Green Logo of Bielefeld University
Faculty of Mathematics | Computerlab
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Own Homepage

To create a personal homepage accessible at the address

you should place the web pages to be published in a directory /vol/www/user/$USER/, where $USER is your login name. If this directory does not yet exist, you can create it yourself. In order to make the web pages visible, you must grant read and execute permissions to the web server:

mkdir /vol/www/user/$USER
chmod o+x /vol/www/user/$USER

After you have added new files or directories, you must grant the required permissions also on those. The easiest is to do this recursively:

chmod -R o+rX /vol/www/user/$USER

Note that the directory  /vol/www/user/$USER/ appears only when you access it. If you create a symbolic link,

ln -s /vol/www/user/$USER/ ~/www

you can open it with the file browser (or enter it with cd ~/www). If your website isn't visible it could be the case that it wasn't released yet. This update happens every day automatically, so in the worst case you have to wait 24 hours before you could actually use your website.

Staff list

Faculty members having a BIS entry (and thus show up in the faculty staff list) can enter the address of their homepage in their BIS profile. The homepage will then be automatically listed on the faculty web page.


FTP is not supported, because it transmits passwords unencrypted and is thus very unsafe. Please use SFTP as protocol instead, which should be supported by all common FTP clients. The server to connect to can be either or