representation Theory (A First Course), Graduate Texts in Mathematics 129, Springer 2000. [UL] ,
- Matrizen, Geometrie, Lineare Algebra, Birkhäuser 1996. [UL] ,
- Representations of Finite Dimensional Algebras, Springer 1991. [BB] ,
- Representations of Finite Dimensional Algebras, Springer 1997. [UL] ,
- Calculus of Fractions and Homotopy Theory, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete 35, Springer 1967. [BB] ,
- The Theory of Matrices (Vol. 1), Chelsea Publishing Company 1959. [BB] ,
- The Theory of Matrices (Vol. 2), Chelsea Publishing Company 1960. [BB] ,
- A Course in Galois Theory, Cambridge University Press 1986. [BB] ,
- Collected Papers, Volume II (edited by G. Gindikin, V. W. Guillemin, A. A. Kirillov, B. Kostant, S. Sternberg), Springer 1988. [BB] ,
- Lie groups And their Representations, Adam Hilger 1975. [BB] ,
- Representation Theory – Selected Papers, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 69, Cambridge University Press 1982. [BB] ,
- Methods of Homological Algebra (2.Edition), Springer 2000. [UL] ,
- Transcendental and Algebraic Numbers, Dover Publications 1960. [BB] ,
- Graphs, Surfaces and Homology, Chapman and Hall 1977. [BB] ,
- Singular points of smooth mappings, Research Notes in Mathematics 25, Pitman 1979. [BB] ,
- Abelian Group Theory, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 874, Springer 1981. [BB] ,
- Cours d'algèbre, Hermann 1963. [BB] ,
- Matrix Computations, Johns Hopkins University Press 1983. [BB] ,
- Finite Groups, Harper & Row 1968. [BB] ,
- Polynomial Representations of GLn, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 830, Springer 1980. [BB] ,
- Finite Reflection Groups, 2. Edition, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 99, Springer 1985. [BB] ,
- Cohomological Topics in Group Theory, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 143, Springer 1970. [BB] ,
- Bivariant periodic cyclic homology, Chapman & Hall/CRC 1999. [BB] ,
- The Theory of Groups, The Macmillan Company 1959. [BB] ,
- Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces, Princeton Unniversity Press 1953. [BB] ,
- Lectures on Boolean Algebras, D. van Nostrand Company inc. 1964. [BB] ,
- Measure Theory, D. van Nostrand Company inc. 1950. [BB] ,
- Triangulated Categories in the Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 119, Cambridge University Press 1988. [BB] ,
- Triangulated Categories in the Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 119, Cambridge University Press 1988. [UL] ,
- Representation of Algebras (Vol. I), Proceedings of the 9. International Conference, Beijing Normal University Press 2002. [BB] ,
- Representation of Algebras (Vol. II), Proceedings of the 9. International Conference, Beijing Normal University Press 2002. [BB] ,
- A Mathematician's Apology, Cambridge University Press 1948. [BB] ,
- Algebraic Geometry, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 52, Springer 1977. [BB] ,
- Algebraic Geometry, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 52, Springer 1977. [UL] ,
- Algebraic Geometry, Springer (printed in China) 1997. [PR] ,
- Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie, Springer 1950. [BB] ,
- Algebraic Topology, Cambridge University Press 2009. [UL] ,
- Enumerability, Decidability, Computability, Springer 1965. [BB] ,
- Noncommutative Rings, John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1968. [BB] ,
- Existentially Closed Groups, Oxford University Press 1988. [BB] ,
- Theory of Algebraic Invariants, Cambridge University Press 1993. [BB] ,
- Geometry of Coxeter Groups, Research Notes in Mathematics 54, Pitman Adv. Publ. Program 1982. [BB] ,
- An Introduction to Homotopy Theory, Cambridge University Press 1953. [BB] ,
- Homology Theory (An Introduction to Algebraic Topology), Cambridge University Press 1960. [BB] ,
