9:30 | - | 12:30 | Scattering diagrams and Tropicalisations |
14:00 | - | 17:00 | Broken lines and building cluster algebras from scattering diagrams |
10:00 | - | 12:00 | Talk by Travis Mandel in our Seminar on Representation Theory |
13:30 | - | 16:30 | Remaining chapters and applications in other articles |
Consisting of both PhD students and Post-Docs, our group is mostly composed of members of the universities in Bielefeld and Hanover.
The purpose of our meetings is, simply put, to better understand main constructions in cluster theory and related fields. As academics backgrounds of the participants vary, we also want to use the meetings to share ideas, experiences and together get a better grasp on newly developed constructions.
The main organisers of the joint reading group are Sira Gratz (Hanover) and Florian Gellert (Bielefeld). Please see their respective websites for contact details if you would like to join, share comments or thoughts.
We are lucky to have found backers of our efforts in the form of Henning Krause and Thorsten Holm who are members of the DFG SPP 1388, Schwerpunktprogramm Darstellungstheorie. Our thanks also go to Peter Littelmann, the Schwerpunkt coordinator, for his instant admission.