Women in Representation Theory: Selfinjective Algebras and Beyond
Friday, 10 December to Sunday, 12 December 2010
The poster announcing the round table discussion is available in pdf format (1.6MB).
Round table: On Friday afternoon, there will be a round table discussion "Frauenförderung in der Mathematik" with Christine Bessenrodt (Hannover), Karin Erdmann (Oxford), Barbara Gentz (Bielefeld), Mechthild Koreuber (FU Berlin) and Martina Merz (Luzern).
Dates: Friday, 10 December to Sunday, 12 December 2010. The workshop begins on Friday early afternoon and ends on Sunday at noon.
Location: Bielefeld University
Speakers: Karin Erdmann (Oxford), Lidia Angeleri Hügel (Verona), Janine Bastian (Hannover), Karin Baur (Zürich), Magdalena Boos (Wuppertal), Susanne Danz (Oxford), Gabriella D'Este (Mailand), Lingyan Guo (Paris), Anja Hutschenreuter (Wuppertal), Magdalini Lada (Trondheim), Lisa Lamberti (Zürich), Anna-Louise Paasch (Wuppertal), Daiva Pucinskaite (Kiel), Julia Sauter (Leeds), Alexandra Zvonareva (St. Petersburg)
Organisation: Claudia Köhler, Henning Krause
The workshop is supported by the CRC 701 "Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematics" (SFB) and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Financial support for female participants is available. If you would like to attend the workshop, or have further questions, please contact Claudia Köhler at ckoehler[at]math.uni-bielefeld.de.
Abstracts are available in pdf format.
Friday, 10 December 2010
The talks take place in lecture hall H8; the Round Table takes place in room A2-125.
12:40 | - | 13:00 | Registration | (in front of the lecture hall H8) |
13:00 | - | 14:00 | Karin Erdmann | Selfinjective algebras I |
14:00 | - | 14:30 | Coffee | |
14:30 | - | 14:55 | Susanne Danz | Specht modules in the Auslander-Reiten quiver |
15:05 | - | 15:30 | Magdalini Lada | Mutation of Auslander generators |
15:40 | - | 16:30 | Lidia Angeleri Hügel | Classification of tilting modules |
16:30 | - | 17:00 | Coffee | |
17:00 | - | 18:30 | Round Table | |
19:00 | Conference Dinner |
Saturday, 11 December 2010
All talks take place in lecture hall H5.
09:00 | - | 10:00 | Karin Erdmann | Selfinjective algebras II |
10:00 | - | 10:30 | Coffee | (+ Poster Session) |
10:30 | - | 10:55 | Magdalena Boos | Parabolic orbits of 2-nilpotent matrices |
11:05 | - | 11:30 | Julia Sauter | On irreducible components of Dynkin quiver flag varieties |
11:40 | - | 12:05 | Anna-Louise Paasch | A monoid of projection functors |
12:05 | - | 13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30 | - | 13:55 | Anja Hutschenreuter | Is the RSK-Algorithm Canonical? |
14:05 | - | 14:30 | Janine Bastian | Derived equivalence classification of cluster-tilted algebras of type \tilde{A} |
14:40 | - | 15:05 | Lingyan Guo | Generalized higher cluster categories |
15:05 | - | 15:40 | Coffee | |
15:40 | - | 16:05 | Lisa Lamberti | A geometric interpretation of the triangulated structure of m-cluster categories |
16:15 | - | 17:05 | Karin Baur | A frieze pattern determinant |
Sunday, 12 December 2010
All talks take place in lecture hall H5.
09:00 | - | 10:00 | Karin Erdmann | Selfinjective algebras III |
10:00 | - | 10:30 | Coffee | |
10:30 | - | 10:55 | Daiva Pucinskaite | Quasi-hereditary algebras via bases of local, self-injective algebras |
11:05 | - | 11:30 | Alexandra Zvonareva | Autoequivalences of stable categories of self-injective algebras of finite representation type |
11:40 | - | 12:05 | Gabriella D'Este | Cancellations, additions and beyond |
Round Table: Frauenförderung in der Mathematik
(Organisers Henning Krause and Claudia Köhler to the left and to the right of the round
table panelists Christine Bessenrodt, Martina Merz, Mechthild Koreuber, Karin Erdmann and
Barbara Gentz)
Minutes of the discussion (taken by Rebecca Reischuk, in pdf format)
Links and References
- Koreuber, Mechthild (Hrsg.): Geschlechterforschung in Mathematik und Informatik. Eine (inter)disziplinäre Herausforderung. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2010.
- Report: "Why so few? - Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics", American Association of University Women, (2010), available via the website of the AAUW: http://www.aauw.org/learn/research/whysofew.cfm
- The Harvard Implicit Association Test in various areas, in particular the "Gender-Science IAT": https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/
- Flaake, Karin; Hackmann, Kristina; Pieper-Seier, Irene; Radtke, Stephanie (2006), Professorinnen in der Mathematik - Berufliche Werdegänge und Verortungen in der Disziplin. Wissenschaftliche Reihe Band 159, Bielefeld: Kleine Verlag.
- Curdes, Beate; Jahnke-Klein, Sylvia; Lohfeld, Wiebke; Pieper-Seier, Irene (2002), "Zur Entwicklung von fachbezogenen Strategien, Einstellungen und Einschätzungen von Mathematikstudentinnen in den Studiengängen 'Diplom Mathematik' und 'Lehramt an Gymnasien'", Abschlussbericht des Projekts, gefördert vom Niedersächsischen Forschungsverbund für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung in Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin. Oldenburg.
- Heintz, Bettina, 2001: Die Innenwelt der Mathematik. Zur Kultur und Praxis einer beweisenden Disziplin. Wien: Springer.
- Heintz, Bettina; Merz, Martina; Schumacher, Christina (2004): Wissenschaft, die Grenzen schafft. Geschlechterkonstellationen im disziplinären Vergleich (Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag)
- Book on biographies of mathematicians: E.T. Bell: "Men of Mathematics" (1937) resp. german edition: "Die großen Mathematiker" (1967) (classified in the discussion "berühmt berüchtigt".)
Travel information:
The tram ("Stadtbahnlinie 4", see MoBiel) runs frequently between "Universität" - "Hauptbahnhof" (main station) - "Rathaus". The hotel Arcadia Bielefeld, Niederwall 31-35, is in walking distance from the station "Rathaus".
Some maps.