- Topological Methods in Algebraic Geometry (3. Edition), Die Grundl. der math. Wiss. in Einzeldarstellungen Band 131, Springer 1966. [BB] ,
- Differentiable manifolds and quadratic forms, Marcel Dekker inc. 1971. [BB] ,
- Classification and Orbit Equivalence Relations, AMS 2000. [BB] ,
- Rigidity Theorems for Actions of Product Groups and Countable Borel Equivalence Relations, Memoirs of the AMS 2005. [BB] ,
- The Structure of Lie Groups, Holden-Day, Inc. 1965. [BB] ,
- Logic, Penguin Books 1982. [BB] ,
- Linear Algebra, Prentice-Hall 1964. [BB] ,
- Triangulated Categories, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 375, Cambridge University Press 2010. [BB] ,
- Model Categories, (SURV 63), AMS 1999. [BB] ,
- An Introduction to Semigroup Theory, Academic Press 1976. [BB] ,
- Realisability and Localisation, Diss. Paderborn 2006. [PR] ,
- Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory, Springer 1972. [BB] ,
- Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory, Springer (printed in China) 1972. [PR] ,
- Linear Algebraic Groups, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer 1975. [BB] ,
- Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups, Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics, Cambridge University Press 1990. [PR] ,
- A Course in Group Theory, Oxford Science Publications 1996. [BB] ,
- Endliche Gruppen I, Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen 134, Springer 1969. [BB] ,
- The open Mapping and Closed Graph Theorems in Topological Vector Spaces, Oxford University Press 1965. [BB] ,
- Fibre Bundles, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 20, Springer 1974. [BB] ,
- Lectures on Cyclic Homology, Springer 1991. [BB] ,
- Cohomology of Sheaves, Springer 1986. [BB] ,
- Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on Ring Theory and Representation Theory, Carleton Univeristy 1997. [BB] ,
- Basic Algebra I, W. H. Freeman and Company (San Francisco) 1974. [UL] ,
- Basic Algebra II, W. H. Freeman and Company (San Francisco) 1980. [UL] ,
- Lectures in abstract Algebra (Volume I) Basic Conceps, D. van Nostrand Company inc. 1951. [BB] ,
- Lectures in abstract Algebra (Volume III) Theory of Fiedls and Galois Theory, D. van Nostrand Company inc. 1964. [BB] ,
- Lie algebras, Tracts in mathematics 10, Interscience Publishers 1962. [BB] ,
- Structure of Rings, AMS 1956. [BB] ,
- Reflection Groups and Contexter Groups, Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics 29, Cambridge University Press 1990. [BB] ,
- The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Groups, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 682, Springer 1978. [BB] ,
- Handbook of Algebraic Topology, Elsevier Science B.V. 1995. [UL] ,
- Lectures on Quantum Groups, Graduate Studies in Mathematics 6, AMS 1995. [UL] ,
- Representation of Algebraic Groups, Academic Press 1987. [BB] ,
- Localization in Noetherian Rings, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 98, Cambridge University Press 1986. [BB] ,
- Model Theoretic Algebra (With particular emphasis on Fields, Rings, Modules), Gordon and Breach Science Publishers S.A. 1994. [UL] ,
- Notes on logic and set theory, Cambridge University Press 1987. [BB] ,
- Topos Theory, Academic Press Inc (London) 1977. [BB] ,
- Direct Decompositions of finite Algebraic Systems, Edwards Brothers inc. 1947. [BB] ,
- Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras, Birkhäuser 1983. [BB] ,
- Infinite dimensional Lie algebras (3. Edition), Cambridge University Press 1990. [UL] ,
- Vertex Algebras for Beginners-Second Edition, University Lecture Series 10, AMS 1997. [BB] ,
- Theory of sets, Dover Publications 1950. [BB] ,
- Infinite Abelian Groups, University of Michigan Press 1956. [BB] ,
- Lie algebras and locally compact groups, The University of Chicago Press 1973. [BB] ,
