Notes & Slides

Antonios Manoussos
General Topology
A proof of Tychonoff's Theorem
A mathematical mistake in N. Bourbaki's "General Topology"
How the concept of a net arrives from Riemann integrations in Calculus and why nets describe "convergence"
How the concept of a net arrives from Riemann integrations in Calculus and why nets describe "convergence" (in Greek)
Habilitation, Department of Mathematics, University of Bielefeld (2010)
Limit sets and asymptotic methods in Operator Theory, Topological Transformation Groups and Dynamical Systems, Habilitation Thesis
The Green-Tao theorem: the primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions, Habiltation lecture (slides)
How the concept of a net arrives from Riemann integrations in Calculus and why nets describe "convergence", Habilitation lecture to the students

Last modified: March 27, 2013, Antonios Manoussos