Torsten Sillke
That's me in small.
List of publications and
equal surnames in Germany
Address: Ferdinand-Scholling-Ring 30, D-65934 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Where I am working for: LH Systems.
If you have any information about one of the problems, please let me know.
Some Puzzles
My most wanted puzzle is:
If you know any references (older than 1980) or the origin of this puzzle, please let me know.
Operations Research Puzzles
Logic Puzzles
Probability Puzzles
Counting Puzzles
Puzzle Links
German Puzzle Links
- Math 4 u
- geometric and inequality problems (German)
- Jürgen Köller's
Mathematische Basteleien - (English and German)
Math. Puzzle Magazines
- Quantum
- a math magazine (database) with a monthly contest problem
- Mathematics Magazine
- a math magazine (database)
- Crux Mathematicorum
- problems from mathematical olympiads
- Wurzel
- a math. magazine for undergraduate students (German)
- Monoid
- a math. magazine of the Univ. Mainz for young persons (German)
Arithmetical and Analytical Puzzles
Floor and Ceiling Puzzles
Whole Number Puzzles
Mechanical Puzzles - Jumping, Moving, Sliding Puzzles
Packing, Covering and Dissecting
Geometric Puzzles
Topological Puzzles
Information Puzzles
Mathematical Competitions
Puzzle Contest
Combinatorial Puzzles
Algebra Puzzles
Lateral Thinking Puzzles
Other Puzzles
Games and Fun
Torsten Sillke
Fakultät für Mathematik |
Universität Bielefeld
last changed 2018-12-01