- Categories and sheaves, A Series of Comprehensive Studies in Mathematics, Springer 2006. [UL] ,
- General Topology, D. van Nostrand Company inc. 1955. [BB] ,
- Three Pearls of Number Theory, Graylock Press 1952. [BB] ,
- Elements of the Theory of Representations, Die Grundleheren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen Band 220, Springer 1976. [BB] ,
- Famous problems of elementary geometry, Dover Publications 1956. [BB] ,
- Geometry, Dover Publications 1939. [BB] ,
- On Riemann's Theory of Algebraic Functions and their Integrals, C.J. Clay, M.A. & SONS 1893. [BB] ,
- Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Oxford University Press 1972. [BB] ,
- Derived Equivalences for Group Rings, LNM 1685, Springer 1998. [UL] ,
- Derived Equivalences for Group Rings, LNM 1685, Springer 1998. [BB] ,
- Guide to Latex (4. Edition), Addison-Wesley 2009. [UL] ,
- Fourier Analysis, Cambridge University Press 1988. [BB] ,
- The Pleasures of Counting, Cambridge University Press 1996. [BB] ,
- Introduction to Algebra, Springer 1982. [BB] ,
- Algebra II (I. Noncommutative Rings, II. Identities), Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences Volume 18, Springer 1991. [BB] ,
- Algebra V (Homological Algebra), Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences Volume 38, Springer 1989. [BB] ,
- Algebra VI (I. Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods of Algebra, II. Non-Associative Structures), Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences Volume 57, Springer 1995. [BB] ,
- Algebra VIII (Representations of Finite-Dimensional Algebras), Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences Volume 73, Springer 1992. [BB] ,
- Elementare und Klassische Algebra vom Modernen Standpunkt, W de Gruyter 1963. [BB] ,
- Idealtheorie (Zweite, ergänzte Auflage), Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete-Band 46, Springer 1968. [BB] ,
- Linear Algebra and Geometry, North-Holland Publishing Company 1963. [BB] ,
- Gruppentheorie, Akademie-Verlag Bremen 1953. [BB] ,
- Lectures in general algebra (Russian), Moscow 1956. [BB] ,
- Lectures on General Algebra, Chelsea Publ. Company 1963. [BB] ,
- The Theory of Groups (Volume 1), Chelsea Publushing Company 1955. [BB] ,
- The Theory of Groups (Volume 2), Chelsea Publishing Company 1956. [BB] ,
- Serre's Conjecture, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 635, Springer 1978. [BB] ,
- Finite Group Algebras and their Modules, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 84, Cambridge University Press 1983. [BB] ,
- Algebra, Addison-Wesley Publ. Company 1965. [BB] ,
- Algebraic Number Theory, Addison-Wesley Publ. Company 1970. [BB] ,
- Algebraic Numbers, Addison-Wesley Publ. Company 1964. [BB] ,
- Cyclotomic Fields, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 59, Springer 1978. [BB] ,
- Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds, John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1962. [BB] ,
- Algebraic Geometry, Oxford University Press 1953. [BB] ,
- Introduction to Topology, Princeton Unniversity Press 1940. [BB] ,
- The Absolute Differential Calculus, Blackie & Son Ltd. 1926. [BB] ,
- Introduction to Algebra, Harper & Row 1965. [BB] ,
- Coherence in generic representation theory, Diss. Bielefeld 2014. [PR] ,
- A University Algebra, William Heinemann Ltd. 1950. [BB] ,
- The Theory of Group Characters and Matrix Representaions of Groups, Oxford University Press 1950. [BB] ,
- Higher Algebraic K-Theory: an overview, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1491, Springer 1992. [BB] ,
- Cyclic Homology, Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften Band 301, Springer 1992. [BB] ,
- Cyclic Homology, (Vol. 301), Springer 1998. [UL] ,
- An Introduction to Abstract Harmonic Analysis, D. van Nostrand Company inc. 1953. [BB] ,
- Elements of Mathematical Logic, Pergamon Press 1958. [BB] ,
- Introduction to Quantum Groups, Birkhäuser 1994. [UL] ,
- Introduction to Quantum Gruops, Birkhäuser 1993. [BB] ,
- Categories for the Working Mathematician, Second Edition, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 5, Springer 2000. [UL] ,
- Homology, Classics in Mathematics, Springer 1975. [UL] ,
- Homology, Classics in Mathematics, Springer 1995. [BB] ,
- Algebra, The Macmillan Company 1967. [BB] ,
- Symmetric Fuctions and Hall Polynomials, Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Clarendon Press 1979. [BB] ,
- Module Categories of Analytic Groups, Cambridge tracts in Mathematics 81, Cambridge University Press 1982. [BB] ,
- On Space and Time, Cambridge University Press 2008. [BB] ,
- Linear Algebra (Russian), 2nd ed., Moscow 1956. [BB] ,
- Transformation Geometry (An Introduction to Symmetry), Springer 1983. [BB] ,
- Representation Theory and Algebraic Geometry, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 238, Cambridge University Press 1997. [BB] ,
- Proceedings of the All Ireland Algebra Days 2001, Bulletin of the Irish Mathematical Society 50, Irish Mathematical Society 2001. [BB] ,
- Commutative Ring Theory, Cambridge University Press 1986. [UL] ,
- Mathematical Ideas in Biology, Cambridge University Press 1968. [BB] ,
- A User's Guide to Spectral Sequences (2. Edition), Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics 58, Cambridge University Press 2001. [BB] ,
- Applications of the absolute Differential Calculus, Blackie & Son Ltd. 1931. [BB] ,
- Noncommutative Noetherian Rings, AMS 2001. [UL] ,
- Rings and Ideals, The Math. Ass. of America 1948. [BB] ,
- The Theory of Rings, The Macmillan Company 1964. [BB] ,
- The Structure of Groups of Prime Power Order, Oxford University Press 2002. [BB] ,
- Felix Hausdorff – Ein Mathematiker seiner Zeit, Mathematisches Institut der Universiät Bonn 1980. [PR] ,
- Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Finite-Dimensional Algebras, Progress in Mathiematics, Birkhäuser 1991. [BB] ,
- Introduction to Algebraic K-Theory, Princeton Unniversity Press 1971. [BB] ,
- Morita Equivalence and Its Generalizations, Science Press 2001. [BB] ,
- Theory of Categories, Academic Press 1965. [BB] ,
- Der LATEX Begleiter (2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage), Pearson Studium 2003. [UL] ,
- Classical Tessellations and Three-Manifolds, Springer 1987. [BB] ,
- Noncommutative Rings, Springer 1992. [BB] ,
- The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1358, Springer 1988. [BB] ,
- Galois Theory, Mathematical Pamphlets 3, Tata Inst. of Fund. Research 1965. [BB] ,
- Local Rings, (Number 13), John Wiley & Sons Inc 1962. [BB] ,
- Normed Rings, Noordhoff 1964. [BB] ,
- Algebraic Topology (Russian), VINITI, Moscow 1962. [BB] ,
- Triangulated Categories, Princeton University Press 2001. [UL] ,
- Triangulated Categories, Princeton University Press 2001. [BB] ,
- Varieties of Groups, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete 37, Springer 1967. [BB] ,
- Proceedings of the Second International Conference on The Theory of Groups, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 372, Springer 1973. [BB] ,
- Irrational Numbers, The Carus Mathematical Monographs 11, The Math. Ass. of America 1956. [BB] ,
- Grundlagen der Analytischen Topologie, Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen Band LXXII, Springer 1954. [BB] ,
- Affine Sets and Affine Groups, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 39, Cambridge University Press 1980. [BB] ,
- An Introduction to Homological Algebra, Cambridge University Press 1960. [BB] ,
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Book sources:
[BB]: | Brenner-Butler donation | |
[Ri]: | Ringel donation | |
[UL]: | Bielefeld University Library | |
[PR]: | privately owned book |